If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 73: Rat, how dare you hurt me

[Repentance]: Return this temporary BUFF reward, and all attributes will be -1

[Big Boss]: Every time you deal damage, there is a 10% chance to be nullified

[General Xiahou]: Your left eye will be blind

Do you still need a choice? Any fool knows what the correct answer is.

He is a blind man himself!

Without hesitation, Li Pu chose the box on the far right, [General Xiahou].

The moment the box was opened, there was a man's stern shout from inside.

[Rat, how dare you hurt me! 】

After that, a black mist got into his body, but he didn't feel anything different at all.

He opened his eyes and looked, and sure enough, his ability to foresee was not affected at all.

This is equivalent to earning a temporary buff for nothing.

After the selection of temporary BUFF and temporary DEBUFF was completed, the magnificent voice sounded again.

【Choose the road you want to go to】


After he finished speaking, three wooden doors appeared out of thin air in front of Li Pu.

The name information is written on the door plate.

【Fruit Arena (LV2)】

【Fruit Trail (LV2)】

【Fruit Square (LV2)】

But just by having a name, it's impossible to judge what's inside.

Situ Di has explained that as long as the door is opened, it is the default choice, so don't open it at will before making a decision.

Because the same level of LV does not mean that the difficulty is equal.

And the rewards after passing the level are the same, three uncertain BUFF and DEBUFF.

In other words, if you choose a difficult level, you will be thankless.

If it was someone else, one could only guess blindly. Fortunately, Li Pu was different, he could read blindly.

In the future picture with his eyes open, he opened the first wooden door.

The world inside is a ring placed in an orchard, full of rural atmosphere.

There was a big watermelon man similar to Tomato Superman, sitting in a corner of the ring with a towel on his chubby head.

With the release of his phantom [Keke Lamp], the two sides began to fight.

After looking at it for a while, he closed his eyes and slowly walked to the second wooden door.

Behind the second wooden door is a long and narrow dirt path full of green seedlings.

Inside were a few bananas with white wings flying around.

The third wooden door leads to a wide square.

The gate of light that needs to be guarded is in the center of the square, and there are densely packed various fruit monsters, dancing all kinds of square dances in a mess.

After the preview, Li Pu already had the answer in his heart.

First of all, the fruit square is definitely not acceptable. There are too many weirdos.

Even with powerful AOE methods, he felt that one person still couldn't deal with the weirdos who were surrounded from all directions.

The setting of this level is completely as if you don't want people to pass it.

As for the fruit trail in the middle, he didn't have any suitable means to deal with flying monsters, so he gave up.

So the only option is the fruit ring.

It looks like it should be one-on-one with the watermelon people, which is very suitable for me.

So he walked to the wooden door of the [Fruit Arena], and he opened the door.

[No sweetness, no money! 】

Just as Li Pu stepped in, he heard the watermelon man with matchstick hands and feet roar.

The light that needs to be guarded is in the corner of the ring behind him, and he quickly put down the [Kike Lantern].

Li Pu had seen that the watermelon man was wearing boxing gloves before, so he took out the bricks and prepared for close combat, but how could he think that the other party didn't come close at all.

I saw it leaned back slightly, and then...


The huge black watermelon seeds were spat out one by one like bullets.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

-1, -1, -1, -1...

But these watermelon seeds hit Li Pu, but they could only make a crisp sound of scraping.

"I've become so hard..."

The feeling of neither pain nor itching made him sigh.

50 armor, which is really a good thing.


After 3 minutes, the watermelon man with a large gap in his head fell to the ground.

The watermelon juice flowed out and spilled all over the floor. Li Pu put his hand into the gap and cruelly took out a piece of watermelon.

The next second he put it into the mouth, he spit it out: "Bah, it's not sweet and doesn't need money, it's as light as water."

Actually, thinking about what the other party said seems to be correct, because they did not receive their money.

But on the other hand, Li Pu did not receive the money from the other party, which made him a little regretful.

After two tests, he has determined that these weirdos cannot trigger [New Year's greetings], and the projections are indeed correct.

[Before the balance of profound meaning, everyone has a share]

【Receive my gift】

There are temporary buffs in every level, so they appear again

[Forgiveness]: Your garrison count +5

[Tiger Tears]: Strength +10, water damage caused by +10%

[Lolita Armor]: Wearing this skirt, all attributes +1%

"There's something wrong with this **** of balance..."

After the preview, Li Pu couldn't help but complain.

Could it be that this is the meaning of balance in some bullshit?

Why do you always feel like you want to bend people?

The most important thing is that with a 1% bonus to all attributes, who do you look down on?

If there is a 10%, he will definitely wear it.

So there are only the first two options left.

First of all, the first one is very good. The initial defense number in this dungeon is 1, which means that as long as one monster is missed, it will be immediately judged as the time to clear the level.

If you choose [Tolerance] to change the number of defenses to 6, the fault tolerance rate will be greatly improved.

However, Li Pu felt that he would not miss a single blame, so he directly chose [Tiger Tears].

For him, strength +10 also comes with +10 physique, which is really cool.

【Before Balanced Profound Truth, Everyone Is Equal】

【Pay your price】

Next, it's DEBUFF's turn.

The DEBUFF this time was relatively normal.

[Self-cultivation]: In all the next levels, you must use the listening style profession

[It hurts to be beaten]: You cannot use steadfast professions in all the next levels

[Loss of Courage]: You cannot use the Berserker class in all the next levels

These three seem to be similar~lightnovelpub.net~, but in fact there are essential differences.

One is mandatory, the other is disabled.

For Li Pu, who has four career positions, of course, it is better to choose [Self-cultivation], not to mention that listening to the wind is his main occupation.

So he pushed it all the way, and Li Pu stood in front of the wooden door leading to level 5.

At this time, his temporary BUFF and DEBUFF are as follows:



Strength +10, water damage dealt +10%

Attack power +10%


left eye blind

You must use the listening system

Immediately take 100 points of explosion damage when one foot is off the ground for more than 10 seconds

Armor -10%

With the help of foresight, in general, the gain of BUFF is much greater than the weakening of DEBUFF.

So he opened his eyes with confidence and scanned the situation behind the three wooden doors one by one.

At first, his expression was startled, but after reading it, Li Pu fell silent.

The three fifth levels are all without exception...

He lost.



[Watermelon Superman] (LV2-Elite)

Health A, Damage C/B, Armor B, Magic Resist B, Speed ​​C

Description: A big round watermelon, be careful with your liver.

[Not Sweet]: Watermelon Superman is immune to certain special effects

[Eat grapes without spitting watermelon seeds]: When Watermelon Superman melee attack, his attack power is reduced by 20%