I’ll Be the Male Lead’s Sister-in-Law

Chapter 87: Eavesdrop

Hearing the boudoir words of the princesses, this is not a small attraction to the men present. Xie Xuanchen saw that except for Yeluyan and Xie Xuanji, the two remaining princes were the two little princes who did not have the same hair. The two princes were still half-old children, and they didn't even understand personnel matters. The remaining two men and their family members were behind. It was not an offense. Xie Xuanchen did not stop it, but listened smoothly.

Xie Xuanchen kind of wanted to know what Mu Mingtang would say about him in private.

Several men listened to Mu Mingtang's defense to Xie Xuanchen. Xie Xuanchen felt goosebumps when he heard this damned description of "gentle and kind".

Later, Xiao Siyi began to say some shocking words. Although Yeluyan was a little embarrassed, he was still stable. Xiao Siyi is his fiancée. According to her, she will get engaged only if she likes him. No doubt any man is proud to be admitted by a woman herself.

Xie Xuanchen was originally watching other people's excitement, but he never expected that the fire burned on himself.

Xiao Siyi asked Mu Mingtang, do you have any regrets. I regret that I don't like my husband, or I regret that I didn't marry the person who was in love when I first started.

Xie Xuanchen stood behind and couldn't see Mu Mingtang's expression clearly, and he became nervous unconsciously. What's more terrible is that Mu Mingtang didn't reply immediately, and Xie Xuanchen suddenly felt his heart.

But then, he heard Mu Mingtang's voice with a slight smile and nostalgia, saying: "No."

Xie Xuanchen's mood was ups and downs, and he didn't know what to look on for a while. Behind the bushes, Xiao Siyi was reluctant and still asked: "What are you sorry? Is the husband just the type he likes, or is it not regretful that he could not marry the one he likes?"

Mu Mingtang was embarrassed to be asked, Xiao Siyi asked several times, but she was stunned, and said in a low voice: "Neither."

When everyone behind the tree heard these words, they all turned to look at Xie Xuanchen. Xie Xuanchen could hardly control his expression and strained his face with all his strength. Yeluyan raised her eyebrows, her eyes full of meaning among men.

Mu Mingtang was so anxious by Xiao Siyi that he could only say one answer. She does not regret it. When she was first adopted by the Jiang family, she knew that she would marry Xie Xuanji instead of Jiang Mingwei. She didn't even know what Xie Xuanji looked like at the time, so she nodded in agreement.

The joys and sorrows in this world are not interlinked, and most women cannot rely on and do whatever they want like Xiao Siyi.

Xiao Siyi felt that this was the words of a matchmaker ordered by his parents and a restriction on love and freedom. Mu Mingtang had never had similar thoughts. Later Jiang Mingwei came back, and she suddenly became superfluous. When Xie Xuanji controlled her to marry Xie Xuanchen, she didn't have any reluctance.

The Jiang family gave her blessing in the troubled times, and Mu Mingtang recognized this kindness and was willing to pay it back for the rest of his marriage. When she stepped onto the sedan chair, she knew what kind of environment she was about to face, and what she would look like in the next half of her life.

She didn't expect that at the moment she opened the bed tent, she saw Xie Xuanchen.

So Mu Mingtang really has no regrets. Before marrying, he had never met with her husband, but on the day of the wedding, she discovered that her husband happened to be her benefactor, the boy who saved her. He is the one she is willing to spend her life with, and he is the one she dreamed of when she first began to love her. With so much love from God, Mu Mingtang was so satisfied and wanted nothing more.

As for the two situations mentioned by Xiao Siyi, they did not exist for Mu Mingtang. Her husband is the one she likes.

Mu Mingtang felt ashamed after saying "None". Although Mu Mingtang's words are vague, everything is clear from her current performance.

Xiao Siyi gave a meaningful "Oh", and Mu Mingtang became more embarrassed and blushed and said: "Miss Xiao, this is in the forbidden palace, please be careful."

Xiao Siyi laughed loudly, Jiang Mingwei looked at the two people opposite, one of whom laughed presumptuously, and the other blushed, feeling inexplicably that she was excluded.

Jiang Mingwei couldn't help thinking of Xiao Siyi's question just now. Is she regretful? Jiang Mingwei thinks about her past life, and then thinks about this life. She doesn't regret the choice in this life, but it is regrettable, of course.

Jiang Mingwei suddenly envied the two people in front of him. Both of them had become queens in their previous lives. Although each had an uneasy concubine, the position of the palace was as secure as gold. What they think they are accustomed to is actually a dream that many people can't ask for in a lifetime.

In this life, many trajectories have obviously changed, but Xiao Siyi can still say with a grin that she only marries the person she likes, and Mu Mingtang will also laugh without saying a word. His eyes are smiling when he thinks of that person, and his cheeks are thin. The two of them really lived fortunately and at ease from beginning to end.

The lucky ones in the world are always similar, and presumptuous has always belonged to the loved ones. Jiang Mingwei and Wanyan Duo were also on the scene, but the two of them did not participate in this topic.

Xiao Siyi laughed for a while, and suddenly felt movement behind him. She cold her face suddenly, stood up and said, "Who is it?"

Mu Mingtang also closed his expression immediately, and then stood up.

Behind the bush, someone?

This shock was not trivial, and several of them immediately walked back. Xiao Siyi was bold and took the lead, followed by Mu Mingtang.

