I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 641: how is **** defined

Hermione looked intently at the dining table in the shadows, and unconsciously took a few steps back.

"Is this black magic or a curse? Or an illusion-like spell? Sean, how did you break free?"

Sean pointed to Hufflepuff's gold cup: "I was awakened by that thing."

"Golden cups? But, it is these tableware that made us sink... Why is there such a thing in Hufflepuff's secret room? Then it is the golden cups that wake you up again..." Hermione was puzzled, she and Sean It's the same idea.

If this is a trap, then there is no need to wake up Xiao En, if this is not a trap, then there is no need for the previous situation to occur.

Sean waved his wand directly to cut off the dining table, so that no one standing outside could see what was going on inside—he was worried that the situation just now would happen again.

"You also saw the blood in it just now, right?" Sean asked.

Both Hermione and Daisy nodded, and the latter said: "Those bloods are so attractive, we were attracted to them unconsciously. To me, those bloods are like the most delicious food in the world... No, None of it counts as food, because I feel like every cell in my body is thirsting for that blood."

"However, after Sean was awakened, the blood disappeared." Hermione frowned and said, "Is there a transfer spell in it? Remember, the tableware made by Ms. Hufflepuff has the function of transferring food."

"You mean, the blood was transferred from an unknown place, but when we woke up, the blood disappeared automatically?" Xiao Baihua thought about it.

Hermione nodded: "I can't think of any other possibility other than this."

Sean didn't speak, but walked around the dining table carefully to the back of the stone statue.

Hermione also followed, and then exclaimed: "Those fish don't appear."

Yes, the originally moving scene behind the stone statue suddenly calmed down.

"My God, what is that blood? Even... even this kind of lifeless magic can attract it?" Daisy made an unbelievable voice.

Only Sean narrowed his eyes: "I think the blood in the saucer and gold cup may not exist."

"What do you mean?" Hermione and Daisy looked over together.

Sean pointed to the robin feather above the stone statue: "Because I think of something more terrifying..."

"Remember the nursery rhymes in that storybook?"

Hermione, who had an excellent memory, immediately frowned and read softly.

"Who Killed the Mockingbird?

it's me, said the sparrow,

with my bow and arrow,

I killed the mockingbird.


Who saw him die?

it's me, said the fly,

with my little eyes,

I saw him die.


Who took his blood?

it's me…"

After reading this, Hermione's child's hole shrank violently, and she looked at Sean in horror.

Sean nodded slowly, his expression becoming heavy and serious.

He then put

"Who took his blood?

it's me, said the fish,

with my little saucer,

I take his blood. "

Accompanied by Sean's voice, Hermione and Daisy hugged their arms unconsciously, and felt that the hairs all over their bodies stood upside down.

Sean looked to the back of the stone statue, where a greedy fish had once jumped, to the dining table in the shadows.

Coupled with the news he got from [Arrogance]...

"That...could be robin's blood..." Sean took a deep breath.

It is an established fact that the robin was eaten, and Sean suspected that the dining table in the shadows just reproduced some parts of this terrible scene that year.

That's why he thought that the blood didn't exist.

Because, if the blood of the gods really appeared just now, even if a thousand years have passed, the blood will have an extremely terrifying effect, and it is definitely not something the three little wizards can resist.

Yes, Sean thinks, just now is just a reappearance of certain scenes from that year.

The blood of the gods appeared on the dining table in a projection-like manner, and the projection alone caused the three of Sean to fall into endless greed.

As a bloodline creature, a wizard cannot refuse the desire within the bloodline. This is a natural attraction, and the gods happen to be the starting point of the wizard's bloodline—or one of the starting points.

He told Daisy and Hermione his guess, and their breathing was clearly audible.

They were all frightened.

After finally sorting out her mood, Hermione looked at the stone statue in the center of the Hufflepuff Chamber of Secrets again, and said in surprise, "Doesn't that mean that Ms. Hufflepuff is the fish in the god-killing story?"

"It's possible, but it's unlikely—" Sean thought about it, "I'm more inclined that Ms. Hufflepuff is a descendant of [Fish]...Maybe, she just wanted to leave these things to remind people later , There was such a terrible thing as killing gods back then, and, if understood in this way, the origin of the robin feather can also be explained clearly.”

"Ms. Hufflepuff knew that the reappearance of the scene back then, even the projection of the blood of the gods would trap the surrounding creatures deeply, so she cast the awakening magic on the Hufflepuff gold cup."

"So..." Sean signaled the two girls to step back, then waved his wand to unlock the partition of the dining table.

Projections of the god's blood reappeared on the golden cup and saucer.

However, after Xiao En took precautions, he did not fall into confusion again. He looked at the dining table vigilantly, and said softly: "I suspect that those tableware were left over when the gods were divided, that's why this happened. The situation—I think, maybe this dining table can be regarded as an illusion trap that will be automatically triggered when it is close. will be awakened."

"But, but... what's the point of this?" Hermione asked hesitantly.

Sean pursed his lips: "Perhaps, this is the test left by Hufflepuff—an illusion trap that will continue to circulate and will be unraveled. It takes a long time to obtain the recognition of the brand, and then you will unconsciously Attracted by the projection of blood, although it will be untied again, the process of obtaining brand recognition will naturally be interrupted."

Daisy wrinkled her small nose: "Then there is no way to get the recognition of the brand? That is the projection of the blood of the gods!"

"There should be a solution..." Sean glanced at the greedy fish jumping up again behind the stone statue, "This 'trap' is a test on the one hand, and on the other hand, I think it is to convey some kind of secret."

