If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 499: homemade cards

Although there is no mechanism to seal cards in the second level, the battle is far more difficult than expected.

As if it was targeted, most of the cards on the opposite side were mermaids, and extra damage would be added when dealing water attribute damage.

Combined with the full-map water attribute damage of [Rule 1], hitting [Thirteen Unity] would be an unbearable misery.

As for the offensive end, due to the [Rule 3] Old Sword Spirit and their double [Ice Cut and Cut] tactics, there is no way to implement them.

Because [Morning Lame] is less than 5 points, I cannot appear.

The power of a single [Ice Cut and Cut] was originally very strong, but as soon as it was unveiled, it was weakened by the opponent, and it failed to play a big role.

Fortunately, the entire team cooperated very well with Li Pu this time, and put on a number of summoning cards, trying to stack the death count as much as possible.

So in the end, he still relied on the stacking attribute [The Strongest Snail] to turn the tide and complete the desperate comeback.

Being able to pass the highly targeted second level at one time is already a good result.

Therefore, Li Pu and the others failed to successfully complete the unknown [Rule 4] condition and trigger the hidden level.

The next third and fourth rounds were relatively smooth.

Smoothly means that the hidden level is triggered.

A few good cards came out afterwards.

【Through card】-0 points

Attack 0, Defense 0, HP 0

[Activation]: The number of cards revealed does not take up the number of cards revealed, there is only one round, and two opponents can choose to fold cards when exiting the game

[Clear card mode]: The information of the enemy card selected by the card will be announced.

Similar to [Blind Card], this is a pure functional card.

But the difference is that [Track Card] does not occupy the number of cards revealed, that is to say, it can be revealed together with one's own cards at any opening stage.

The function is equivalent to an intelligence card. After using it, you can know the real-time information of the opponent's folded card.

This card Li Pu has no interest at all, because it overlaps with his own ability to foresee.

There is a slight difference, he feels that the ability to foresee is better.

But what you think is useless may be a treasure to others.

So under his guidance, this card was drawn by Tiaotiaoquan.

The jolly kangaroo is very sensible, and learns to dance beautifully and offer sword intent with both hands.

As a result, Li Pu was short of the old sword spirit.

Another good card comes from the hidden level of the fourth level, which is also a function card.

It feels like [blind cards] and [through cards] are a series of things.

【Opening】-0 points

Attack 0, Defense 0, HP 0

[Activation]: The number of cards revealed does not take up the number of cards revealed, there is only one round, and one enemy card can be folded when the card is revealed.

[Opening mode]: The opponent's folded card selected by the opening card will be forced to be changed to the opening card of the round

This means that no matter what the opponent chooses to reveal, it will eventually be forcibly changed to the one chosen by [Opening].

And it will take effect immediately in its own reveal stage, which is equivalent to helping the opponent choose which card to reveal.

There is also a small cooperation between [Clearing] and [Opening], which is to first gain insight into the opponent's fold information, and then force the opponent to occupy a round to reveal the fold.

However, when this cooperation fell into Li Pu's hands, the steps and positions of [Tracking Cards] were omitted.

With his ability to foresee, he can use [Open Card] to directly read all the opponent's regular folds, which is simply a rogue among rogues.

So this card was in his pocket.

At this time, standing in the hall of the fifth pass, several people were looking around.

This stone-built hall is very spacious, with beams and stone pillars but no ceiling, and a bright starry sky above it.

"I always feel that this should be the last level."

Looking at the light and shadow in front of him, the old sword spirit expressed his guess.

Every time you advance a level, the body of light and shadow seems to become more and more staring.

Now they can vaguely see that it seems to be a man in the light.

【Congratulations, you are the first team to break into the final level】

Unexpectedly, this time, the light and shadow is no longer a mechanical tone.

As the old sword spirit expected, this is indeed the last level of this dungeon.

【Are you ready to meet the challenge and inherit my mantle?】

With a wave of the light and shadow hand, four floating lights rose from behind it.

"If you have any good cards, hand them over, don't hide them."

Tiaotiaoquan answered first.

Anyway, the other party is just a projection, and there is no need to pay attention to politeness.


As a result, the light and shadow figure suddenly flashed.

clap clap!

It still stood there as if nothing had happened, but the kangaroo's face was swollen.

Li Pu: "I'm ready, senior."

Old Sword Spirit: "I'm ready, senior."

Jumping Beauty: "I'm ready, senior."

Jumping fist: "..."

[Very good, then please listen to the rules]

Light and shadow turned his hands behind his back and spoke again.

【Rule 1】

[The game is changed to four rounds of 1V1! 】

"Huh?" x3

When the three old sword spirits heard it, they were all stunned.

I originally thought that there would be a difficult battle in this last level, but I didn't expect it to be four rounds of 1V1?

1V1, Li Pu is not worried.

To put it bluntly, he felt that the three old sword spirits should have a great grasp. After all, one trump card [Ice Cutlass] can solve many problems.

However, Guangying's next sentence surprised him.

【Rule 2】

【Homemade cards must appear! 】

Homemade cards? x4

The four were dumbfounded at the same time.

Even old sword spirits like the old sword spirits who have been immersed in cube cards for many years do not know what this is.

"Wait, wait! I think I've heard of it!"

But soon, Dan Danmei shouted out.

In the distant memory, it seems that I have seen it once.

Although the self-made card is not strong, it is very special.

call out! x4

At this moment, the light and shadow finger pointed, and the four floating lights showed the original shape of the card and flew straight towards them.

【Homemade cards, start now! 】

As its words fell, the four white cards emitted conical beams of light and scanned Li Pu and the others.

"What is this all about?"

The old sword spirit reacted first, and at this time the cards in front of him had changed.

【Swordman】-16 points

Attack 12, Defense 1, Blood 3

On the card, some information about him has already appeared.

"Look at the name of your card."

Dancing beauty looked to cover her mouth and laugh.

【Beauty】-13 points

Attack 3, Defense 3, Blood 7

Not to mention anything else, the name of this card alone made her very satisfied.

"You guys are all right, look at my name!"

Tiaotiaoquan looked at the old friends on both sides, and was obviously very dissatisfied with his cards.

【Dead Kangaroo】-14 points

Attack~lightnovelpub.net~Defense 5, Blood 5

It's just that when the three of them looked at Li Pu, they were speechless.

"Ah this..."

At this time, Li Pu was a little embarrassed, because he had already read all four cards.

There are also only two lines of information on the card in front of him, but it is so dazzling for the old sword spirits and the others!

【Li Ren】-30 points

Attack 12, Defense 6, Blood 12

One sword spirit and two jumping clans, the eyeballs almost fell off.

What is this man doing? !

Are you a rare boss? !

