I’m A Baller

Chapter 410: Can it work?

At the premiere of    old bastards, stars are shining.

   There are too many media, Wang Yan did not follow An Xiaofang to join in the fun, drag Wang Muye to a theater near the Water Cube, buy tickets to enter.

   It's a little weird for the two men to watch other movies, but it's a good fit for watching old gangsters.

  Many men from the imperial capital came to watch the movie in droves, and it was rare to suppress the female fans of the little fresh meat.

   When the painting started, the screenings at 6:30 were nearly full, and the attendance rate was about 90%.

   Wang Yan observed secretly, and asked in a low voice: "What do you think of the box office?"

   Wang Muye casually said: "Just for those actors, there will be 200 million box office in two days, let's look at the quality next."

   is such a rationale.

   actor and actress + small steel gun + two big and small meat, the lineup that can't be envied.

   The two watched the movie at ease, and commented from time to time.

   Wang Yan’s first feeling was: "The first half is too warm, and the plot is too loose."

   Wang Muye’s focus is completely different: "The image presentation and scene design are very good, and the lines are enough to pave the way!"

   Looking further, Wang Dashao frowned: "This plot development is a bit insulting the audience's IQ?"

   Wang Muye nodded and expressed his approval, and then found a good point: "That kind of heroic lateness and tragic feeling is well laid."

   "The skeleton of the plot is too fragile, it will be broken with a single poke.

   "But the spiritual core should resonate-the reason why I am Luther is the fault of the times. I can lose, but I won't accept it."

   Wang Dashao finally recognized: "Although it is a bit cheap, but the point of this film should be poked, it is very valuable."

   is commendable because the rotten films in the current movie market are crowded and compared.

   If you really want to ask Wang Dashao to rate the movie, you will get a maximum of 6 points on a 10-point scale.

   The early stage is really supported by acting, superstars, and the charm of the dialect of the imperial capital, which is no better than the original witch.

   Although the original version of Witch is tedious in the early stage, the line of the plot is not scattered, and it is always moving forward.

   "Take a warning, when we shoot the witch, we should be pretty in the early stage."

   Wang Dashao finally made a summary, which is closely related to the core theme of today's movie.

   Wang Muye nodded silently, thinking about something.

   The collaboration between Da Shao and Wang Muye is very co-production. This is a very dedicated young director. He has the kind of love for movies with his heart, which is rare.

   After watching the movie, the two drove to the nearby Pangu Seven Star Hotel to attend a thank-you banquet.

   It’s not an exaggeration to say that half of the entertainment circle came today.

   Huayi + small steel gun + tube guide, amazing power.

  Don't talk about the layman Wang Yan, even the famous producer An Xiaofang is not a big man on today's occasion.

   Wang Yan was happy and relaxed, and she touched the female celebrities everywhere.

   I have nothing to do when I am free, and the thief is driving the radar, scanning the actual appearance and special points of the makeup.

   hiss... sizzle!


   The special scores of many well-known actresses are pitifully low.

   Long-term high-intensity work, irregular work and rest schedules, and heavy daily makeup are all important reasons.

   As for the core reason... ahem, there is no core reason!

   Seeing the big crab with its teeth and dancing claws on the buffet table, Wang Yan silently broke off a crab claw and put everything he had swept in his heart.

   At the scene, Wang Yan finally saw the scum.

   With a face value of 99 points, he is like a benchmark in the hearts of young people.

   In the state of makeup, the beauty is lifeless.

   Then there is no traffic actress around, it is probably because of fear of being a foil.

   It's not just her, the other actresses who are famous for their beauty are the same, and they are far apart from each other.

   Even if there are no media reporters carrying equipment in the venue, they still maintain the posture of Wang not seeing Wang.

   Bingbing, ya ya, hot bar, secret...there are all top beauty under makeup.

   But Bingbing had the lowest total score, Ya-ya was so thin and distressed, Hot Bar was old-fashioned with heavy makeup, secretly tired and in a terrible state, and the audience really got the highest score.

   The legendary Su Yan is number one, as expected.

