If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 818: Chase and kill Li

In the end, under the entanglement of Li Pu, the three team members had successfully escaped from the map before the Lava Demon Dog could reach the gate.

And after paying the price of being hit once, Li Pu also followed in the footsteps of his teammates and escaped the map smoothly.

hum! x5

After the five lights and shadows flashed, they all appeared in the lounge.

"This... is too fast, Wang."

Looking at these five figures, the Evil Dog King murmured a sigh.

The game, which ended in a Survivor victory, took far less time than the league average.

The most intuitive comparison is that the match between the mechanical demon hunter and the vicious dog escaper on the other side has just appeared one elimination and two deciphering.

"Is this the power of three deciphering?"

Coach Skeleton looked at another monitor screen that was still in progress and sighed.

"Wrong, this is obviously the power of a delay."

On the other hand, FKINGB grabbed Li Pu's shoulders, and half of his flesh and blood almost burst into laughter.

"In the next round, it's time for a chaser?"

He patted Li Pu on the shoulder.

"You can try it."

Li Pu nodded.

This game just now made him realize two facts.

First of all, that is, I am really not suitable for deciphering.

The second point is that after the head-to-head confrontation with the Lava Demon Dog, he has more confidence in his strength in Qiyuan Manor.

I feel that it is more suitable for me to use more than 1V compared to playing with others.


The lava demon dog next to him couldn't help feeling pity for his teammates when he heard this.

Just being a survivor is enough for this human being to eat a pot of himself. If he is a chaser, wouldn't he want to abuse those dogs.

"Oh? Next time you want to be the hunter? Wang?"

On the contrary, the evil dog king immediately became interested when he heard this.

Its main position is the same as the FKINGB, and it is also a survivor.

So he looked around and saw that his teammates were just enough for 4 people.

"Why don't we start another game now? Wang!"

So the King of Dogs suggested.

Today, its attention is all on Li Pu, and as for the other training match that is still going on, it doesn't want to care at all.

It just wants to experience the feeling of competing with Li Pu, the sooner the better.

"But aren't there enough survivors? Wang Wang."

The lava demon dog looked at the only remaining members of the team.

In addition to the vicious dog king, there is only one full-time survivor left.

It is a purple pug with arcane patterns painted on its body, and is good at deciphering.

However, the lava demon dog soon discovered that the captain's eyes fell on himself.

"Isn't it Wang?"

It immediately had an ominous premonition.

"Come, come, make up the number, Wang Wang."

Sure enough, the evil dog king looked at it, and then looked at another backup chaser.

A streamlined mechanical hound, good at speed tracking.

"Captain, I want to participate, Wang Wang Wang!"

The mechanical hound obviously wanted to experience it for himself, so he barked in agreement.

And that Arcane Pug is also eager to try.

The lava demon dog, who originally had the most say in Li Pu's level, was given the opportunity to speak at this time.

(A bunch of ignorant guys.)

(I will be madly abused later, and there will be times when you cry.)

(Knowing to put some chocolates in your lunch today.)

(I have to accompany you to be abused again for this dog.)

In the end, it could only cry and re-enter the teleportation aperture under the coercion of the evil dog king.

"Play beautifully, don't show mercy!"

Before Li Pu entered, FKINGB issued a reminder behind him.

He really wanted to see the vicious dog king being abused.

"All right."

Li Pu's footsteps stagnated slightly and nodded.

Seeing the disappearing figure of the human race boy, Coach Skeleton took the initiative to approach the FKINGB again.

"Where did you find this guy?"

He still couldn't let go of this question.

"Do you know where I went this offseason?"

FKINGB smiled mysteriously.

"Didn't you just go out to relax?"

Coach Skeleton looked puzzled.

Although no contact has been lost during this period, the FKINGB number has not disclosed any specific information, and the female angel is also tight-lipped.

"I went to a dinner party."

At this time, I saw FKINGB stretch out its hand and point to the sky.

These words and actions made both teams in the lounge stunned.

It took a while before someone responded.

"You're referring to...God for the General Assembly?!"

"Wow, isn't it Team F, have you advanced to the super perverted selection over there? Wow wow!"

"Then, haven't you seen a lot of gods during this time?"

"Can you tell us about it, I'm super curious!"

For a while, the training game was no longer fragrant, and everyone directly surrounded the FKINGB.

"Cough, in fact, I also went with the boss."

At this time, the female angel coughed twice on purpose.

Since the boss said it herself, she shouldn't have to keep her mouth shut.

"..." xN

But strangely, everyone's reaction to her was flat.

"Team F, have you found the right god?"

"If I remember correctly, you seem to be God's replacement in the first place, right?"

"Can the **** behind you be replaced?"

"You must give us a good talk today!"

As soon as they turned their heads, everyone poured out their enthusiasm to FKINGB again.


The female angel is called a speechless~lightnovelpub.net~ I have no cards.

"No hurry, no hurry, I will tell you slowly when I have a chance."

After a wave of small outfits, FKINGB comforted everyone.

"So, this human being you met at the dinner party?"

Coach Skeleton responded.

"That's right, at that time, many gods were lining up to make a contract with him!"

The female angel stood up and grabbed the words, this time she would not be ignored.


Coach Skeleton was shocked when he heard the words and looked at FKINGB: "Is this true?"

Angel Girl Stomps: You **** bastards!


FKINGB nodded in recognition.

"It turns out that it makes sense."

The Skeleton Coach who got the answer held his chin.

"Being able to break through the very low promotion rate to participate in the banquet for the conference shows that he must be a leader."

"It is also sought after by so many gods, and that is the best among the best."

If you think about it this way, there is an explanation for why Li Pu was able to perform so well when he entered Qiyuan Manor for the first time.

"Look, the game has begun!"

Just then, someone sent a reminder.

The monitoring screen for the new game has changed.

The initial footage of the surveillance was locked on the pursuer.

So everyone saw that Li Pu lay down on the ground upright, and raised his arms straight above his head.

The whole person is lying in strip shape.

"Um..." xN

This strange move made everyone stunned.


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