I Will Know 18 Kinds of Pig Raising Skills

Chapter 77

After Chunlai was put into the medical cabin, she immediately felt that the injection of the medicine into her body brought a comfortable cooling effect. The medicine seemed to contain anesthetics, and her body felt less painful after the injection.

But before she could fully recover, she was forcibly pulled out of the medical cabin.

The drugs injected in the medical cabin made her consciousness clearer, and she could vaguely feel that she was being held and run away again. She was sensitive to odors during the estrus period and could smell the breath of amber.

She didn't know what happened, Su Jian would let her go? Is Su Ze okay? Did Amber save her?

Just as these questions rose in her mind, her whole body suddenly froze—it was they who had entered the sea again.

Amber took her out of the place that seemed to be a laboratory and swam into the sea again, and she heard the familiar sound of waves.

The cold sea water cooled the hot tide in her body a little, but the dormant tide did not weaken at all. The old medical cabin could only relieve her pain. As a Toto There is no way for people to feel pain.

Amber's slippery skin rubbed against her cheek, and she could feel his fin hand occasionally touching her cheek, even sniffing deeply in her ear.

"You are so fragrant, I have never met a female as fragrant as you in estrus."

Chunlai thought to himself, what does Amber mean by saying this?

Amber's next words shocked Chunlai, "When you wake up, you must tell me how you became a human being as a Toto person?"

He actually found out that she was Toto?

Just listen to Amber continue to say: "I also want to have a human form, and I want to live freely."

"I still want to live with you in human form. We two Toto people should be together, and I don't need to reproduce by myself. Now I have you."

When Chunlai heard it, she wanted to struggle, but her body was limp. The tranquilizers and anesthetics gave her no strength at all, and even Amber's voice sounded like it was separated by a membrane.

"Speaking of which, you are too bad to tell me your identity earlier."

"But you never thought that you would smell so fragrant when you were in heat, right? Professor Sivir once said that when we Toto people are in heat, they emit a special hormone, which attracts the same species. It is said that this kind of Hormones also work in humans."

Amber said to himself again: "However, Professor Sivir did not disclose this research at the time, and it is normal for you not to know, but Professor Miao Miao is because I have not reached the estrus period at all, so I don't know, Besides, even if he tested me when I was in estrus, he wouldn't have found the thinned hormone levels, because I'm a Clontoto."

Chunlai was taken aback, Amber is a clone?

How could she remember that when Professor Miao Miao had tested whether Amber was a clone, the clone detection pen detected that the clone was flashing, and she remembered that the test results showed that Amber was not a clone.

She was full of questions, but she listened to Amber talking in a very leisurely manner. Toto people in the sea are as happy as fish swimming in water, so Amber has the strength to hold Chunlai and swim with her while talking to herself, "Speak up. Professor Miao Miao tested mine, but I gave you the test reagent."


Chunlai was completely stunned. She used all her strength to open her eyelids, only to feel a small slit in her eyes, and Amber's fish-shaped Toto face came into view.

Seeing her awake, Amber was happy to her, full of freedom and joy. The tentacles on his head were still shaking. Now Amber is more real to Chunlai than when he was at Professor Miao Miao's house.

Chunlai opened his mouth and said, "You said that the reagent was given to me to drink?"

Amber blinked his eyes, but he didn't expect that Chunlai's first sentence when he saw him was to ask such a trivial matter, "Yeah, I gave you a drink, I overheard them chatting, so when you chatted with me that day, I I secretly exchanged it for you to drink."

His tone was very natural, as if it was normal for Chunlai to drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with secretly drinking that kind of test reagent for her.

He thought that Chunlai was concerned that the reagent was not good for the body, and explained: "The reagent is harmless to the body, don't be afraid."

Chunlai thought of the appearance of Amber in the laboratory. She was sensitive, simple, and easy to fear. But now, the expression on this face was completely different. There was a vicious willfulness in her eyes. I'm like this, right?", with the wanton happiness after the wicked succeeded in doing evil.

"Why are you?"

Amber took it for granted, "Because I don't want to reveal my clone identity."

He saw Chunlai's face full of doubts, "I hate trouble, once they know that I am a clone, they will endlessly ask me whose clone I am, where is my mother, and so on, how do I know mine? Where's the Matrix? I don't even know which generation of clones I'm the Matrix, those nasty questions I don't want to answer."

"Then your mother..."

Amber interrupted her impatiently, "I don't know. If you want to ask, you should ask Su Ze, oh, no, you should call him Professor Sivir. I was also cloned by him."

