I’m A Baller

Chapter 194: Observe carefully

   On the way to the airport, Wang Yan leaned comfortably on the large seat and began to look at the rewards.

   Although a total of more than 4 million bullets were shot out, the money and breathing salary of Dapeng brother Kari were wasted.

   However, the results are gratifying.

   Today is an explosive harvest.

   [During the validity period of the spicy consumption card, a total of 14.5 kilograms of Matsusaka Wagyu beef, 17.6 kilograms of Kobe Wagyu beef, and 2.25 kilograms of raw garlic are consumed]

   [Critical strikes are calculated as follows]

   [145 units of Matsusaka beef×3000 yuan, unit price of 100g = 435,000 yuan]

   [176 units of Kobe beef×2,000 yuan, unit price of 100g = 352,000 yuan]

   [22.5 units of raw garlic × 1,500 yuan, unit price of 100g = 33,750 yuan]

   [Lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, total consumption of 250 yuan]

   The price of garlic has also been added to the raw materials, happiness!

  What the **** is the price of vegetables?

   go away, brother does not lack your 250!

   Fugui is so swollen that he is full of elementary school math problems.

  [The total price of raw materials is 821,000 yuan, the spiciness level is 1, and the final spiciness coefficient is 22.5]

   [You got a total of 18.742 million yuan in crit rewards]


   Wang Yan's thoughts suddenly became very slow, and he was full of thoughts: I have upgraded!

   Although the expensive beef could not be eaten after all, although the carefully prepared garlic only dried out 2.25 kg...

   But it doesn't matter, everything is the best arrangement of the system dad!

   Wang Yan is so touched that he can't wait to send Dagang and them a big prize.

   On average, each person has killed more than 300 grams of garlic!

   The garlic is quite dry and has no moisture. It basically looks like 8 heads per person in my life.


   Comrades, hard work!

   And the comrades who Wang Yan is right about, are already in pain at this moment.

   Dagang was sitting on the toilet, his fat face was flushed red, his eyes shot straight out to sparks, crying at the group chatting ghosts on the phone.

   "Brothers, don't brag about you, brother is really pulling the fire out now... ah ah ah!"

   screamed and sang suddenly

   Let’s go, it’s not a big problem to be able to sing, goodbye!


   Wang Yan simply transferred 3.5 million to Dapeng's card, and then sent a text message to Wang Yunxi.

"Brother Xizi, today’s rewarded account will be calculated according to what was negotiated before, and I will transfer you 600,000 cash later. After you settle the hotel’s account, you will receive 5 bonuses for the remaining money. ."

   At the hotel, 850,000 wagyu, 450,000 garlic, 3w of the room, plus other miscellaneous things, it is estimated that the bill will eventually be 1.35 million.

   Wang Yan paid a deposit of 1 million before, and then made up 600,000, leaving 250,000 to give bonuses to 5 people.

   The number is not large, it is not worth mentioning compared to today's income.

   But, it was enough for them to be happy.

  Like this situation, it is necessary to master a degree. It is absolutely impossible not to give it. It is also bad to give more. 50,000 per person is quite appropriate.

   18.74 million crit bonuses, plus the remaining 430,000 salary, cost 4.1 million in an instant.

   Balance: 15.07 million.

  In terms of experience value, it was 1043/2500 before. 1 million hotel deposit and 1.5 million company investment have been calculated.

   3 million live streaming rewards + 600,000 back-up deposit, totaling 1403/2500.

   Only 11 million to upgrade the system!

   For the first time, Wang Yan thought of another place to spend money——

  I went to the system store immediately and bought the Euro-Fei turntable.

   Cash: 14.07 million.

   Experience value: 1503/2500.

   Next, there are only two things that cost a lot of money.

   buy a house.

   Get the lottery.

   There is no need to rush to buy a house, the demand is not urgent.

   However, the houses in Star City were too cheap once they came, and it happened that there was a pretty good villa area at the north gate of Star Master.

   Secondly, Wang Yan wanted to attack the 8-level system, but for a time there was no better way to consume.

   Simply buy a villa to improve the quality of life in the next few years.

   As for the lottery, Wang Yan actually has a comprehensive plan.

   Two sets.

  Which set to implement will be determined in retrospect. It is estimated that it will not exceed October at the latest, which will give parents a big surprise.

   After sorting out everything, Wang Yan felt relieved and lay in the chair with his eyes closed.

  The courtesy car still drives directly to the VIP parking lot, and you get off at the VIP hall door.

   Inside, there is still a special reception.

   Wang Yan sat in the rest area drinking water, then took out another ticket and handed it to the customer service.

   "Excuse me, can this ticket be refunded?"

   The customer service glanced over, nodding with a smile: "Mr. Okay."

