I Will Know 18 Kinds of Pig Raising Skills

Chapter 48

Chunlai felt that Oger was angry, just like her grandmother in her previous life did not let her play with other wild boys casually, because she was afraid that her own girl would suffer from the elder mentality. After she explained the reason carefully, Oger said "um." After a bang, he didn't say good or bad, but his expression seemed to have eased a little.

In her heart, she didn't take this matter to heart, because the work in the bureau suddenly became busy, and the reason was because of her only remaining trustee companion.

The Toto has been kept in the Academy of Sciences of the planet since he was rescued. The official news said: "This is very helpful for the study of the truth of the genocide and the racial characteristics of the Toto people."

But a few days ago, there was a video that showed that this Toto was treated like a 'research subject' in the Academy of Sciences. He was locked in a transparent observation room. Although he was not dissected, he was still If he draws blood from time to time and does some experiments on him, he is a guinea pig with advanced treatment.

This video aroused the indignation of everyone on the star network. They believed that even if there was only one person left in the Toto people, he was still a race with advanced intelligence, history and language, and should not be a senior in the laboratory. Little guinea pig, this only Toto has the right to decide the direction of his own race!

Chunlai saw the heated discussions on the Star Online, and thought that people in this era were only limited to heated discussions, but then they started to organize a parade! We also agreed on a time and place, and Chunlai immediately signed up to participate! Not only did she participate, she also actively sought helpers to accompany her to participate in the parade.

But when they encountered this kind of parade organized by the people, the policemen wanted to help maintain law and order, so everyone had to go to work that day and couldn't help Chunlai.

Chunlai was thinking about finding a helper. When he came home from get off work in the evening, he met Su Ze who was reading a book on the tree in front of his house. Chunlai thought about the principle of having more helpers for one person, and also raised this matter with Su Ze.

Su Ze put the book away from the screen, jumped off the tree, and said, "You. Travel? For that Toto person?"

"Yeah, although there is only one Toto person left, they are also a wise race. Why should they be a guinea pig? Don't they want to live a quiet life?"

Hearing that, Su Ze raised the corners of his lips, his eyes curved into a line, and said, "Miss Chun is really gentle..."

Chunlai thought to herself that although she couldn't meet her clan directly, she had to try her best to help him. What if protesting was really useful?

"Okay, I'll join you in the protest parade too."

"Thank you!"

The two agreed on a time again, and Chunlai heard Oger's voice from home: "Xiaochun, it's time to prepare for class."

"Come here." Chunlai waved to Su Ze and hurried home to start class.

Su Ze looked at Og who was standing at the door and greeted him with a smile. Og also nodded as a greeting.

Looking at Auger's handsome face, he thought to himself: Brother...

A few days later, it was the day of the protest parade. Chunlai didn't expect to come and participate in a lot more people than she thought. Almost a street was covered with people, including humans and aliens. They held signs. Standing in front of the gate of the Academy of Sciences and shouting in protest.

Oger and the others were responsible for maintaining public order. Although he could not accompany Chunlai to stand in the crowd to protest, he also tried to stand as close as possible to Chunlai and told her, "Be careful."

Chunlai said well, "Don't worry, I will take care of myself!"

But after merging into the emotional crowd, the crowds quickly crowded her into a group, a bit like the Spring Festival crowding the train. The crowded protest billboards fell off, and Su Ze was still with her. She quickly supported her with eyes and hands and pulled her to her side, "You follow me, and I will protect you."

Chunlai saw Su Ze's tall and thin man standing in front of her. He wanted to hold her hand, but he was embarrassed and took her arm instead.

Chunlai knew that Su Ze was helping her, so she didn't break free.

However, he subconsciously glanced at Oger, who was not far away, and saw that Oger had dispersed the crowds on both sides and walked towards her. He was wearing a police uniform and grabbed her, and then suddenly grabbed her. Take it into your arms.

Auger said of her: "Stay safe."

Chunlai felt that she was fine. Oger was a bit like an elder who watched her child learn to walk for the first time. She was always afraid that she would fall and get hurt, but she also needed to grow up.

"Brother, I'm fine, go back quickly, I won't be able to continue the tour while you are here."

Auger glanced at her when he heard this, and Chunlai repeated, "I'm fine, you can go back quickly." He then slowly released his hand and glanced at Su Ze.

Su Ze just showed a smile on his lips, and his eyes were also crooked with a smile, and said to Chun, "Let's go forward."

Chunlai was guarded by Su Ze and continued to walk along with the big army while shouting.

Lin Crimson was obviously watching this scene all the way, and she leaned over and said to Auger, "My little sister has grown up and has her own thoughts."

Auger didn't say a word, turned around and continued to maintain law and order.

After the parade that day, Chunlai followed everyone to launch a 100-person protest on Xingwang. At night, when he went home, he was absent-minded even in class, just thinking about whether the protest would be effective.