Before Chunlai could come up with a clue, Amber said: "Speaking of which, you should explain it the most. Tell me, how did you become human?"

"I..." She felt the flea that had been hidden in her clothes pocket moving like an ornament, and seemed to feel the fear in Chunlai's heart.

Seeing that she was hesitating, Amber didn't get angry, and said, "It's okay, if you don't tell me now, you have to tell me sooner or later. I have to find a place to stay. After all, you are still in estrus."

He looked at Chunlai with consideration, "I know, it's hard to be in estrus. When I was in estrus a few days ago, I really wanted to find a female..." He smiled at Chunlai, and used the The fins touched her head and said gently, "It's okay, I'll help you."

Chunlai felt a chill and struggled to escape from Amber, but the tranquilizers and anesthetics left her with no strength at all, her body seemed to be out of control, and she struggled even to open her eyelids.

"No! I don't! Let me go!"

Amber hugged even tighter, making Chunlai's broken bones even more painful. Even under anesthesia, she felt the discomfort in her chest.

Amber seemed to appease, "Be good, don't be afraid..."

"I've never mate-mated with a human-shaped Toto." Amber was full of curiosity about Chunlai, and he felt more and more that the sweet smell on her body fascinated him, and he wanted to find a place to match her right away. Just fine.

Amber observed the surrounding terrain. There are countless mine caves under the continuous abandoned mines, which are intricate and intricate, and it is an excellent hiding place. He obviously knows these situations. He swam under the abandoned mines and quickly found A cave occupied by small fish.

When the colorful fish see the invaders, they will coax them out in a honeycomb, like exploding petals, but Chunlai has no intention to appreciate them.

Amber put her on a flat ground in the hole and sat next to her, "Okay, now you start talking about how you became a humanoid? Don't perfunctory me, say it without a word."

Although he laughed, Chunlai was really afraid of him now. The sense of crisis he gave her was even deeper than that of Su Jian's mental illness. Although Su Ze has a huge secret, no matter who he is, Su Ze has always maintained her, and Su Jian's interest has always been in confrontation with Su Ze, and torturing her is by the way.

But Amber was different. She didn't expect that the seemingly innocent and sensitive man would be so scary. How many secrets did he hide?

She was thinking about how to reply to him, Amber had put her head on her shoulder, touched her long hair with one hand, and sniffed while fascinated, as if the spring came like a piece of good juice flowing and exuding Like a steak with a strong aroma, that coveted look can't wait to eat her right away.

Chun Lai said: "I'm actually in a daze... I used to live in the sea as a toto man, and then I encountered danger once. At that time, I thought I would lose blood and die, but when I woke up again, I was Has taken human form." She was telling the truth, only part of the truth.

Amber looked at her like an idiot, looked at her with a look of your explanation as being silly, and said, "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it..."

He smiled slightly and pulled out a terminal bracelet while Chunlai was puzzled. It was the bracelet that Su Jian dropped on the ground. It was also picked up by Amber just now. Without Su Jian's chromosomes to unlock the terminal, you can still call phone and watching TV.

Amber clicked on the holographic projection, and saw that the battle between Meng Ying and Ao Ge had become incandescent. Ao Ge wanted to know the news of Chunlai from Meng Ying madly, and wanted to kill Meng Ying, but he was defeated because of throwing the mouse. , and Meng Ying got into a fight.

Chunlai had an ominous premonition, "What do you want to do?"

Amber said: "Just now Su Jian threatened Oger with you, but it gave me inspiration." He clicked the camera button, and suddenly slapped Chunlai quickly, slapping half of her face.

Just such a small video, Amber sent it directly to Meng Ying.

Sure enough, Oger, who was in the fight, saw the tragic situation of Chunlai and immediately went mad, and started to fight back frantically, but Meng Ying said directly without any scruples: "If you continue to attack, I will immediately let people force this little beauty. !"

When Amber saw this, he seemed to find it interesting. He recorded another paragraph with Meng Ying. He stretched out his hand and pulled Chunlai's collar, and pulled it to reveal a large piece of fair and delicate skin on his neck. The dark green curly hair spread out in the water. , it is hard to imagine that such a delicate beauty is about to encounter such a bad thing.

Amber's video was not sent immediately, but instead, he approached Chunlai and took a deep breath of her fragrance. In his eyes, Chunlai was like a huge human-shaped candy with a sweet smell, and that fragrance was a fatal attraction to him. I can't wait to eat her into my stomach bit by bit.

His tone was relaxed, but he said threatening words: "If you are obedient, I will not send it, and you don't want Ogg to die in the battle of the Holy Throne because of you, right?"