   That is the round-trip ticket that Wang Yan bought when he came. It is the plane at 5:20 tomorrow morning.

   Now things are over early, and I don't want to get up until half of my sleep to catch the plane, and simply return early. Then the hotel side helped prepare the ticket, and simply refunded my own one.

   What's wrong with Shenhao?

   When it is time to be frugal, there is no need to waste it.

  The customer service came back quickly with the boarding pass and the ticket to be refunded.

   "Sir, the procedures have been processed for you. You need to complete the refund at the airport where you purchased the ticket, and hand it to the VIP customer service after landing."

  So worry-free.

   Wang Yan almost habitually took out his wallet for tips, only halfway through the draw did he realize that he is not a hotel waiter and cannot use money to insult others.

   wandering towards the exit, Wang Yan suddenly remembered a question.

   "Excuse me, normally, only one ticket can be purchased with one ID. How do you deal with the situation where one person buys two seats like me?"

   The customer service smiled on his face, and his mother was selling criticism.

   a big dog, is it fun to molest me?

   You don’t know how to deal with it. How did you get the two seats? !

   resisting envy, jealousy and sourness, try to reply normally.

   "Sir, you only need to call the airline to clarify your situation and needs, and the company will apply and arrange according to the actual situation."


   Wang Yan nodded ignorantly, still very curious: What is the reason for Rich?

The reason for    fart is only six words-first class, full fare!

   Translate more bluntly-money can make ghosts push.

   If it's not too late, Rich would like to pack the first class all-in, to please Wang Yan, a wealthy boy.

   But now the treatment is already very good, so good that it is actually unnecessary.

  Because today’s flight is still a medium-sized airliner, Airbus 320, the distance between the two side-by-side seats in the first class is very wide, and whether there are people sitting next to it, it does not affect anything at all.

   On the contrary, there is one more inexplicable benefit——

   When the beautiful first-class flight attendant is serving, if you are facing a guest inside by the window, she will stand in the aisle and bend over.

   If you are facing an outside seat, you basically squat down to serve.

   However, although Wang Yan is sitting by the window, there is an empty seat next to him. It is too far away to be polite.

   Get closer and squat down comfortably without enough space. Miss Sister simply knelt on one knee and asked Wang Yan's needs in a low voice.

   The old drivers of China Southern Airlines’ cheongsam all know it. Both sides have slits. In summer, stockings are not required...


   We, Wang, are always very decent people, and don't think about anything.

   Then an even bigger accident happened—a blast of air happened by chance.

  Mid-sized airliner, it’s weird not to shake

   Then... there is no more.

   not allowed.

   Anyway, the young lady had to sit down in an empty seat after experiencing a panic. The two chatted happily for 10 minutes, and the rest of the time was quiet for reading.

   The result of the chat was... Wang Dashao was forced to go to WeChat again.

   Why did you give it?

   boring question.

  Miss sister with a score of 90 or more, I ask you for a WeChat account, can you give it?

   Oh, it's impossible for that kind of thing to happen at all, so you can say no to it.

   Anyway, Wang Yan couldn't bear to refuse.

After    landed, as soon as I arrived at the rental house in a VIP car at the airport, a friend sent verification via WeChat.

   Wang Yan directly changed the remarks "Sister Yu of China Southern Airlines" to recognize scenes, occupations, and surnames, and then pulled them into a new category labeled "404".

   The classification label does not actually have any special meaning, because the classification label of the same bed is 303, so the parents and relatives are 101, the sister of Diwu is 202, the new sisters are 404, and ordinary students can put it until 505...

   Okay, I can't make up anymore, stop it.

   There is only one day in the new label, "Mad City Kerry Lu One Day". When Wang Yan checked WeChat, he found a new verification application from Li Nuoyi.

   This girl has been hanging by Wang Yan for almost 10 days, often sending verification applications, and then all of them are ignored.

   She was quite tough for the first few days, and she cursed a bit of a **** in the application.

   Today this one is very obedient: Sorry, I was wrong, can you talk about it?

   Wang Yan readily refused.

   Talk about your sister, there is no time now!

   But Nianzai had a good attitude, and Wang Yan finally gave a positive response.

  Rejection is better than ignorance. Isn’t that reasoning?

   I buckled my phone, I didn't think about anything anymore, I went to bed.


   On the 6th, on Sunday, Wang Yan got up at 8 o'clock, ate an 8 yuan breakfast downstairs, and immediately rushed to the playground.

  Star Master has too many girls, so the military training is very relaxed. Every Saturday has a holiday, but he still has to continue training on Sunday.

   came to the playground, the sparse phalanx was already in place.

   Instructor Yan Chuan glanced at Wang Yan, and asked in a pleasant tone, "Did you practice yesterday?"

