I Will Know 18 Kinds of Pig Raising Skills

Chapter 32

A pair of slender, well-proportioned, soft-looking hands, even the fingernails with a healthy flesh pink color, appeared in front of Chunlai in the bright sunlight.

She was thinking, as if the hands of her robot shell were a little different?

Could it be that after he was injured, Auger gave himself another shell?

But then she touched her body with her hand, wanting to touch her wound, and suddenly found that what she touched was a human female body with bumps.

Wherever the hand touches, it is soft and warm, and even the skin is as delicate as a baby, incredibly tender.

This doesn't seem to be quite the same as her robot shell.

She was suddenly stunned.

He looked at his hands in disbelief, and touched his face with those slender and soft hands.

She even touched a girl's face!

The skin was so soft, the long eyelashes brushed against her soft palm, itchy, and she even touched the thick hair on her head.

This, what's the matter?

Auger felt her movement and opened his eyes to look at her.

His voice was full of surprise, "Are you awake?"

"What am I?" She kept touching her face, which was obviously not a robot shell!

There was a smile in Oger's voice, "Congratulations, a blessing in disguise."

His clear magnetic voice sounded, "You have a human form."

Although Chunlai had guessed it in her heart, she didn't dare to think about it. At this time, it was incredible to hear Auger tell her the affirmative answer. God, she has become a human!

"show me!"

Oger handed the mirror to her, Chunlai held the mirror nervously, thinking about her four tentacles, four breasts, and green-skinned Toto, wouldn't she be particularly scary?

But what appeared in the mirror was a girl who was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off her, especially those **** eyes, which were agile and shining. Those beautiful eyes were like black crystals soaked in spring water. Clear and translucent. The cherry pink lips under the upturned nose have a pink luster, soft and fragrant, making people wonder if they can't help but kiss them, whether they will be as soft and sweet as imagined.

And her thick dark green hair that was exactly the same as the robot shell was scattered on the pillow, making her fair skin and delicate face even more dazzling.


This is so pretty!

She couldn't take her eyes away from the mirror, which was even better than the appearance of the biological robot before!


Chunlai was so fascinated by her beautiful appearance that she couldn't help but carefully touch her face with her hands. She must be so lucky! If she can get such luck every time after bad luck, she is willing to suffer that kind of crime!

But she suddenly thought, "How did I become like this?"

Auger said, "You feel in your pocket."

Chunlai took out a warm, egg-sized egg flea from his clothes pocket.

It was the second flea that grew on the little sheep.

When it was in her palm, its little nose protruded from its transparent shell and rested on her skin.

Chunlai suddenly felt a numbness coming from his hand, and suddenly he seemed to be able to feel the small red heart beating under the transparent shell of the egg flea.

And its mood seems to be happy, as if happy because she opened her eyes.

It opened its slit eyes, and its small eyeballs looked at her from the slit, as if it wanted to imprint her image in its heart.

Spring is stunned.

Because she already felt that she and this egg flea seemed to be sharing each other's heartbeats, their hearts seemed to be beating at the same frequency, puff, puff, ordinary, and at the same time, they seemed to be experiencing life together.

It was as if a very, very important person suddenly appeared in her life, as if she suddenly had a sibling who could freely share the most intimate things with each other.

She felt its heartbeat, and even felt its subtle little emotions.


This time, Auger didn't need to answer, she didn't even need any scientific report, and she didn't even need to search on StarNet. She already had an answer in her mind.

They became companions.

She thought of what Miao Miao, the Alys, had said before, that this kind of egg flea can connect with Yunlong by controlling the nerves of it. Could it be that her transformation into a human form is also its function?

The egg flea in her hand suddenly started to move. It followed her arm and got into the sleeve of her dress. Before Chun could react, it got out of the collar and climbed on top of her head and stopped moving.

Then she suddenly felt a tingling sensation from her scalp, it felt as if all her pores had opened up at once, so comfortable that she didn't want to move.

At the same time, she felt a warm feeling in her body, and her brain was also warm, as if her whole body was soaked in warm water.

Her mind went blank, and she could only feel the thumping heartbeats of each other.

After a while, the egg flea climbed down from the top of her head again, and huddled in her palm as if she was full.

Although he didn't know the reason, Chunlai knew that it was the one who saved her and gave her a human form.

She pressed her cheek against its warm transparent shell and whispered, "Thank you for saving me."

