I’m A Baller

Chapter 143: Special card

  Everyone went around in the suite, and soon found their own pastime goals.

   Liu Li intends to take the girls to the SPA, but Bitch, Nawu, Fu Yushi and Lin Weiwei are not willing to go.

   Fu Yushi must guard the door, and friends and classmates will come later.

   Lin Weiwei is not very interested in SPA, in fact, her mother often takes her to do maintenance and other things, there is no shortage of experience.

   Bitch is a bit embarrassed, and he puts out a strong posture, and then is dragged away by Liu Li holding his arm.

   Nago is a game fan, so she can't walk when she sees a mahjong machine.

   Then there were only three women and three men left in the suite. Among them, Fu Yushi couldn't play anything and could only be a waiter. The remaining five were divided into five groups.

   Reyinago, mahjong pie.

   Han Luzhou, movie school.

   Guo Zihao, game pie.

   Lin Weiwei, beauty and sleep school.

  Wang Dashao, the fencer.

   "Anything will do, you decide!"


   The four people raised their eight middle fingers together.

   We want to be able to settle down, as to ask you?

  The most annoying group of you [everything] rides the fence, there is no standpoint at all!

   Wang Yan felt very wronged: "I can do it for real, take care of your needs!"

   "Don't take care, you decide!"

   The four people spoke in unison.

Wang Yan thought for a while and slapped his slap: "That's it: you four play mahjong, then I turn on the theater equipment, lie on the sofa and play mobile games while watching a movie. When I get sleepy, I will take a beauty sleep and meet all your needs... …"

   convex = (︶^︶) = convex


   In the end, Wang Yan was pressed to the mahjong table alive, Lin Weiwei ran to the side to accompany Fu Yushi, eating fruit, watching movies, playing WeChat, and laughing at Wang Yan.

   Yes, let's play!

Classmates definitely can’t play with money, but playing mahjong is too boring without a bit of color, so the four of them will drink ice-cold Kuo Le, who can’t help but want to go to the bathroom, they have to take an ugly picture. Send it to Moments.

   There are a variety of cups in the suite. In the end, everyone chose a generous cup, which can be filled with half a bottle of Kuole.

   Basic Hu cards are pour one-fifth, extra one-fifth, thirty-two rounds cap, six full cups.

   Wang Yan looked at the generous cup, and his heart beat a drum.

  Madan, where would you play mahjong?

   It’s a big cup of ice and broad music, and it’s horrible to pour it down in one sip!

   Fortunately, the four people on the table come from four provinces and can only play national standard mahjong. The rules are very simple. With Wang Yan’s intelligence, he can learn quickly.

   Then officially started, gearing up one by one.

   "hiahiahia, barking you wait!"

   "Wang Shao, you will bring it to the door by yourself today. We have to settle the last grudge!"

   "Old Wang, were you unhappy when you fed us dog food?"

   Mr. Wang continued to make a tough shot: "It's not that I despise you, I am afraid when I get up!"

   Lin Weiwei and Fu Yushi chuckled on the other side of the sofa and shouted: "When you need to take pictures, we can help!"

   The war was serious, and Wang Yan immediately got serious.

   In the first game, the card was caught in the hand, and there was only one Dongfeng and one red.

   Grab one, Yaoji, keep it in your hand, and hit the wind.

   grab another circle, nine, keep in hand, hit the red.

   Then Wang Yan was stunned. Ouch, I seem to have heard it, but the problem is...

  What am I going to paste?

   Three chickens, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, three, nine, exactly 13 cards.

   just typed out a piece of 8 pieces to Guo Zihao, and Wang Yan shouted: "Wait!"

   Everyone was taken aback, and then waited for a long time without seeing Wang Yan touching the cards, suddenly a little impatient.

   "Hey, do you want to?"

   Wang Yan fiddled with him for a while, and he was sure that he was confused.

   But after thinking about it, he waved his hand: "I can't afford it."

   Immediately afterwards, Han Luzhou from his family hit a 5 stripe, and it was confused again.


   Wang Yan vigorously went to draw cards, trying to draw a self-draw.

   Broken cards, all the slips are stuck, you dare to believe it? !

   Wang Yan didn't dare to believe it, and he confirmed it repeatedly for a long time before finally confirming it.

   "I move, move...return...finish!"

   took out a piece of 6 and threw it on the table. Mr. Wang laughed: "Touch yourself!"

When the    card fell, everyone was dumbfounded.

   "I'm going... what kind of ghost story is this?!"

  Wang Yan didn't care about it, and immediately shouted: "Pingzhi, come over to Kuole, by the way, help me count it!"

   Lin Weiwei carried Fu Yushi over, and when she looked at the desktop, her eyes almost fell on the back of her feet.

   "Halo! What kind of fate is yours? 88, it's capped!"

   Topping means... six cups per person?

   Wang Yan picked up a piece of Xijiang melon on the fruit plate next to him, and held it in his mouth gracefully, holding the remaining toothpicks, leaning comfortably on the back of the chair, leaning on his side, smiling and raising his eyebrows.

