If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 623: Li Pu's Vanishing Technique

"Uncle Li's usual trajectory is so weird..."

On the commentary stage, Mr. Ze Yuan couldn't help asking Zhu Chi, who was on the same stage.

It is obvious that this guy is picking and choosing his own jungle.

And when he is full of blood, he has to blow up the candied fruit. You say that he is a cheap hand, but it seems not all.

At least after the initial wave, he never touched the Explosion Fruit and the Detective Fruit again.

"Actually, it's the first time I've seen Uncle Li perform so well..."

At this moment, Zhu Chi was also in shock.

Until now, Li Pu has never arrested anyone.

However, a very clever situation is that he clearly did not arrest anyone, but the players of Emperor Pole Star gradually fell into a disadvantage on the line.

In this case, the two commentators could not understand and explain.

Including the other players of Team Relying Park, no one knew about this situation.

The ones who have the most say are actually the five team members of Emperor Polestar.

"Who the **** is this guy?"

When the jungler of Huang Pole Star came to his three wolves, and only saw the empty field, he wanted to cry without tears.

"Everyone be careful, he may be nearby."

At the same time that Emperor Polestar was suffering from ambition, he marked on the minimap.

As soon as this mark came out, the Red Fang bot lane duo consciously began to retreat.

"Has he come to visit again?"

Booming Rabbit withdrew under the tower while questioning.

The lower half of the jungle can radiate not only the bottom lane, but also the middle lane.

"This deterrence is too scary, isn't it?"

Seeing the tactical changes in his two lanes, Captain Stone could only sigh.

As far as things go, it's outrageous.

What the audience saw was that every time Li Pu cleverly avoided the opponent's vision and hunted down.

But for all the members of Royal Pole Star, this is not the case.

What they encountered was a very miraculous and terrifying situation.

It's been 8 minutes since the match.

However, in the past 8 minutes, all the members of Emperor Pole Star have not seen Li Pu once.

At this level, it can simply be called the disappearance technique.

But everywhere in the canyon, there are traces of this guy.

Candied fruits scattered all over the place after being blasted, wild monsters that were stolen, and eyes that were swallowed inexplicably.

In particular, the fact that the eye position was cleared made all the members of Emperor Pole Star feel that Li Pu's anti-reconnaissance technical level was almost at its peak.

The eye position has a range, and so does the red scan.

If the eye position is shrouded in a red scan, the field of view effect will fail.

Every time Li Pu lined up his eyes, he started the red scan from various unexpected angles.

First get stuck in the field of vision to make the eye position invalid by scanning, and then go forward to remove it.

This kind of behavior is invisible from God's perspective.

But in the field of vision of Emperor Polestar, it is extremely terrifying.

He clearly knew that Li Pu was lining up his eyes, but he couldn't even see the corners of his clothes.

The dangers hidden in the dark are often the most deterrent.

Just like the wave when Captain Stone was taken blood, the deterrent force created by Li Pu greatly affected the team members of Emperor Pole Star.

Every time they found their traces, everyone became extra careful.

After all, I have heard the story of the wolf coming. Maybe that despicable Uncle Li is lurking in the dark, waiting for you to stop being on guard and rush up to cooperate with your teammates to kill you.

So definitely don't give him this chance!

The entire Sovereign Pole Star team thought so.


However, just 10 seconds later, a scream suddenly sounded over the canyon.

[Uncle Li killed the canyon pioneer! 】

A prompt followed shortly after.

"What is this?!"

Captain Stone was stunned on the spot.

Didn't he say that Uncle Li was at the three wolves in the lower half of the wild area?

Why did you suddenly kill the canyon pioneer! ?

"This is impossible!"

Almost as if he hit a timeout and then appealed to the referee.

Canyon Pioneer was born at the full 8 minutes of the game, and now dies at 8:10?

In other words, the opponent killed this little boss in just 10 seconds? !

No matter how high your damage is, it is unrealistic, because the time it takes for the three wolves to reach the vanguard is more than that!

It is precisely because his jungler found the traces left by Li Pu, so as a top laner, he didn't go to the vanguard for the first time.

"If it goes on like this, it won't work."

All the members of the Emperor Pole Star, including the Bunny Rabbit, felt dizzy at this time.

However, as the audience with the perspective of God, they can see it very clearly.

"It's just a chain."

"It's really wonderful!"

"With the tactical literacy of Team Park, I didn't expect to have reached this level!"

Mr. Zeyuan, who witnessed the whole process, felt numb.

"I didn't expect it, it turned out to be like this..."

"Uncle Li is indeed the soul and core of this team."

Similarly, Zhu Chi was also shocked.

In the beginning, when he was relying on Team Park's Boom Bee pretending to go back to the city, he actually went around the opponent's three wolves. He couldn't understand it.

Why don't you cherish the good opportunity to go back to the city to supply supplies, instead you want to imitate Uncle Li's tricks.

The key is that you are a mid-unit. If you waste this time, you will lose half a level to the opponent when you return to the line.

It was the first time Zhu Chi saw Team Park play such a tactic.

But judging from the markings on the path, it should be Li Pu's route.

That is to say, let Bumblebee create the illusion of stealing for himself, and then actually steal the vanguard himself, which was planned by Li Pu from the beginning!

In addition to bypassing the eye position, another big reason for the success of this tactic is that the atmosphere created by Li Pu before is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

When everyone thought he was going to steal wild monsters, he came directly to a bigger, stealing boss!

"But you told me to replace the yellow eye with a red scan, why didn't you let me use it?"

Bang Bang Feng now understands Li Pu's intentions, but still has doubts.


But Li Pu's response was just a burst of laughter.

There is a detail here that many people don't know, that is, Canyon Pioneer is actually a crab.

Therefore, relying on the effects of [Holy Gift Crab] and [Don't Congregate], his damage increase has reached 140%.

As long as you master the skills of dealing with the vanguard, cooperate with Smite + [Mad Ju Lie], and Duo Kai who came halfway, it is indeed possible to solve it within 10 seconds.

"Are you giggling?"

Hearing this voice, Duo Kai next to him glanced at him.

It was found that the guy was standing there, not moving.

His shoulders were shaking like a fool.

Li Pu has such a performance, of course, there is a reason.

Once again, sincere thanks to the Royal Polestar team.

[Friend of Warcraft] Triggered again, and he actually brushed out the talent of Canyon Pioneer.

Three wild monster talents appeared in one game, which Li Pu never expected before.

If it goes on like this, can I retire on the spot after playing this exhibition match?

If he really got the talents of all the magical beasts in Qiyuan Canyon, I feel that he really has no reason to continue the competition.

Although the appearance fee is very generous in terms of share, but always participating in the competition, I always feel that it is too time-consuming.

A lot of places I want to go and things I want to do are affected.

However, this matter will only be known after the game, and there are still so many wild monster talents that have not been brushed.

For example, the red BUFF, the little dragons of various colors, and the final boss, the ancient dragon and the big worm Baron Nash.

"Stop talking, I'll go to the three wolves first."

Thinking of this~lightnovelpub.net~ Li Pu rushed back to his wild area again.

"I didn't tell you anything."

Duo Kai shrugged, feeling puzzled.

Just when I wanted to go back to the line to cut down my opponent, I couldn't help but wonder: "Huh?"

"Yeah! Audiences!"

"Now suddenly a very strange situation has occurred!"

On the commentary stage, Mr. Zeyuan's volume suddenly increased.

"All the team members of Emperor Pole Star retracted under the tower and began to guide them back to the city!"

Everyone who saw this scene was very puzzled.

What does it mean, give up the game?

Not so much, right?