But thinking of the Toto people's report that the people in the clan like to raise an alien dog as a companion animal, and she is a companion flea...

It seems that there is a big gap compared to her kin?

Probably because Chunlai thought it was small, and the egg flea in his hand was a little unhappy. Chunlai actually felt the meaning of it very directly: it didn't dislike that Chunlai didn't have four pairs of wings and a long tail like Yunlong!

Chunlai couldn't help but smile.

She grabbed a bunch of her smooth and soft hair and said ostentatiously, "But my hair is thick and beautiful."

Seeing the beautiful hair, Egg Flea's squinted eyes rolled, well, for the sake of the beautiful hair, that's it.

They became each other's companions.

Chun said: "I'll call you Dandan in the future."

Its narrow eyes showed contempt, as if it felt that the name was not powerful, and it closed its eyes and didn't like to pay attention to her.

Chunlai poked it again with his fingers, obviously it didn't like to pay attention to her, and stopped opening his eyes.

Chun said: "How about I'll call you an egg... brother?"

Brother Egg opened his eyes, and glanced at her with narrow eyes, meaning that you are still on the road.

In this way, Chunlai has a flea brother.

Brother Egg shrunk into an egg again, Chunlai put it back in his pocket, couldn't help but pick up the mirror at hand and look at his face again, what should he do when he sees his beauty a little sinking?

But she suddenly realized a problem, "What if I don't look like the robot shell I look like before?"

Oger obviously had already thought of a solution for her. "I already said that you were injured in the accident and had a facelift." He picked up the silicone bandage on the side of the bed, "Wrap the bandage on your face."

In this way, when others come to see her and see her in a bandage, it will increase her credibility. Chunlai feels that she is indeed Oger, and she is so confident at all times.

She quickly wrapped the bandage in front of the mirror and thought of another question: "What happened to the person who attacked me? Why did he attack me?"

When it came to this matter, Auger's tone was very indifferent, and he replied casually, "Kill it." It was as easy as just flicking off a small piece of dust.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and a voice rang out, "Prince Ogg, my king heard that you were injured and came to visit you."

Aug got up, "Come in."

The housekeeper of the Nak royal family pushed King Nak in, and King Nak's complexion still looked pale.

Chunlai was stunned when he thought of the housekeeper's sentence that Auger was injured, and Auger was also injured?

However, seeing that the cold-faced queen was still followed by King Nake, King Nake said, "Is your appearance already good?"

Auger said lightly, "It's not too heavy, I got out of the medical cabin in half a day."

Compared to the extent to which Meng Ying was injured by him and slept in the medical cabin for three days before he came out, this is really nothing.

King Nake also saw Chunlai lying on the bed with a bandage on his face, and he ordered, "Bring it up."

The servants immediately brought in a lot of gifts like flowing water. King Nake said, "I'm sorry to have you injured during this event. It's our negligence and the manager's stupidity to have such an accident."

When the word stupidity was mentioned, the queen who had been silent behind her didn't look very good.

King Nake said to Chun again: "But I heard that you are recovering very well. All your expenses in Jialan City are free, and Jialan City is open to you for free at any time."

Listening to the spring, this is too generous!

"Hopefully this made your journey enjoyable."

Chunlai: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

King Nake looked at Ao Ge again, his eyes looked at him from the beginning to the end, as if he was looking at his physical condition. When he saw that he seemed to be really injured, he showed a relieved look and said something with emotion. : "The blood of the ancestors..."

He beckoned Ogg to get closer, and even put his hand on Ogg's arm to show his closeness. He wanted to say a lot to him, but in the end he only gathered one sentence, "It was my negligence in the past..."

But so many years of indifference can't be revealed with a single sentence, Ogg didn't speak, his face still had that decent expression, that smile made him a bit like King Nake.

King Nake sighed slightly, and then said, "Now that you have the atavistic bloodline, have you considered returning to the clan to help me share some work? My health is not as good as the day, if you want, You can come back and help me take care of the metametal mine..."

This was interrupted by the queen next to her, who called out, "Your Majesty!" The super metal mine is the lifeblood of the royal family!

Oger said, "I like Yuan Longping very much, and I want to continue to live there."

King Nak also knew that the relationship between him and Ogg could not be eased once or twice, he said: "It's okay to relax, but you are from Nak, the royal family of Nak, and after all, you have to come back to help the clan and prosper. The Nak are the responsibility of our royal family."

