I was Born in Hell

Chapter 632: Area is just 1 person

Demon Lord.

As the master of this area, it has absolute control.

At the same time, each of its actions will affect others, especially those who worship and worship it.

Once ... as the lord of the human empire, he was glorious, glorious, and upright.

The knights have the same quality, and the civilians are all in the entertainment industry, enjoying a touch of warmth and happiness.

Until later, the empire lord was hit hard, his chest was infected with filthy wounds, the prosperity in the town gradually faded, and everywhere was full of dilapidation, and the strength of the garrison was greatly weakened.

Therefore ... the orc leader Liu Qing killed by Gu Fan would take the opportunity to attack the city and want to plunder something important.

And just now, the lord of the empire has completed corruption and degeneration, and has become a big demon. Those soldiers and civilians will also be transformed, and even the dominant land has become a filthy land.

The demon lord is the core that controls everything, and everything in the town has a deep connection with it.

A hunch appeared in Gu Fan's heart.

If the demon lord is the core of **** and rules everything around him, when he is seriously wounded and no longer has noble qualities ... will he eat those believers? ?

"Protection Lord Lord !!"

The demon knight Kaimon held a demon soldier in front of Gu Fan. Although all this was in vain, the only purpose of "they" living was to loyal to the Lord.

"No, no, no ..."

While the long voice of the Cavalier Cavalier hadn't fallen, the old mage Dylan cried out for mercy.

The thick palms of the demon lord grabbed the fragile old mage, while the deep power was continuously compressed, the cunning Dylan's body was ravaged and deformed, and his bones were broken everywhere.

The old mage was like a tube of toothpaste, and his internal organs were squeezed from above and below his body. At the same time, the powerful magic he possessed was also absorbed by the demon lord.

Thick black gas rushed down the bleeding stomata.

The demon lord took a deep breath and sucked the remaining energy of the soul into the body, in this way to repair his broken body.

Of course ... Mage Dylan alone is not enough.

The demon lord waved his big hand, grabbed all the demon soldiers in front of him, and crushed it into meat with his palm.

Suck! !

Suck it! !

The demon lord sucked in with a big mouth, and the power of darkness kept pouring into his body, so that he was finally able to stand up.

Blood hole! !

On the chest of the demon lord, there was a punching blood hole left by Gu Fan.

Even though the internal organs are repairing quickly, the blood hole is still not healed. In the end, the demon lord can only kill more magic soldiers, and finally the knight of Kaimeng also showed a terrifying look.

"Master Lord ... we are the most ... loyal !!"


The words were not finished yet, Captain Kaimon was smashed by a slap, and the soul consciousness was transformed into power by the demon lord.

not enough.

These forces are not enough.

The demon lord crushed all the demon soldiers in front of him and elite warriors, but the strength obtained was still not enough to heal the chest. Finally, he made an incredible action.

He inserted his hands into the soil, embraced the ground against the soil, and then began to **** violently.

Eat dirt? ?

Is it not possible to eat the entire territory? ?

As the saying goes, take advantage of your illness and kill you.

Gu Fan didn't do this. He had absolute confidence to get rid of the other party. Instead, he was curious about what the demon lord was doing. He stopped and observed lightly, so he could further understand the truth of the world.

The power of the earth is surging.

The demon lord will not eat all the soil, but Gu Fan can clearly feel the power of the earth under his feet is quickly absorbed.

The feeling is like the water in a sponge is being continuously stripped.

The wall of skeletons collapsed.

The scary statues in the town were destroyed, as well as the blood pool in the courtyard, and the dirt on the ground was also dried up.

Not only that, even the cloud in the sky has faded a lot.

The darkness in the whole area is surging towards the demon lord, blending with it.

"I understand."

Gu Fan clarified some things.

It turns out that a lord is not only associated with surrounding creatures.

They will even blend into the earth and the whole town.

The surrounding sky, the stream of trickling creeks, the earth at the foot, the bustling towns, every inhabitant, every warrior ... everything is centered on the lord, and even one.

Sounds ridiculous.

But in fact, a person is a whole area.

In the real world, there are countless brains in the tank in the nutrition trough.

Gu Fan originally believed that each brain in the tank would split a lot of characters and assume various roles in this illusory world, and the most powerful master personality is the role of the lord.

But now, it's not just that ... not just humans, but the whole area is actually integrated with a "brain in a tank".

A brain is an area.

Countless brains ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ are countless areas.

They are combined and spliced ​​together, and finally this special space is formed. In theory, it should be like this? ?

Genius idea.

Hony ’s ideas were really genius ideas.

Countless brains are like a chain of iron chains, and they have become a whole continent and the world. The lord called Wang Yan is one of them. In the end, all his power is the ability to integrate the whole area.

The sky, the river, the earth, the inhabitants, and even the demon lord himself are all integrated.

Roar Roar Roar Roar! !

The demon lord roared wildly again, the surrounding ruins gradually disappeared, and the rotten soil turned into a fluffy and nutrient dry desert, symbolizing that all the energy scattered here has been recovered.

The fist blood hole pierced in the demon lord's chest was replaced by a huge vertical eye.

The vertical eyes were so evil, turbid and cold, but looking at the light reflected by the pupils, they did not show Gu Fan's reflection, but recorded the last moment of the town.

Picture of the old mage Dylan being crushed.

The cayman knight was photographed as a slime.

There are also many pictures of soldiers decaying into ashes or becoming magic soldiers.

In the end, the entire ruins of the magic city were all engraved in the deepest part of the eyes, which became the source of power.

Oh? ?

The ability of the demon lord has taken it to a new level.

It ’s incredible, if every brain in the tank has such power in the illusory world ... what terrifying they are combined? ?

Gu Fan looked at the demon lord who had become powerful again in front of him, and seemed to feel Hony's ambition.



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