Chapter 316: 314 [Chong·Best Internal Response·Zhen

  Chapter 316 314 [Chong · Best Internal Response · Zhen]

  Taiping Mansion.

  Due to being unable to attack for a long time, Fei Ruhe had already divided his troops.

   One thousand regular soldiers and two thousand peasant soldiers went to take over Nanjing City Defense.

  Three thousand regular soldiers and many civilian husbands stayed in Taiping Mansion to continue the siege.

  The rest of the soldiers were sent out to occupy the surrounding prefectures and counties.

   "Military Academy, someone sent a letter."

   "Bring it."

  Fei Ruhe knew that it was Xu Ying who sent it, and the overall situation in the south of the Yangtze River was settled, so Xu Ying quietly went to Yangzhou again.

  This letter is very thick, if the piece is calculated by weight, there must be an additional courier fee.

  Fei Ruhe took a rough glance, looked towards the north, muttered: "Chongzhen is crazy." Then he ordered, "Come here, send this letter into the city."

  A soldier rushed to the bottom of the city, holding his shield and shouting: "Don't shoot arrows, don't shoot arrows, I'm here to deliver a message!"

   "Shoot to death with random arrows!"

  Anlu Governor Zheng Eryang was afraid of some bad news.

  Zheng Yu, the prefect of Taiping, quickly persuaded: "Fu Jun, the two armies are at war, don't kill the envoy, and see what military information he sends."

   Zheng Eryang didn't want to have a conflict with the magistrate, so he asked someone to hang the messenger up.

  The two screened back to the left and right, and entered the tower to read the letter.

  Zheng Eryang only glanced at the first page, then quickly turned to the back. Turning over and over, suddenly stopped, trembling all over.

  Zheng Yu snatched the letter, confirmed that he read it correctly, and then sat down on the ground.

   This is the pond newspaper sent by the capital. Several pond newspapers are put together, and they are all lists of convicted officials.

  In the twelfth year of Chongzhen in history, it took half a year for the emperor to start a large-scale liquidation to deal with officials who had failed in their duties when the Manchu Dynasty broke through, including officials who failed to encircle and suppress bandits.

   Killed thirty-three eunuchs, civil servants, and generals in one go, and a lot of them were sent to prison for crimes, and almost everyone was demoted and punished.

  Now the involvement is even wider, forty-seven people were directly killed, and Xiong Wencan was finally put in prison.

   I don't know who went up to impeachment, saying that Taiping Mansion has fallen, and Zheng Eryang and Zheng Yu are all thieves. Therefore, Chongzhen ordered the arrest of the family members of the two people, the male was exiled into the army, and the female was sent to the Jiaofang Division.

Zheng Yu burst into tears at the moment: "Your Majesty is confused. Even if you want to ask for a crime, you should send someone to look at it. I have not surrendered, but I am accused of crime by demoting an official. Wouldn't it make the frontline generals feel cold? No one will be willing to serve the country in the future. !"

   "Why send someone to see it? The river is blocked," Zheng Eryang sighed, "Even if we can cross the river smoothly, you and I must be guilty. Hehe, it's just a party dispute."

   Zheng Yu said angrily: "What time is it? There is still a party struggle in the court. A governor, a magistrate, a fortified city, tens of thousands of Jiangbei new troops, are they all bargaining chips for their party struggle?"

  Zheng Eryang was disheartened: "The situation in the DPRK and China is like fire and water, and it is already a situation of endless death."

   Zheng Eryang, military theorist, medical scientist.

  This gentleman is upright and upright. He once abolished King Lu's right to collect rent and conscripts, and offended a bunch of eunuchs and gentry. It was so normal that he was slandered as a thief, even the Donglin Party didn't help to speak up.

   In other words, the Donglin Party was overwhelmed.

  The Donglin Party clamored to restore Zhou Yanru as the head and assistant, Xue Guoguan naturally refused to sit still and wait for death.

  Thus, Xue Guoguan took advantage of Chongzhen's punishment of officials to instigate his party members to impeach the Donglin Party on a large scale, and Zheng Eryang was one of the unlucky ones.