Seeing that Oger didn't speak, King Nake sighed slightly and said, "I'm not in good health. I hope you can accompany me more before returning to Yuan Longping."

Auger smiled politely and responded, "Okay."

The housekeeper behind him pushed King Nake's wheelchair away. The queen looked back at Ogg, saw his golden eyes, snorted coldly, and turned to follow King Nake.

On the return journey, there were only two people on the submersible, King Nake and the Queen. The Queen was too lazy to put on a perfunctory expression, she said, "I will not let you and the **** of that human woman take the throne, and the elders also would not agree."

King Nak said: "The battle for the Holy Throne is based on one's ability."

He said: "And you doted on Meng Ying too much. It's just such a trivial matter, yet causing such a big trouble, the method is too rude. Fortunately, it didn't cause the deaths of those tourists, so it can be suppressed with money."

"The more you want to kill someone, the deeper you should hide."

King Nake looked at the queen, and he also took off the mask of his usual gentle expression, and said a little mockingly: "Why, didn't the Zhizhen family teach you this? I heard that you still want your son to marry your niece to follow your example. What happened back then?"

When the queen heard this, she thought of that year. As the daughter of the chief elder who was in charge of finances in the clan, she was told by her father that she was going to marry King Nake in the future. His brother won the battle for the Holy Throne. is his brother's queen, and when his brother dies, she will be his queen...

She was born to be Queen Nake, and her son must be the next King Nake!

She said, "Wouldn't it be nice for me to make my niece queen?"

King Nake said: "When you sacrificed your beloved to be the queen, which day have you been happy for so many years? What was the name of the man you liked back then? You even killed my brother for him because my brother deliberately sent him to execute him. The dangerous mission killed him, that's why you chose to cooperate with me."

"The outside world is rumored that I am the lucky king. They think I am forced to marry you. Who knows that your family chose me?"

King Nake laughed, then coughed violently, he took out a snow-white handkerchief and covered his mouth, and said annoyed: "There are more and more humans in Jialan City, and the air and water here are getting more and more turbid. already."

The queen said: "We already agreed on the day we got married. My son must be the next king. Don't forget that my family will support Meng Ying."

"Ogg has an atavistic bloodline..." King Nake thought of Ogg's golden eyes, which were really beautiful eyes full of ambition.

He said, "Since your Zhizhen family has chosen Meng Ying, then just kill Oger just like I did to my brother back then."

There was a mocking expression on King Nake's pale face, "I heard that you sent someone to assassinate him several times without success, or you can let Meng Ying kill him in the Battle of the Holy Throne."

When the queen saw that her assassination of Auger had been opened up by him, she was not annoyed but said, "Why, no longer showing filial piety to a father and son?" The look of a loving father just now made her sick.

But King Nak said: "Our Nak people have always respected the strong, and whoever becomes the next king will be my real son."

The queen snorted coldly, "Respect the strong?"

She sneered: "Then you conjure up a prototype and let others see what your prototype of King Nake looks like?"

He, Lu Jin Nax, was nothing but the illegitimate son of the previous generation of Nac King and his mistress! How much more noble is he than Org, who is half human and Nak?

This incident hit King Nake's most secret pain. His body struggled violently on the chair, as if he wanted to get up and want to kill the queen, but in the end he ended up with a series of violent coughs.

The queen sneered at him in pain, and this kind of pleasure was obviously not once or twice.

"I advised you to change some cloned organs for a long time, but you don't. You can use mechanical organs without cloning."

King Nake threw the disfigured handkerchief on the ground and said, "I said that my problem cannot be solved by a cloned organ."

The queen looked like she was too lazy to pay attention to him. The husband and wife had always hated each other for many years.

She only said: "It is my family's intention to make my niece queen, and you can't stop it."

The author has something to say: Did you guess the way Chunlai became a human?

Next time I'm going to the emotional line! Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-01-1801:02:44~2020-01-1902:55:35~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 baby tree;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles for a brunch; 2541304513 bottles; vitamin C., fish looking up at the starry sky, danqing, 2181531210 bottles; 2 bottles; 1 bottle of Saiwen Wants to Be a Farmer, Mumbling, Huangyingchaochuo, Big White Goose Goose Goose Goose;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!