I’m A Baller

Chapter 356: Who are you thinking about again?

   The auction ends, and the dinner will enter the final stage-free time.

   By this time, the organizer has no arrangements. Guests can walk around and socialize at will.

  Similar dinner parties are always the best time to expand your network, have common hobbies and common language, and you can start the topic with a glass of wine.

   Wang Yan and Miao Miao are unfamiliar with each other, and they don't know each other, but Chu Hong is different.

   A few middle-aged men gathered around, caught Chu Hong between them, and kept looking at Wang Yan.

   "Chu Xing is very interested today?"

   "80,000 yuan won 6 bottles of wine, proud!"

   "That young man is your friend? Don't you introduce me to the old guys?"

   For the last sentence, Chu Hong just didn't hear it.

   "One, two, three, four... Oh, it’s really rare that everyone is crowded today! How about, do you want to have a table of mahjong later, let’s divide it up?"

   Wang Yan looked at the temperament of the incoming person, and then at Chu Hong's reaction, and suddenly understood that they were all colleagues in the financial circle.

   Chu Hong is afraid that someone will cut his beard...

   laughed dumbly, turned around and asked He Miaomiao: "Shall we withdraw?"

   "Okay, let's go, it's boring."

   Miss eldest got 21 bottles of 2007 Bahua, and she was so satisfied that she had no more love.

  Wang Yan nodded with Chu Hong, said goodbye in concise words, and walked to the hall door with the young lady.

   Those financial colleagues were full of curiosity about Wang Dashao. They always felt that Chu Hong's performance was a bit intriguing, but he couldn't get the chance to find the bottom. It was uncomfortable.

   Chu Hongte was happy, but didn't dare to call Wang Yan's name. He only said hello: "You go slowly, and contact WeChat again!"

   "Okay, abandonment."

   Wang Yan, like a top-notch young man, walks away with ease.

   Halfway through, He Wei saw the movement of the two, and hurried over with the host and translator.

   There is nothing serious about it, just those "Thank you for your support and love", just the over and over again.

   The host, who is actually a senior person in charge, can speak Chinese and pull Wang Yan to flatter him.

   108,000 is the highest price in today's auction. Later, after the local tyrants who particularly liked got the wine, the competition became smaller and smaller, and the last item was only sold for 48,000.

   is still sky-high, but not shocking enough.

  Of course, the organizer will be very grateful for the "generosity" of the two big money.

   Compared with the dry winery, the flower of Paris does not rely on sky-high wines to survive, but only by volume.

   A 2007 limited edition Champagne, added globally, can make millions of yuan in profits, which is not enough to develop the conference everywhere.

   But making money is not the goal at all.

  The strategic significance of similar wines is to establish a style, build brand awareness, and profit. It does not matter.

   Such a propaganda wine can be auctioned for a sky-high price of 100,000 RMB, which is completely beyond everyone's expectations. It is a great publicity for the brand and at the same time gives the organizer full confidence in the domestic market.

   The host pulled Wang Yan for a while, and then he had to grant them the status of "Brand Friend".

   What is that?

   Wang Yan didn't understand.

   "You can be understood as a VIP guest. When you have time, we will invite you to visit the winery, taste the new styles for the first time, participate in any of our events around the world, and book a certain number of new styles in advance..."

   The last point made Wang Yan very interested.

   After pondering for a while, I found a blind spot.

   "Can I understand that the amount of champagne produced in 2007 is not just the 2007 bottle that you publicly promoted?"

   Someone can make a reservation, that is, there are fewer circulating ones than brewed ones!

   The logic is fine, but the other party shook his head.

   "No, I did only fill the 2007 bottle, and a little bit was left, all of which were filled with non-standard fillings, and used to develop the cloth meeting."

   Wang Yan was surprised: "So, what's the reservation?"

   "Go straight from 2007. The new private banquet is already the fourth, with a total of 500 in Europe, 500 in the Americas, 500 in Asia, and the rest?"


   Wang Yan suddenly realized: "You mean, actually, the 507 bottles have already been pre-ordered?"

   "There are more than 507 bottles, but actually 1,179 bottles."

   The host shook his head and smiled mysteriously.

   Wang Yan was taken aback, after a little thought, he quickly reacted.

   "So, what you said before: 150 bottles to be left to the dealer, is it actually fake?"

   "NONONO, China Mainland, we did give the distributor 150 bottles for promotion."

   The host continued to shake his head, his expression became solemn.

  "The new wines reserved for other best friends were squeezed out from other markets.

   The Flower of Paris is not just entering China, but it is only from this year that the China market has been raised to the same position as Europe and America.

   So we took out a full 300 bottles of limited edition to expand the brand awareness of Paris Flower in the mainland.

   You know, we did not hold a new product launch conference on Hong Kong Island or Neon this year.

   The only one in Asia was placed in the magic city.

   In addition, you and Miss He are the fifth and sixth best friends of Paris Flower in China.

   We are very grateful to you two for your support and love to the Flower of Paris. In the next year, you can enjoy the treatment of your best friends and book new styles. "

   Yes, the relationship is in the pioneering period, is it a vegetable if you pull out a radish?