   Wang Yan told the truth: "I had a private business yesterday, I was busy all day."

   Instructor Yan frowned: "To maintain the training intensity, you are very hopeful, don't relax."

   Wang Yan smiled and nodded, silently standing aside in military posture.

   For a dog who always demands his own standards by Shenhao, justification is the most meaningless thing.

  Other gods pretend to be forced to say: "Don't beep, talk with money."

   Wang Yan's heart is even higher, and he still dares to call numbers when money is useless: At that time, let's speak with facts.


   Gathered with the sand sculpture roommates at noon, Ruyu's eyes were very resentful.

   "Boss, you leave us again and go out by yourself..."

   "I'm not hi, I'm doing business."

   "It's useless to talk about anything else, just ask if you have contact with a good-looking lady?"

   Wang Yan: "……"

   Ruyu's question, the angle is so tricky, Wang Yan is speechless.

   The eyes of the sand sculptures changed abruptly, all kinds of complexity, making Wang always feel like a sinner.

   "It's okay, don't look at brother with that kind of abandoned eyes... After the military training is over, I will take you out for a big wave, okay?"

   "Wide to broad!"

   The sand sculptures were immediately happy.

   The excitement of Ruyu, Squirrel and Chuanwa is unnecessary. Snow peas is sweating with tension, and I don’t know what to make up for...

  Hello, wake up, think about it now, it's a bit early!

   The brother-in-law didn't seem to be too interested, he stopped talking, and finally closed his mouth tightly.

   After eating noisily, the group went back for lunch.

   When he arrived in the bedroom, he immediately turned on the air conditioner. Before closing the door, the fat man Hu Liang who was sleeping on the opposite side squeezed in with a mattress.

   "Brother, brother, take me with you? I'll lie down and put together a few chairs!"

   The sand sculptures did not respond, and looked at Wang Yan together.

   smiles like a pug, with so pitiful eyes, who is embarrassed to refuse?

   "Put it! You spell two more, be careful not to fall."

   Wang Yan exhorted and climbed onto his bed.

   across the door in the bedroom opposite Hu Liang scolded: "Fatty man, just leave your brothers and enjoy yourself? You bastard!"

   Hu Liang laughed, and put his chair together silently.

   Now, in all freshman dormitories in the entire school, only 303 bedrooms are eligible for a nap.

   Freshman military training, everyone is sleepy, everyone is tired, but the weather is stuffy like a steamer, who can fall asleep at noon?

   Whenever 303 closes the door, the envy, jealousy and hatred of those nearby dormitories begin to overflow, and it feels sour like scratching the heart.

   Then, I grabbed the topic of "Should I install an air conditioner" and started discussing it until I went out in the afternoon.

   circulate like this every day.

   Well, after a few more days of discussion, you will be able to welcome Liqiu, when the autumn is high and refreshing and comfortable.

   At half past one in the afternoon, everyone woke up and went out. The little fat man was grabbed by the sweaty bedmates for a good meal, and yelled.

The brothers next to    were all laughing, but they were a little bit envious, which was clearly conveyed from their eyes.

   Ma Jill, why am I not so thick-skinned? !

   The sand sculptures of bed 303 proudly walk among the crowd, all of them seem to be dressed up.


   Training as usual in the afternoon~lightnovelpub.net~ Holding the flagpole, walking around in front of the girls, or stupidly for a long time.

  The girls in the travel class fooled for 30 minutes, and then they started laughing and joking again.

   Military training for girls, that's about it.

   The instructors are basically young men in their 20s, so they can't get up at all. After only three days, they have become a bit lawless.

   He Miaomiao sat on the grass to rest, and the bedtime girlfriend suddenly poke her with her finger, motioning her to turn back.

   As soon as he turned his head, he saw Wang Yan, holding the flagpole and walking forward.

   "Eh, Meow, have you noticed? Little handsome Wang Yan is getting more and more energetic!"

   The girlfriend was very excited, but He Miaomiao curled her lips in disdain, bowed her head and continued to play with her mobile phone.

   "Where is it? It's just that the action is a little stronger than others."

The two girlfriends next to    turned their heads in amazement, looked at her up and down, and then winked at each other with strange expressions.

  A: I said Wang Yan is a handsome guy, what is Miao Miao talking about?

  B: I don’t know, eh, it seems to be talking about righteousness?

   Then I looked back and tried to distinguish Wang Yan from the other standard bearers.

   Observing for a long time, I didn’t find that Wang Yan was obviously strong, but how should I say...

   looks more comfortable? !

   They don't know how to describe it. It's a bit different if it's correct, but the difference is too subtle and you have to observe carefully to discover it.

  The problem lies in the words "seriously observe".

Ok? !

what's the situation? !