I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

v1 Chapter 304: The most dangerous magic recorded by the

[Blood alliance] is the most dangerous magic? Sean, who heard the news from Batty Jr., fell into deep thought immediately.

This was something he hadn't expected.

Judging from the news that Batty sent back last time, he always thought that [Blood Alliance] was at the bottom of the ten magics. Now, is this ranking actually a dangerous ranking, or is it from top to bottom? !

Sean remembered very clearly that besides the Blood Alliance, there were also [Horcrux] ranked second and [Unknown Blood] ranked sixth.

If according to Little Barty's words, wouldn't it mean that among the ten spells, Horcruxes are only the second to last in terms of danger? !

The blood alliance is far more dangerous than the Horcrux?

This is completely incomprehensible to Sean.

Horcruxes, this terrible and evil magic even surpasses the three Unforgivable Curses. Apart from spells, the necessary condition for making Horcruxes is to kill. Sean didn't know the details, but just by imagining, he could get a glimpse of the evil of this kind of magic.

More importantly, almost all those who know this kind of evil magic are extremely powerful wizards, such as the rumored inventor of Horcruxes: the evil Hai Erbo, and Voldemort who is now completely insane. .

Splitting the soul will cause the wizard's sanity to gradually become unstable. If this happens to a powerful dark wizard, it is equivalent to cutting the fuse of the explosive. An unstable and powerful lunatic will cause endless killings.

As for the blood alliance, according to Sean's existing information, [Blood alliance] should be a kind of magic about love in essence. This kind of magic uses the blood of two people as a medium to form a contract object, that is, the strangely shaped collar pin.

As long as the blood alliance exists, it means that there is an oath between the two that can never be broken. Its function is that the two parties in the contract can never fight, and their magic can never kill each other.

Why is the danger level of this restricted type of magic higher than that of Horcruxes?

"What about the content, the content of the ten magics." Sean suppressed the doubts in his heart and calmly asked Little Barty.

Little Barty still knelt on the ground piously, and he whispered: "Master, none of the ten spells have specific spells—to be precise, some of them are magic, some are magic materials, and some may be magic props." .Even the Ministry of Magic, which controls the wizarding world of Britain, has only collected partial information on these dangerous things for hundreds of years."

"Well, let's hear it." Sean suppressed the curiosity in his heart, and his tone was flat.

It seems that the master already knew about it... Little Barty lowered his head and began to talk about the news he got from his father.

"First, it is the least dangerous one. The Ministry of Magic calls it [Merlin's Heart]. The description is as follows: [Merlin's Heart] is not the heart of the great wizard Merlin as it literally means. It is said that after his death, The descendants of the enemy managed to get a part of his corpse, and then invited the goblin to create a magic item with it. Rumor has it that [Merlin's Heart] can enhance the magic power of the holder and help the holder to carry out unlimited The transformation of Merlin, just like Merlin. However, anyone who holds the [Heart of Merlin] for more than twelve full moons will encounter terrible accidents, not only that, but will also cause serious disasters later. The specific content has not been known, and the whereabouts of [Melin Heart] is also unknown. The source of this information is reliable and has a certain degree of credibility."

[Heart of Merlin]...a name Sean had never heard of, it looked like a cursed treasure.

Little Barty continued.

"Second, this is a kind of magic, which is called [Horcrux] by the Ministry of Magic. The description is as follows: [Horcrux] may be one of the most evil magic in the world. This magic can split the soul of a wizard into pieces. , the object hidden in that piece of remnant soul is the Horcrux, as long as the Horcrux is not destroyed, then the wizard is not really dead. It is rumored that this magic was invented by the despicable Hai Erbo, the spell is unknown, and the manufacturing conditions are unknown. (Huo One of Gwartz's creators, Salazar Slytherin, may have also learned of the spell and method of making Horcruxes.

Sean frowned. It seems that the Ministry of Magic doesn't know much about Horcruxes...

