I’m A Baller

Chapter 421: New track

  [A hearty exercise, let you find a unique fun that belongs only to a strong man, your emotions are high, and therefore activate a mysterious reward]

  【Fresh and natural beauty photo album】

  【One-time special items】

   [Ming: This is a photo book that surpasses all photography techniques, where men’s eyes appreciate the beauty of beauty and capture the fantasy fragments in life, which is a collection of aesthetics]

  [Function: reading it can improve your aesthetic level]

   [Note: The photo book can only be read once, please pay attention to discover it]

  There is only one word that can describe Wang Yan's current feeling: confused.

  What is it?

  Isn’t this a sports reward?

The   10 level system, it seems that it is no longer stuck to the original rules, and has become more mysterious.

  Double...cough cough, it’s amazing that you can tell this kind of stuff when you talk about the drama.

  Brother's aesthetic is not bad, why do you improve it?

   Glancing sideways at the bed, the two students are trying to recover the physical strength consumed by the passionate performance-falling asleep on all sides.

   Feeling that they will not be able to get up for a while, Wang Yan decided to look through the photo now.

  Go to the bar and pull out a bottle of Merlot's new wine from the region. Everyone nestled on the sofa, drank the wine, and started to read the photo.

  Turn the first page, pop!

  Spit out a sip of wine.

  Damn, where is it fresh and natural? !

  Sister, where are your clothes? !

It was a distorted, extravagant, indulgent, and depraved picture of the human body, but the magical thing was that the shadow formed by something just blocked the key point, so that she, who should have been directly by 404, became a symbol carrier of light and shadow structures. .

  The aura of sentiment rushed to his face. Anyone who saw the picture would want to try to distinguish the truth hidden by the shadow, but after looking closely for a while, Wang Yan felt an impact higher than desire.

Is   jie the art of biography? !

  Try to feel the details of light and shadow, composition, segmentation, proportions, etc., if everyone understands it-the photographer can definitely see it!

  Madan, your profession is really rascal...

After almost touching, I turned to the next page.

  Very good, I finally have clothes.

  It was a smile looking back in the sun, the smile could not be seen clearly, but the cheerful and lively vitality was permeated in all the fine light.

  This photographer is amazing, well, I’ve wronged you guys.

   Turned over again, and naked again, and directly naked in the woods!

  Wang Yan was curious while watching. There are so many mosquitoes, centipedes, worms, and caterpillars in the woods. Have people who like to do things in the wild have never been beaten by nature?

   Putting aside the danger, the portrait itself is still very beautiful, and Wang Yan felt the effect of the filter in it.

   Flip it slowly, sighing while complaining, the youngest finally read the entire photo.

  When closing the last page, the photo album suddenly turned into a ball of light, and the biu spread out and exploded into a pile. The effect can give full marks.


   seems to have, and it seems to have nothing.

  To be sure, the photo album did not bring any attribute improvement to Wang Yan.

  There is nothing reflected in the data that can be quantified.

  However, after turning over the entire photo, Wang Yan finally recognized one thing-art is indeed not a trick created by a few elites.

  Art may be, but art itself is a sea, which can breed all kinds of mess.

  Those things made Wang Yan a little restless.

   Feel it carefully, it seems to be an urgent desire to express.

   No matter how careful it is, there is no definite direction or shape.

   "So... is still playing for nothing?!"

  Smacking, shook his head, dumbfounding.

   "Forget it, anyway, it's the reward for nothing, so let's learn more about zero pose..."

  The young and old is in a state of laziness that is extremely contented physically and mentally, half-step sages, mentally stable, and easy to look away.

  Go back to the bedroom and photograph two students, each of whom will transfer 50,000 yuan to complete the last step of the teaching work.

  The money didn’t bring them vitality. They hummed, like scumbags who were about to finish their homework in winter vacation but didn’t write a word.

  One more class, young and old can still do it, they are really bad.

  So everything is indeterminate, and there are stories in front of you.

   Back to the Shangri-La Hotel, Wang Muye and Yan Yu were ill at their desks.

  Just eat supper together, study the script change plan.

  Dr. An’s new lines are crazier and cooler, and he never waggles his tail to death, revealing a strong confidence.

  The character image is made stronger, and at the same time, her death will bring huge suspense to the audience-the conspiracy is not over yet, what else is hidden behind?

  Then cut off the final puzzle plot of the original version, click to the end, and save it for the second part.

  In this way, the whole film will be controlled within 105 minutes, which is simple and smooth.


On   29th, Wang Yan left all his time to the Imperial Capital Branch of Wangting Entertainment and sat in the company for a whole time.

  Zhu Jike did a good job. The management is a little bit away from the well-organized, but the online situation is well grasped.

  Every time there are 18, they are mixed in the live broadcast room of their own anchor, and each anchor has developed a field control with its own dry food, and it is familiar with all the big brothers who spend money.

