If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 687: Is the grass man a Xiaoxiaole genius?

The reason why he said it was weird was because Li Pu could hear that it was not the voice of a straw man.

Or, not exactly the voice of a grass man.

Compared with its usual tone, it has a distinct urn sound.

"What the **** is this."

Opening his eyes, Li Pu was stunned.

A huge crystal grass man whose size is not inferior to the crystal beast appeared on the big plate out of thin air.

Equivalent to Li Pu's reaction, the old sword spirit was much more moved.

What he noticed was the five gleaming grids on the straw man's big plate.

"Five in a row so soon?!"

He lost his voice on the spot.

In this dungeon, there are many specifications for the unlocking action of removing grids.

Two in a row, three in a row, four in five in a row, can be unlocked.

Depending on the degree of elimination, the unlocked power is also different.

Wulian is the most powerful and most powerful unlocking method.

But you must know that five companies are not so easy to make. Take the old sword spirit himself as an example. On average, it takes him nearly twenty rounds to form a line or a vertical five companies.

So that's why he was so surprised when he saw that the grass figurine would create five companies as soon as he made a move.

However, the fact that the first round made five consecutive does not show how smart the manipulator is.

But it shows that the manipulator is very lucky, and he encountered Tianhu opening as soon as he came up.

"I heard that there is a plant called lucky grass, is that it?"

Looking at the huge crystal grass figurine, and at the original grass figurine, the old sword spirit murmured and had a guess.

There are many types of summoned beasts, and there are many cases of mascots.

"Is that so?"

Li Pu, who was standing on the other side, heard the exclamation of the old sword spirit, and now he understood.

It turned out that the five companies were formed in such a situation.

While speaking, he also moved one of his own cells.

In the turn-based mode, the opportunity for action in each turn is particularly important, and he knows this.

Not to mention the special turn-based system.

【Grass! 】

At this moment, the crystal grass man jumped down from the big plate, and then looked at the row of crystal beasts majestically.

"Are you going to attack..."

Watching this scene, the old sword spirit faintly looked forward to it.

The sooner they can attack the crystal beasts, the better their chances of winning.

What's more, judging from the momentum displayed by the crystal grass man, the effect will definitely not be weak.

【Grass! 】

As a result, the crystal grass man shouted, but squatted down with his head in his arms.

Li Pu: "..."

Silence, a few seconds of silence.

"That's it? No more??"

The old sword spirit finally came back to his senses, and he couldn't help looking at Li Pu and questioning him.

What are you doing to summon a beast, and you come up to perform a head-holding squatting defense at the beginning?

Was the momentum just now just confidence in his own defense?

If it weren't for the Sword Spirit Clan's lack of legs, he would have wanted to say the classic "My pants are...".


Faced with this question, Li Pu was speechless.

In fact, he has some understanding of why the grass man's five companies behave like this.

Because when brushing monsters in the wild, I often use grass figurines as bait to attract monsters.

To put it simply, it is the head of the train.

After attracting a sufficient number of monsters, the grass figurines who have pasted the [Sister Talisman] in advance will squat down and accept the group fight in order to achieve the purpose of gathering monsters.

At this time, it would be much more convenient for Li Pu to clear the monsters again.

Therefore, as a behavior that is often operated in daily life, it is not surprising that this action appears on the straw man's plate.

"Okay, in fact, this result is not bad."

In the end, the old sword spirit chose to accept it and explained it.

"Defensive behavior is still very useful here."

"Different from the attack behavior that can be dissipated in one blow, the defensive behavior will last longer, sometimes even until it is destroyed by the crystal beast."

To put it more concretely, what he meant was that the crystal grass man would always squat there like this, blocking the advance route of the crystal beasts.

【Ow! ! ! ]xN

After the crystal straw man completed the action, the beast on the opposite side roared again.

While announcing the arrival of the next round, they took two steps forward.

"Oops, I wasted time by talking too much just now."

The old sword spirit woke up like a dream, and quickly returned his attention to the small plate.

Anyone who has played with Xiaoxiaole knows that one step should be counted as three steps.

It is necessary to test both the eyesight and the agility of the mind.

In particular, sometimes you can't regret changing the wrong position, and every time you encounter a crisis situation, people are in a hurry.

Just now, I only wanted to introduce Li Pu, so that he forgot to continue the calculation.

【Grass! 】

As a result, the old sword spirit had just selected the grid he moved this round when he heard another cry.

Five squares flashed on the straw man's plate, which were then eliminated and filled with new squares.

A new crystal straw man appeared out of thin air again.

"Five times again!!"

This time, the old sword spirit opened his mouth wide in shock.

Five in a row? !

What is the situation? !

[Hastily~! 】

As the manipulator, the herbal manipulator, at this time, put his hands on his hips and let out a smug laugh.

"What is it saying?"

The old sword spirit could not understand cursive words, so he could only ask for help from Li Pu, who was walking back.

"This broken copy is too simple for Uncle Materia Medica."

"It says so."

Although he felt that this guy was a little too shy, Li Pu still translated truthfully.

Simple? ? ?

When the old sword spirit heard this, he was shocked again.

He has changed so many teammates to help, and this is the first time someone (?) has heard that this dungeon is easy!

If it's five times at a time, it can be said to be luck.

But five in a row, and then using luck to explain it may not make sense.

You must know that this copy of Xiaoxiaole seems to be simple in principle, but in fact, it is very brain-burning to achieve five consecutive games.

"Could it be that... this straw man is a super smart genius?!"

The old sword spirit couldn't believe it.

But for a moment, a thought crossed his mind.

The attributes of most summoned beasts are more or less influenced by the summoner.

So, is the real genius brain...

So the next second, he turned his attention to Li Pu.

Li Pu: "??"

Why didn't I think of that!

The old sword spirit patted his head hard.

Didn't the opponent have already shown it in the cube copy before.

That's not to be missed, every step is a card skill that squeezes the enemy to death!

Isn't this the best proof of a genius brain!

At this moment ~lightnovelpub.net~ he felt a little regretful.

Why didn't I ask Li Pu for help earlier, wasting so much effort and time in vain.

"Are you OK."

Not understanding the psychological activities of the old sword spirit, Li Pu could only express his concern by asking.

In that startled, what did you think?

【Grass! 】

But at this moment, the new crystal straw man jumped off the plate...

Hold your head and squat again.

Li Pu: "..."

Old Sword Spirit: "..."

