Chapter 670: 667 [Place Examination]

  Chapter 670 667 [Palace Examination]

  This year's exam, there are a lot of people!

  Past graduates of universities in various provinces are also eligible to participate. This is a special case of the re-opening of the imperial examination. In the future, college graduates are only allowed to take the exam once—if they fail to pass the Jinshi exam, they will either go to become a ninth-rank official (Nanjing University can be released from the eighth rank), or go to the postgraduate entrance examination. Or fend for yourself.

  Zhao Han's original idea of ​​the public examination, after all, compromised with reality.

  The yamen in various places organize their own public examinations, which is bound to cause many problems. This has been proven. Today's low-level civil servant examination is equivalent to the low-level civil servant examination, and many people who go through the back door are found every year.

  In this case, it is better to continue the imperial examination system and be compatible with the public school system.

  The selection system for officials at all levels is roughly as follows:

  The government organizes primary school graduation exams. Students who successfully graduate from elementary school can take the civil service exam in the county.

  The province organizes the middle school graduation examination, and the middle school students who successfully graduate, the outstanding ones can go to university at public expense. Among them, the three best in the province are studying at Jinling University at public expense. The rest of the outstanding ones will go to universities in the province at public expense. Those who cannot afford public funding can go to university at their own expense.

  Middle school graduates who have not been able to go to university can take the civil service examination in the province or the government.

  County and town officials, because of their political achievements, can even be transferred to minor officials of the eighth or ninth rank. However, with the improvement of the bureaucratic system in the future, the eighth and ninth rank petty officials are likely to be the limit for the promotion of petty officials. Only those with super ability can cross the threshold of the seventh rank magistrate.

  If you are a public-funded student, as long as you can get a university diploma and you are willing to be an official, you will have a ninth-rank official position.

  University graduates from all provinces, whether they are public-funded students or self-funded students, have one chance to take part in the examination.

  Even if the public-funded students are not admitted, the local universities can also release the ninth rank, and Jinling University can release the eighth rank. Because even those who failed the list, they were all one in a million, and their gold content was higher than that of the Juren of the Ming Dynasty.

  Let’s put it this way, apart from ethnic minority students and foreign students, Jinling University enrolls only about 30 public-funded students each year—the number will definitely increase when middle school education in the north is popularized. And there are only forty-five publicly-funded students in universities in each province (depending on the number of states and counties) every year.

  At this time, there are only a few provinces with universities, including Jinling University, and there are less than 300 university graduates each year at public expense. In the Ming Dynasty, the general examination was held every three years, and each session admitted about 300-400 people, and at least the seventh-rank officials would be released.

  Under Zhao Han’s government, there were about 900 publicly-funded college students in three years. Those who failed to pass the exam were ranked eighth or ninth grade, but those who passed the exam were also the highest grade eighth grade. The number was even smaller than that of the Ming Dynasty.

  Of course, self-funded university graduates have to take the exam well. If you are not admitted by the examination, you will not be qualified to be an official, and you can only take the public examination for officials at the provincial government level.

  North Korean students like Cui Wenxiu are also regarded as self-supporting students.

  He was born in a wealthy Korean family, but after studying in Nanjing, he never wanted to go back. In order to be able to stay, he studied hard without sleeping and eating, and finally got a university diploma, and he is currently the only foreign student who can graduate. But you have to pass the test to be admitted before you can stay as an official, otherwise you can only be a Beijing drifter in Nanjing.

   After verifying her identity, Cui Wenxiu went into the inspection room and took off her clothes. Even her underwear was carefully checked to prevent any information related to the exam.

   After finally entering the examination room, Cui Wenxiu was nervous and excited.

  This session of the exam still uses two sets of exam questions.

   As an international student, Cui Wenxiu took the new education paper. Confucian classics (four books and five classics) and Datong theory are tested in the morning, and mathematics and physics are tested in the afternoon. Next, there are exams for astronomy, geography, law, official documents, water conservancy, farming, etc. There are a total of two days for the exam.

