I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

v1 Chapter 315: Crisis after joy!

Hermione screamed first, and an idea popped into her mind: it must be Sean's prank!

The fear and panic of leaving the ground made her a little difficult to adapt, and the girl even thought about it fifteen seconds after taking off-extending the time of not talking to Sean from one day to a week!

Hermione, who had dealt with Sean's pets many times, was not afraid of Buckbeak, she could only instinctively feel panic, after all, suddenly flying into the sky was not a surprise, and she was riding Quidditch. Not good either.

The first thing she felt was discomfort, Buckbeak's wings flapping around her, feathers and muscles rubbing against her thighs. Moreover, the flying rhythm of the hippogriff is very fast, far more bumpy than a broom, and Hermione is always worried that she will fall if she is not careful.

"Sean! I must kill you! Ah-"

With a dive, she subconsciously grabbed Buckbeak's feathers, and the hippogriff shook uncomfortably, but it continued to soar for Sean's sake.

After a flight, Hermione's fear of flying into the sky finally dissipated a lot, and her body began to adapt to the rhythm of Buckbeak's wings, and she began to try to open her eyes - it's not easy to do, Hippogriff The winged beast was much faster than she imagined.

The strong wind howled, and Hermione, who was in tears provoked by the oncoming air, finally opened her eyes a little.

The vision was slightly blurred, but a scene she had never seen before appeared in front of her.

The Hogwarts Castle was completely and clearly in her sight, the towering towers soaring into the sky, but she seemed to be within reach for herself. The mottled and majestic castle is surrounded by buildings with historical charm. The promenade and courtyard are interlaced, and there is a shocking beauty from a height.

Hogwarts Castle stretched out, with a gravel road to the school gate, and a high iron gate, and Hermione thought she could even see the warthog head hanging on it.

Below her is the quiet and deep Black Lake, on the left side you can see the three forks leading to the Forbidden Forest, and on the right side there are endless mountains and jungles.

At first glance, the mountains seemed to be covered with a green wizard's robe, and the lush leaves were layered together, and finally connected to the boundless sky.

The adventurous spirit in Hermione's bones was aroused at once, she suddenly felt that flying into the sky was not a frightening thing, and she even wanted to shout.

The girl looked back and saw that the classmates at the edge of the forbidden forest had become small dots, the **** dot of Hagrid was particularly conspicuous, and there was a familiar figure that could not be seen clearly beside him.

"Hmph." Hermione wrinkled her nose angrily, "It must be your fault..."

However, after making sure that no one could see her clearly, Hermione opened her hands directly, the curvature of the corners of her mouth rose, and finally she couldn't help shouting.

"Whoa whoa--"

She felt that the depressed mood in her heart was swept away at once.

Buckbeak below seemed to feel her joy, and after a long cry, he began to dive quickly.

Hermione was no longer afraid, and even looked forward to what Buckbeak could do.

The hippogriff glided down quickly, its four hooves lightly gliding across the lake, the cool lake water stirred on Hermione's body, and the girl let out a happy smile like a silver bell.

"Hey, Buckbeak, where are you taking me?" Hermione found that the hippogriff had no intention of turning back, and said loudly, rubbing its head.

"Hey—" Buckbeak let out a long cry.

The lake became more and more open, and Hermione found that Buckbeak actually took himself to the edge of the Black Lake, where there were cascading mountains and cliffs.

"It's time to go back - eh? Where is that?" Hermione was about to urge Buckbeak to return, but suddenly an open meadow appeared before her eyes.

This grass is like a paradise hidden in the cliff, and the whole piece of pink flowers are in full bloom.

"So beautiful..." Hermione muttered to herself, then slipped off Buckbeak, who had already landed.

The whole piece of flowers and plants are rippling slightly with the breeze coming from the lake. Even though there are mountains and plains, the fragrance of the flowers is not strong, just like clouds softly rubbing against the tip of her nose.

"Is this the secret location Sean discovered..." Hermione thought silently, and then a smile slowly overflowed.

On the side, Buckbeak walked slowly with four hooves for two laps, and then walked to Hermione with two beautiful pink bouquets.

