If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 84: hardened

Suppressing his inner excitement, Li Pu opened the "Blessing to Beginners".

In an instant, the green inscription shattered into blue-light powder.

And he was able to have an extra buff on his body.

[Fuzhi]: Your next judgment is 100% successful

The excitement gave Li Pu the illusion that his steps seemed to be faster. One second before the thick eyebrows were burst into pieces, [inch of sand] was sprayed on the robot horse in time, without giving the opponent a chance to get out of the battle. .

[Boom quack! 】

After a few punches in a row, the bang horse finally fell down with a roar, and the red laser light in both eyes quickly dimmed.


Its heavy mechanical body fell to the ground, and a large number of metal parts began to fall one by one.

That picture is a bit like the rapid withering of flesh and blood creatures.

It is no different from other monsters, it is beginning to disintegrate gradually.


The only difference is that when Bamma was dying, he actually opened his mouth to speak.

However, one person and one person did not realize this at all.

The thick eyebrows are because the inaudible volume is inaudible.

On the other hand, Li Pu didn't care at all, because at this moment his attention was all drawn away by other things.

【Jingle! 】

[Friend of Warcraft successfully triggers Han's slamming horse]

[Acquired a new talent]

An incomparably pleasant voice resounded in his ears.

He hurriedly opened his talent panel, and saw the newly acquired talent impressively.

Although it has been foreseen in advance, the feeling of actually getting it is still very different.

【Return zero to whole】

Effect 1: When taking single digit damage, it becomes 0 directly

Effect 2: When taking double digit damage, the single digit is reduced to 0

Effect 3: When taking three-digit damage, the one-digit number and ten-digit number become 0

Explanation: The most annoying thing in Boomma's logic program is calculating change.

(Note: DOT continuous damage cannot trigger this talent)

As expected of a rare elite monster, this talent cannot be said to be extremely strong, but it can be very useful in many situations.

It seems complicated, but Li Pu understands it without much effort.

Give a few simple examples

If he takes 29/55 damage, he will only lose 20/50 blood.

If he takes 299/555 damage, he will only lose 200/500 blood.

The great thing lies in two points, the first is the time when the bat moth was brushed in the bat moth cave before.

Although they can't break the defense, if there are too many, they can still kill themselves with the mandatory 1 point of damage.

Now, there is no such worries at all, because when the damage is less than 10, it is directly 100% free from damage.

The second great thing is that the injury-free ratio provided by this talent is actually not low, and the injury-free effect curve is wavy.

When he received 19 points and 199 points of damage, this injury-free curve reached its peak.

47% and 49% respectively, nearly reaching 50%. If used with [LV1 Station God], the effect is self-evident.

To be honest, Li Pu felt that before entering LV30, there were not many people who could cause triple-digit damage to him at one time.

As for the four-digit damage, don't consider it, whoever encounters it will not die.

So now he.

But it is too hard.

"Boom! Why are you in a daze! This guy exploded his weapon!"

At this time, a voice full of excitement from the thick eyebrows sounded.

Only then did Li Pu realize that after the bang completely disintegrated, there were two items left in place, but...

"Did it have this thing on it just now?"

Looking at the steel sword lying quietly on the ground, he was a little dazed.

It turns out that the monsters dropped by the monsters are not necessarily the things on the body.

However, in terms of styling style, this long sword does belong to the same style as the Boom Horse.

It seems that the manufacturing process is superior, and the blade is close to the handle, inlaid with a blue lightning-shaped frosted stone.

【Boom Knight Sword】

Grade: ★★★★

Attack Power: 12~17

attack range:


Additional attribute 1: When dealing damage, there is a 5% chance to add 50 points of lightning damage

Additional attribute 2: "Boom" sound effect when attacking

Description: Saobao people can't keep a low profile wherever they go.

Li Pu has learned that the lightning attribute will cause a short pause effect on the target, and it has a good effect in restricting movement and interrupting spell guidance.


★★★★He already knows that weapons have two additional attributes, but this additional attribute 2 is really absurd.

What kind of additional attribute is this, just imagining it makes it very noisy.

Therefore, Li Pu has basically no interest in this weapon, and always feels that it is not suitable for his current fighting style.

He touched his chin: "Find an opportunity and sell it to Pingping at a high price."

Pingping is the nickname I gave to Duo Kai, which is very appropriate.

But I only dared to call in private, because I was afraid of being cut.

He felt that this sword was more suitable for blooming, and with her high attack speed, it should be easier to trigger the 10% chance of lightning.

Thinking of the image of the enemy being chopped up and down again and again, it's still quite numb.

As for the other drop, it was a gear-shaped part emitting a shimmering light.

【Wheel of Machinery】

Grade: ★★★★

Effect: Weapon Enhancement/Manufacturing, Inscription Enhancement/Manufacturing

Description: Materials with certain properties have special uses after refining.

Before that, the most advanced material in his hand was only the ★★【Dark Teeth】dropped by the Bat-Moth King~lightnovelpub.net~The Wheel of Arms] has doubled in quality, Niu Beep.

Boomma is worthy of being a rare elite, and the things dropped are really good, and Li Pu is satisfied with all of them.

As for the thick eyebrows who contributed a little bit of credit, it's fine to use some marshmallows afterwards.

After solving the banging horse, he also successfully rose to LV10.

Now that I calm down and think about it, I feel the urge to cry.

Because I came here all the way, it was really too easy and too hard for me.

Quickly adding attribute points, and adding 5 more perception points to the [100 Layers of Sharpness], his general panel has been improved again:

[Physical 44, Strength 44, Agility 16, Luck 12, Mystic 18, Spirit 16, Perception 100]

The perception attribute finally reached 100, and Li Pu found that his feelings about the surroundings had undergone a new change.

He seemed to be able to hear the vitality of all things, including the sound of grass growing under his feet.

For example, 50 meters away, there are two unknown insects.

It seems to be able to feel the air flow to bring a slighter touch, and automatically present the surrounding appearance.

For example, they are flying in mid-air, interpreting a love movie with a difficult entanglement.

It seems to be able to distinguish the components in various mixed smells and extract the information.

For example, uh... is there a mistake, these are two males?

Some things that were vague and unclear in the past have become a little bit clearer.

It is this little improvement that makes things different.


After a short period of adaptation, Li Pu was slightly taken aback.

Because he made a strange discovery.