"Third, this is also a kind of magic..."

Little Barty got all the information from his controlled father, and he told Sean all the information in detail. Except for the Horcruxes, Sean has never heard of any of the five less dangerous ones.

It's just that the Ministry of Magic's description of those dangerous objects is not perfect. A large part of their judgment on the danger of these magic, magic materials, and magic props comes from the information left over from the establishment of the Ministry of Magic in the early days. Handed down from generation to generation in the families of the founding members of the Ministry of Magic.

Of course, the Ministry of Magic also learned about some extremely dangerous magic through various channels in the following time, and they also added it to the list according to their own judgment.

For example, fifth, the Ministry of Magic called it [Vampire Ceremony, which seems to be an ancient magic that is circulated in the vampire creature. The specific content is also unknown, but every time the [Vampire Ceremony] is held, at least hundreds of people will die, and this seems to be a specific part of the ceremony.

"Sixth, this is a magical material, or a material derived from magical creatures. The Ministry of Magic calls it [Kirin's Blood]."

Qilin... Sean narrowed his eyes slightly, this was the second name he heard that he remembered besides Horcrux.

Just a few days ago, he had just learned the name from Professor Scamander.

In Newt's mouth, the unicorn is also extremely magical among the unique magical animals in the East. Asian wizards call it a mythical beast, and it is rumored that the International Federation of Wizards used the unicorn to choose the president at the beginning of its establishment.

But, Qilin's blood is so dangerous?

Little Batty continued to describe: "[The blood of the unicorn] originated from the ancient oriental beast unicorn. This magical animal has extremely powerful magic power. At first, the president of the International Federation of Wizards chose to use the living unicorn. But extremely What few people know is that [Kirin's Blood] is a very dangerous magic material. To be precise, [Kirin's Blood] will make a wizard extremely dangerous."

"There are no specific records of the purpose, method of use, and effect of this magic material. According to historical information, hundreds of years ago, there was an intersection between an Asian wizard and [Kirin's blood], and that wizard came from Japan. The only information I have learned is that the wizard became an extremely terrifying black wizard after intersecting with [Kirin's Blood]. He committed many terrible crimes of killing. More importantly, he seems to be able to avoid siege forever, and for a long time, he can leave safely after doing evil."

"Later, a wizard appeared in the ancient East, the birthplace of the mythical unicorn. It is said that the wizard only spent half a day looking for the Japanese black wizard. The blood, flesh, bones, internal organs, etc. were all stripped and separated, and even the soul of the dark wizard was taken away."

"The soul of the black wizard was 'suppressed' by the unique magic of the East. After the death of the wizard, the soul of the black wizard who had been tortured for a hundred years was released. According to the information, the wizard also had intersection with [Kirin's blood], But he forcibly used his willpower to suppress his evil thoughts. It is said that the wizard became a terrible thing after death, and after that incident, there is no news about [the blood of the unicorn]. "

After listening to Little Barty's long description, Sean couldn't help but gasped.

From this point of view, [Kirin's Blood] probably contains huge power, but the price is that it will bring huge evil thoughts, and it takes extremely strong willpower to suppress evil thoughts.

Barty Jr. finally added: "Master, in the description of [Kirin's Blood], the Ministry of Magic also mentioned a very uncertain piece of news at the end."


"As mentioned above, the source of the news is unknown, and the accuracy cannot be confirmed: after using an unknown method to intersect with [Kirin's blood], the wizard may obtain magical abilities related to 'precognition' or 'divination'."

Uncertain news... But this statement seems to make sense, the Japanese black wizard can always avoid the joint siege of wizards, and this may be related to the ability of 'precognition' or 'divination'.

Little Barty continued to describe.

The seventh to ninth are things that Sean has never heard of before. Similarly, as the degree of danger increases, the description of the Ministry of Magic becomes less and less. Most of the time, it is only a general description of some content. The spell, the specific source, the specific process, etc. are all unknown, and the only thing in common is mentioned at the end: extremely dangerous.

