If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 895: This teleportation is outrageous

Slide, refers to a special terrain in the Chief War Zone.

Only 1 square wide, it will continuously produce Slime.

And this is really a slide-like terrain, and the surface of the slide is so slippery that no unit can stay on it.

Even if you move to the top during your own turn, it will automatically slide down at the end of the turn.

And the end of the slide is directly connected to the end of the map, that is, there is no way to prevent the slimes from entering the slide by guarding the source.

So the only and best way to deal with it is to send one of your own personnel to block the exit of the slide.

The crux of the matter is that the slime coming down this slide is a very special type.

Although it looks unremarkable from the outside, it is just an ordinary round pierced slime.

But in fact, they have quite terrifying lethality, which is a kind of self-exploding slime.

As long as it touches the enemy grid, it will immediately self-destruct.

And the damage of self-destruction is only aimed at enemy units, and the range is super large.

This makes it impossible for ranged or healed units to launch support behind the exit of the slide.

Because those slimes' self-destruct range is much larger than their ranged attack or healing range.

Before that, the one who guarded the slide alone was the chief's strongest summoned beast, the Half-Dragon Demon.

But even his strongest summoned beast is not fully qualified for this task.

He was unfortunately killed during the last high pressure wave and is currently on the cooldown of summoning.

The temporary good news for the chief theater is that the Warcraft high-voltage wave does not seem to have arrived yet.

Occasionally one or two self-destructing slimes that slipped down were not too much of a threat.

But if the next high-pressure wave arrives before the summoning of the Half-Dragon Demon cools down, then they can only resort to the stupid method of blocking the hole of the gun with their fleshly bodies.

Send those more frank summoned beasts to take their lives to block them.

If you hang one, you will make up one, if you hang one, you will make up one.

Otherwise, if a large number of self-destructing slimes were to slam into the rear defense line where the Summoners gathered, the result would be unimaginable.

It was precisely when there was no high-pressure wave yet that the chief suggested Li Pu to go up to the top.

Let's see if the person recommended by the old head can be used a little bit, although he doesn't expect to be as strong as the half-dragon demon.

"Master, I'm afraid this is a bit difficult, isn't it?"

Before Li Pu spoke here, Chen Hu helped to answer first.

As the chief's disciple, he understands the power of the Half-Dragon Demon very well.

This summoned beast is enough to rank first in the country just by virtue of its LV65 level.

Moreover, it is a flesh-tank summoned beast that belongs to the double S of life and physics.

How could Li Pu be able to hold a key grid position that even the Half-Dragon Demon couldn't hold?

"The specific location, where is it?"

As a result, what Chen Hu didn't expect was that Li Pu's tone seemed to have already agreed as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Haha, it seems to be really capable."

The chief heard the words and laughed twice, then said, "Pay attention to the mark I marked for you."

With that said, a red light lit up in a certain square in the chief theater.

This is the markup function given under the copy rule, and everyone has it.

Li Pu looked at the position that was 100 blocks away and knew it.

The conversation between the several of them was carried out in a specific small-scale channel, so the other consortium members of the chief theater could not hear it.

However, the function of location marking is open to the collective.

Therefore, many members who were sharp-eyed or had been worried about the slide problem discovered it at the first time.

As a result, the voices of discussion immediately rang on the general channel of the war zone.

"Who marked the slide?"

"Who else can it be? It must be the chief. Whoever dares to use the mark indiscriminately at this time will be scolded."

"But Chief, for no reason, why did you mark it there?"

"I heard that the chief disciple went out just now and said that he was going to receive reinforcements."

"So, is this a plan for reinforcements to guard the slide?"

"Who are the new reinforcements? Seat-level? Let's guard the slides as soon as they arrive?"

"Yeah, if it wasn't for a seat-level summoned beast, I'm afraid it wouldn't be able to withstand high-pressure waves."

"Don't talk about high-pressure waves, it's not bad to last for 3 or 5 rounds. Do you think other seat-level summoned beasts can be as strong as half-dragon demons?"

"I'm really curious, who is it, no, whose summoned beast is assigned to this task..."

All of them focused their curiosity on the summoned beast who was about to block the slide.

And this discussion is getting more and more intense, and all kinds of conjectures have come out.

Some people say that the mountain and sea beasts of the second Qin team are coming, and some people say that the old head of the team has entered the book.

It seems that this discussion will not stop until there is an answer.


In the end, the chief stopped the riot and brought the scene back to calm.

Everyone who shut up obediently knows it, and it's useless to be curious now.

After a few rounds, see who walked to the entrance of the slide, and the answer will be revealed.

As a result, the chief's words had just finished, and many members of the consortium who were staring at the entrance of the slide saw a flash of afterimages.


A teenager has landed firmly on the grid at the entrance of the slide.

Chief: "Huh?!"

Chen Hu: "Huh?!"

Everyone: "???"

The scene that had already settled down suddenly became a sensation again~lightnovelpub.net~ I'll go! Am I blinded? ! "

"Where did this kid come from, there was no one near the slide just now!"

"From the sky, right? This is it!"

"Instant, teleportation?"

Originally thought it would take a few rounds to know the answer, but it turned out that others were in place all of a sudden, which no one expected.

The key is that they have all seen it just now. There is not a single unit within a distance of dozens of blocks from the slide entrance. Where did this kid come from?

"Reborn Financial Giants"

Apart from teleportation, there seems to be no other explanation.

The location where Chen Hu brought Li Pu in was relatively remote and hidden, so in fact, only himself and the chief knew the specific location for the first time.

And the chief at this moment is really shocked.

What the **** is wrong with your kid, you can wear it at a distance of hundreds of grids?

Is it really like teleportation as they say?

In fact, what others saw just now was the afterimage, but the chief saw it very clearly. Li Pu was indeed walking over with his own feet, but the speed...it was too fast.

According to his experience in the past few days, the person who can achieve this range of movement must at least be a LV60 S-level speed-type summoned beast.

But LV60 is still a summoned beast with S-level speed, all of which are famous, and it is impossible to be in this dungeon at this time.

This display is only the summoner of LV50, what is going on?

In fact, what the chief doesn't know is that the LV50's S-class speed may not be able to do it, but the LV50's S+-class speed can.


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