Ice Shooter of the Green Field

v1 Chapter 12: Sudden crisis

   After the game, it is customary for the members of the first team to get a day of relaxation after the home game. As long as the distance is not too far, it is okay to go out, but it is only limited to the members of the first team. This is also a special reward.

   Actually, there is no fun place around Genbao Base, there is only one forest park, Dongping National Forest Park.

   Qi Ce originally planned to take a day off at the base and practice on the virtual court, but his visit by himself on this day surprised him.

   Wang Xinyu, this girlfriend who had traveled before came to the football base to find Qi Ce.

   "Um...Do I know you now?"

When asked, Qi Ce was a little embarrassed. He only remembered that she was the daughter of her father’s old colleague. She was indeed in contact when she was very young, but I can’t remember exactly when she met Wang Xinyu. They also had a relationship when they were young. Not bad.

   Wang Xinyu kept a flat bangs commonly seen by girls of this age, and looked a little restrained, with some snacks and drinks in her hand. She made a special trip to see Qi Ce.

   "I heard that you played well here, and you want to go to Europe, so I will come to see you... I have finished my exam, and I will go to Europe to study soon."

   Qi Ce remembers that at that time, he had almost no chance to meet a girl in the football base. He liked Wang Xinyu, but he never showed it. It was only the reincarnation of heaven. In the end, Qi Ce was the one who talked about marriage with her.

   "Oh? Really, where to go?"


   In the park, Qi Ce looked at his current girlfriend a dozen years ago, and couldn't help being a little funny. Before crossing here, they were still arguing.

Regarding feelings, Qi Ce in the past can be said to have no such rich experience. In the past few years on Chongming Island, he has been a little out of touch with the world. He returned to school and put most of his mind on football, trying to find a kick from the school The career path, but in fact, wasted a few years of campus time in vain.

Therefore, Wang Xinyu still has a lot of weight in Qi Ce's mind. This is one of the few girls he has a good impression on, and he is also his girlfriend who has passed through the previous serious. If not for this accidental trip, next year might be about to get married. Up.

   Although she was still quarreling with her before crossing, but the quarrel ended up quarreling, it is a high probability that the two will get married. Wang Xinyu is actually two years older than Qi Ce, and she is the one who is most anxious.

After returning from the journey, Qi Ce has been busy playing football and has never thought about anything else, so it was even more unexpected that Wang Xinyu’s visit this time, after her call, Qi Ce remembered that the two had indeed known each other for several years at this age. One year before I went to Xiangbao Base, Dad’s company organized a trip to take his family, and Qi Ce also followed. The two met at that time.

   I guess my father didn't expect the two of them to get acquainted with each other later.

   "Since I'm going abroad, I think I might have a caregiver abroad in the future. It would be much better to have a friend you know. I'm in Aachen, how about you?"

   Qi Ce thought for a while. Although Zhou Feng had already talked about Dortmund, he didn't have much to say after experiencing the lessons of the last time. He said, "I don't know too much. Germany is a high probability, and I have to wait for the agent to reply."


There was nothing to play in Dongping Forest Park. The two of them rented a bicycle. They rode around in a circle. When they were tired, they ran to the small pavilion in the park to eat, drink, and drink. Spent an afternoon.

   "Anyway, if they are all in Germany, it will be very convenient. Passing through a country, that is, a province in China, haha." Before leaving, the two agreed to meet in Germany.

In the evening, Zitzer inquired about information. Aachen and Dortmund belong to North Rhine-West**, Germany. Aachen is a city adjacent to Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, the westernmost part of Germany, and Dortmund is a bit north. , The straight-line distance is 160 kilometers, and the drive is just over two hours.

However, in this life, Qi Ce doesn’t know what kind of feelings he has for Wang Xinyu. It is very vague. Although the two knew each other before the blind date, they didn’t contact him for quite a while, and Qi Ce even said that she had studied abroad. It's not very clear.

   Now as she travels, some things have quietly changed. For example, she used to find herself from the treasure base in the future. What kind of omen is this?

After traveling back and meeting his current girlfriend, Qi Ce didn’t know whether to re-development of this relationship. He admitted that Wang Xinyu had some weight in his heart. It was his childhood love and the habit after blind date, and he was not experienced in love. In Qi Ce's mind, there will naturally be a certain amount of weight.

   Let's take one step at a time.