  The so-called field control refers to the personnel in the live broadcast room who assist the anchor to manage the room, activate the atmosphere, deal with dark spots, and maintain discipline.

  Using own employees is the most ideal, but it cannot be done.

  There are hundreds of anchors in the Grand Guild, it is impossible to have so many staff dedicated to management, and the labor cost cannot support it.

  So it can only be found among netizens.

  Especially rich eldest brother will certainly not do this job, but the admirers of beauty anchors are not all elder brothers, some men who have a lot of time but no money like to pay for the goddess.

  An excellent field control can do its own dry food, stay with the anchor for 12 hours, and take part in the management of the fan group.

  Not only does it require no salary, but also contributes one to two thousand yuan per month.

  Looking for this kind of thing is a bit funny, but the truth is that, there are too many people willing to pay three to five hundred yuan to get the anchor’s personal contact information, and there are too many people to pick and choose.

   "Are there groups?"

  The young and old are too curious, and suddenly want to sneak in to see what they think.

  Zhu Jike stunned: "The field control group? No, it's all the anchors themselves to maintain, otherwise it's easy to go wrong."

  Looking for elegance: "Give me the phone."

  Gao Ya immediately unlocked the phone to Wang Yan, completely ignoring the privacy of many slappers and being slapped inside.

  She has two WeChat accounts, called viya, which are all related to live broadcast, and she has already saved a hundred.

  Open it and look at it.

  Some people babbled and taught her how to broadcast live, and talked about the anchor’s survival rules.

  Someone please morning and evening, "rest well", "drink plenty of hot water", "don't be too tired", "I will always be", waiting affectionately.

  Some people madly expressed, "You are so beautiful", "I am so beautiful", "I love you so much"...

  Someone pushed her into her eldest brother’s arms, "You talk to brother X more privately", "Brother X likes you, take hold", "Who is XX, you have to pry him"...

  The most weird category, trying to borrow money from Gao Ya.

  The other category, who thinks he is too handsome, wants to form a stable relationship with Gao Ya...

  The big brother who really spends more money is simpler, just two.

  One is to open your mouth and shut your mouth to "make an appointment for a meal" and "come out to play";

  One kind of message is only half-time, and the words are concise and seldom nonsense.

  In short, everyone has it, which opened Wang Yan's eyes.

  It’s so lively and elegant, she took the time to ask Wang Yan: "Mr. Wang, I want to go to Taobao for live broadcast..."

   "Huh? Didn't you broadcast this well? Not counted as official accounts, there are seven to eighty thousand streams in a week."

  Wang Yan was a little puzzled.

  Elegant results are ranked among all new anchors. There will be current rewards in the starting period, and it is very likely to exceed the million level in the peak period.

  Every month.

   The elegant expression was a little broken: "Tired, brother! I used to be two or three, but now I have to do hundreds... and I can’t maximize my advantage."

  What are your advantages?

  Emotional intelligence is high?

  Wang Yan pondered for a while, did not want to understand what her advantage is in the e-commerce live broadcast.

Gao Ya replied naturally: "I have a rich and clear understanding of clothes and cosmetics! From civilian styles to luxury goods, from cost-effectiveness to actual effects, there is nothing I am unfamiliar with, and I like the feeling of sharing experience. "


  Wang Yan suddenly realized.

  The girl's enthusiasm for clothes, jewelry, and cosmetics is very exaggerated-in short, she loves dressing up, she loves stinky beauty, and she loves to make a fuss.

  But the money is not much, so it is very picky.

  From my teens to the present, I have used everything basically, and a rich and unique theoretical system has been formed, and I often cut the shop owner into a sweat when shopping.

  According to this, she is really suitable for switching to an e-commerce anchor.

   "Okay, wait for me to discuss with Mr. Wang."

  Wang Dashao nodded happily, and immediately contacted Wang Yunxi.

   "Brother Xizi, how are we talking about cooperation with Taobao?"

very smooth.

  Taobao live broadcast is the product of Alibaba’s leader Zhang Zong, but unlike outsiders’ imagination, the Taobao live broadcast is just a very cautious attempt.

  Live broadcast is one of the most watched outlets in the current Internet. However, all the glory belongs to the show and game live broadcast. It is generally believed that fish, tiger, cat, dragon and other platforms are the future.

  What is Taobao live broadcast?

   is positioned as a consumer live broadcast, which looks no different from traditional TV shopping. It lacks opportunities and imagination, and the negative points are far away!

  In this case, Taobao live broadcast is unusually low-key, and it is not as strong as its brother department.

  For Wangting Entertainment, who is actively looking for it, the live broadcast department is simply coaxing it as an uncle, and various conditions are extremely favorable.

  Young Master Wang moved in his heart when he heard this.

   "Hey, do we have a chance to eat that live broadcast department?"