  Zheng Yu, the magistrate of Taiping, was incidentally framed. Who asked him to defend the city with Zheng Eryang?

  Zheng Yu checked the list of criminal officers again, and found that at least half of the military governors from all over the country were questioned. Even the eunuchs who supervised the army were chopped off several times. Emperor Chongzhen was really angry this time.

  The most nonsensical thing is that Chongzhen only dared to attack eunuchs, civil officials, and generals who had lost their troops.

   As long as the generals still have troops in their hands, Chongzhen will "small punishments and big commandments".

  For example, Zuo Liangyu, who was afraid of the enemy and fled in battle, was only demoted three levels and fined a few months' salary.

   Generals who dare to fight tough battles, they desperately kill the enemy for the country. It is possible that the army will finish the battle and be beheaded by the emperor. And those generals who fled, because they kept the army, they could keep their official positions and heads.

  Who wants to fight?

Zheng Yu looked more and more angry, and suddenly blackened: "Mr. Qian'an, your family and I have been lost. Our children and grandchildren have been exiled into the army, and our wives and daughters have been exiled. I am worthy of the imperial court, and the imperial court is sorry for me. I want to sacrifice the city and surrender to the bandits. Qian'an Do you still want to be loyal to the faint king?"

   Zheng Eryang seemed to be out of his body, sitting there like a dead person.

  He has worked hard for the country all his life, but in the end he was "taken as a thief" and his family was exiled into the army. But he didn't follow the thief, Nanjing had surrendered, Taiping Mansion hadn't surrendered yet, and even organized troops out of the city to attack at night.

   After a long time, Zheng Eryang stood up slowly, and said weakly: "If you are a fool and have no way, the Ming Dynasty will perish, so let's dedicate the city."

  The two went out together, and called the magistrate, and the three surrendered together.

  Following them to surrender, there were more than 10,000 Jiangbei new troops trained by Shi Kefa.



  Li Xiangjun put on a Confucian shirt and stood with the swordsman, looking up at the river in the distance.

  I heard that Zhao Tianwang is coming.

  Zhao Han came from Zhenjiang. After Nanjing surrendered, Zhenjiang followed suit. The officers and soldiers who surrendered waited hard for several days before they finally waited for the soldiers of Datong to take over the city.

   This is called surrendering in anticipation, because Zhao Han's army was far away from Zhenjiang at that time.

"I'm coming!"

  Nanjing soldiers and civilians yelled, there are quite a lot of onlookers today.

  As the Minister of the Ministry of Officials in Nanjing, the demoted officials are temporarily under the management of Zhen Shu, who is responsible for assisting in maintaining order inside and outside Nanjing.

   Zhen Shu is 70 years old this year. She was born into a family of big landlords, but she was known for being poor when she was young. He went to Beijing to take part in the examination. He did not bring servants, did not take a carriage, and walked to the capital for more than two months. He took the opportunity to observe the people's conditions in various places along the way.

  He was an official in the local area, punishing the powerful, encouraging farming and mulberry, with outstanding achievements, so he was promoted to a Beijing official.

   Then, there is no more.

  Plunge headlong into the vortex of party struggles, and spend decades of time. Except that she is still poor and frugal, Zhen Shu has become the appearance she hated when she was young.

   Standing at the front of the pier are Datong officials who arrived in recent days.

   Zhen Shu looked at the backs of those officials, and suddenly felt envious. These officials are very young, all under forty years old, some even under twenty years old.

  What a wonderful time to be young, and to be able to concentrate on doing things without getting involved in party disputes and being unable to get out.

   How nice it would be if I could be forty years younger?

   Zhen Shu's eyes were moist, he didn't know who was crying, but he wanted to cry anyway.

  The fleet came and stopped at the shore.

   A group of personal guards disembarked first, and then Zhao Han strode down.

   "Meet the general town!" Datong officials saluted.

   Zhen Shu, with many demoted officials, subconsciously wanted to kneel, but then remembered to tell her that this King Zhao didn't seem to like kneeling.