   I don’t know if it was the reason why Wang Xinyu came to see Qi Ce. This kid didn’t sleep well at night, and he could always think of her when he closed his eyes.


   "Xiao Qi! Get up!"

   Wang Lien rushed into the dormitory violently, pulling up Qi Ce in his sleep.

Qi Ce walked to the team conference room with a dumbfounded look and looked at the people sitting inside. He was sober all at once, Xu Genbao, Wang Lianyuan, Zhou Feng, Jiang Bingyao, and several coaches and team doctors. Sitting inside with a blue face.

What happened?

   Qi Ce stared at these adults in a daze, and finally Xu Yubao, who was sitting in the middle, spoke first.

   "Xiao Qi, first answer me honestly, have you done anything wrong?"

   The voice is not loud, but it is full of air, and an aura of no anger and prestige surrounds the sixtieth old man.

   "Guide Xu... what do you mean?"

   "Just answer me honestly, yes or no?"

   Qi Ceshi was really frightened, but he calmed down and thought about it for a while: "Director Xu, I shouldn't tell my teammates about my going to Europe."

   "Well, what else?"

   "You should not play Monster Hunter in front of your teammates..."

   Xu and Bao's complexion got worse, but he still held back his anger: "Yes, what else?"

   Qi Ce was crying in a hurry, there was nothing, what else could there be!

   Zhou Feng hurriedly relieved the siege when he saw this: "Old Xu, this matter is very strange, we may be calculated by others, so calm down, Xiao Qi, I will ask directly, have you ever used stimulants?"


Zhou Feng stood up and waved his hands and motioned to the surrounding coaches not to speak: "This is how the Football Association came last night. Someone reported that players in Middle East and Asia had illegally used banned drugs during yesterday's game. There is a lot of evidence. This person is you. The Football Association will come for a urine test this afternoon. We all want to ask if you have done this."


   Qi Ce almost blurted out.

   "Urine test will not deceive, you have to think clearly, if this matter is true, studying abroad will definitely be affected." Zhou Feng looked serious.

   "Not only will you stay abroad, but the country will also punish you!" Jiang Bingyao added.

  Urine test takes 24 hours to produce results, and the club does not have a urine test method, so it doesn't make much sense to try it first. Everyone simply sits in the conference room and interrogates Qi Ce as if taking notes.

   asked roughly what you did before the game, who you met, what was your physical condition, and so on.

Two days before the match with Locomotive Terida until the end of the match, Qi Ce did not leave the Jinbao base. The people he met were basically the same as usual. Roommates Yan Junling, Wu Lei and Sun Kai were the three most commonly seen. Other first-team teammates have almost been seen on the training ground course, there are only a few coaches.

Except for the relevant people of the team, Qi Ce met his mother Zhang Huafang before the game. Zhang Huafang gave Qi Ce some money at that time and did nothing else. Then before the game, Qi Ce did not see anything other than the base. people.

   Even eating and sleeping are in the base, Qi Ce is very sure that he has never gone out.

   The body is not afraid of shadow leaning. Since I have not done it, I am not afraid of the Football Association who will do a urine test. They can't detect anything anyway, Qi Ce thinks so.

   It’s just that there is indeed something wrong with the state today, and I don’t know if I slept too late yesterday. In short, I feel a little restless.

One morning, a group of people could not figure out any clues. In the afternoon, the Football Association members were about to come. They had to disband on the spot. Qi Ce, who had been absent from training for the whole morning, returned to the base for dinner. Taking advantage of this, Qi Ce entered A virtual stadium.

   Although he can be sure that there is nothing wrong with him, this physical condition makes him a little worried. He remembers that there is a weight scale in the locker room, and I don’t know if it’s useful, so try it first.

   Name: Qi Ce, male, 15 years old, height 171cm, weight 60kg, health status: normal, lack of sleep, physical fitness: good, physical fitness: 14, other conditions: methyltestosterone exceeding the standard.

   Qi Ce was taken aback, and quickly checked what methyltestosterone was.

This is one of the more common stimulants. Its main function is to stimulate the hematopoietic function of bone marrow, increase red blood cells and hemoglobin, and enhance athletic ability. It belongs to a class of stimulants in the stimulant catalog issued in 2004. It is an internationally recognized stimulant. Prohibited drugs expressly prohibited in sports.

   Seeing this news, Qi Ceru was struck by lightning. What is this? When did you get it?