But when they walked around behind the bushes, they found no one.

There are only a few scattered leaves on the ground, and nothing else.

Xiao Siyi rummaged around and murmured strangely: "It shouldn't be, I clearly heard the movement just now. Could it be that I heard it wrong?"

Mu Mingtang alone frowned as he looked at the slightly messy land on the ground.

There are people here, and they just left.

who is it?

Because of this incident, Mu Mingtang's good mood for enjoying flowers suddenly disappeared. When it was time for the dinner to be held in the evening, her eyes swept over man after man, and everyone felt suspicious.

Xie Xuanchen found that Mu Mingtang was staring at a man seriously, not knowing what he was thinking. Xie Xuanchen also glanced at the past, feeling a little unhappy.

He suddenly picked up the teapot to pour tea for Mu Mingtang, and his body shape changed to block Mu Mingtang's sight. Mu Mingtang was judging what was important, his eyes were blocked suddenly, and he couldn't help moving forward.

She moved, Xie Xuanchen also moved. Mu Mingtang no longer could see that Xie Xuanchen was blind on purpose. She helplessly asked, "What are you doing?"

"I still want to ask you." Xie Xuanchen asked with a gloomy face, "What are you doing?"

"Don't make trouble." Mu Mingtang opened his hand and said, "I'm busy."

She even pushed him away, Xie Xuanchen was savage, and the whole person was pretentious: "Are you cruel to me for other men?"

"I do not have."

"You still beat me for other people."

Mu Mingtang was shocked, she pointed to herself inconceivably, and then looked at Xie Xuanchen: "I, hit you? I still have this ability, why don't I know?"

Xie Xuanchen snorted softly, "Is only a physical injury called an injury? It's a mental beating."

Mu Mingtang was disgusted by him, and the most deadly old age being coquettish. Mu Mingtang rubbed his eyebrows vigorously and said from the bottom of his heart: "Xie Xuanchen, you are no longer such a coquettish age. You speak well and don't disgust people. "

Xie Xuanchen was really hurt this time. He raised his eyebrows and asked incredulously, "What are you talking about? You even dislike my age?"

Their seats have always been eye-catching, and someone below heard their movement and looked up curiously. Feeling embarrassed, Mu Mingtang hurriedly pulled Xie Xuanchen: "It's alright, let's go home and say. Don't engage in moths anymore."

Mu Mingtang was really scared, she couldn't afford to lose that face, so she could only coax the ancestor next to her. However, the more Xie Xuanchen gave his face, the more he took Qiao, he still looked upset and hung his neck proudly without speaking. Mu Mingtang was afraid that Xie Xuanchen would do anything more, so he could only get closer, and by pulling his sleeves, he explained in a low voice: "I didn't look at other people just now, but find someone else."

Xie Xuanchen's eyes moved, his voice still high and cold: "Looking for someone?"

"Yes." Speaking of this, Mu Mingtang was also a little sad. "It was the person who overheard us in the afternoon. I was talking in the pavilion with Xiao Siyi and Jiang Mingwei, and there was a row of hibiscus and bushes planted in the back. We focused on talking. They didn't pay attention to the back. The few people didn't know how long they had been listening. When they left, they made a movement, and Xiao Siyi noticed it, and I knew that they had been overheard."

Xie Xuanchen's lips moved, as if he wanted to speak again, but Mu Mingtang was immersed in his thoughts and did not pay attention.

He rubbed the edge, and Zengruo asked unconsciously: "If you find it, what are you going to do?"

"Naturally can't tolerate it." Mu Mingtang said with a sullen face, "Who is it, gentlemen, don't look at indecent assault, don't listen to indecent, but the big men eavesdropped on the feet of the woman, and they quietly left after listening. You said, is this something a big man can do?"

Xie Xuanchen's confession reached his lips, and he swallowed it again. Mu Mingtang looked really annoying, being called a villain was much more serious than being scolded.

Especially this person is Mu Mingtang.

Xie Xuanchen was quiet for a while and asked, "How do you know if it is a man or several?"

"Look at the footprints on the ground." Mu Mingtang didn't think much, and directly shared his own speculation. "Although there are no footprints on the ground, the soil is messy. Many petals are rubbed on the ground. At first glance, they have been artificially processed. After Xiao Siyi could retreat immediately after hearing the sound, it is obvious that it must be a man, with a very agile skill, and the range of the ground being turned over is so large, if it is just a man stepping on it, it will not spread so big."

Xie Xuanchen pursed his mouth as he listened, and Yeluyan and Xie Xuanji's two wastes actually left marks on the ground. If Bei Rong and Ye Chao fell into the hands of these two people, they would finish playing together.

Xie Xuanchen hesitated and stopped several times, really didn't know what to say. Mu Mingtang was still immersed in the anger of being overheard, and constantly scolded the eavesdropper with Xie Xuanchen. The more Mu Mingtang scolded, the more complicated Xie Xuanchen's expression became.

Xie Xuanchen spent the whole night thinking about how to tell Mu Mingtang the truth inadvertently, and by the way pick himself out of the eavesdropping team. Xie Xuanchen even thought about being threatened, but he demonstrated it in his heart. He didn't think it was credible, and Mu Mingtang probably wouldn't believe it.

Xie Xuanchen sighed faintly in his heart.

People can't be too fluttering. He was full of spirits and spirits all afternoon, and now he's okay, it's hard to ride a tiger.