"I heard that this Prince Mengying wants to kill Ogg, and Ogg is most concerned about you."

Chunlai didn't expect to turn around in a big circle, and she actually became a burden to her brother again!

In the hologram, Auger attacked Meng Ying like crazy, and seemed to want to preemptively catch Meng Ying and then rescue Chunlai.

Amber also clearly understood Auger's plan, and he pressed his finger, "Ouch, my hand slipped."

Just now, the video of Chunlai being ripped off has been circulated once again.

Meng Ying didn't expect that the other party would do what he said, but he was used to it as a master, thinking that his subordinates were obedient and sensible, but he didn't expect that the person who helped him had changed from Su Jian to Amber, who was being searched by the whole city. On the contrary, I felt that Su Jian was quite obedient and sensible. After he sat on the throne, he could continue to use this person.

Seeing Chunlai being bullied in the video, Auger was almost on the verge of collapse, his eyes were bloodshot with anger, but he still threw at Mengying, fearing that Xiaochun would be hurt a little more because of his further actions.

Meng Ying laughed proudly when he saw Oger's appearance of throwing the mouse, as if he had already won.

Chunlai saw how Ogg was spitting blood after being beaten by Meng Ying in the holographic projection. He could fight back, but he loosened his fist because he was afraid that his counterattack would cause harm to Chunlai.

elder brother!

Spring is going crazy!

"Don't touch me! Stay away from me!" Chunlai screamed at Amber.

Why is she always like this? always so weak? Always be a burden to your brother?

Is it true that she exists?

She didn't want to be a burden to Auger, and she didn't want to be insulted by Amber.

But now she doesn't even have the strength to move her fingers, she is worse than a cripple.

Amber screamed while watching her unable to move, and her anger did not attack him at all.

She doesn't have any power to harm him.

She is just a well-protected canary, a delicate flower.

Chunlai felt hopeless when she saw Amber ignoring her at all.

She wanted to protect her brother, but she always hurt her brother because of herself.

She was desperate.

Is it okay to kill yourself?

She had long thought that her brother was so good to her, she must repay him.

She exhausted all her strength, and when Amber didn't respond, she opened her mouth and bit her tongue fiercely!

Fresh blood came out of her mouth at once, mixed with the bubbles she spit out from her breathing, and the gushing blood flowed into the sea water.

Amber really didn't expect to force Chunlai to commit suicide, how could he let her die? She is so important to him, this is a fresh unclone mother Toto!

He stretched out his hand to open Chunlai's mouth, but her mouth was biting hard, blood leaked from her teeth, and the blood with the strong female toto hormone during estrus attracted the male seabed nearby. Creatures, some small male fish are even chasing her blood.

"Don't die!" Amber panicked and hugged Chunlai in his arms.

Chunlai, who was already weakened by injuries and blood loss, became even weaker because of suicide. Seeing Amber's expression of fear of her death and loss of her, Chunlai was relieved and opened her mouth to speak in revenge, but her tongue was injured and she was allowed to speak. Very strenuous.

She still laughed, obviously suffering so many injuries and bleeding, but she was finally able to decide her own life or death.

"No... I didn't expect it, right..." Before she finished speaking, the proud look was still hanging on her face, but she suddenly felt a headache, and her body seemed to not exist.

After a pain in her head, she began to feel a numb insensitivity, as if something had invaded her cranial nerves.

Chunlai thought she was going to die, and even began to calmly wait for her to die.

However, the real consciousness waiting for her fell into the boundless darkness.

I don't know how long I was in a coma, the anesthetic effect on my body gradually faded, the wounds and fractures began to hurt, and the emotion-tidal flames that were pressed in the body during the numbness seemed to be burning fiercely in the body again, burning her whole body. As if thirsty.

The fingertips suddenly tingled a little, as if they had been bitten by something.

I don't know when, the egg flea has drilled down the clothes to her neck, and the small claws under its transparent body have pierced the spring skin and connected with her nervous system.

She felt another heartbeat in her ear, as if she were one of a pair of twins, the other twin huddled beside her, they cuddled, kept each other warm, and gave each other strength.

She smelled the sweet scent that belonged to her at the tip of her nose, and it became more and more intense.

It was as if a budding rose was finally in full bloom, exuding an intoxicating fragrance.

In the past, Lin Crimson and Ao Ge always said that she smelled a sweet smell. Maybe it was this kind of smell, right?

Maybe such a strong fragrance now is the blood flowing from her body?

Chunlai thought in a daze.

I don't know how long it took, her consciousness became a little clearer, and she even felt that the severe pain in her body came back, and the fractured part of her ribs made her even swallow seawater.