  Wang Yunxi almost didn't scare to pee.

   "President Wang, that's Taobao! It's Jack Ma's Alibaba!"

  Wang Yan laughed blankly, shook his head, and stopped thinking about it.

  The problem is not whether to lose or whether to make a profit.

  The live broadcast department earns 200 million yuan and loses 200 million yuan each year, which will not affect the established strategy of others.

  The characteristics of BAT are always the same: even if you cut off your own department, it is impossible to make outsiders cheap.

  If it’s on a track they think it’s necessary to stick to it, then they will cut the price and hurt others, drag the competitor to lose together and see who vomits blood first.

  Want to take advantage of Dad Ma’s advantage, now Wang Dashao is not qualified.

   "Well, anyway, the Taobao live broadcast platform must be based on Alibaba's big data to play. Let's be content providers safely... Are you sure the conditions are favorable enough?"

  Wang Dashao quickly recognized the current situation and decided to make money steadily.

  Wang Yunxi emphasized: "Very favorable!"

  Taobao live broadcast is still in its infancy, and it is extremely necessary to have a strong and daring cooperator. A cooperator cannot be a live broadcast platform of the same nature. It can only be a merchant or a brokerage association.

  At the current time, there is no guild bigger than Wangting Entertainment.

The 8 internal guilds on the funny fish platform add up to be larger than Wangting Entertainment, and most of the anchors are game anchors, which cannot be transferred, let alone transferred.

  Followed by the well-known yoga guild in the industry, rooted crookedly, it claims to have over 300 anchors.

  As for quality...

  It's not an exaggeration, Wangting Entertainment currently has no girls with a score of 90 or less.

  The value of appearance is of course not everything, but the value of appearance is the basis of everything.

  And the most perfect thing is that only Wangting Entertainment has the spare capacity and is willing to cooperate with Taobao's live broadcast strategy.

  The rest of the old guilds are lying in their comfort zone, counting the money happily, neither wanting nor changing the track.

  Wang Ting Entertainment is all new anchors, adopting a boutique strategy, controlling the number of launches on major platforms, and being able to draw a lot of high-quality newcomers into Taobao live broadcast.

  So, the cooperation talks went very smoothly, and the discount can be called bloodletting.

  First of all, the CPS ratio is 8:12:80, Taobao gets 8%, Taobao live broadcast gets 12%, and Wangting Entertainment gets 80%.

  Introduction is a miraculous share ratio.

  Taobao provided only a fraction of the data foundation, reputation foundation, commodity foundation, and environmental foundation.

  Taobao’s live broadcast department has huge operating costs and still takes a fraction.

  All profits are given to Wang Ting Entertainment.

  For other partners, the normal ratio is 10:20:70.

  It seems that I only get 10% more, but this 10% can sweep away

  Seriously, there are only 3 people with a little business acumen in the final net profit of many mature industries that can understand how terrible this 10% is.

  Taobao live broadcast V tasks, the platform does not commission.

  Normal external parties, the platform will receive 20% in the two mission modes of "title cooperation" and "live show window".

  This discount is even scarier.

  The final focus is on traffic promotion. In one word: Wangting Entertainment enjoys the highest priority.

  Of course, this is the initial stage. After the model matures, traffic distribution will follow the rules and the big data algorithm will ensure fairness.

  In short, Wangting Entertainment has eaten the biggest piece of fat.

  However, Wang Yunxi still doesn't support it.

   "Yes, can you do this kind of consumer live broadcast?"

  In fact, Wang Yan is not sure, bat is not a panacea, and there are not a few industries and projects that fail.

   Judging from the current situation, the prospect of consumer live broadcast is far inferior to the show and game ~lightnovelpub.net~ and may even be worse than eating and broadcasting.

  However, Wang Yan's ambition is different from other guild bosses.

  "Whether it is done or not, this is a new track. Wangting Entertainment's goal is to occupy all the tracks. If we succeed, we will eat the most profit; if we fail, we will come back again. We can afford to lose."

  A steady stream of high-quality anchors is Wang Yan's confidence.

   Putting them on the same platform is far better than spreading out to explore more possibilities.

  Profit-oriented guilds dare not make waves, and the god-wife Wang, who aims at washing horse milk, can’t wait to make waves. This is the biggest difference.

  So, the strategy of selecting 20 beautiful women to go to Taobao, and then recruiting 10 male anchors was set.

  Regardless of whether the development is smooth or not, the internal conversion of the show and the e-commerce anchor is easy, and the exit path is clear.

  If you have money and dare to spend, you are close to invincibility.

  Under the assurance of Mr. Wang, the selected girls have no resistance and are willing to try.

  The work of e-commerce live broadcast is advancing rapidly.

  Before the end of December, the young and old received a share from Wangting Entertainment and finally won the [Groundwater Purifier].

  On January 1, 2016, the first place, the mall was refreshed again.