I’m A Baller

Chapter 318: The iron horse glazes into a dream

  Like today's large-scale event, the end of the race is only the beginning of the second half.

  Partners want to thank you, right?

   Sponsors want to communicate their feelings, right?

   The hard-working anchor wants to appease and reward, right?

   Not to mention that there are so many important things to do next, such as hooking up the etiquette...

   Uh, improper words, it should be temptation.

   In short, Mr. Wang has a lot to do.

   But, looking at He Miaomiao who was sleepy, and thinking of the card again, Wang Yan felt like grass growing in his heart, itching intolerable.

   How about... Go to sleep with her?

   Uhhhhhhhhh, of course, each sleeps in its own way, the crab claws clamp the tints, one clamps the other.

   "Isn't it sleepy? Would you like me to accompany you upstairs to coax you to sleep?"

   The eldest lady was really tired. She didn't quarrel with Wang Yan, and waved lazily: "You are busy with you. I can hold on for an hour or two."

   Wang Yan raised his eyebrows unexpectedly: "Oh, so good? You won't whisper in your heart that I'm not taking care of me well?"

  Ms. He was a little bit more energetic, and nodded seriously: "No, men have to be busy with business matters. It's good, you don't want to worry, why should you go!"

   "It's so good! Then you come with me!"

   Wang Yan was in a happy mood, rubbed her head, then bent his arms and motioned for her to carry it.

   In fact, like the present occasion, you don’t have to walk arm in arm, and it’s not a serious reception.

   But He Miaomiao didn't think much about it, and followed Wang Yan's arm obediently.

   Well, this princess is willing to bet and lose her promise, always remember her as a secretary, and give her face to the end!

   When Mr. Wang was chatting with the sponsor, Secretary He stood quietly beside him, his eyelids drooped slightly, and said nothing.

   made a group of CEOs become more and more jealous of Wang Yan.

   Be good, then the wayward eldest lady is like a cat next to Mr. Wang, how tall is Mr. Wang's identity? !

   Well, don’t neglect!

   then expressed admiration for all kinds of beaming.

   Today’s event, the heat really exploded.

   In the end, the independent access IP given by the fish platform is 12 million-don't think about it, it must be filled with water.

   Now the entire domestic live broadcast users may not have 12 million, this number can only deceive ghosts.

   However, even if you make a discount, start from the eyebrow amputation, and count 1.2 million visits, it is the only event in the history of live broadcast.

  Although the advertising effect can only be calculated after a period of delay, you can tell by looking at the popularity, iron profit.

   did not lose the sponsorship fee, but received a great surprise.

   So, all the sponsors said all their good things, all sorts of slapped chests to guarantee tickets, booked sponsor seats for the next competition, and even doubled the sponsorship fee on the spot.

   Except for Miko.

   When Mr. Li shook hands with Mr. Wang again, his expression was complicated.

   "Mr. Wang, you are really...you are so unnatural at a young age, you are not afraid of losing your reputation?!"

   Wang Yan no longer plays the second generation of grumpy, smiling lightly.

   "Do you think my word of mouth collapsed?"


   President Li was choked so much that he wanted to hiccup.


   certainly not collapsed!

   not only did not collapse, but erected a big and resounding sign.

   The saddest thing is that there is a lot of power in it. It is made by my own family. Those models are the best green leaves, and they are out of control.

   If at first...

   MMP, who could have thought of today? !

   Failure to beat, Mr. Li's attitude softened, and he acted pitifully: "Mr. Wang, should you just stop? It is not easy for us to cultivate a model. If you eat all 50 models, your company is not easy to digest, why bother?!"

   is half a show, half a temptation, I want to talk in Wang Yan's attitude.

   But Wang Yan's reaction was so angry.

   "Why do you need it? We are helping your company purify the team!"

  Wang Dashao sighed, his face was all over for you.

   "Look, we picked girls who are unlikely to accept the unspoken rules. If you leave them there, there will be no big benefits. What we are going to do is not conflicting in nature!"


   This is too gloomy.

   President Li's face was pale with anger: "I hope I will see you next time, you can still be so sharp!"

   slapped a ruthless word and walked away.

   It’s no use staying more, it's better to go back and do something business.

   Young Master Wang didn't take the threat of the other party into his mind at all. The matter is over. The initiative has changed hands. I will cut your leek!

  Ms. He didn’t know the sordidness of that platform, she frowned and asked, “Wang Yan, it’s clear that you have taken advantage of it, so why bother to stimulate others?”

   Wang Dashao calmly smiled: "The conflict of interest is irreconcilable, not bad for the excitement. But I'm cool to say it."

wide awake!

   In shopping malls, quarrels are never a problem, and no one cares.

   But the actual disputes over interests are different. If you step on someone’s tail, it’s called death vengeance.

  Since the death feud has been settled, one more sentence will make you feel comfortable, what's the deal? !