   "Long live King Zhao, long live!"

  A large number of gentry and common people knelt down, and some demoted officials followed.

   Zhen Shu can only kneel down, everyone else kneels, if she doesn't kneel, will she be remembered by Zhao Han?

  His bones were very hard when he was young, but calcium deficiency is inevitable when he is old. After decades of party struggles, he has long lost his firm will.

   Li Xiangjun stood on tiptoe to look around, and when Zhao Han approached, she finally saw his face clearly.

  Because of the hot weather, Zhao Han dressed very poorly.

   Grass cloth clothes made of ramie, to put it bluntly, are linen clothes. Although it was for the sake of coolness and ventilation, but it was too far from his identity, at first glance I thought it was some poor family who came.

  At this moment, no one dared to laugh at Zhao Han's clothes, but they all felt that Zhao Tianwang was really frugal.

  Zhao Han smiled and raised his hand: "Everyone, get up quickly, the sun is scorching the ground, don't burn your knees."

  Countless people stood up one after another, all lamenting the benevolence of Zhao Tianwang, and worrying that their knees were scalded.

  Summer in Nanjing is really **** hot.

  Zhao Han was only wearing a linen jacket, and his vest was already wet with sweat. He just wanted to find a cool place to rest.

  Hou Fangyu mixed in the crowd, secretly observing.

   Zhao Han's image at the moment is completely different from Hou Fangyu's imagination. He had already heard that Zhao Tianwang was very young, but he should be a big man with a beard, but he didn't expect that he didn't even have a beard.

  Even in Jiangnan, there are very few young people with shaved beards.

   "This Nanjing city is really tall!" Zheng Sen looked up at the city wall and exclaimed.

   "Yeah, really tall." Li Yu also came to Nanjing for the first time.

  Nanjing City Wall, the highest part is 20 meters, and the shortest part is 14 meters.

  Zheng Sen followed the team and stepped through the wide and thick city gate, feeling unspeakable pride in his heart.

  Ma Shiying and Ruan Dacheng have long since dismissed from office, and they are all living idle in Nanjing. At this moment, he could only blend in with the crowd. He was very anxious and didn't know how to meet Zhao Han.

  They want to be officials directly, and they don't want to go to be petty officials.

  Zhao Han was lured to Duke Wei's mansion. Xu's family had more than ten gardens in Nanjing, each of which cost huge sums of money to build.

   "Wei Guogong's lineage, can all be dealt with?" Zhao Han asked.

   "The nobles have not dealt with it, and we just wait for the town to make the decision." Fang Shenghong replied.

  The Fang brothers brought their territories to surrender very early on. The elder brother is now the magistrate in Guangdong, and the younger brother was directly sent to Nanjing to preside over the work.

  Zhao Han said: "Those nobles, if they are all killed, they will not be wronged. There is no need to waste time on retrial. All the men are sent to mines, the women are ordered to remarry, and the children are broken up and sent to various nursing homes."

   "Yes!" Fang Shenghong replied.

  Zhao Han said again: "Call all the scholars of Datong Society."

  These members of the Datong Society are equivalent to the underground party, and Zhao Han will personally interview them wherever he goes.

   "Meet the general town!" More than 30 people came in at once.

  Zhao Han got up to return the salute: "Everyone has worked hard. If you want to be an official, you can start as the mayor of the town, or you can continue to go to the north. You don't have to answer in a hurry. I will give you half a month to consider."

   Everyone sat down happily, and most of them wanted to be the mayor.

  With the status of Datong scholars as a background, as long as they don't make mistakes in the future, their promotion speed will be very fast.

  Zhao Han suddenly looked at Li Xiangjun, and said with a smile, "There is another lady."

  Li Xiangjun hurriedly stood up: "Mr.... Zongzhen, I am the one who is pleading with you brothers, begging them to bring me in to have a look."

   "Don't be nervous, I won't punish you," Zhao Han asked with a smile, "What's your name?"

   Li Xiangjun replied: "My real name is Wu Xiang, but now I change my name to Li Xiangjun."

  (end of this chapter)