I’m A Baller

Chapter 346: Challenge project

  ⊙▽⊙? !

what's the situation? !

   Heihu was a little dazed by the question, and subconsciously pointed to the front: "There is one on Guilin Road... Wait a minute, I'll change the navigation for you."

   Papa re-entered the navigation to the destination, he finally took the time to ask: "Wang Shen, what do you mean? Suddenly decided to get one to play with?"

   "Well, that moment...it was refreshing."

   Wang Yan joked, summoned the card he had just received, glanced at it, and sighed again.

   Nima batch!

   On the system panel, a few lines of text are shining brightly.

   [At the moment when you passed by, your adrenaline soared, erupting with racer-level reactions and actions, so you got a mysterious reward]

  【Drifting Big G】

  【Disposable card】

   [You can test drive any G series model and complete a challenge. Depending on the result of the challenge, you will receive a percentage reward equal to the final price of the model]

   [Challenge content: run the test drive section as fast as possible]

  【Key challenge requirements: You must drift around corners, drive the fiercest car, and be the fiercest cub on the road! 】

   [Challenge rating: 60 km/h, pass, get 60% car purchase reward;

  100km/h, excellent, get 100% car purchase reward;

   and so on, every 10 km/h performance increase, get 10% car purchase reward.

  If the basic requirement of 60km/h is not met, you will not get any rewards]

   [Note 1: This card only lasts for 3 hours]

   [Note 2: After using this card for a test drive, you must purchase this model]

   [Note 3: You only have one chance to complete the challenge]

   Be the fiercest cub on the road? !

   hearse drift? !

   The egg hurts...

   sighed for a while, Wang Yan suddenly asked: "Brother Tiger, is there any more formal test drive nearby?"

   "Huh? The surrounding area of ​​that 4S store is quite quiet. Basically, all the customers test drive around. Why, isn't it enough for you?"

   Heihu was puzzled.

   Wang Yan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Not enough, I drove... Uh, more fierce..."

   If he couldn't find a suitable venue, Wang Dashao would rather just turn around at a speed of 60 kilometers before he fell down.

   Even slowing down to below 60 kilometers would not hesitate.

   Making money is of course a good thing, but Wang Dashao will never rush his life.

   On the public road, it's too dangerous to drive a beast like Big G for 80 kilometers.

  Wang Yan is not dangerous. The safety protection of the big G is not troublesome, but any person or car will be a huge threat to life.

   The limited edition Palame had better acceleration performance, but even in the middle of the night, even in a hurry, Wang Yan did not drive to the upper limit of the speed limit in the city.

   Wang Yan is not obeying laws, but respecting life.

   In the busy city, God knows from which corner a bear kid will suddenly pop out, leaving enough room for himself so that there will be no life-long regrets.

   Therefore, the key to the use of the new card has become...Can you find a suitable test drive venue within 3 hours?

   If it doesn't, An Anfen will earn 60% and it will fall.

   It’s okay if you don’t even make a profit. Buy a big G for the full amount, but I can’t afford it!


   Just as Wang Yan made up his mind, Heihu stroked his chin for a while, then suddenly slapped his face.

   "Yes! There is an international circuit in Bao'an, and there is also a Volkswagen test track, where you can run away! Let's go to the 4S shop first, wait for me to ask you!"

   There was no delay at the moment, and immediately took out the phone to shake the person.

   Within two minutes, Wang Yan followed the navigation to find the Mercedes-Benz 4S store, and at a glance saw a Big Mac parked in the center of the transparent exhibition hall.

   "Oh, that's the G63? It looks one size bigger than yours..."

   "Big wool? Just grow a little bit of yours than my car, okay? It counts as 5.2 centimeters if you are full..."


   Wang Yan reached out his hand and sneered at each other, "I will let you know what it feels like to be run over by a car wheel later."

   Heihu didn't believe it at all, he was not afraid at all, smiled and raised his middle finger, and walked into the 4S shop like a crab.

   The sales saw the two people coming down from the G500, and they smiled enthusiastically.

   "Hello, two distinguished guests, and welcome home!"

   Driving a Mercedes is a family member, no problem, a chat.

   "Vip, what car would you like to see today?"

   Wang Yan went straight to the "G63" without wasting any time.

   "I want a G63, can I have a test drive? I'm in a hurry."

   "VIP, that is G65..."

