If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 949: god of vegetable

"God of vegetative people?"

Li Pu was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Because his perception told him that the one standing outside the door at this time was obviously his younger brother's younger brother, the straw man.

But it is true that, apart from the appearance, the aura and posture of the straw man seem to be a little different from before.

Others may not notice it, but even a small change cannot escape his perception.

But oh straw man, why did he become the **** of vegetative people?

The name alone sounds strange.

"Let it in, Boo."

God P explained the assistant to the fox ears, and also introduced Li Pu and the **** of elixir.

"I have a little impression of this little god."

"It's a new **** who just joined a few years ago, and there is basically no communication with everyone."

"Because the new god's ability is insufficient, it has very strict requirements for the possessed object."

"At that time, it seemed that I searched the whole empty island before I found a plant slime that was barely suitable, so I remembered it."

"But when it came to the island, it seemed to enter the treasure house to store something."

"After storing it, I left the empty island and never came back."

"I don't know why you came to see me today."


After the introduction of the **** P, the grass man or the **** of vegetative people just walked in.

"No wonder it is called the **** of vegetative people. Even the target of possession must be a vegetative person."

The God of Elixir was secretly amazed, and at the same time recalled in his heart that there are some special prescriptions that require a vegetative person.

Unexpectedly, the purpose of the visit of the vegetative **** seemed to be different from that of the **** P. As soon as he came in and stood still, he faced Li Pu directly.

"Piao Pu, oh grass."

It was obviously the voice of a straw man, but the words made Li Pu's body abruptly shake.

Because of this name, only the elders in the family used it before.

Now being called out like this, he felt both familiar and unfamiliar.

Suddenly, a light flashed in my mind.

You must know that the vegetative concept on Blue Star is completely different from the vegetative concept of the God of Elixir.

"Nine, ninth uncle?"

So he wasn't sure, tentatively, and called out this applause.

"No, oh grass." Qiang Xie read Xie

As a result, the vegetative **** shook his head.

Because of seeing Li Pu on the Qiyuan battlefield, the memory switch was triggered.

On the way to the empty island, it recovered a lot of memories.

"I'm not your ninth uncle, oh grass."

After seeing the vegetative **** denying it again, he continued: "Perhaps, you should call me Ninth Aunt, oh grass."

"Before you became a god, I often heard your ninth uncle mention you, oh shit."

What's the situation?

God P and the God of Elixir looked at each other, and both fell silent. Now LIngshuF* Zhang Si

After some gods become gods, they will lose their memory.

And some gods will not, or will restore memory by chance.

Therefore, in the earliest stage of becoming a god, there are often gods who will bring grace to their predecessors' relatives and friends.

"This guy, shouldn't he come to rob people?"

The two watery eyes of the Spiritual Medicine God turned, secretly anxious.

It sounds like the predecessor of this vegetative **** and Li Pu are relatives.

"Ninth Aunt?"

When Li Pu heard this, he hesitated.

Because in his impression, his ninth uncle never married, and he thought he was a poor single old dog.

However, different aunts do appear around that guy from time to time, and it's not the one from before that is the current nine aunts.

"Yes, and your ninth uncle is actually on the empty island now, oh grass."

The words spoken by the vegetative **** once again shocked Li Pu.

"I remembered, boo!"

In the end, before he could respond, God P called out first.

"You are very special. At that time, you were a human race that stored a living dead in the treasury, boo!"

The living dead it spoke of was undoubtedly Ninth Uncle.

"Is that so..."

Li Pu never imagined that he was so close to the ninth uncle in the foreign land.

"Son, the next thing is very important, you listen to me, oh grass."

"First you have to disable your foresight immediately, oh shit."

Next, when the vegetative **** opened his mouth, Li Pu was once again surprised.

How does the other party know that he has the ability to foresee?

The speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. At this moment, the eyes of the Spiritual Medicine God suddenly lit up.

From the words of the vegetative god, it can be heard that it should know something inside, and maybe the name of that **** is about to surface.

Sure enough, with the introduction of the vegetable god, everything became clear.

The **** of foresight is indeed the name of that god.

This is a **** who has not been a **** for too long, but its ambition is very large.

The former **** of foresight, by chance, discovered the blue star that had a tendency to connect before the main god.

So it secretly sneaked into the native world where Li Pu and the others were, and wanted to obtain the energy generated when it connected with the foreign land and strengthen its own strength.

The energy that overflows when Blue Star is connected to the foreign land will actually play a role of buffer protection.

Protect Blue Star from being crushed and crushed by the excessive power of the foreign world after reaching the connection with the foreign world~lightnovelpub.net~ So it is conceivable that once these energies are taken away by the God of Foresight, then Blue Star will The consequences would be unimaginable.

Especially at that stage, Blue Star had just established a preliminary connection with the foreign realm. There were very few qualified people, and the connection was extremely unstable.

Fortunately, at this time, Jiu Shu, one of the pioneers of the Blue Star Qualified Person, discovered the other party's attempt in time.

But facing the gods, he actually has no good countermeasures.

Because as everyone knows, it is very difficult to kill the gods.

Not to mention killing, as a mere aptitude, he couldn't even drive the God of Foresight away.

Unable to drive away means unstoppable.

So in desperation, Uncle Jiu could only start looking for a way to solve the problem in a foreign land like crazy.

In the end, Ninth Aunt came forward and used the scroll of becoming a **** obtained by chance.

Became a new god, the **** of vegetative people.

The ability bestowed by the vegetative **** is the ability to turn any target into a plant seal.

As for the price that needs to be paid, according to the nature, duration and strength of the sealed target, oneself falls into a vegetative state for different durations.

The target here even includes the gods.

It also happened that during the first Blue Star time after becoming a god, the God of Foresight started his final key action.

So Ninth Uncle didn't have time to explain anything, and immediately launched the sealing operation.

The final result, naturally, was that the God of Foresight was turned into an incorporeal plant and sealed, completely losing any ability to act.

...to make a big tyrant


If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush the monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.