Before she could let out a painful moan, she already heard Amber's moan.

She opened her eyes and saw Amber shrinking limply on the ground, as weak as a fish to be slaughtered.

The strong aura emanating from Amber made Chunlai almost lose control. To her now, it was as if a gluttonous glutton had encountered food, and she just wanted to jump up and entangle with Amber.

Fortunately, the severe pain on her body prevented her from making any physical movements, and she also found out why Amber suddenly became so weak.

Even when she woke up, Amber just looked up at her and said angrily, "What have you done to me, why am I suddenly in heat?"

Chunlai didn't know what was going on, how could Amber suddenly become in love?

Before Chunlai could understand, the numbness on her fingertips made her look down at the egg flea, only to see the egg flea sucking the blood from her fingertips.

Chunlai vaguely felt that this might have something to do with her companion beast, but no one could ask, so she had to keep it in her heart and think about it later.

She was able to move, and although her whole body was in pain, she still struggled to stand up against the wall.

Amber, who was affected by hormones, was so weak that he shrank into a ball. He was dominated by a strong desire. Even if he was angry, he would continue to arch his body and dawdle towards Chunlai. It seemed that getting closer to her would give him a short-lived moment like drinking poison to quench his thirst. ease.

Just like when Professor Miao Miao took the aphrodisiac agent before, the surging hormone effect during estrus made him very weak, physically weak, and allowed to be slaughtered.

"How on earth did you do it?" Amber's tone was already begging for mercy, and there was desire in his eyes.

Just as Chunlai wanted to mock him, he saw that the terminal bracelet that fell on the ground was still projecting the battle between Meng Ying and Ogg. Ogg was beaten with blood by Meng Ying, and he was about to lose the game. .

Chunlai immediately called Oger directly through the bracelet and shouted, "Brother, I'm fine! I'm saved!"

I saw that Ao Ge in the projection was like a poisoned person who got an antidote, and the whole person was relieved.

Chunlai used all his strength to shout again, "Brother, I'll wait for you to come back!"

Oger ignored the rules of the game all of a sudden, turned into a prototype, the beautiful golden tail move was unfolded, the atavistic bloodline was revealed, and everyone exclaimed.

Chunlai was relieved to see Oger regaining his strength, but felt that her thigh was tightly wrapped by Amber, her body was injured, and her hands were weak, but her disgust for Amber made her pick it up. The rock fragments on the ground smashed **** his head a few times.

Amber's head had already been hit by Su Jian, but now he was hit a second time, and the pain made him let go.

Chunlai took the opportunity to run, but she just twisted, but the pain in the fractured rib cage made her move a little sluggish, and once again, Amber on the ground hugged her leg.

Chunlai just wanted to smash it again, when he saw Ogg, who was transformed into a prototype in the video, and Meng Ying, who was also transformed into a prototype, fighting. swept the nearby abandoned mines.

I saw that under their struggle, the surrounding abandoned mines that had been hit hard finally collapsed, and the nearby abandoned mines connected to the underground holes also collapsed.

The scope was so large that it even made the audience at the scene agitated.

Chunlai didn't expect that the collapse of the abandoned mine would actually spread to their small reef cave, only to hear the rumbling sound of collapse in the distance.

Chunlai used all the strength of his body to ignore the pain of the fracture, turned around and ran out of the cave.

Amber fell to the ground, one step too late.

Chunlai escaped from the abandoned mine cave and turned around to see that the abandoned mines in the back collapsed, and the crystal clear Turpan grape-like seven magic algae could not suppress the dirt under the abandoned mine. It was dark, and even breathing seemed to be blocked by black mud.

Chunlai didn't care about anything else, so he swam to the upstream sea and escaped.

She didn't know how long she had been swimming, but she saw the man in the imperial uniform, and in a hurry, she saw that the man at the head had a delicate face, with long hair pulled behind his head, he was obviously a man in military uniform, but he looked very delicate. , even called beautiful.

The soldier was obviously surprised to see her swimming up from the dark collapsed sea below. Seeing that she was covered in injuries, he thought she was an ordinary injured citizen and hurried over to greet her.

Before Chunlai fell into a coma, she heard someone call the soldier: "Lu Ji. Collins! Major Collins!"

When she woke up again, she was already in the hospital.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Ogg.

The author has something to say: Tomorrow will start sweet

The last part of the road appears. Collins is a character in "The Little Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy". Anyone who has read this book knows that I just let him come out for a cameo appearance, and there will be no plot. I just want to let Xiaolu go out for a walk.