I was Born in Hell

Chapter 69: gone With the Wind

Things are impermanent.

Accidents will happen.

The sky was bright, and Gu Fan had already dealt with the seeds of the abyss, only to find that Le Yanqi was still sitting next to the little lucky body.

Actually she understood.

The world is cruel and terrible.

Human life is even more fragile than paper. Those ordinary people are harvested just like chopping melon and vegetables. An evolutionary like Little Lucky was directly obliterated by more advanced monsters.

Not to mention little luck, even if it is as good as Gu Fan, it almost died under the hands of the hunter.

Even if Gu Fan tried his best to rescue the little lucky, the little lucky who was hurt by the heart would still be dead, not to mention that there was such a powerful hunter who looked at him side by side.

Powerless! !!

Le Yanqi felt deep weakness.

She still remembers the look of despair when Xiao Xun was cut off, and she could only keep saying the words "all right", and then watched Xiao Xun's pupils constantly lose the luster of life.

A former partner who fought side by side left.

Too hasty.

Le Yanqi always felt that Little Lucky died too hastily.

He can follow Gu Fan and do some great business.

But now Lucky is dead so silently, and the death is worthless, making people feel a bit unreal.

"This is the end time."

"If you want to survive, it's not enough to have strength."

"Insight, perception, ability to detect danger, and decisiveness when shooting ... are all necessary elements for survival."

Gu Fan did not comfort Le Yanqi, but instead seemed to be a serious and cold-blooded instructor, teaching those who lived one by one.

"It's not worth it."

"Fortunately, he died so badly."

"Boss Gu Fan, don't you really have a feeling in your heart?"

"We've been fighting side by side for so long. Isn't it really sad that you were lucky?"

There were tears flashing in Le Yanqi's eyes. This was her first experience of losing her teammates. It was like relying on a group for heating and suddenly falling into the dark abyss.


"Everyone's death is valuable."

"We have learned from his death and know how to survive better in the last days."

"Everyone's death is valuable. We keep learning lessons, avoiding mistakes in the last days, and growing again and again. This is the value of everyone."

Gu Fan cut the rope in the center of the room.

Gu Xuerou, Yuan Hua, Zhang Puchuan ... the bodies of several people were also put down.

"Man cannot always live in the past."

"The death of a companion should make you stronger. Until the end, the more you carry, the stronger your clenched fist will be."

Gu Fan did not answer the questions left by Le Yanqi directly.

He patted Leo Qi's shoulder, which seemed to be the only comfort.

Le Yanqi's eyes shook.

This is the true end of the world, and gaining power is only the basic condition for survival.

"Let's go with the wind."

Gu Fan spilled a little alcohol.

Little lucky, Gu Xuerou, Yuan Hua ...

A match lit the light, and when it fell on several people, the alcohol was immediately ignited, and the flame spread out like ripples.

This is also the ancient past.

The former goddess is no longer important, and the cowardliness of those young people seemed to burn out with the flames.



Farewell to the past.

Le Yanqi's eyes gradually became firm, and she took a deep breath and decided to step out of that sadness, and face the dark and cruel end of the world.

"Suspend hunting today."

"Luo Qi, call me the rest of the inpatient department."

"I'm short of staff, and I need to pick another one."

Gu Fan decided to suspend hunting.

The injury to his abdomen was actually very serious. Several broken intestines were roughly stitched together. If it broke, it would be very troublesome.

Le Qiqi nodded.

Now she is Gu Fan's number one younger brother. After experiencing so many killings, she has truly grown into a fighter.

Female warrior! !!

Le Yanqi's temperament changed.

Originally, she was like a white lotus flower, and she always showed herself the pitiful side, which made people feel pity.

Now she has a feeling of fierce popularity, her body is filled with the meaning of killing, and the knife and dagger on her hand are still sticking blood, as if it is a blooming **** blood rose.

In the slaughterhouse, those butchers would unconsciously emit a little killing.

Humans may not feel it, but the surrounding animals can clearly recognize it, and they will tremble when they see the butcher.

So is Le Yanqi.

Although she was far from reaching the level of Gu Fan's King of Killing, she had already felt a sense of ruthless killing.

"Everyone, gather in the lobby."

"Disobey the commander, kill without amnesty !!"

Le Yanqi called out all the people hidden in the room, and the gas field emitted by the whole person made others unable to resist.


There were more than ten ordinary people gathered in the hall.

Half of them were young and beautiful young nurses. At this moment, they were all embracing, looking at Gu Fan with a few scary eyes.

Most of these beautiful little nurses have been insulted by Zhang Puchuan.

In the last days, beautiful women are often more miserable, and they can only survive by surpassing the stronger.

Several other men were also found.

Two of them are interns and they are still very young ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The others are patients who lived here before, but they are in very bad condition and even feel like they are dying.

"You explain."

Gu Fan sat on one side and handed over the trivial matter to Le Yanqi.

Le Qiqi nodded and came to the center of the crowd.

"Do you want to be stronger?"

Become stronger? ?

Everyone looked at each other.

What does it mean to be stronger? ? ?

Le Yanqi paused slightly, then raised her leg and kicked suddenly against the wall on one side.

Huh! !!

Le Qi's speed and explosiveness are the strongest.

Needless to say, her thigh strength suddenly kicked away the seemingly delicate white and tender thigh, drawing a perfect arc on the wall on one side.

The wall was suddenly stepped into a deeply sunken footprint.

Everyone was shocked by their faces. How could a woman like Le Qi be so powerful.

The strength of this foot is greater, isn't it to dig out the whole wall? ?

"Our boss, gave a chance."

"You can also become stronger, as strong as me."

"Extremely powerful, fast, defensive, and even immune to viruses, no longer turning into monsters."

Le Yanqi said here, everyone's expression changed.

Immune virus? ?

And has superhuman power?

This is simply a good thing to drop pie in the sky, who will give up this opportunity to become stronger! !!

"I do!"

"I do too!"

The people kneeling around each other had red eyes and stood up without hesitation to **** this opportunity.

Le Yanqi shook her fingers and glanced at Gu Fan behind him, learning his original tone.

"Want to be stronger ..."

"That comes at a price."