   Here, there should be a BGM.

   "Beep toot, toot toot, toot toot, toot toot toot, toot toot toot toot..."

   Forget it, the post-90s can’t sing, so let’s change it.

   "The waves are rushing, the waves are running, the waves of the rivers and the rivers will be closed forever..."

   In the powerful, magnificent, domineering, and passionate BGM, the three opposing masters gradually widened their eyes, terrified...

   and Brother Xiao Wang waved his hand indifferently: "Weiwei, Shangkuole!"


   Fu Yushi smiled directly, trembling on Lin Weiwei's shoulder, tears rolling around on her eyelashes, her eye makeup almost faded away.

   Guo Zihao and Han Luzhou looked at each other a few times, then secretly met both eyes, and suddenly looked at Nawu together.

The meaning of    is very simple: you are a girl, you come to shame!

   As a result, Nawu got great courage from the encouraging eyes of the two difficult brothers and sisters. She slapped the mahjong machine hard, gritted her teeth and stood up, her face full of righteousness.

   "Drink and drink! Who is afraid of whom?!"

  噗...... 呲!

   Han Luzhou and Guo Zihao stared with round eyes, and almost squirted out a mouthful of uncle's blood.

   Na, can you pit a little bit more? !

   In contrast, Wang Yan and Lin Weiwei immediately clapped their hands and praised Na Wu.

   "Good Nago!"

   "Applause for you, call for you, cheer for you!"

   Han Luzhou and Guo Zihao covered their faces with their hands, and collapsed on their chairs tiredly, conveying the loneliness of life without love.


   "Goooooooooooo... hiccup! Kooooooooooo... hiccup!"

   Four hiccups, Nawu killed four cups in one breath, then took a break, and took the remaining two cups.

   After drinking, she raised her head proudly: "Huh! What a big deal, when I drink Kuole...hiccup!"

   If there is no one last one, it would be perfect.

   Han Luzhou and Guo Zihao had no tricks, they were directly forced to Liangshan by Na Wu, frowning and starting to pour.

   To tell the truth, Nawu may have an unusual talent. The average person of Bing Kuole can't drink much. The feeling of stomach uplift can make people feel painful with two big cups.

   Guo Zihao and Han Luzhou obviously don't have Nawu's talents. They drink more uncomfortable than an enema. They have two handsome faces that match each other, and they look like bitter gourds.

   Wang Yan called a comfort in his heart.

   Let you provoke!

   makes you look more handsome than me!

   makes you feel that novices are so bully!

   dumbfounded, right?

   was hilarious, the system suddenly jumped out to join in the fun.

   [You get great pleasure in a game, so activate a game reward]


really interesting!

   It turns out that this kind of chess and card entertainment that does not play money and has a small lottery is considered a game?

   Wang Yan was overjoyed and immediately checked the panel.

  【Luck or Strength】

  【Special Card】

   [Use: You have two choices]

   [1: Solidify the card into a permanent skill "Game Master", and steadily exert one's highest strength during any confrontation*, and once in a while, you can play at a super level]

   [2: Burn the card, use it for one time, and get a buff-the European Emperor comes]

  【No matter how small the probability is, it has happened before. The meaning of probability is to prove that it is possible.】

   [Within 30 minutes, your luck will soar to a very high level]

   [After the time limit is over, the probability of all critical strikes in the system will be halved within 7 days, but this bad luck will not continue in your life]

   [Note: This card can only be kept for 30 days, please make a decision as soon as possible]

  What a complicated card...

   Wang Yan couldn't help but sigh for it.

  The card with the most complicated instructions since getting the system is this thing.

   But it seems... it doesn’t seem to be stronger than [Supernatural Force Geka]?

   Wang Yan was a little uncertain.

   In fact, it seems quite interesting to become a game master, because the scope of "confrontation*" is too broad.

   Entertainment mahjong counts, competitive games counts, does Werewolf kill count?

   Is it counted to bet with a girl?

  Is it counted as racing, rowing, skiing, and skating in informal events?

  The imagination is huge...

   The other one-off outbreak seems to be quite strong.

   Just a short moment, Wang Yan came up with a lot of show operations.

   The only problem is... it is difficult to determine the intensity of luck.

If the probability that a blue man grows three **** is one in ten billion, then within 50 years, between two or three generations, there must be a blue man, and a solid, spicy man will be better. .

   Although that is not useful for eggs.

   But, here is probability.

   It takes extremely high luck (bad luck?) for the ten billionths to fall on the head. The ordinary luck value is probably not enough to leverage such a small probability.

   Therefore, the intensity of luck is very important. Otherwise, if only a probability event of "one in a million" is raised to the level of "one in a million", the significance is not very big.

   There is still room for operation, but it will be very restricted.

   So, it's a headache.

  After pondering for a while, when Han Luzhou and Guo Zihao grinned to drink Kuole, Wang Yan still did not make a choice.