  Wang Dashao considered the problem from a very strange angle, and did not feel how glorious, but thought that the behavior of Paris Flower was a bit rash.

  Do you know brother?

   Give it to your best friend, it seems that it is not very valuable.

   However, after the host's sentence, Wang Yan was shocked.

  "The Flower of Paris has always not liked advertising with entertaining stars, and adheres to quality and style. The four best friends who rank before you are Guo Pei, Zhou Chunya, Guo Guangchang and Yan Yi.

  In the future, we will gradually expand the scale of domestic close friends, but you two should be the youngest in a long time. "

   Four people, Wang Yan has only heard of two.

   One is a well-known contemporary painter in China, and the other is a big entrepreneur, but it is already shocking enough.

  Whether it is in terms of popularity or wealth, we two young people, how can He De be side by side with each other?

   There are more celebrities and noble ladies in the audience, why are you only looking for us?

what's going on? !

   Even if the best friend of the Parisian Flower brand has no practical benefits, it is just a vanity, but just because of the 100,000 auction... Is it a bit too sloppy?

   Questions one after another proved that Wang Yan still did not clearly realize the lethality of [Extreme Beauty].

   Fortunately, the host finally came to the key point.

  "The sensitivity and control of fashion to the two of you is definitely one of the best among so many young people I have seen.

  The Flower of Paris is good at design, and its persistence, respect and preference for art are well known throughout the world.

   Our best friends are not only rich, but also stylish, so we never ask entertainment stars to endorse.

   And you and Miss He have won the highest degree of praise from Hervé and many colleagues.

   Finally, on behalf of a private person, I will say something extra: When you ate that piece of lobster, your posture was so cool. "

   Implications, too low for entertainment stars.

   The illocutionary meaning, you have a style, worthy of it.

   Regardless of whether it is a business flattery, in short, it can be regarded as a solution to Wang Yan's doubts.

   It turns out that it is the benefit of temperament and manners again!

   Of course, only the temperament and manners, and the rags are still only potential stocks. Maybe they will be taken a high look, but they will not get the greatest degree of attention.

   On the premise of being very rich and willing to spend, coupled with excellent temperament and manners, that is the most worthy person to make friends with.


   The brand of Paris Flower has a very high and cold tone.

   The high-profile Ace of Spades finds celebrities to write drafts everywhere, and frequently appears at luxury entertainment receptions. It radiates from Hollywood to the world and is now a must for the local tyrants to show off their wealth.

   The Flower of Paris is just a little princess quietly, and only promotes in small circles, only for those who are pleasing to the eye.

   You like to drink or not, anyway, my high-end wine production is so much, I don’t worry about selling it.

   The quality and taste vary from person to person, and different people have different opinions. Anyway, the high cold tone of Bahua is very satisfying to the old customers.

  In the emerging market of China, they still maintain a compelling standard, carefully selecting brand friends.

   The magic is that on the first day, he fell under Wang Dagua B's trousers and sang a song of Conquer.

   "So you noticed it?"

  Wang Dashao laughed dumbly and nodded apologetically: "Young and frivolous, sometimes negligent, thank you for your understanding."

   The host smiled profoundly: "The rules are set by people, and they will naturally be broken by qualified people. I think that the break is very good, so that I really see the style of the new generation of China."

   exaggerated Wang Yan so many sentences, but the last sentence made the youngest most comfortable.

   At the same time, Wang Yan realized that the person in front of him is probably not as simple as a small sales director.

  The height of the problem is wrong.

   "It's rude, you haven't asked your surname?"

   "Paul Savatchico."

  , a middle-aged white man who speaks fluent Chinese, took out a business card holder from his chest pocket and took out a bronzing business card and presented it.

  "Currently, Pernod Ricard Group Greater China Sales Director, in charge of the channel operations of dozens of brands including Ballantine, Chivas, Royal Salute, Granville, Parisian Flower, Grafina, etc.

   If you need to buy any alcohol under the group's brand in the future, just toss me. "

  What the Pernod Ricard Group is, Wang Dashao doesn't know, but Chivas and Royal Salute are definitely famous.

   So, they are all brands under the same group?

   From this point of view, Paul's status is quite substantial, and the target should be the sales director of LVMH's wine business in Greater China.

   Feeling that this network will be very useful, Wang Yan gladly took the business card.

   "I don't have a business card. But do I need to register to be a good friend? You have a chance to get to know me."

   Confidently said that there is no business card, and all people are high-end, but not domineering, Wang Yan is more and more level in the pretence of force.

   Paul laughed and invited the two to go backstage to fill out the form.

   Signed a document with simple patterns and complicated patterns-the most important thing is that signature. It is said that in the future, private custom champagnes will have their signatures engraved somewhere.

  Of course, in fact, there is no need to make special champagne.

   Champagne is ready-to-drink, unlike top watches, where a signature is engraved on key positions, which can be passed down as an heirloom.

   Custom champagne, the stunt is much larger than the actual use.

  Only it is quite suitable for pretending to show off.

   But we are low-key, modest, steady and Wang, we are not people who like to pretend to be forced!

   Signature order?