Some are dangerous objects that are inherently dangerous, while others make the wizard who holds or uses them extremely dangerous.

Finally, finally arrived at the tenth one, which is the highest level of danger, the [Blood Alliance] that Sean has been silently waiting for.

Little Barty, who had been talking non-stop, didn't take a sip of water. Sean could see the other party licking his lips through the blurred picture. As a benevolent host who "gives kindness and kindness", he should praise the other party at this time.

But Little Barty is too fanatical, and Sean knows that as long as he praises the other party, he will be too excited to restrain himself, and there will probably be a lot of loyal words.

Sean, who was eager to learn about the [Blood Alliance] information, didn't say much.

Little Barty licked his dry lips, he felt a little agitated, and for the first time, the master didn't make a speech under his long speech.

What does this prove? It proves that although the owner has expected it, some of the news is indeed unknown to him.

Little Barty was so excited when he thought that he had made such a great contribution.

He quickly stuck out his tongue like a snake, and continued talking to his master.

"Next is the last one, the tenth one, which is the most dangerous. It seems to be a magic, but the Ministry of Magic did not clearly record it. To be precise, the Ministry of Magic's description of it is very vague."

Sean was on the verge of cursing.

Merlin's pants, can you hurry up? ! They are all playing terrorist organizations, how about you and me exaggerate the atmosphere of a hammer? !

Fortunately, Barty Jr.'s opening remarks were very short, and he immediately described the content recorded by the Ministry of Magic.

"The Ministry of Magic calls it [Blood Alliance. The description is as follows: From ancient times to the present, magic contains the power of emotion. There is anger, hatred, and joy. Of course, there is also love. According to records, magic about love seems to have a common The point is to use the power of blood."

"Blood from relatives usually provides an extremely powerful and proven power. Combined with ancient magic, this will be a very powerful defensive magic. When we first came into contact with [Blood Alliance], we were also like this think."

"The source and effectiveness of this kind of magic are very vague. At first, when the important personnel of the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic judged the magic, [Blood Alliance] might be a kind of contract blood magic. This kind of magic is usually performed by equal parties. Casting with informed consent may form some kind of restraint or restriction after casting, we speculate that this restraint or restriction is restricted to both casters."

"However, we later found a description of [Blood Alliance]. In historical materials written in ancient runes, the author described this kind of magic as 'a rare and terrifying magic in the world', and he used the word 'ritual'." To describe it in terms of words, but classify it as ancient magic, not ancient magic."

"This scholar doesn't know whether he didn't understand it specifically or was influenced by some kind of existence. His information often doesn't follow the end, and many places are vague and difficult to understand, but we found a key word in it."

"This key word is the same as the key point of ancient runes and ancient magic, [Equivalent Exchange]."

"The scholar wrote at the end, [Under unimaginable risks, a huge price will be exchanged for a high return, this is the essence of the blood alliance]"

"[Blood Alliance will be the most terrifying magic in this world, at least in my long life, I have never seen such a terrible magic]"

"Among the few other ancient documents ~lightnovelpub.net~, descriptions of blood alliances are even rarer, but without exception, those materials all point to one point: blood alliances are extremely dangerous magic."

Sean's pupils contracted slightly. He had imagined the description of the blood alliance, but he never thought that it was so straightforward.

The Ministry of Magic agrees that blood alliances are extremely dangerous!

Even, in that scholar's information, the other party stated that he had never seen such a terrifying magic...

You must know that in the era when ancient runes were used to record data, ancient magic and ancient magic were in power at that time. Although these magics were not stable and comprehensive enough, there was one thing that the magic of later generations could not match: they were all powerful.

Under such circumstances, [Blood Alliance] turned out to be the most terrifying magic in the opponent's mind.

Sean's mood suddenly became heavy. This description completely didn't match his impression of [Blood Alliance]!


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