   Then Wang Yan saw one of the female second candidates, Wang Haiou.

   The score is unexpectedly well maintained, mature and charming, full of style.

   Observed the other party for a moment, imagining how to make the femme fatale and what the effect will be afterwards, Wang Dashao nodded in satisfaction.

   is really appropriate.

   Women—especially female stars—are always sensitive to this observation.

  Wang Dashao was looking at it, she suddenly turned her head and glanced at it.

   His eyes met, and Wang Haiou was taken aback.

   should be because it was too noodles.

   Wang Dashao's appearance score of 83 points, in the daily circle is a handsome guy, put it in the entertainment circle nothing.

   The 90-point handsome guys I've been in contact with all count on the box, so I won't be surprised by Wang Yan's appearance.

   I was thinking 100%: Who is this? Why look at me with that look?

  Major Wang nodded to her, but Wang Haiou frowned slightly and turned his head as if he hadn't seen it.


   Regarding the matter itself, the younger said that he can understand it. Now, in this situation, everyone should pay attention to it.

   But I still feel a little unhappy.

   Young people are the same, and being able to control their emotions does not mean that they have no emotions.

   So I didn’t give her the second female number, so I changed?

how is this possible!

   A good film is the first thing. The temperament and image fit the role, so she must be invited.

   is not telling her the drama at most...

  Walking around like shopping, Wang Dashao was dragged into Ningdao’s circle by Wang Muye.

  Ning Dao, Bo Ge, Zheng Ge, Bao Bao, half of the Chinese comedy circle are all together.

   People are all good people, easy-going and unassuming, but there are not many common topics in the conversation, which can only be superficial.

  Wang Dashao did not insist, but said: "If Makino's new film is short of investment, just ask me. You can see the conditions."

   asked Ning Haozheng to give a thumbs up and call for justice.

   It's sincerity to make good friends.

  The most important thing that Young Master Wang lacks is money. He has invested eighteen million to fill the hole without blinking his eyelids.

   What is a loss?

   On the one hand, he encouraged Wang Muye, on the other hand, he sold favor to Ning Daozheng, and by the way, he had a relationship with the Han family.

   As for the script of that movie, it doesn't matter.

   Realistic subjects, Wang Dashao didn't bother to read it.

   After chatting for a while, An Xiaofang finally emptied her time and took Wang Yan to "worship the dock."

  A pure actor, Wang Dashao is too lazy to know, even if it is a female star.

   is mainly to meet with directors, investors and cinema operators to promote Wang Ting Pictures.

   The Dapeng who shoots the real Pancake Man makes Wang Yan feel very kind-I have a little old girl who loves Pancake deeply...

   Chen Zhacheng makes Wang Yan feel very upset, this guy is too crazy.

I didn’t say a few words in the chat, but I said: “Xiao Wang, it’s a good thing for young people to dare to toss when they have aspirations. Come on, I think you can make things happen. Brother looks at people and never makes mistakes. But it’s not that simple to be a director. Whenever something goes wrong, just call me."

Is    bad words?

   is not counted.

   is that posture, Tiny Ma Gao, the whole image of a successful senior, as if he were pointing children.

  The sense of superiority is overwhelming.

  An Xiaofang turned her head to comfort the young man: "Don't be familiar with that person, he has always been like that, narcissistic, big mouth, and dare to spray anything."

   Wang Yan has heard a little about this person.

In an interview last year, Zha Cheng said very honestly: "Sometimes I suspect that polygamy is correct. Most successful people are motivated to struggle at the beginning. They want to have many women, beautiful women, this It is desire, the most natural thing, and we should not avoid it."

   Talking about why I want to be a director, the magic sentence came out again: "I am too rich. Just being an actor cannot carry my richness."

   took a cigarette **** to burn a scar on his wife, triumphantly: "Smoke scars are still there now!"

  What can Wang Yan do when he meets this kind of person?

   Hold it back for now!

   Today’s occasion is really unbelievable, and the young and old have no achievements that can make the girl hurt — the circles are different, and it makes no sense to talk about money.