  Due to the different majors of the university, the exam questions can be chosen, just like the scholars in the previous dynasty selected the Five Classics. However, Confucian classics, Mathematics, Kumon and Datong theory are compulsory for students no matter what major they major in.

  While Cui Wenxiu was nervously doing the questions, Li Jixiu and Zhang Zhaoyong were also answering traditional education papers.

  Li Jixiu feels that the exam questions are more difficult. Even if he has studied mathematics and physics after the local exam, he is still blind when he encounters them at this time. The difficulty of the exam is infinitely close to that of the provincial secondary school graduation exams.

  Dead, dead, Li Jixiu's eyes were dim.

  After the two-day general examination, it was time for marking papers.

  The new-style education papers are divided into two parts: arts and sciences, and there will be no room teachers. In the old days, the education papers were still divided into the Five Classics Room to be graded. Anyway, there were only a few people, and it was gradually abolished. It didn't matter whether there was a room teacher or not.

   Also, candidates are prohibited from visiting the teacher after the test!

  This is the first general examination of the new dynasty, and Chen Maosheng, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, is in charge of organizing it, and the official examiner should be the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. But in order to reflect the importance of the court, the chief examiner directly asked Song Yingxing to do it.

   After half a month, we will try to release the list.

   There are two lists, the old and the new, each with 100 candidates.

   Cui Wenxiu stood under the new list, looked from the back to the front, and saw himself at once. He shouted excitedly: "I won, I won, the ninety-sixth place!"

  Li Jixiu also shouted over the old list: "I won, forty-fifth place!"

  Under the old list, Sun Chengen looked at the list in disbelief, and the friends next to him cupped their hands one after another: "Congratulations, brother Fusang, the high school leader today!"

  Historically, Sun Chengen was the number one scholar in the Shunzhi Dynasty.

  In this time and space, Sun Chengen was forcibly separated and immigrated to Shandong because he was born in a rich family in Changshu. He complained at the beginning, who knows that the time will change, and he passed the Shandong provincial examination near the age limit, and now he has won the first place in the old list of the general examination.

  Some families were happy and some were sad. The public-funded graduates who failed the exam left the scene with wry smiles. In fact, there are not many. Many of the previous graduates have joined the work at public expense.

  The real number of people is the self-financed graduates of previous universities, and the crying and howling are loud at this time. The emperor said that there is only one chance to take the exam, and if you fail this time, you can only go to the provincial government-level officials. Self-funded students like them are not even qualified to be directly released as ninth-rank officials.

   Honestly, it deserves it!

   Even self-funded students, not many graduate from college. It has been several years since I graduated, but I have not been selected by the government, which shows that I am really not very capable.

   And the vision is still high, unwilling to take the initiative to do things.

  The self-funded graduates who are really proactive have already gone directly to the official examination. They have the status of college students, and their promotion speed is faster. The first batch of self-funded students are already working as county magistrates.

  In the future, the selection of officials will become more formalized and systematic, but it will no longer be so smooth. They are simply delaying themselves.

   A few days later, the winners went to the Forbidden City to take part in the imperial examination at Chengtian Hall.

   There were two hundred people, old and new, waiting outside the hall before dawn.

   Zhang Zhaoyong failed the ranking, and Li Jixiu has no acquaintances. These days, he spent all his time in the library of Qintianyuan, and was not invited to a banquet to meet friends.

  Finally, there were female officials and guards calling for the emperor to be promoted to the palace, and Sun Chengen, who was number one on the old list, lined up with the scholars on the old list. On the new list, the first place is called Zhang Shouyue, but he is the son of a small businessman from Guangdong.

  Zhao Han wants to promote northern scholars, but the old and new rankings will be the first, and their ancestral homes are all in the south. It's just that Sun Chengen was forcibly separated from his family and forced to immigrate to Shandong.

