If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

~: Finish this testimonial

Guys, it's finally finished.

To be honest, it was a bit of a torment in the middle and late stages.

The reason is very simple. The results are so unattractive that they are unwilling to fight, so I won't go into details here.

In fact, being able to write 200W words is inseparable from the support of such a small group of friends, and it is also a small obsession of mine.

There is a lot of exploration and practice in the writing process of this book.

If you look back, you will find that the styles of the front, middle and late stages can be said to be very different.

During this period, I have been looking for a style that suits me and everyone, and I also made a lot of various attempts.

For example, practice writing all kinds of game dungeons, such as the small theater at the end of the chapter used to explain the branch line, and such as the short-lived chapters of bad taste and so on.

For better or worse, some things still have to be handwritten to find the problem.

In general, this book is written, and it cannot be said that any correct answers have been found, but at least it should be progressing and developing in a good direction.

I hope that the next book to follow up can be written better.

Once again, thank you all for your support.

See you in our new book.