  Don't give me a chance, otherwise I will give you a piece...

   Cough cough, Brother Crab, you put the tongs down, I just enliven the atmosphere...

   silently remembered, Jiu Wang followed An Xiaofang to fight elsewhere.

The highlight of    is to say hello to the creative team of the old gangsters.

   Guan Dao wears simple clothes and doesn't talk much, but he is a very individual and stubborn director. In contrast, Ning Dao is much more sleek and down-to-earth.

   So, the director didn't respond to Wang Yan when he met.

   Guan Hu especially looks down on the rich second generation of coal boss who is trying to win women's tickets. He feels that those people have no sincerity in making movies.

   Wang Yan smiled and fell down, and didn't post it again, but he was somewhat admired.

   The enthusiasm and attitude of filmmakers towards movies is a blessing for the audience, and it is also a blessing for the development of national cultural strength. Regardless of the strength, all exploration is beneficial to the nation.

   As for the incompatibility between individuals, then don’t be friends and do their own things!

   Xiao Gang Pao's attitude is colder than Guan Hu's, his nostrils are upright, and he has a lot of cattle.

   It is Huayi Wang Sanshi who showed enough respect for An Xiaofang, but curious about Wang Yan, but his attitude was too slippery and unpleasant.

   Little Fresh Meat Fanfan... Seeing An Xiaofang avoided directly, like a **** of plague.

   An Xiaofang gritted her teeth with anger.

   Wang Yan's mentality has been maintained very well. It is normal for newcomers to enter the circle without much reputation and not to be taken seriously.

   The several entertainment banquets attended by Wang Siming are also the same. It is not like the outsiders imagined that the actress and the big guys in the circle had to agree with each other.

   The actress is actually hiding from the Prince, and her reputation cannot be lost.

   The big guys are more wary of Yida Pictures. Good projects are never willing to take Yida to play. They only do business when they are rushing for the film.

   The ones who really fawn on the prince are more powerful, mainly traffic and third-line actresses, which are really coaxing like a relative.

   Wang Yan doesn't have that strength now, it has nothing to do with money, it's one theater line behind.

   If one day you can eat Yida’s theater line and ascend directly to the sky, it will be even more horizontal than a crab.

   What a pity, I can only think about it for the time being.

   The most important thing right now is to be a producer and director and give Wang Ting Entertainment a way out.

   I made a lap, I didn't feel less angry, and I basically got nothing.

   If you have to say something, it is to better understand what is going on in the entertainment industry.

   Here, everyone’s ultimate goal is money, but money is not the most important thing.

   Money is more like an incidental result, naturally.

   The most vain and glitzy circle actually looks down on money, how ridiculous?

   But this is true.

   The coal boss wants to take 10 million to hit someone overnight, he can, but no matter how much money he spends, he will never be respected in the circle.

   If you don’t show your achievements, resources, or talents, no one will treat you as an onion.

   If you are talented, no matter how ugly your character is, you will still be worshipped—such as Chen Zhacheng, such as Xiaogang Pao.

   So Wang Dashao found the motivation to fight again.

   You don’t take Shenhao or handsome guys seriously, right?

  Wait, I'm embarking on art, I'm afraid you can't bear it!

   This film, my brother has decided!

   Originally, Wang Yan intended to make Wang Muye the first director, but Wang Muye has signed a contract with Ninghao Company, so doing it is tantamount to doing charity, giving away gifts to others, and it will not have the effect of promoting Wang Ting Films.

   Now, Wang Yan wants to open it.

   The chief director came by himself, Wang Muye normally appointed the second director, but when propagating the road show, Wang Muye led the team and Fu Yushi and Nawu accompany him.

   I am going to be a producer, director, and screenwriter without showing my face. I just take the mysterious route. I love it!

   It's a big deal to spend money to suppress gossip.

   The current media is too easy to deal with. As long as you have money and are willing to spend, you can do everything.

   is better than playing money, who is afraid of whom?

