I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

v1 Chapter 116: A gift from the Potters and Dumbledore

The bag seemed to be made of some kind of fur, and when Sean unfolded it, there was much more space inside than it looked. Obviously, this is due to the Traceless Stretching Charm.

What surprised Sean was that there were dozens of potions in it! Sean hadn't seen most of them. He took out a bottle and found that there were notes on the bottle.

Brain refreshing agent: It can greatly improve the activity of thinking, but it is not recommended to take it frequently. You can drink half a spoonful when you are studying. The next time you take it is best after a week.

The handwriting was obviously handwritten, a slender and graceful font that Sean had never seen before.

The same is true for other potions. Each bottle is written with detailed potion effects and how to take them. For potions that need special preservation, special instructions are also written.

Not only the refresher, but also all kinds of antidotes and healing potions are available. Each type is a big bottle full. In a small box next to it, there are other things such as Baixian and bezoar.

Sean even suspected that Snape's stockpile was no more than that.

At the very end of the bag, there was a dazzling phoenix tail feather, which was even brighter than what he had seen in Grindelwald's office, and a card was placed under the feather.

Dear Sean:

This is a gift to you from the Potters, the couple I am familiar with and their ideas are simple. Daisy's life is the most precious thing to the Potters, so precious that they are even a little uneasy, and you don't seem like someone who lacks Galleon. So, instead of giving you the gift in person, they asked me to pass it on.

Lily originally wanted to give you a bottle of Flux, but since the Flux takes a long time to brew, she still needs a little time. I think you can see it in the second semester.

Sirius' gift will be in your hands tomorrow.

Not only that, but there is also a card in the bag, as long as you bring the card, you can use all Porter's hair care products on the market for free for life. ps: I also got one, you say, should I consider dyeing my eyebrows a little darker?

You should be able to recognize that feather. This is a little bit of my care. After all, you have always been so generous and kind to a first-year wizard who has always been responsible for this, which makes me very ashamed.

This is a small thing, you can summon Dumbledore's phoenix, although not many times, but it should be useful. In addition, that feather can also be used as the core of the rod. According to Mr. Ollivander's performance, the effect should be good.

Ah, I've written so much without realizing it, and my next handwriting may be a little smaller, Sean, sorry for your eyes.

Sean showed a smile, Dumbledore's unrestrained self occupied most of the card, and the next few words seemed extremely small.

I'll be even busier when the Daisy thing is settled, not just because of that prophecy, but because of Hogwarts.

Grindelwald and I were both half-legged into the grave, we fought for almost a century, and now it seems that Hogwarts is about to change.

It's been a long and difficult process, hopefully I can make it.

Finally, Sean, you can trust Grindelwald as much as you trust me, but keep your secrets and don't challenge other people's desires, sometimes, the behavior is not the intention of the victim...

Not on purpose? After reading this, Sean's smile disappeared and his brows knit together.

What does Dumbledore mean? Under the influence of the prophecy, will Grindelwald do things that he did not intend? Or, are there other malicious dark wizards?

hiss, that doesn't sound good...

The card was written here, and Sean turned it over and found that there were two more lines.

what! Did I forget that cards have two sides? ! Why did I write so much with the tip of my pen in my hand? Looks like I have to get Lily a bottle of brain refresher too...

Ah, by the way, Sean, the Traceless Stretching Spell needs approval from the Ministry of Magic to use, so keep the bag, or change it up, I think, you know, who's more experienced?

Your Faithful: Albus Dumbledore

That's all there is to it on the card, Sean glanced at the bag and finally had a smile on his face.

He put everything away and looked at the main building of the castle involuntarily. Dumbledore should have returned to his office.

Not just prophecies, but changes at Hogwarts...

Sean walked into the castle, he was suddenly looking forward to it now, what exactly did Dumbledore want to do?

And the other party's reminder is what Sean has always wanted to ask.

What is Grindelwald's attitude towards himself, and how should he get along with each other?

Now it seems to sum up:

Trust but not all, be careful but not completely.

Probably like Dumbledore's attitude towards Grindelwald?


Sean walked through the castle for a while, and finally came to the basement level, not knowing what Snape was doing to him.

"Dong Dong~lightnovelpub.net~ He knocked on the wooden door twice.

The sliding window above the wooden door was pulled open, Snape's hazy eyes flashed past, and the door was opened.

Sean stood at the door and didn't go in: "Uh, Professor, Professor Dumbledore said, are you looking for me?"

Snape still looked gloomy, and he looked down at Sean without speaking.

"Uh, professor?" Sean asked cautiously.

Snape turned quickly and walked into the office: "Come in."

"Oh, oh, okay." Sean reluctantly followed.

He closed the wooden door and watched Snape lean over to look for something after he reached the desk.

This old bat should get the news that Daisy is cured, right? Sean thought curiously.

He glanced at the entire office casually, and found that the wooden shelves here seem to have been moved?

In the previous confinement, Sean picked the corrupt Flobber caterpillar for most of the day, and was impressed by the decoration of Snape's office.

Now, those terrifying specimens are gone, and the remaining glass jars are also some specimens that don't look so bad, as if the owner here specially arranged them.


"Wallup—sir," Snape straightened up and said coldly, "Have you had any expectations for the final exam?"

"Oh, professor, I feel—all right?" Sean thought for a moment, and replied uncertainly.

The potion exam is also practical, but in Sean's opinion, the potion is probably just a barely qualified standard. There is no way, his potion talent is doomed to this result, even if he works very hard.

"It's okay?" Snape narrowed his eyes and raised his chin slightly, "Mr. Wallop, you're really lenient enough with your demands."