   Anyway, I can’t understand what your family is doing, so he’s not convinced and hit me?

   As soon as Wang Yan finished skinning his front foot, Wang Yunxi respectfully sent President Li and his party out on his hind foot. The scene was so round that it was grand.

   The intrigue in the mall has never been so.

   After a good meal, the Kerry Hotel bus went back and forth twice, sending most people back to the hotel, and the event was finally over.

   Before they left, the fans came to greet Wang Yan and the princess, and their faces were familiar.

   As long as he doesn't take pictures, Mr. Wang will not refuse anyone, and he can chat with anyone.

   Be approachable, no need to act, Wang Yan has always respected his parents.

   Seventy or eighty fans, one by one greeting each other, it is another big project.

   [I love coriander], [Legendary Iron Hand Brother] There is no personal grievances with Wang Yan. They also come to chat for a few words and agree on one thing-Jiaqun.

The big anchors on the    platform have many private groups, and so are the big local tyrants on the platform.

   It cannot be said that everyone knows, and it is impossible for everyone to have a good relationship, but the big gods who often mess with platforms basically have small circles.

   I can’t do big things. It’s quite useful to pretend to be a beep, show off my wealth, and inquire about some news.

   Wang Yan agreed and waved goodbye to the two.

   Finally, [Black Tiger Forward] leaned in anxiously and complained.

   "Man, where did you get the courtesy lady? Why is it so difficult to pick up!"

   Wang Yan laughed blankly: "Brother Tiger, you didn't sincerely want to tease, you can't blame me."

   This stuff is like a hammer and a hammer. It's more about enjoying it, and it's not very purposeful.

   Otherwise, there are not many girls who are rich and handsome and show sincerity to pursue a certain girl.

   Wang Yan's etiquette is only self-respect, not unreasonable, and will not be moved by men.

   "Hey! Your man, I dare not really kill you..."

   Heihu pretended to sigh, still with that cynical smile on his face.

   Wang Yan moved in his heart.

your people? !

   The wording is a bit interesting...

   Wang Yan couldn't be sure that the other party really saw something, or just a habitual skin, this buddy, it's a bit difficult to figure out.

   can't understand, just ask directly.

   "What does Brother Tiger do at home? Is there a chance to work together?"

   "Processing, foreign trade, clothing, rent collection...whatever you make money, you just don’t catch the express train of the Internet."

   Heihu smiled happily, his speech was still curvy, without showing the slightest tendency, and he seemed to be testing something at any time.

   Wang Yan judged that Jie is a cautious character who has a clear heart, but it is difficult to communicate with strangers.

   However, as far as it is concerned, there is no malicious intent to Wangting Entertainment, and you can keep in touch.

   "Then find a car and try it out."

   Master Wang left a hook and waved goodbye to the opponent.

   "Today is ridden with chores, and the hospitality is poor. We will get together again next time, let's do something simple and have a good chat."

   "OK! Bye bye!"

   Watching the other party leave, Miss He suddenly started Teacher He's small class: "This person is more interested in you than me. He is either a scum man who is used to playing, or a scum man who is used to playing."

   is a bit convoluted, but Wang Yan second understands and almost laughs.

   "Where did you learn all those messy things!"

   Miss He is not convinced: "Foreign magazines are all published normally, what is mess?"

   "It's alright, go back to sleep!"

   There is a little finishing work left and just hand it over to the staff of Wangting Entertainment. Wang Yan does not plan and does not need to make it to the end.

   When I went back, I was sitting in the same courtesy car with Mr. Jialiai, which was another vain flattery.

   there is an unobtrusive change——

   If Mr. Ai's respect for Wang Yan before is based on money, it is derived from the professionalism of service industry practitioners, and it is a reasonable promotion of large customers...

   Then, the current respect is the recognition and admiration of Wang Yan himself.

   Respect for rights and money, and respect for personal ability and charm, is a completely different feeling.

  Wang Dashao realized that change, and his mood became more and more happy.

   Today’s appearance seems to be very successful...

   Return to the hotel and say goodbye to each other.

   When Miss He got down the elevator, Wang Yan suddenly stopped her and blinked at her: "Secretary He, what a dream!"

   The eldest pouted: "Secretary work is over. From now on, please call me your Royal Highness!"


   What is the story of the princess and the knight?

   Can you have a little bit of the pursuit of the universe and the physiology of the sexes? !

   But Wang Yan has nothing to do. Everything that follows is not under his control.

   can only be...

   Go back to the room, simply take a shower, dry it, and lie down on the board.

   omit a small step in the middle.

   Then, Wang Dashao, with a feeling of anxiety and expectation, activated the card that was about to expire.

