I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

v1 Chapter 52: Christmas Eve

Sean, who originally went to the school library steadily on Sunday, changed his schedule, and Professor Scamander's suitcase became his new destination.

There, Sean helped Professor Scamander take care of the injured or underage magical animals. His super-high affinity for magical animals played a huge role. Professor Scamander even joked: "I'm going to be jealous. You have a good relationship with Fantastic Beasts."

Sean, who has learned a lot about magical animals, can only shrug his shoulders, saying that this is innate.

Sean's life at Hogwarts seemed to calm down again, during which he celebrated his twelfth birthday.

His parents sent him a brand new watch through the owl, and his sister Ella included her homemade snacks in the package, although it was no longer clear when it was delivered to Hogwarts.

Hermione gave him a thick copy of "The History of Spells". Since Sean stopped going to the library with her on Sunday, the girl was a little disappointed, but she still supported his decision.

Fred and George brought him a bunch of mischief gadgets, and Cedric gave him a wizard hat, which Sean decided to put on the bottom of the box because of the color.

He even got a gift from Stephanie, this arrogant and cold petite girl gave him a pair of monocles.

Thanks to his usual good relationship, the birthday gifts Sean received almost filled his big bed, and it took him a long time just to thank the gifts. Sean also had to write down the birthday of the classmate who gave the gift by the way, in order to facilitate the return gift in the future.

Before Sean had finished eating all kinds of snacks, he began to receive gifts again, because Christmas was coming.

When Professor Flitwick registered the list of people who went back for Christmas, Sean immediately registered it, so many students who were going to go home began to give gifts in advance, because not everyone had an owl to give gifts. Send it to someone else on the same day.

Sean was ready this time. He spent half a day compiling a list, and then bought a gift at Diagon Alley through Owl.

Before the holidays began, there was a pomp inside Hogwarts Castle.

The morning in the auditorium is always chaotic, because the owls bring all kinds of letters, newspapers, etc., but no one has ever seen dozens of owls throwing packages to the same person at the same time.

Everyone in the auditorium focused on Sean. At this moment, his face was helplessly drowned in the package.

He didn't expect that the gifts he bought would be delivered all at once.

"Sean, how many people have you bought gifts for?" Hermione gave him a hand.

"Oh, thank you," Sean took her hand and climbed out of the pile of gifts, he shrugged helplessly, "Because many people have given me gifts, of course I want to return the gift."

"Hundreds of copies?"

Sean nodded: "Yes, hundreds of..."

In the afternoon, with the help of Hermione, he gave out all the gifts. This time, Sean's reputation was even greater. Even Slytherin people would unconsciously fight when they saw Sean. Hello.

No one wants to offend most of the Ravenclaw wizards...

After delivering everything, Sean slumped softly into the armchair in the lounge. He made up his mind that he must hire someone to help next year!

Giving gifts to people is more tiring than helping the horse-shaped water monster apply medicine.

However, the thought of being able to go home and start his Christmas vacation tomorrow, Sean is in a good mood.

After chatting with the Ravenclaw classmates for a while, Sean stood up and walked out.

It's time to feed the Winged Demon again. Sean named this little guy: Dave.

He seriously considered 'Yo-Yo', 'Hanamaki', 'Curly Fu', and 'Wacky Barber', and finally chose Dave.

It's very suitable.

Dave is not the same as the ordinary Winged Demon. At present, apart from the appearance, the main difference is the amount of food.

According to Professor Scamander, after a full meal, the Winged Demon doesn't need to eat for a week, but Dave never misses two meals a day, and if he eats a little less, he will be hungry all day long.

Sean simply bought a lot of sheep brains from Diagon Alley, and asked the house-elves to save them with a spell, and then feed them to Dave every day.

Because the holidays are about to start, there are excited students all over the castle. Sean met many students on the way to the Room of Requirement.

The curled-up demon in his pocket was constantly conveying his thoughts to him.

"This, it should taste good."

"This is a huge amount."

"This is normal."

Evaluating the taste of each person's brain flower has become Dave's biggest entertainment project. Because this guy has always been obedient, Sean just let it go.

By the way: Hermione still holds the No.

However, this may be related to the fact that Sean has not had a close contact with Dumbledore, and the taste list of the Winged Demon is still far from a picture book.

"These two are about to expire."

Shawn bypassed Crabbe and Goyle in Dave's somewhat dismissive comments.

These two stupid big men tried to cast a spell on the armor in the castle~lightnovelpub.net~, and then the impatient armor jumped off the shelf, and one of them gave a punch.

Sean walked around to the eighth floor in a hurry. It was safer to feed Dave in the Room of Requirement. It would be really bad if he was found to be raising the Winged Winged Demon himself.

Just before the tapestry, Sean saw a transparent ghost floating there.

It's Ms. Helena.

After the Fire Grey Snake Incident, Sean wanted to thank Ms. Helena who helped deliver the news, but he never met her again except to see her from a distance in the auditorium a few times.

"Ms. Helena, it's nice to meet you." Sean stepped forward and greeted him.

Helena, as usual, had a sad feeling in her voice.

She nodded: "Hello."

"Last time in the auditorium, thank you very much for helping to convey the news." Sean said.

"It's a trivial matter," Helena fiddled with her transparent skirt, her tone flat, "Besides, I didn't help much."

"You are too polite."

Sean thanked him and prepared to leave. Just as he was about to step, he remembered a question and asked casually, "By the way, Ms. Helena, can I ask, which professor did you communicate with last time? news?"

At that time, the support from the professors came a little late, which made Sean a little puzzled. Logically speaking, after Helena sent the news, the professors should inform each other.

Helena pointed to the bottom of the building: "I only met the first professor on the fourth floor at that time, the teacher of the protection of magical animals, right? I remember his name is Kettle Byrne."

"Huh?" Sean froze for a moment, then his eyes widened unconsciously.

"You said, Professor Kettleburn?" he asked in disbelief.