   Next, the second round of cards will be played. Wang Yan simply doesn't think much anymore, and just save the cards in his inventory.

   can last 30 days, I will talk about it later.


   At the beginning of the second hand, the situation became strange to the naked eye.

   Han Luzhou and Guo Zihao hiccup from time to time, resisting the bloating and the rising urination, gritting their teeth and glaring at Wang Yan, without thinking about drawing cards and playing cards.


   Eat or not, touch or touch, close your eyes and hold back the big move?

   Nawu occasionally hits a small hiccup, but it seems that the bladder is very strong and the movements are normal, so he is not irritable.

   is just that every time I draw a useful card, I immediately smile from ear to ear, so happy.

  , the cards are good, big bears.

   Wang Yan watched everything, and started to make trouble with a smirk.



   "Touch again!"


   Two times the little ass, all down!

   There is no BGM this time, Xiao Wang smiled modestly and faithfully: "One and a half cups are fine, take it slow, take it slow!"

   Your uncle!

  Lao Han and Guo Zihao hated to death, they almost shot the table.

   "Wang Shao, in your capacity, messing with such a small **** stubble is detrimental to your heroism!" Guo Zihao rolled his eyes and started digging.

   Wang Yan laughed and chanted a poem: "Fat all the way to victory!"

   Han Luzhou was angry: "Lao Wang, hiccup! What are you playing with? Dare to...hiccup...men?"

   "Don't dare."

   Wang Yan shook his head decisively, and Lin Weiwei and Fu Yushi were picking up fun nearby, almost laughing.

   The two hard-working masters wanted to cry without tears, and their desire to do something big became more urgent.

   In the third game, Wang Yan's cards were bad, and he immediately changed his play.

   Seeing that the next family Nawu only needs pancakes, she immediately began to dismantle the cards, and then waited for Nawu to listen to it, and immediately retracted to play free Zhang.

   Within two laps, Nawu screamed and pushed the card: "Take it yourself! All!"

   properly, finished.

   Wang Yan clapped his hands and stood up, went up and made three glasses of Bing Kuo Le, then smiled and began to watch the excitement.

   "It's you two, drink quickly!"

   Na Wu finally won a round, that is called a positive.

   Lao Han and Guo Zihao looked at each other, with big eyes and small eyes, no one was willing to go first, so the thief was so real.

"You first!"

   "I don't! Why?"

   "Sooner or later..."

   "Then you first!"

"Neither do I!"

  Lin Weiwei and Fu Yushi laughed so much that their legs were weak, they kept patting Wang Yan: "You said why are you so bad!"

   These two poor children were completely stunned by the play, especially since they both experienced the last KTV battle. When they recalled the rainbow fountain that rose up into the sky, their faces were all green.

   Wang Yan was too lazy to look again, took the two beauties to eat fruit, and left the three victims fighting in there.

   After a while, Guo Zihao rushed into the bathroom with a distorted expression.

   Immediately afterwards, Han Luzhou Sayazi followed.

   In the end, Nawu walked over with a domineering step that her six relatives did not recognize, and raised her head, and put her palm up to Wang Yan.


   Wang Yan forced his palms up and hit her against her, full of absurdity: feelings, do you think we are in the same group? !

   If it wasn't for your strong growth, now you are also scolding your mother in the bathroom!

   Fu Yushi and the two of them couldn’t help laughing, but Nawu didn’t care at all, she was extremely proud: "I’m still great..."

   Yes, it is ~lightnovelpub.net~ You are the best.

   Then it will be interesting. The two boys ran to the toilet every once in a while, and Wang Yan watched a movie with the three girls.

   After a movie, the SPA army downstairs just came back, all radiant.

   Liu Li rushed into Wang Yan's arms as soon as he came back and reported cheerfully: "The attitude of the spa is super good. The skin care products for us are all Hermes Garden series..."

   was whispering, Guo Zihao suddenly passed by with his stomach and legs in front of him, Liu Li was taken aback.

   "Hey? What are you doing? I just checked Moments, Old Han seems to have a stomachache...Did you eat something unclean?"

   Just after asking, Lin Weiwei and Fu Yushi laughed suddenly without warning, and were paralyzed on the sofa for a long time unable to get up.

Huh? !

what happened?

   Each one is so strange...

   Perplexed and raised his head, Wang Yan interprets to her very pretentiously: "They bet that Bing Kuole can drink together, and one person will kill five bottles at the top..."

   chugging energetically, Wang Xue's laughter and cursing came from a distance in the small hall: "Wang Gouzi, let's not finish tonight!"

   Liu Li was taken aback and reacted immediately. It turned out that Wang Wang was making trouble again, and he immediately nestled in his arms, laughing until he could not breathe.

   In such a joyous atmosphere, Fu Yushi’s birthday ladder officially began, and it continued until late.

   Wine is not intoxicating, everyone is drunk, where to climb high and send it home.

   Only lovesickness is like spring, don't let the world be sad for long.