   The sales smile became brighter and brighter, "The G63 you want to test drive is over there, I will take you there!"


  Wang Dashao really didn't understand the G series, he turned his head suspiciously, and looked at the black tiger.

   "Is it more expensive than G63?"


   Heihu rolled his eyes and raised two fingers: "I can buy two if you include the price increase!"

   Ouch, I’ll go, what a good thing!

   Young Master Wang's mood took off instantly, and he immediately changed his mind: "Then change to 65! Hey...wait, there is no more expensive car in the G series?"

   Heihu was dumbfounded by Wang Shen's sudden nerves.

   "This year's new G65, the domestic memory will not exceed 20 units. The G series is the big brother, just like you are my big brother..."

   "Sure, then it."

  Wang Dashao was happy, and immediately turned around and asked the sales for a test drive.

   However, without waiting for the salesman to speak, a middle-aged man suddenly walked over, with a bad expression.

   "Little brother, no one in your family taught you. Do you have to follow the basic rules when you go out to do errands?"

what's the situation?

   Wang Yan was taken aback and turned to look at the sales.

"Um, sir, I'm sorry, the G65 test drive qualification is only available to VIP customers in the store, and you need to go through the procedures, fill in the form and leave a copy of your ID, and then wait in line. We only provide it once an hour A 10-minute test drive opportunity..."

  So troublesome?

   Wang Yan just frowned slightly, and the salesman immediately explained with a smile.

   "Excuse me, VIP, the new G65 is limited to a global limit, and the total output will not reach 300 in the end. We only have this one. We will spend most of the time on display... Please understand."

  OK, Wang Yan understands this.

   There is nothing wrong with the business's actions. With such a rare car model, it is impossible for anyone to test drive.

   then nodded to the sales: "It's okay, I don't understand the situation, which makes you embarrassed."

   The courtesy he should have, Wang Yan has never lacked.

   At the same time, it can be regarded as a side apology to the customers waiting in line for the test drive.

   took two steps back, and then asked the black tiger: "Have you found the test track?"

   Black Tiger shook his phone: "Waiting for the reply, my friend is helping to contact me."

   Then you can only wait?

  Wang Dashao raised his wrist and looked at the watch. There are still 2 hours and 40 minutes before the card expires, and it will take a while to drive to the stadium.

   "How far are the two places you mentioned? Are the roads blocked?"

   "Normal 40-minute drive, there is no morning or evening peak this weekend, but now it is more blocked than workdays, let's start in one hour!"

  噫, so annoying!

  Why is it so hard to make some pocket money!

  Wang Dashao was upset, the salesman was smiling, please sit down and ask for information.

   "VIP, do you have a VIP member of our store, or have you registered and bound to a Mercedesme member? Could you please submit your information, and I will arrange an appointment for you to queue up immediately."

   There must be no VIP in this store, what's that behind?

Wang Yan doesn’t understand, but Black Tiger is clear: “Mercedesme is a car owner service platform that Mercedes-Benz is actively promoting. It is equivalent to a member's gadget. The broken software is used to steal Jill against humanity. Few people in the car club will bother... … Buddy, do you have a promotion mission?"

"is not it!"

   I slapped my thigh, and finally recognized the facts-this one in front of me is the real owner of that G500.

   The middle-aged man also understood, looked up and down Wang Yan's eyes, and then sneered at him.

   "Children, go to the queue if you have a VIP. If you don't have a VIP, please hurry up. I'm the first. There are two more. I wish you a smooth test drive!"

I go!

  Mediterranean, have you taken gun medicine? !

   It’s wrong to stop, but am I not clear about the situation? !

   What happened, without kowtow to you directly, can't satisfy your high sense of justice and vanity? !

   Wang Yan was slightly angry and frowned, but he didn't intend to spray back, but was gently pressed by the black tiger on his shoulders.

   "Don't get angry with that kind of person, you can't do it.

   After I returned to China, I was ridiculed by the rich middle-aged generation, experts, and business experts so many times that I was so used to it.

   The second generation of the rich has the original sin on his body. If the bullets against the rich don’t hit who do we fight?

   Looking back, I will introduce you to a second-generation friend, and that buddy is even worse. "

   Yo, Huzi, are you wise when you look serious?

   That sentence is quite philosophical...

   Wang Yan smiled calmly, ignoring the middle-aged man.