  【Iron Horse and Ice River Come to Dream]

  【Disposable card】

   [When you decide to use this card, you will definitely dream at night. The content of the dream is completely random, but it will be affected by what happens during the day that day]

   [After the dream is over, you will get a random boost]

   [Enhanced content can be all the abilities you have now, even the unused items and cards in the inventory]

   [Note 1: There must be a person of the opposite **** who will be drawn into the dream by you that day, and your two consciousness will interfere and correct the dream together]

   [Note 2: If you have the same dream and the opposite sex, you need to have a face value of 90 points and a good impression of you above 60 points]

   [Note 3: When the dream is over, she will also get some kind of reinforcement, but only for the body]

   [Note 4: Remember, there is no logic and reason in the dream, don’t try to manipulate it]

   [Note 5: This card can only be retained for 30 days]


   In a small mountain village on the border of the Chedan Empire, the rooster was awakened by the dawn, and the rooster cried heartbreakingly: "Get up, you lazy people!"

  Wang Ergou got up from the hardwood bed with a yawn and began to put burlap sheets on him.

   The clothes were on his body, showing more than a little bit, but Wang Ergou didn't have any extra expressions. He simply wiped his face and took his **** and walked out of the house.

   Erya, who lives next door, heard the movement and ran out hurriedly, shouting: "Brother Ergou, when will you have a baby with me?"

   Erya is young and beautiful, with blue eyes and a good figure, and the tattered clothes can't hide anything.

   Wang Ergou waved his hand impatiently: "The crab is here, what are you talking nonsense? Didn't you pray again yesterday?"

   Erya replied aggrievedly: "But I have been praying for several months, and the oracle never comes. What can I do? Can we not give birth to offspring without the oracle of Crab God?"

   "I have told you many times, be religious!"

  Wang Ergou stared, dissatisfied with her simple belief and utility.

   "We don't pray for the sake of giving birth to offspring. We respect from the heart and thank it for protecting us from the black mist!"

   The second girl squashed her mouth, and then she couldn’t bear curiosity.

   "Brother Ergou, what's in the black mist? Everyone in the village said that you are the offspring of a warrior, and your father fought in the black mist."

   Wang Ergou looked into the distance, his eyes confused.

   The sky is blue, and the sun is high above the sky, but the mountain village is surrounded by a thick black fog, like a wall, firmly blocking the youth's yearning for the distance.

   "Probably some cannibals..."

   only existed for a moment, and soon the boy's expression regained his determination.

"But it doesn’t matter. My family inheritance, mystery, world fighting, strong lock, male and female tears, will soon be able to reach the realm of Dacheng. At that time, I must break through all the barriers and see Look at the legendary sea!"

   Erya's eyes are full of admiring little stars, but her mouth is uncontrollably vomiting.

   "Your family inherited martial arts, the name is really strange..."

   Ergou was a little bit ashamed, and forced a cold snort.

   "You don't understand, that's a knack for killing gods. The sun goddess was defeated by my family's ancestors, so the blood of the sun is flowing in my body!"


   Erya nodded ignorantly, followed Ergou perseveringly, and asked: "So, when will you pass the sun's blood to me?"

   "Hmph, stop dreaming, the oracle warns me to be a positive energy god!"

   "What is Shenhao?"

   "It's the hero of the gods, the most powerful and capable one in the sky!"

   "But you are the one who can fight the most in the village now?"

   "There are villages outside the village, the world is so big, at least dozens of villages, corresponding to the gods in the sky, you, you only have a baby in your heart, too shallow!"

   Er Ya was not convinced: "Who said that? I will grow crops!"

   went all the way, and finally came to the field.

  Wang Ergou looked at the golden flower field in front of him~lightnovelpub.net~ in a good mood.

   "Growing crops, who can compare to me!"

   Erya was so envious, she nodded her head repeatedly: "Well, Brother Ergou, we worked so hard to grow copper plates. You can grow gold coins without watering it every day. It's amazing!"

   In the flower field, the center of each flower stamen contains golden coins.

   Ergou took a deep breath at the flower field, and then blew it out. The gold coins rose in the wind and became more mature.

   picked off two of them and gave them to Erya: "Here, please eat!"

   Erya took the gold coin, wiped it eagerly, and delivered it to her mouth immediately. It was very sweet.

   "It's delicious! Ergou brother, I want to have a baby with you more and more..."

  Wang Ergou didn't like this topic, and ate breakfast in silence.

   After chewing dozens of gold coins quack quack, his belly is round and full of energy.

   What should I do next?

   The crops grow so well, and there is no need to do anything at all. So, shouldn’t we take a nap?

   When thinking of sleeping, Wang Ergou suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if some kind of power was about to move.

   was in a daze, suddenly a person rushed into the distance, crawling around and yelling.

   "The big thing is not good! A convoy came in from the black mist, and the leader of the team claims to be a tax officer, and he wants to collect taxes for the princess!"


   Tired of living? !

  The gold coins that I have worked so hard for...Huh? ! and many more! !

  People from outside...

   Black fog can pass? !