   "Meet Your Majesty!"

  The two hundred scholars stood together and bowed together, and arranged the exam seats according to their rankings.

  The main hall follows the rules of physics. Zhao Han's voice is not loud, but it can reach the position near the door: "Wu Li, please sit down."

   These two hundred people have already been admitted to Jinshi, so there is no need to play new tricks. The palace exam is just like the Ming Dynasty, which only examines policy theory.

  Li Jixiu got the test paper soon: March 15th, Lince Tianxia Gongshi. The system said: I inherit the heaven and respond to the people, and the king of Huayi has been around for a long time. Stay respectful all day long, dare not be negligent, and think about the people, and I want all people to have something. Today's world is not the same as it was in the past. In the west, there is a strong fan of Europe, which colonizes the world across the sea. There is a vast continent in the east, which is vast and sparsely populated. Between East and West, there are Ottomans, Persians, and Mughals, all of which are huge empires. The Rakshasa Kingdom in the north is on the shore of the North Sea. This is a great change that has never been seen in all ages, let me ask Huaxia China how to deal with it?

  What the hell?

  Li Jixiu was a little dumbfounded. This topic is really too big. He asked the whole world how China should develop.

   Fortunately, he has been reading these days. If he hadn't read "Four Seas Illustrated" thoroughly, Li Jixiu would not be able to figure out where the Raksha Kingdom is.

  Take the imperial examinations of the Ming Dynasty as an example. Although the examinations were based on stereotyped essays, the imperial examinations were bound to examine practical questions.

  For example, in Zhu Yuanzhang’s palace examination, he was tested on how to deal with the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty. Another example is the paper of Yang Shenzhong's number one scholar, which coincided with the uprising of Liu Liu and Liu Qi. The palace examination was about how to prevent and pacify civil unrest.

  Emperor Jiajing once had a palace examination that was more practical, and he directly asked how to finance the emperor, because his money was not enough.

The first piece of the new list will keep the promise. After a little thought, he answered with a pen: "The minister said: In the three generations, the world was the Central Plains. In the Qin and Han Dynasties, the world was the present China. Now, the world must be the world. Different countries. What’s the difference? In the three generations of ancient times, boats and vehicles were inconvenient, and traveling a hundred miles was called an excursion; farming is not flourishing, and it is not easy to govern thousands of people. In today’s world, sailing across the sea, traveling one hundred thousand miles, can be reached after years... "

   "For example, Spain, a small European country, colonized America, captured the natives as slaves, and seized countless gold and silver. It is also like the Netherlands, a state of Quer, governed by business, and ruled the world..."

"I, Huaxia China, is a country of etiquette, and I am not the same as the barbarians. However, you must not think forever, close your door to the nine states and be arrogant, and you should look at the world to govern. Zhou Tianzi divided the princes, and the princes turned the barbarians into citizens. The ancient Dongyi , Xidi, Nanman, and Beirong are all Chinese now..."

"Foreign countries outside the territory, those who refuse to accept the king's transformation should be educated. Go to Zai Xingshi, abolish the Ryukyu country and set up the county, and the ministers know your majesty's heart. This country's monarchs and ministers are obedient and vicious. They bully the Holy Lord and disable the people. China should be crusaded and benevolent to its people. This is also an act of benevolence and righteousness. After a hundred years, the Ryukyu people will be like the barbarians of ancient times, and they will become our Chinese people because of their enlightenment..."

  Zhang Shouyue was educated at the age of five, and went to a private school for several years, and then went to elementary school, middle school, and university. In addition, I was born on the coast of Guangdong, and I have heard about overseas affairs for a long time, and now I often read newspapers to understand national policies. His train of thought was actually highly consistent with Zhao Han's.

   (A few days ago I had gout, and my hands and feet hurt. Alas, from now on, I can’t drink beer, broth, seafood, offal, soy products, even crayfish. I feel that life has lost its meaning.)

  (end of this chapter)