If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 90: he came

Standing in the grass below his knees, 19-year-old Xue Duo was a little nervous.

As a third-year student of the Imperial City Guardian Academy, he has not been a guardian for too long, and this is the first time he has participated in a large-scale war of beast annihilation.

The scale here refers not to the number of guards, but to the number of monsters.

What's more, Xue Duocai is LV10, and he has to face the grasshoppers of LV11~15.

Fortunately, he has external support.

Ten years ago, some of the pioneers who initially mastered the transformation method of qualified persons have developed into the guardian family.

Xue Duo came from such a family, and he was one of the few younger generations in the family.

There are inscribers and blacksmiths in the family, so his inscriptions and weapons are carefully crafted by the elders of the family, and at this stage they are of very good quality.

At least he has compared those seniors and seniors who have become guards, and he has never seen one better equipped than himself.

Xue Duo majored in [Sturdy] and minored in [Rager].

The right-hand weapon is a large shield with excellent forging craftsmanship, and the left-hand weapon... is also a shield, a small round shield.

In terms of firmness, he is really firm, but violent, he is not too violent.

Choosing the Berserker type is just for the additional attribute of automatic blood recovery.

Because his attribute points, inscriptions, and even weapon additional attributes are all related to health.

From the [Characteristic] drawn by Xue Duo, it was all doomed.

【Ashima's Halberd】

Effect: Every 10 seconds, the damage you deal will add 10% of your maximum HP

Description: Would you like one, my friend?

This [Characteristic] is just average when picked out alone, but his luck is very good, and the [Talent] he draws is more suitable.


Effect: For every 1 point of Constitution gained, gain 3 additional HP, and at the same time -1 Mystery

Description: You have basically said goodbye to bicycles in your life.

Others can only get 10 points of health with 1 point of physique. Xue Duo can get 13 points because of this talent.

If it weren't for the forcible deduction of mystery, he could be called an elite guard with a 1.3-point rate.

It's a pity, there is no if.

Although he only has LV10 now, his mysterious attribute is already negative, and he has no relationship with any legal system.

This also led to his combat power value being only around 13, which was not very consistent with the actual situation, so it was said that this calculation method was sometimes not very reasonable.

"Senior, your battle performance just now was amazing."

The sound of admiration came from behind, which slightly dispelled some of Xue Duo's nervousness.

He turned around and showed a slightly stiff smile.

The seven or eight boys and girls were from the first and second grades, and he was in charge of leading this operation.

In the Imperial Guard Academy, both the first and second grades are in the assessment stage, and only the students who really pass are eligible to become guards.

After all, the number of people who are artificially transformed into qualifications is limited.

The task of these juniors and juniors at this stage is to strive for success in the subsequent series of assessments and avoid being eliminated through continuous hard study and exercise.

It can be said that the experience of being able to watch the guards and the monsters fighting at close range is what they dream of.

Today's trip is a coincidence. Grasshoppers are neutral monsters and won't take the initiative to attack people.

That's why it happens that only one LV10 guard is assigned to lead the team. If it were normal, they wouldn't even have the qualifications to approach.

But for Xue Duo, this is not a good job. After all, it is a very scary thing to be concerned about the safety of juniors and juniors.

In contrast, he is more willing to join the team of other third-year students and participate in the head-to-head battle with the grasshoppers.

"Senior, it would be great if I could leapfrog and kill monsters like you in the future."

A junior looked at the two shields with envy in his eyes.

Although there is not much difference in age, he is full of admiration for Xue Duo.

"Uh, LV10 playing LV11, it's not too much to leapfrog..."

Xue Duo scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Senior, these monsters look so scary."

As one of the cute-looking girls spoke, the boy beside her leaned over.

It wasn't Xue Duo who shouted loudly, but the second-year student.

"Don't be afraid, with Senior Xue here, we are very safe."

The boy took the girl's hand and comforted her softly.

At the same time, his gaze towards Xue Duo was also full of yearning.

After all, those who can successfully be promoted to three-year-old guards are all outstanding without exception.

On the other hand, Xue Duo just pouted and said nothing.

When he glanced at the boy, he was a little disdainful.

If you have a girlfriend and she is so beautiful, you will definitely fail the exam, hum.

According to his observations in the past few years, most of the classmates who have girlfriends around them are not in a stable mental state.

When the night is approaching, it is always lively, and in the morning, most of them are sluggish.

This kind of person has a very high chance of failing the class.

Xue Duo couldn't understand it, and temporarily called this phenomenon the girlfriend's curse.

However, this junior was right. When he first heard the name Grasshopper, Xue Duo thought it was an insect monster.

When he came to the scene, he was shocked.

This is not a simple insect, but an insect man.

A solid green shell, slender hands and feet, and even abdominal muscles.

It's just how disgusting the grasshopper's head looks, and the postures of these few in front of him are all weird.

Some have their backs facing the ground, walking on all fours, and grazing with their heads raised.

Some spread their legs apart and put their heads under their crotch, turning their eyes upside down.

Some feet and hands were twisted and twisted on the ground.

[She always! 】

【only left! 】

【phone number! 】

Weird tweets ~lightnovelpub.net~ are emitted from their insect mouthparts.

Sometimes the sounds of monsters sound like languages, but some professionals have studied them, and these are just meaningless sounds produced by their organ structures.

At this time, Xue Duo had just moved from another gathering place of grasshoppers, and was still waiting for the redeployment time of the source lamp, so he did not start immediately.

Boom! x16

However, at this moment, a thunderous sound suddenly started not far away.

Because of the loud volume, everyone even had the illusion that their feet were shaking slightly.

"what's the situation!"

All the younger brothers and sisters were terrified.

Are there other types of dangerous beasts here? !

"It's all there! Ready to activate the ST-6 formation at any time!"

Xue Duo, whose expression was instantly solemn, shouted, blocking the front of the crowd.

Although these are not guards, they have also received various trainings in class on weekdays, and some basic formations can still be used proficiently.

What's more, the so-called ST-6 formation is the simplest of them.

It is to run, to run separately, to run separately.

In front of powerful monsters, whoever runs slower at this time is the front row.

Of course, with Xue Duo around, he would definitely try to buy time.

Taking a peek behind him, he shifted his pace and approached the side with more girls.

As for the boys, if they are really dangerous monsters, they should be blessed.

Who made you think about going to school and falling in love all day long!

A few seconds later, a figure emerged from the grass. Fortunately, it was not a monster.

That man.

He's here. He's here.

He came with hands and feet.