   The other party sneered triumphantly, turned his head to the salesman, and spoke triumphantly.

   "The time is almost up, it's time for me to test drive? Let's hurry up, take advantage of the faltering time of my addiction, Xiao Zhang, you work harder, maybe you will flicker my deposit? Haha!"

   VIP customers are joking, of course sales have to continue.

   smiled and replied: "Who can fool you to Mr. Liu?! You really like it, where can I say anything else? What is 4 million to you!"

The Mediterranean middle-aged man laughed: "You guys... it's too dark! I understand the price increase, how can there be so much? Add three or fifty thousand, won't it be good for me to win on the spot?! When I'm one of those spenders Mom’s hard-earned money, don’t you know the distressed kid?! Oh, I’m too lazy to talk so much with you, get the key, and let me go!"

   "Good Le!"

  Sales Xiao Zhang immediately shouted to his colleagues: "Vigo, give me the key to G65, Mr. Liu will register for a test drive!"

  Waiting for the key, Liu Dizhong curled his lips at Wang Yan again.

   Just then, Heihu's cell phone rang.

   "Chizi, have you contacted the parking lot? Oh, the Jianwu gang happened to be playing there, so I can find Jianwu somewhere? Okay, I have it, thank you buddy!"

   Hanging up the call, the black tiger's eyebrows were flying and making scissor hands to Wang Yan.

   "It's done, you can test the car there! Okay, you can wait in line, use my VIP!"

   Wang Yan asked: "Where do you come from this store's VIP?"

   "Spend thousands to make one! Anyway, they are all official cooperative stores. Where is maintenance not maintenance? You don't live in the magic capital. It's useless if you do it, I can't do it at a loss."

   Heihu straightened out his wallet, and decided to get a card temporarily in order to let Wang Yan test drive.

   It is righteous, but...

   "Don't be so troublesome."

  Wang Dashao shook his head and smiled easily.

After   , he took a step forward and stopped in front of Xiao Zhang.

   "Let down the keys and get the contract. I bought this car."

   Xiao Zhang was stunned.

   Liu Zhonghai... or Liu Dizhong?

   Anyway, I am more confused.

   Brother Tiger didn't hold onto Wang Yan's sudden show, and he froze in place.

"Guy, VIP... are you... talking about this G65?! That, that, we only have the only one in front of us, you want to take it away, you have to, have to add a little, and the extra car purchase cost... "

   Xiao Zhang finally reacted, his face flushed with excitement, and he started to stammer.

  Wang Dashao was very calm and asked casually: "Yes. How much?"

   "Um...plus, plus..."

   Xiaozhang was dumbfounded by the question, but he didn’t add it several times. He turned around and shouted: "Manager, there is a VIP who wants to mention the G65 existing car, how much?!"


   Immediately, rolled over a fat bun, and stretched out his hands at Wang Yan.

   "VIP, you want to buy a G65 car?! The total price is 4.7 million, you just drive away!"

   Add 700,000? !

   Wang Dashao frowned: "Come up."

   "It really can't go down!"

Mantou immediately turned his head: "Vip, a limited edition car, we can get a car only by luck. It is left in the exhibition hall to show the value of the increase in the reputation of our store. It is definitely more than three to five million. Order one and arrive within 8 months. I can give you a price of 410, if..."

  Too much talk, Wang Dashao finally got impatient to listen any more and interrupted the other party directly.

   "I think you added too little, so you can round up, will you?"


   The manager beeped instantly, with a small expression...


   Sell yourself...Ah! I have been selling cars for many years, and I have never seen such a customer!


   Mantou hesitated, the sweat on his forehead came off, cautiously tentatively proposing a new price.

   "How about...500?"

   That little movement, quiet and weak, seems to be discussing with the robber big brother who is full of flesh and blood: The body is up to you, don't take my money, can you?

   In the nervous and expectant gazes of Mantou and Xiao Zhang, Wang Dashao nodded very well.

   "Okay, at this price."


   The two cried with joy, and they wanted to hug each other, crying bitterly for a heavy rain that was blown by the wind...No, it was big money.

   However, before the two of them were crying, Wang Dashao said again and completely took them to heaven.

   "Besides, is there a better license plate? Excuse me, and you can get me up again."

   Still making up? !


