If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 309: turn-based copy

Li Pu was sitting in the operating room, a little depressed.

This was the first time he was pierced by the projection monster in the trial copy.

The previous [Dumping Ruins] challenge failed, but it was only because too many jumping dogs were missed.

As far as his personal feeling is concerned, the level 3 entry of [Water Field] is indeed much more difficult than [Diaotiao Ruins].

Unless it's an all-sensitivity player with a high point rate, there's simply no way to take action before Purple Frog Porcelain's attack.

According to Lao Jiang's introduction just now, these two purple frog porcelain will inevitably lose 66 dice at the beginning.

That is to say, if Li Pu wants to beat Purple Frog Porcelain, he must have the ability to resist two 66-hit combos at the start.

In the presence of the straw man, he was able to carry the first 66.

The second shot won't work, and he suffers along with the grass figurine.

You know, this doesn't even include the two bosses.

The two entries [Tutu Girl] and [Goldfish Girl] were experienced by Li Pu on two separate occasions.

Among them, Tutu girl is a beautiful concave mermaid sitting in a blue shell.

Its speed is very fast, and it will move before Li Pu every time.

Can use the trickle of water to link all the projections of beasts together and share the damage.

This boss is extremely difficult for those guards who are not strong in AOE.

For example, even if you can deal 5000 damage with one punch, it can be shared among 7 or 8 targets.

It's only 6,700+, which is not enough to watch.

But for Li Pu, this is nothing, an AOE slaps the floor down, and the trickle of the water system is like a decoration.

And because of the thunder attribute, the electricity will be repeatedly conducted between the targets through the trickle, resulting in a small increase in the damage caused.

As for Goldfish Girl, it is a petite Lolita monster with a goldfish tail.

Its speed is no less than that of Tutu girl, and it is also faster than Li Pu.

The main method is to summon a fat goldfish to assist in combat.

The Fat Goldfish will not only help the Goldfish girl to block damage, but also launch a water bomb that can silence people for 1 turn.

Li Pu felt that Girl Goldfish was more difficult to deal with than Girl Tutu.

If you click on the [Shui Ling Carp] entry again, and these two bosses evolve into rare elites, it will indeed be even more difficult to deal with.

Through repeated experience, as well as Lao Jiang's introduction and explanation after he came out.

Li Pu now has a general understanding of the so-called "turn-based copy".

Regarding [time rule change] and [space rule change], it will be easier to understand with an example.

The first is [time rule change].

Basically, one self-action round counts as 5 seconds.

For example, the "Recover 1% of the maximum health per second" of the Berserker system restores 5% of the maximum health in 5 seconds.

The recovered 5% of his maximum health will be settled at one time at the end of Li Pu's own turn.

The enemy's or friendly's action round will not trigger self-resolution.

To put it bluntly, it is:

"Recover 1% per second" = "Recover 5% at the end of my turn"

BUFF, DEBUFF is the case.

Another example is that 9 seconds after Li Pu turns on [Super Saiyan], [Madesia] can be triggered.

Switch to a turn-based system, turn on [Super Saiyan] on the 1st turn, wait for the 2+3 turns, and trigger [Madecia] on the 4th turn.

This is a big loss. Instead, it is [Wo Wo Profound Truth] + basic attack, which only takes two rounds.

In addition, the attacked party can still do evasion or even general attack counterattack.

The condition is to only limit yourself to the 4 square meter square where you are currently, and perform reaction actions.

As for [Space Rules Change].

It means that you can teleport to any square position you want to reach during your own action round, but will automatically return to the original position after the round is over.

Some displacement controls will be converted into corresponding damage according to the size of the control strength.

That is to say, Li Pu's [Mechanical Flying Claw] will lose its pulling effect here and turn into an attack with damage.

However, the damage is not high, and it is not even comparable to his punch.

Moreover, the 30-second charge CD of [Mechanical Flying Claw] is equivalent to 6 rounds here.

Basically, it can be said to be abolished, and it is useless in turn-based dungeons.

"big head."

After digesting for a while, Li Pu shook his head slightly.

It seems that I can't play the 3rd full entry for the time being.

"It's okay, we still have a lot of time."

The old Jiang next to him had a very kind tone.

At least, he is really seeing the hope of level 4 entries.

After all, the whole magic is up and down, and no one has ever been able to resist the first 66 combo of Purple Frog Porcelain.

In fact, he felt that the current situation was the best outcome. Li Pu had hope that he could beat him, but he was not able to fight immediately.

In this way, the other party will stay in the magic capital for a long time, enough to be slowly demonized by them, no, influence.

After all, the exchange meeting with the imperial capital may be held some time earlier, and they do not want to see a monster like Li Pu in the opponent's camp.

"Mr. Cai, how many points do I have now?"

At this time, Li Pu asked.

"Our points system is the same as that of the imperial capital."

"Currently, Teacher Li has a total of 222 points."

Lao Cai can give the answer directly without calculating.

200 points is the down payment for inviting Li Pu before.

22 points is the score for 123 entries.

Compared with 200 points, these 22 points are not much, but they are telling Li Pu a message.

Mr. Li, we treat you as our own.

"Level 4 entries can't be typed in a short period of time."

"Why don't we go to the treasure house now?"

In this case, Li Pu is welcome.

"no problem."

Lao Cai got up and planned to go to the treasure house with Li Pu himself.

The treasury of the Magic Capital Academy is no less than that of the Imperial Capital.

Moreover, Lao Cai seems to be better off in the capital than Lao Hu Zaidi, and he takes Li Pu into the treasure house without even swiping a card.

They even prepared a list of all items in the low, middle and high areas for Li Pu very thoughtfully.

Crucially, the list is in Braille.

The way of hospitality of the Magic Capital Academy is not bad.

"It's too much trouble."

However, after touching it a few times, Li Pu felt a little impatient.

Looking up, fortunately there is a text version on the back.

The list is described in more detail, but some things are good or bad only if you preview them with your own eyes.

So at Li Pu's request, the two went straight to the advanced items area.

What surprised him was that in the high-level area of ​​the Magic City, there was an unknown gate like the one in the Imperial City~lightnovelpub.net~ It even seemed to have the same structure and material.

The strange thing is that Lao Cai, who had always been enthusiastic before, chose to turn a blind eye to Li Pu's obvious attention.

In this way, he spent some time shopping around in the high-end area, and Li Pu got results.

"Teacher Cai, I have a question."

So he asked.

"Please speak, please speak."

Lao Cai smiled.

Li Pu: "Can the points of Imperial College be used here?"

"Of course not."

Lao Cai is still smiling, MMP in his heart.

