I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

v1 Chapter 132: Contraindicated human trials

"Dear Sean:

"I already understand what you said, and I didn't reply to you in time because I needed to verify a certain conjecture, and the owl biography was not as safe as I thought.

"According to your description, I can probably guess what happened to poor old Bathilda. It is probably a powerful forgetting spell, and the caster may have designed a switch to wake up the memory. Regarding the switch, I have a few Guess, one is time, the effect of the spell is not permanent, the old Bathilda was also an excellent wizard when he was young, and there are not many people who can cast this kind of spell and last for so many years. The second conjecture , that switch is you, the guy who left the letter wants you to see all this—"

Wish I could see it all? Sean frowned.

He habitually half raised his head to think about the whole thing.

What did I see, an experience of Dumbledore and Grindelwald when they were young, their conversation involved Haierbo, Dumbledore's completely different ideas when they were young, ancient magic, and so on.

Sean is a little puzzled, what does that person want to see for himself?

Or, what effect does he hope this memory will have on him?

Sean recalled carefully, and what shocked him the most was the way that Grindelwald mentioned the magic stone to create the body and introduce the soul. Through this, he got a judgment about the current situation of Dumbledore's sister Ariana.

hiss... not right!

Sean found that he had entered a misunderstanding. The judgment he made was entirely based on himself, and he had the original plot in his mind. But he forgot that, normally, he shouldn't know about Dumbledore and Grindelwald's past.

In the eyes of the world, Hogwarts and Nurmengard are in a state of competition, and the principals of the two wizarding schools will not be close friends, just like Harry and Hermione, when Ms. Bagshot mentioned Dumbledore and Green When DeVore had a good relationship when they were young, the two subconsciously thought Bagshot was old and confused.

And myself, if there is no prophet's plot and first-year experience, my thoughts should be similar to others.

Taboo human experiments, two genius wizards trying to overthrow the existing order in the wizarding world, curiosity about ancient dark wizards...

How do you react when you see these things?

Sean thought seriously about it from the perspective of a little wizard, and finally came to a conclusion: he would think that Dumbledore and Grindelwald were conspiring to do something terrible.

Want to become the master of death, use magic stone to make body, have a strong interest in Haierbo and ancient magic, no matter how you look at it, you will think that these two are dark wizards, right?

This will lead to an immediate loss of trust, and I no longer trust these two people, especially Dumbledore.

Does that mean that the letter was actually used to divide?

But this brings up another issue: time.

At that time, I had not been born yet, so I could put my unborn self into the vision of the future, and the reason was obvious: prophecy.

Sean took a deep breath, and the whole thing went round and round and returned to the prophecy he didn't know the content of.

Shit, I hate Riddlers!

Sean cursed secretly and continued to look at the parchment.

"Everything that person wants you to see, I must admit, it all happened. And after seeing this, you still thought of writing to me, and your trust moved me, Sean.

"As for the true identity of the mysterious person, I still need to investigate - if the investigation is successful, I will inform you, as well as the specific content of the prophecy."

The specific content of the prophecy... Sean's heartbeat accelerated slightly, this is what he has always wanted to know!

"After talking about this, let's talk about some of the content you saw, for example, the human experiment of the Philosopher's Stone.

"It sounds wicked, so I thought I needed to explain it to you in order to keep my image from being damaged. I mentioned to you, my sister Ariana, I think you guessed something too?

"Yes, she suffered some misfortune, and after an accident that I don't want to mention, she almost lost her life, I tried to save her, I made a whole new body using the magic stone after a lot of attempts- "

Sean's breathing quickened, Dumbledore really did that!

He has some knowledge of alchemy. In this field, the manufacture of the human body is completely taboo! Such experiments often result in the birth of terrifying, twisted creatures.

Because, in the human experiment in alchemy, the body made by magic is fundamentally different from a flesh shell. Except for the soul, that body has all the characteristics of a wizard!

And the moment the body is created, it begins to give birth to a soul, which is often distorted and terrifying. Since ancient times, the world has never lacked crazy alchemists. And their endings are almost the same, that is, they die from the monsters created by their own human experiments!

Dumbledore and Grindelwald are not only talented, but also incredibly courageous!

Sean let out a breath and continued reading.

"I was lucky and unfortunate, fortunately I didn't die in human trials, a whole new monster didn't appear in the world, unfortunately Ariana's soul was torn apart and she didn't enter as I expected in the new body.

"In a panic, I thought of the phoenix. According to the legend of the Dumbledore family, when the clan needs help, the phoenix will appear, and I want to borrow the power of the phoenix to bring the dead back to life.

"With all kinds of help~lightnovelpub.net~ the phoenix appeared, it saved Ariana, who was torn by her soul, and contained her soul in the body of the phoenix,

"After that, things will be very complicated, but you should also be able to imagine that the souls of Ariana and Phoenix have coexisted..."

Sure enough... Sean nodded, the hands he touched when he was teleported by the phoenix really belonged to Ariana, and she coexisted with the phoenix in a magical way.

However, is this an Animagus of the Phoenix? If he can receive feathers, it means that Ariana can switch back and forth between phoenix and human forms.

No wonder Dumbledore said that he still failed to save Ariana, the human soul and the phoenix coexist, which is not good for either side, neither of them can obtain completeness, whether it is soul or life.

"At the time, Ariana barely survived. Although she is no longer complete, I believe I can always find a way. However, accidents always outnumber plans.

"In the body made of the Sorcerer's Stone, part of Ariana's soul merged with the naturally born soul, and a whole new soul was born..."