  Mantou clicked and stood at attention, yelling out.

   realized after shouting, Ma Dan, no!

   But I don't have any on hand, it's hard to be the expanding steamed bun.

   Seeing a strong wind whipping banknotes in his pocket, I have to rush up to face any difficulties!

   "Wait a minute, I will call you to find an alternative license!"

   Mantou went to call, and Xiao Zhang called his father directly.

   "Sit down! You drink tea! Don't you drink? Wait a moment, I will find a one-on-one commissioner for you. What do you want to drink, just tell her!"

   "Don't drink anything, hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

   Young Master Wang stood calmly in the same place, with a small hand on his back, the old cadre possessed.

   Black Tiger finally reacted, and asked with his tongue: "Wang Shen, what are you anxious about?! 4.7 million won't work, it must be 500+?!"

   I have to give my buddies a reason, Wang Yan is just good at...huh!

"I'm going to pick up Miss He later. The car is less than 5 million yuan. She can't lift her head in front of her. She is very picky about the material aspect, but she doesn't understand anything. You only know the price. Can you understand the feeling? ?"

   "Oh! I understand!"

   Black Tiger suddenly realized.

  Think about it, Her Royal Highness is indeed a very willful girl, or could she torture so many big anchors to death?

   Wang Yan used the most sincere attitude and threw the most non-stick pot, and directly flicked the black tiger into his conviction.

   sighed and patted Wang Yan's shoulder sympathetically.

   "Brother, it's too difficult for you to stand with such a girlfriend!"

   "Yes, it's really hard for me..."

  Wang Dashao nodded his head and said silently in his heart: Miao Miao, I did not lie. When facing you, my heart is always full of embarrassment...

   was sighing, Wang Yan suddenly felt that someone was staring at him.

   looked sideways, oh, Liu Dahai.

Uncle    stood in front of the G65 car door, leaning on the doorknob, his chest bent together, panting violently.

   her small eyes flashed with intense resentment, but she didn't dare to speak any more to stimulate Wang Yan.

   Maybe not afraid.

   It’s just that people have already made it clear that they want to buy a car, and now they are provocative, whether they are afraid or not, they are stupid.

   What can I do?

   Hold it!

   In case that boy Wuwu Hyun Hyun for a long time, and finally did not win... That is the time to go crazy!

   Uncle Dahai still had a hint of hope to vent his anger, but Wang Dasha nodded politely to him.

   "Before I drove the car away, feel free to touch and sit down. You just want to be cool... You might have to change your car to cool."

   Uncle Dahai's face suddenly turned blue and white with anger.

   Wang Yan suddenly turned around and asked Xiao Zhang: "Hey, if you change the car for a test drive, will Mr. Liu still be ranked first?"

   Xiao Zhang looked left and right, it seemed to weigh who was more offensive.

  The conclusion is...Money is the most offensive.

   A commission of 5 million for the purchase of a car can be done by asking him to call Wang Yan's father, let alone just a sentence?

   gritted his teeth and shook his head: "Uh, the queue is for cars, Mr. Liu is afraid that he will have to queue again..."


  Wang Dashao just responded softly, and continued without speaking.

It was not damaged, which is supposed to be a good thing, but Uncle Dahai was waiting with all his energy. As a result, there was an empty space, and there was no more for a long time. When I waited, my heart was empty, and I was afraid that the next sentence would come out of nowhere , Depressed to vomit blood.


   Can you sort out the cards? !

  Smelly rascal bastard, prodigal son is dead pervert!

   cursed in his heart for a long time, "slammed" the car door, turned and left.

   Mastiff, don’t wait, I love to buy or not, I will accept it!

   There is a sharp-eyed salesman next to him, and he rushes to deliver it, patching up the relationship and grabbing customers.

   Xiao Zhang looked in his eyes and sneered in his heart.

   If you want to lick, just lick it, you can lick a G65, you are my dad!

   Even if you really lick a pre-ordered G65, the price is 4.1 million, and the commission is 25 thousand.

   Brother Zhang, my commission is at least 300,000 yuan per order, rare? !

  Papa Wang, sit down and don’t be tired!

    The one-on-one account manager prepared for Wang Da Shao also hurriedly patted the horse to kill him, and in a short time, let the black tiger's eyes shine.


   is definitely not a big face and plate, let alone an older age.