  Don't do too much, just make two or three boxes.

   amount, container.


   somehow picked up a VIP. When I returned, Miss He was so excited.

   "Two dogs and two dogs, it's not wrong to come out with me, right? Dip me to a close friend, are you happy?!"

   Touch you?

   Wang smiled without saying a word, and kindly touched the back of her head.

   "Happy, we Miaomiao are the best."

   Such an obvious coaxing attitude to the child, if you leave it as usual, the eldest will explode, but today it is exceptionally tolerant.

   Jumped forward, left Wang Yan's hand, and smiled brightly.

   "Haha! You are fine too!"

   "Look at the way!"

   Wang Baba broke his heart with Missy.

   Educational sentence, and thoughtfully asked: "How do you evaluate the Flower of Paris?"



   "The taste is good, and Mo Yue has its own advantages, and the complexity is not as good as De Lemeng, but it is much better than the ace of spades..."

   Wang Yan asked, "Do you like it, how many ingredients are due to the beautiful design?"

"The flower of Paris is so popular, of course, it has a lot to do with her appearance! I don't drink much, but I don't drink champagne less with my mother. As far as I feel, today's 2007 can only be regarded as a master goalkeeper! "

   Miss Wang's judgment is similar to Wang Yan.

   Master goalkeeper is a very fair judge.

   Good, but not good enough to be amazing. It is not at the same level as the last full-point Mouton.

   Wang Yan thought, and He Miaomiao immediately realized that something was wrong.

   "Who do you want to pit?"


   Wang Yan replied casually, and the eldest lady's expression immediately became strange.

   "Hey, the taste is really strong..."

   She skinned her, and the young ones smiled and ignored them.

   Wang Yan’s manor will begin construction at the end of the New Year, and a vineyard will definitely be built at that time.

  With grapes, we naturally need professional growers and master winemakers.

  The master winemaker should be in place before planting the grapes. Grape varieties, planting requirements, fruiting trials...It is troublesome to drink a sip of self-produced wine.

   Champagne, dry red, white wine, and beer are the four self-produced alcohols that must be produced in Wang Yan's plan.

   The masters of the other three wines have no clue at all, and now only Champagne has such a small chance.

   Hervé's level should not be the top, but it is definitely enough.

   For the rest, we need good grapes, water, good year and good luck, and we can only do our best.

  The idea of ​​a fully-fledged villa is too amazing. It requires a lot of money, and money alone is not enough.

   Can a master brewer be transformed?

   Any cat or dog can make a masterpiece?

   Give the master a million annual salary, the master immediately pays his head and worships?

   belong to the series of thinking too much.


   At a loss, the little princess’s temporary residence has arrived.

   The waiter opened the door, and He Miaomiao turned her head back and showed her "eye-catching eyes". He smiled and asked, "It's still early, do you want to come in and sit for a while?"

   With a face value of 99, he looked back and smiled. It was a fairy with pure blood.

   Brother Gou cried out in his heart.

   Blood all over the body...cough cough!

   At a critical moment, turn on the system to check the favorability and calm down immediately.

   is still 89. I have been stuck there for a long time.

   The situation is very obvious. She has not yet fully accepted Wang Yan in her heart. The invitation is very serious, or she has molested Wang Yan.

   And Wang Yan was also not prepared.

  All other women can fall down first and then consider the aftermath, Miss He can’t.

   She and Liu Li must be a life-and-death relationship.

   If he is still a grassroots with nothing before, Wang Yan will definitely not think of anything and give himself to instinct.

   But now it's not going to happen, I have to do something right, so I can't rush for a while.

   The time has not come...

   Control the urge in my heart with strong self-control~lightnovelpub.net~ Wang Dashao raised his eyebrows like a shrimp.

   "Want to challenge Liu Li's position? Can you slash it?"

   "Dead fat dog, get out!"

   The eldest lady was suddenly very angry, and the boat of friendship turned over when she said it was overturned.

   Watching Miao Miao rush into the living room, Wang Yan shrugged, turned around and walked back leisurely.

   Actively cooling down is the best strategy as a last resort.

   The degree of favorability drops, rises, rises, rises, and falls, and it will inevitably become more and more solid.

   The foundation is solid enough to have room for operation.

   Sun Tzu's art of war talks about making up sisters, and speaks the most thoroughly.

   Therefore, it is possible to show that it is impossible, to use it to show that it is not used, to show the distance when it is near, and to show the near when it is far.

   Profit and temptation, chaos and take it, actual and preparation, strong and avoid it, anger and scratching, humble and arrogant, unfaithfulness and departing from it, attacking its unpreparedness and surprise.

   Wang Dashao added another sentence: retreat, and wait for the counterattack.


   People, I still need to

   was beeping beautifully when the phone rang suddenly.

   Wang Yan took out a look, scared and sweaty on the spot.


   30,000 Miss Sister Cha Gang!

   Fortunately, fortunately...

  Sure enough, people should be decent and dignified!

   Look at your brother, are you afraid of chasing up? ?

   accepted the video request, decently Wang smiled calmly, and raised his phone aloft.

   At the same time, He Miaomiao held up two Paris flowers, and went out in a huff.