If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 630: Blue Star Fellow


Li Pu's eyes lit up, and he came to the new world again.

Standing in the house, he saw the light group on the ground and knew that it was a mobile concentrated summoning coordinate array.

It seems that after the Qin team established the coordinates here, they notified Professor He to initiate the summon.

And it's also very thoughtful, with well-fitting clothes placed next to it.

After all, when you come from Blue Star, you can't bring anything, including clothing.

"You came."

Just after getting dressed, Qin team pushed the door and entered.

Then he explained the recent situation and the situation of the conference room outside to Li Pu one by one.


In the conference room, everyone was still waiting.

"Mr. Sun, I heard that your summoner came from the same place as Li Shen?"

Seeing that Team Qin was not there, someone raised the topic again.

"In fact, we can't be 100% sure about this. Why don't I let her come over."

The Mr. Sun, who had been contrarian since just now, smiled and made a suggestion.

In fact, he had already had this idea for a long time, and what could be more convincing than a summoner from the same native world.

At that time, when the two of them sing together, they can press another wave of prices.

It stands to reason that in this situation, everyone does not carry summoned beasts/usages.

However, because the identity of Mr. Sun's summoner may be somewhat different, he has been acquiesced by everyone.

After a while, the summoner who was waiting not far away entered the conference room.

Her appearance is indistinguishable from that of a human being, because she is a complete human being in the first place.

Has a tanned complexion and a youthful, beautiful face.

If Li Pu saw it, he would definitely recognize the other party on the spot. It was the outstanding student from the Chou Kingdom, Jessica.

Yes, the secrets of the new world are not mastered by Hua Guo alone on Blue Star.

Moreover, neither the Hua Kingdom nor the Ugly Kingdom knew that the other party had access to the new world.

Even Jessica entered the new world much earlier than Li Pu, and her level was higher.

Among Mr. Sun's summoned beasts/envoys, her strength is at an upper-middle level.

Compared to the guard level in the foreign land, the level here is not as high.

The power of being a summoner surpasses that of being a guardian, and she is also a very special exception in this regard.

"Hello, everyone."

Jessica, who entered the conference room, looked around and nodded indifferently, looking neither humble nor arrogant.

It is precisely because of her sufficient strength that she has more confidence in the communication in the new world.

Unlike on Blue Star, you can meet teachers or elders who are stronger than you everywhere.

"Hello, please take a seat." xN

For such a summoner, everyone here has not neglected.

It is not only to give respect to him after hearing about his strength, but also to give face to Mr. Sun.

"This summoner."

At this time, a more impatient woman took the initiative to get closer and asked, "I heard that you and Li Shen are from the same world?"

Obviously, everyone is not only interested in the cube cards that Li Pu has flowed out.

"I can't draw a conclusion until I see myself."

Jessica shook her head and answered frankly, "It's only about 60-70% sure."

In fact, not many people in the new world know about Li Pu's real name.

That is, the small group of the original Professor He. Here, he is called Lishen.

Maybe there are still many people who are not convinced by this title, but the real thing is written on the panel, what can you do?

What's more, within a certain range (infertility) of summoned beasts/envoys, he has indeed been regarded as a god.

The reason why it is speculated that Li Pu is from Blue Star is because Jessica combines two points.

First of all, with the name Li Shen, she felt that Li Pu was full of flavor.

Teacher Li Cao, who was also brilliant in refereeing in the arena, was caught afterward by the masterminds of the avalanche incident, Teacher Li Xue and Teacher Li Shi.

Not to mention Mr. Li Pu, who shocked everyone in the World of Warcraft.

I have to say that after the global exchange conference, the word Li has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Then the second speculation basis is the Jiuyou group card.

This set of cards appeared in the opening game of the casual group.

Afterwards, news came out that Li Pu sold it to Principal Zhuang.

And now the Lishen of the New World is also selling cards, which is too coincidental.

But as Jessica herself said, she wasn't 100% sure until she saw the real face.

However, this speculation was immediately confirmed as the figure walked out of it.


Li Pu was stunned when he saw Jessica.

"Mr. Li Pu!"

Almost subconsciously, Jessica blurted out and bowed slightly.

They really are from the same world!

When everyone present saw this scene, they immediately had an answer in their hearts.

But at the same time, they are also somewhat uncomfortable.

You were still on an equal footing with us just now, why did you salute when you saw the other party?

With this opening, we seem to be lower than others!

But this kind of thinking is only in my mind, no one has expressed or said it.

For this reason, there are basically no narrow-minded people.

Just treat it as a small thing, and it just goes by in a flash.

Only Mr. Sun was a little uneasy.

"It's a coincidence."

Facing this bow, Li Pu only nodded slightly.

Jessica's appearance surprised him.

I didn't expect to meet acquaintances in the new world.

To know the other summoners in China, he hasn't had a chance to meet.

Why is this first acquaintance from an ugly country?

But on second thought, he understood the situation.

It must be that China and Chou are hiding from each other.

"His status in the native world is really high."

The Qin team next to him was thinking secretly.

His previous speculation was finally confirmed.

To know Mr. Sun's summoner, he has also heard of it.

Don't look young, but the qualifications are excellent.

Under the irrigation of cultivating resources, the growth rate is fast. Although it is not as exaggerated as Li Pu, it is also a leader in the circle.

Moreover, the displayed combat power is also proportional to the aptitude.

Just hearing about a few achievements is enough to gain recognition and respect~lightnovelpub.net~ such a powerful and famous summoner who is very respectful when facing Li Pu, the reason behind it can be imagined. .

"Qin team, when everyone is ready, let's start?"

Li Pu glanced around the audience and felt that the auras of the summoners present were quite extraordinary.

It is expected that his gains in this wave should be not small. He also wants to quickly end this matter and discuss with Team Qin about establishing the Little Raccoon brand.

So Qin team presided over a few words and let everyone sit down, and then handed over the right to speak to Li Pu.

"As it happens, I recently got a new card."

Li Pu thought for a while and took out his first trading item.

"This, this card is!"

However, before everyone else could react, Jessica was the first to exclaim.