Hermione took the bouquet and asked softly, "Did that guy make you do this?"

Buckbeak tilted his head and thought for a while, Sean asked himself to bring the girl in front of him here, and then found two of the most beautiful flowers to pick for her - it doesn't know if they are beautiful, it just thinks that the two flowers are close together , no need to look anywhere.

Wouldn't she think the flower wasn't pretty enough? That must have nothing to do with my hippogriff...

Buckbeak nodded, indicating that Sean had indeed instructed him to do so.

Hermione's face blushed slightly, and her eyebrows and eyes completed the delicate and lovely crescent moon.

She looked down at the bouquet in her eyes, her eyes rolled, and suddenly a beautiful smile appeared.

She knew the flower in her hand, the evening primrose.

Flower language: silent love.

Forget it...forget it...let him go this time...Hermione thought so.

I'm going, why did I go for so long, that guy Buckbeak wouldn't catch the fish himself, would he? Beside the forbidden forest, Sean thought helplessly as he looked into the distance.

The flower field was the place he found when he and the Basilisk reached an agreement. He didn't study anything about flowers and plants, but Piranha was quite interested.

However, although I don't know what kind of colorful flowers there are, at least it looks beautiful there. Girls should like it, right? After such a trip, Hermione shouldn't be angry with herself, right?

I'm such a genius... Sean raised his head smugly.

I just hope that they can come back quickly. Buckbeak is the only hippogriff. If they don't come back, the students will not be in class.

However, some of Sean's worries were immediately wiped out by another trouble.

"All students, this is the end of the outdoor class, all go back to the castle, gather in the cafeteria! Hagrid, please take them back, I want to go to the Quidditch pitch again-" A figure appeared from the path, and then Shouted to everyone.

That's Professor McGonagall.

What's the situation... Sean looked suspiciously, and saw Professor McGonagall's face full of anxiety, and he didn't even notice that the bun was slightly loosened.

"Professor," shouted Hagrid's broken gong voice, "what's going on? There's another student who hasn't come back, or am I waiting for her here?"

"What?!" Hearing the news, Professor McGonagall immediately came over anxiously.

"What happened?! A student entered the forbidden forest?!" She clenched the wand in her hand.

Just as Hagrid was about to answer, Sean jumped in.

It was against the school rules to have a hippogriff fly with a student, and Hagrid couldn't take the blame for himself.

"Professor, it's Hermione. Today we're going to learn about hippogriffs. Uh, I made a decision on my own, and let that guy take Hermione up to the sky to catch two laps..."

"Mr. Wallup!" Professor McGonagall glared at him, then his expression became more anxious. "Where did it go?"

"Uh, it should be at the edge of the Black Lake." Sean pointed in the direction.

Professor McGonagall was shocked: "God... hurry, hurry, think of a way, hurry up and get Miss Granger back!"

"What happened?" Although he didn't understand, Sean also saw it, there must be something wrong.

As Professor McGonagall directed Hagrid to find the professor, he quickly explained: "I'll tell you later anyway - Azkaban has escaped from prison!"

"What?" Sean was baffled by the sudden news.

Professor McGonagall's face was full of seriousness and anxiety: "Not only Azkaban, the Soul Eater Tower in France, the Alpine Prison in the United States, and even the prisons at the headquarters of the Wizards' United Guard have all experienced mass escapes. Organised mass terror!"

"After Azkaban escaped from prison, Minister Crouch immediately ordered to hunt down prisoners and protect important locations. Dementors in Azkaban have been dispatched in large numbers, and Hogwarts is also a place to be inspected and protected!"

Sean's pupils contracted slightly, the news was completely beyond his expectations.

That Professor McGonagall was so anxious... Sean's eyes were shocked.

He took a step forward anxiously: "Have the dementors come? Where is their garrison?"

Professor McGonagall breathed heavily: "The order was issued very quickly! The Dementors are almost at the school, and with Professor Dumbledore here, they dare not approach the school, but the border is their main garrison!"

Isn't Hermione about to encounter a dementor... Sean didn't have time to ask any more questions, and ran directly towards the black lake.