   Come up and ask Wang Yan to sit inside: "VIP, what do you call it? My name is Jin Bai, you can call me Da Bai or Xiao Jin, please, I will wholeheartedly solve your service needs within and outside the contract..."

  Wang Dashao glanced at him, his face value was 90, his body was 78, and his water was huge, so he immediately lost interest.

   "I just need you to hurry up."

   Heihu was excited, and whispered: "Hey, brother, you can do it if you don't want me!"

   Wang Yan can't wait to use ventriloquism to remind Erhuzi: Modified goods, accident cars, be careful!

   At the critical moment when the black tiger was about to get into the black car, the steamed bun rolled out excitedly, rolling all the way to Wang Yan.

  "VIP! There are two particularly good licenses that can be obtained for you, Shanghai E11111 and Shanghai A58888, both licenses can be won at 5 million!

   Of course, if you think it’s expensive, there are some three consecutive options below. "

   Five-part number and four-part number have the same price?

   Wang Yan didn't understand the logic, so he looked back at Heihu.

Huzi and Wang Dashao had a tacit understanding, and immediately explained: "Shanghai E is a new number section, and it will soon drive to F. Shanghai A is the earliest batch of license plates, all-digital quadruples, and they are indeed valuable. But ..."


   means: Whether it is worth so much, it depends on what you think.

   Actually, if you want to calculate the actual value, it's definitely not worth that much.

   However, the license plate holders have to make money, the steamed buns have to make money as a terminal, and the contact persons who do not know several layers in the middle have to make money. In Wang Yan's hands, 5 million is a bit exaggerated, but the logic is correct.

   For the ordinary, Wang Yan certainly shouldn't be taken advantage of, even if I really want it, I develop contacts and contact the seller directly to discuss it, OK?

   may win two or three million.

   is not a normal state now.

5000000? !

   I thank you within!

   "Yes, you need Shanghai E11111, totaling 10 million, right? Prepare the contract."

  Wang Da Shaoyun said so lightly, the steamed bun almost squatted past and turned into bean paste buns.

   "You, you, you wait a minute! Me, me, me, me right away!"

   Xiao Zhang didn’t even dare to move forward, rolled his eyes and took a deep breath, tucked his abdomen, raised his hips and widened his hips, puff... ah no, huh...

   Dabai is the opposite, and he stuns his face: "Wang Shao, go and sit in there for a while..."

   Don't do it, don't touch me, go and pull my tiger brother!

   Brother Tiger has no intention of paying attention to Dabai anymore, and was shocked by Wang Yan's style of spending money.

   "Wow God, beep! Honey, let's be friends! I am not indifferent, I am warm!"

   Wang Yan just didn't understand.

   smiled and cursed: "Hurry up and contact your friend, hurry up and test the car, run around for two laps, I can pick up Miss He."

   "It's too much for you to tell me about the noodles~lightnovelpub.net~ The 2.3 million things abroad, forcibly let you pile up to 1,000, the eldest lady is not satisfied, don't be polite, and use her big mouth!"

   What's the matter with He Miaomiao...

   I'm willing to fight, but I can't give someone a pot first, and then use this reason to fight...

  Wang Dashao smiled and said nothing, and signed.

   The hard-brush calligraphy of dragons and phoenix dances, another wave of flattery.

   The current situation is that everyone is afraid that they can't find a good angle to shoot the horse* Seeing that Wang Dashao's calligraphy is so beautiful, why not take it to death?

   I never kissed my father like this.

  Wang Yanshuang is very cool, but feels that the process is cumbersome and time is tight, so he dealt with the contract seriously without saying a word.

   is so calm and low-key, it makes a crowd of people amazed and surprised.

   How could there be such a temperamental, well-mannered, and city man in the world?

   I loved it, I loved it!

   I saw Da Bai’s favorability degree biubiubiu keep rising, within a few minutes, 95.

   was so scared that Wang Yan's vest was sweating.

   Sister, don’t do this, it’s all a misunderstanding, let’s talk carefully and control how many mails are sent!

   No, I can’t control it.

   After paying the money, Wang Dashao picked up the key and withdrew, and refused to wait for a second.

   There is a girl left looking at each other idiotically, with tears in her eyes, and a dozen or so circles of friends.

   "When you began to believe in love at first sight, there was a person who stepped on the wind and electricity and crushed your heart with a rough and cold wheel..."