   Determined to be certain, Wang Dashao suddenly relaxed, and then looked at the big beauties in the hall, I just thought it was nothing more than a bunch of puppet dummy.

   With this mentality, Wang Yan approached Zitao.

   With teammates, four of them returned to China, and they all came today.

   But the four people basically have no communication, and it is the rule that the king does not see the king.

   Shaking hands and greetings, before Wang Dashao cut into the topic, Zi Tao rushed to the front and said, "Do you want to go to summer vacation for your movie?"

Huh? interesting……

   Wang Yan smiled relaxedly, without killing him: "I have this plan. Do you have any thoughts on the release date?"

   Zitao gritted his teeth inexplicably: "If you promise to be released in the summer, I will take it."

   completely stunned Wang Yan, so smooth?

   An Xiaofang thought a little, and then came to think about it.

   reminded Wang Yan in a low voice: "The Tomb Raiders notes are scheduled for the summer file, and the filming of To Youth 2 is not finished, but the summer file is most likely..."


   "The starring actors in those two films are Xiaolu and Fanfan..."


  Zi Tao’s two teammates, right? !

   Wang Yan finally understands that the feeling is that Taotao in the house has been stimulated somehow, and wants to make a difference with his teammates?

   "That's right!"

   Zitao nodded calmly: "I just don't want others to compare me with them, saying that I can't do it. I want to prove that I am no worse than anyone! No matter what!"

  嚯, this man is really a rare rectum!

   Wang Yan didn't know Zitao before, but now he appreciates it.

   The straightforward people are often a little stunned, but no matter how bad they are, they won’t go bad, so it shouldn’t be troublesome to bring them.

   After thinking about it, the younger brother started to take Joe instead.

   "As long as you put your energy into the movie and everyone works together, I think that the shooting schedule should be in time for the summer vacation. The quality of the film is the work of our director team, but the role is not good, you can control it in your own hands."

   This sentence moved Zitao more than any flattery, and immediately reached out to Wang Yan.

   "It's a deal! I'm a professional filmmaker!"

   Funny, where are you confident?

   Young Master Wang couldn't laugh or cry, but he liked the energy the other party showed.

   There is traffic, it's cheap, and it's suffocating, it should work well.

  Wang Yan didn't participate anymore when talking about prices and scheduling.

   The final price is 5 million a month, which is lower than the normal price but very sincere.

   is the sincerity of the project team, Zhang Jin, the nominal male one, only paid 2 million, more than double the difference.

   The movie circle is so cruel, there is no box office appeal, everything is empty.

   How about getting the best male match with "The Great Master"?

The box office is not high, and that point is also the credit of the director Sunglasses King, the starring electric eye beam and the shadow chapter~lightnovelpub.net~ If it weren’t for An Xiaofang’s relationship with Zhang Jin’s lover Cai Shaofen, this opportunity would not be available. Zhang Jin must go to the audition and compete with others.

   The main roles of female, female, three male, male and two have been set, and the remaining roles can be auditioned normally.

   is scheduled for December 28th, just before the year before.

   Two girls, four girls plus a bunch of supporting roles, it’s very simple.

   Female No. 2, Wang Producer actually likes Wang Haiou very much, but since he is not familiar with it, he has to go through the program.

   Three main targets plus actresses from major companies, whoever performs best will be given.

   After setting a date and sending out the audition invitation, An Xiaofang made a joke with her.

   "After the audition, and before the contract is issued, if you want, you can be the groom every night without any trouble. How about, do you want to try?"

"I'm not that kind of person."

   The young and old behaved very calmly, cold and quiet, which surprised An Xiaofang.

   However, Wang Yan originally planned to tell her: I will not go to the interview, you can get it done.

   As a result, he quietly changed his mind without speaking.

   Uh, I’m just curious, just take a look, don’t do anything...


   The terrible thing is that An Xiaofang believed.

   What’s more terrifying is that Wang Yan didn’t believe it...

   This world always embarrass the rich!

   Fortunately, before that, there is a Christmas dinner of Emperor Dance waiting, which can help Produce Wang to calm down. .

Can    work?

   can do... right? !