Though she couldn't meet the Toto people in person, she tried her best to help.

She had been thinking about it for a few days, but also felt that Ogg's eyes were always falling on her these days. When she found herself being stared at by Ogg, she subconsciously looked at him, but Ogg's eyes were not moved away.

Chunlai couldn't help but say to him, "Brother, what's the matter? What do you want to tell me?"

But Auger said again: "It's okay, you continue to read."

Chunlai felt that her brother said it was fine, but she didn't even go to get off work with her. Usually when she went to work, she would always squeeze a plane with him, sit next to him, and go home together after get off work. Tian Oger often disappeared early in the morning, and he could not be seen in the bureau until Chun came to work.

Did she offend him in any way?

After thinking about it, it seems that there is only a parade. I didn't listen to him and left the crowd on the day of the parade, but if you are not in the crowd, how can you protest with everyone?

Chunlai felt that Oger was too careful about her sometimes, but thinking that Oger cared for her so much out of caring for her, then she would take it easy and cook him something delicious, right?

She specially ordered a chicken on Xingwang and simmered it on a low fire for a few hours. The whole house was filled with the tempting aroma of chicken soup. Oger came back from get out of class with Senior Luobai, and it was just right to eat and drink. The heart-warming chicken soup, Oger won't be angry with her, right?

In the evening, when Auger came back from get out of class tired, he pushed open the door and saw Chunlai rushing towards him enthusiastically, and he subconsciously caught her.

Chunlai put his arms around Oger's neck, hung himself on him, and shouted enthusiastically, "Brother! I made you delicious food!" Seeing that Oger was still a little confused, she quickly got off Oger's body , go into the kitchen and make soup for him.

The hot chicken soup was brought up and placed in front of Ogg. Ogg looked at her and said, "Come on, what happened?"

"Are you wronging me? Why do I have to make trouble to make you delicious food?"

Oger gave her a suspicious look, but he still took a sip of the chicken soup, only to feel that the fragrant chicken soup entered his stomach, and it was ironed from his heart to his stomach, "Then what do you want to ask me?"

"No!" Chunlai protested, "I just see that you are a little unhappy recently. I think you may be too tired to study. You will have to take the doctoral exam in a while. I will make up for you."

"What's wrong with a caring sister honoring my dear brother?"

After hearing this, Oger paused and glanced at Chunlai, "Sweet little sister..."

In Auger's eyes, Chunlai was wearing a wide t-shirt and a pair of loose cotton sports shorts underneath, revealing a pair of long, white legs that were still wrapped around him when she jumped on him just now.

Ogg has been able to recall details of that night lately.

He clearly told himself that he would take Xiaochun as his sister, but he always recalled the details that made him emotional, and even made him not know how to face Chunlai, so he began to avoid it.

But I still want to see her, I want to hear her coquettish him, I want to see her put his arm around him and call his name sweetly.

She jumped on him when she entered the room just now, and at that moment, he thought she also knew the truth of that night.

Auger sometimes really doesn't know if he wants her to know the truth or not.

If Xiaochun also knew the truth, what would happen to her?

The next morning, Auger was still waiting for Chunlai to go to get off work and work together as usual. Chunlai felt that her brother was finally back to normal.

Only Ogg knew that when he was sitting in the aircraft together in the morning, he could even feel her arms around his arms, the plump **** against his arms, and even let him feel the softness and shape there.

The clenched hands on his thighs revealed his true emotions.

Chunlai didn't know this, she was still concerned about her protest march.

After more than half a month, the planet government actually accepted the protests of these people, and actually released the Toto person.

This is what the news said: "Based on the opinions of the public and the opinions of Mr. Amber from Toto, we decided to temporarily arrange Mr. Amber to live in the home of Professor Miao Miao from Alix. Professor Miao Miao is not only a famous person. The astrobiologist who is also a very hospitable Alix, will definitely take good care of Mr. Amber, and when Mr. Amber gets used to living on this planet, he will consider whether to move out and live independently."

That is to say, under the protests of these people, did the Toto man not be a guinea pig in the laboratory, but live in Professor Miao Miao's house and be observed closely?

Chunlai could not wait to go to Professor Miao Miao's house immediately to see the Toto people, but he was afraid that there was no reason to go too abruptly.

Auger gave her a reason, "I want to take Professor Miao Miao's Ph.D., I can go to him to ask him some academic questions, I have contacted him before, and he also intends to accept me as his student."

"So, I can take you to Professor Miao Miao's house."

The author has something to say: I ask if there is a little angel who has also had a caesarean section? After the operation half a year ago, I have been suffering from a bad stomach and always have diarrhea. Today, I feel weak all over. Does any of you have this symptom again? I don't want to get sick now, I'm so scared. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-1005:38:04~2020-02-1100:43:44~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 baby tree;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of chloe; 51210 bottles of Simin and Dandan; 5 bottles of Yuvan and 3 bottles of small;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!