"Wallup, where are you going!" Professor McGonagall shouted behind him.

"Hermione, Hermione is on the edge."

"Then what's the use of you in the past! Come back, dementors have no feelings, their nature does not understand excuses and beg for mercy! Come back quickly, I will bring Miss Granger back!" Professor McGonagall shouted anxiously.

I just know that Dementors are good and bad, and innocent, so I have to hurry up!

Sean didn't look back: "It's too late, Professor."

Where Hermione went was the closest to the Hogwarts border!

He would only hate himself for not taking good care of his flying lessons at the beginning, and he would always borrow the Nimbus 2001 that Sirius had given him, which would have no place to use it.

Under everyone's worried eyes, Sean quickly ran to the black lake, then took out his wand and started casting an explosion spell on the lake.

There were huge splashes of water on the lake, and fish were blown to the ground from time to time.

At the same time, Sean gave himself a loud voice, and the strange horse neigh came out of his mouth, and then rang through the entire lake.

"Come on, buddy, if I don't come, I'll just use the Flying Charm..." Sean shouted anxiously in his heart.

"What's wrong with Sean..." The students looked at each other.

"Granger flew too far, what can he do now..." a student said.

Harry and his group were also looking at Sean anxiously, "If only there were broomsticks..."

"Hurry up, buddy, you must be still here, didn't I let the basilisk bring you a lot of rations last time..." Sean died while making a high and prolonged strange cry. Staring deadly at the lake.

Suddenly, the lake water bombed by the Explosive Curse stretched out and more bubbles surged up rapidly. A black shadow was floating up from the edge of the lake, and the shadow fit became larger.

"Come on!" Sean's eyes lit up.

"Wallup, Wallup, come back!" Professor McGonagall was running over with a robe.

Just when everyone was puzzled, suddenly, a huge splash of water splashed into the sky with a 'coax' on the surface of the lake that had gradually subsided!

"What..." Professor McGonagall also stopped and took out his wand.

Under the terrified eyes of the students, a huge monster appeared on the lake surface. It seemed to float up quickly and then jumped up. It slammed heavily on the lake surface, and even drove a huge wave of water. .

It was a huge horse-shaped monster with long seaweed and dark round pupils. The snow-white front teeth were extremely terrifying under the blessing of the huge body. Under the panic, some girls even screamed in horror.

Only Hagrid was agitated, thinking of his experience of being beaten into a meteor hammer and spinning dozens of times in the sky.

"Horse!" Harry and Malfoy exclaimed in surprise at the same time.

"You—what are you looking at!" The two glared at each other at the same time~lightnovelpub.net~咴—" The horse-shaped water monster let out a high excited cry.

Sean straddled it directly, and immediately ordered: "Quick, over there, the fastest speed, buddy."

With a long cry again, the horse-shaped water monster did not hesitate, plunged into the water directly, and then quickly swam in the direction pointed by Sean!

Sean, who had taken a deep breath for a long time, immediately closed his eyes, and the cold lake water immediately surrounded him.

This huge and abnormal horse-shaped water monster in the black lake has the same terrible swimming speed as his normal body type. Sean can only feel the cold water constantly brushing his body. Is there any water grass or debris in the lake? , The little fish collided.

"Crash--" The horse-shaped water monster jumped out of the water with a beautiful rise. Sean didn't even open his eyes, he took a deep breath, and the horse-shaped water monster dived into the lake again and swam rapidly.

Although the Black Lake was huge, Sean was not far from Hermione. In addition, the horse-shaped water monster was extremely hardworking. It only took three breaths, and news came from the horse-shaped water monster.

Almost to the lake.

Sean tugged at the mane of the other party's water plant, signaling it to float directly.

The horse-shaped water monster reduced its speed, and then jumped out of the water again. Sean wiped the lake water on his face and looked forward.

The water in the lake seemed to be cold all of a sudden, and even the air inhaling into his lungs stabbed Sean in pain.

The scene in front of him made his breathing suddenly heavier.

The rotten bones in black robes floated in the air, and they had already surrounded Buckbeak and Hermione in the open space! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!