He looked at the two of them: "Remember? When we analyzed that nursery rhyme, we divided all animals into categories. There are eight types of birds, only pigeons are not accomplices, and flies have left this story to be passed down in the world— Other animals cannot be identified, and fish is one of them."

"Don't forget, Hai Erbo had seized the power of the gods at that time, and he had the ability to dominate in the illusion, so those animals did not dare to resist him—the fish may be one of them, it provided tableware to participate in this battle A terrible feast, when it returns to the present world, it wants to pass down part of the truth secretly."

Sean actually has more guesses in his heart. Obviously, all kinds of animals in nursery rhymes are references. If you want to check the numbers, you can actually classify them first.

For example, the robin and the snake of wisdom are the first-level gods, while animals such as the seven deadly sins, pigeons, flies, fishes, etc. are the second-level gods... They also have magical and powerful powers, some of them participated in terrible murders, and some of them swallowed their anger , trying to convey the truth of the matter.

The strong vitality gushing out when the stone slab was raised just now may prove the identity of some of the fish—in a broad sense, fish originally represents life, prosperity, abundance, etc., and this may be the magical power of the **** Yu'er.

For example, the goddess of life that often appears in various literary works...

Listening to Sean's words, Hermione and Daisy couldn't help but look at each other. This kind of speculation that suddenly raised to the level of gods made them a little scared and worried.

Daisy pulled Sean's sleeve carefully: "Sean, I always feel that we are getting closer to a level that doesn't belong to us..."

Hermione nodded too, with fear and anxiety on her face.

Sean was taken aback for a moment, then understood.

Hermione and Daisy are different from himself. He himself has been in contact with existences such as [arrogance], [laziness], Hai Erbo, and the authority of death, so he has unconsciously expanded the scope of his thinking, and he also has knowledge about various incredible truths. Higher tolerance.

The two of them are different, they are actually just students in school.


Sean took a deep breath, and his eyes became firm and serious: "I...I understand your feelings, and I also came up with this idea—it's not fair for you to bear and understand these things..."

There was a flash of anxiety in Hermione's eyes, she wanted to speak, but forcibly held back.

Sean knew what the other party was thinking, he sighed and continued: "I really want to tell you not to get involved anymore, but...Helbo's threat hangs on everyone's head, and he will make a comeback sooner or later. Professor Dumbledore He paid his life for this, even so, he... he is still struggling to find out more truths in another world."

"If possible, I don't mind causing the whole world to panic. They have the right to know the truth, and they have the need to panic, because after this, more severe and terrifying things will inevitably come. We need to act urgently and Be strong—it’s just that the time is not right now, but if the time comes, I will tell you the terrible truth first, and tell my closest people first, even if it will make you fall into great fear in advance.”

Sean's gaze became deep and firm: "You must be prepared, and you must be more urgent... This may make you less likely to suffer injury or even death in the future."

Both Daisy and Hermione stared blankly at Sean. After a while, they looked at each other, and then walked over together and held Sean's hand.

They all nodded seriously.

Needless to say, the three of them understood their thoughts.

Sean smiled slightly: "Actually, it's not that there is no good news."

Daisy shook her head vigorously and clenched her fists tightly, as if to cheer herself up. After hearing what Sean said, she deliberately asked in an uplifting tone: "What? Say it quickly! "

Sean raised his eyebrows: "God is indeed a very heavy word. However, it may be different from the gods you see in various books. Yes, I mean, the real gods in this world are different from yours. The imaginary gods are different."

Hermione looked at Sean suspiciously, not understanding what he meant: "Why? Gods are different?"

"In literary works or religious propaganda, gods generally refer to the creators and rulers of the universe. They are often described as omnipotent, eternal life, irresistible powerful, and incomprehensible abilities. The impression of God. But—" Sean showed a sly smile, but this smile was full of infinite arrogance in the eyes of Daisy and Hermione.

"According to the gods I have come into contact with, they are not that powerful... They will die. Although their abilities are far superior to ours, they are also limited and not impossible to contend with. At the same time, they are still similar to humans—yes, they are not infinite I don't know, they are not far beyond the wisdom of everyone~lightnovelpub.net~ In my opinion, instead of calling them gods, it is better to call them the original wizards. They have powerful abilities, but they still come from this The world originates from their bloodlines... It's just that their bloodlines are older and closer to the source, and they are just higher-level...human beings."

Although it was in a flat and even slightly teasing tone, Sean's words still made Daisy and Hermione's heart beat faster.

Sean... He is always looking for the weakness of the gods, trying to pull the other party from the high altar into the world.

He is really proud and arrogant to the extreme...

Hermione and Daisy had the same thought at the same time.

However, they also realized that it was Xiao En's "arrogance and pride", and they seemed to feel a lot more at ease all of a sudden.

Seeing that the expressions of the two have slowed down a lot, Sean knew that what he said had an effect, and their psychological burden should be reduced a lot.

He smiled easily: "This is what we have to do now, to find the truth of the year, and also to find... the weakness of the gods."

Hermione glared at him angrily, and said in a complaining tone: "It's easy for you to say, don't forget, just the projection just now made the three of us unable to resist!"

Having said that, the corners of Hermione's mouth hooked up with Sean's smile.

Daisy also returned to her previous energetic appearance, she akimbo confidently: "It's not a big problem!"

"It's really not a big problem..." Sean smiled mysteriously, "I've found a way."


Sean pointed to the dining table: "Being recognized by the brand should be able to reveal a lot of truth. The only problem is how to solve the influence of the god's blood projection... Coincidentally, I did think of a way, ha."