I’m A Baller

Chapter 528: Big handsome than on the road

At night, Brother Gou sleeps too much.

I had a lot of dreams in a daze, and I didn't remember the specific content at all. Anyway, the quilt was hard when I woke up.

"Huh? Are you holding back too hard?"

The youngest murmured casually, then sighed.

Wang Haiou raised his eyes with that strange look at the end of the film every day, and the hint was very obvious.

It is a pity that Wang Daojie is self-conscious, and is very unwilling to allow the normal filming relationship to evolve into a normal filming relationship...

All depends on Fu Yushi!

However, Director Wang's assessment has become very good because of this-the three big beauties in the crew, the investor and director have always been honest and regular, and they are doing things.

After taking a cold shower, Wang Yan began to read.

Of course, my main work in the near future is still filming "The Witch", and my second most important work is reading.

Read the papers and works of Zhang Weiying and Lin Yifu.

Since you have decided to show, you must be fully prepared.

It's not very useful for normal people to grind their guns in battle, but the in-depth reading and the unforgettable learner do not read for a minute.

Keeping your breath, I have been focusing on seeing the system ding at 8:30 and sending a reminder.

The card’s validity period has expired, now it’s settled for you

The young man lifted his spirits, rubbed his hands, and began to unpack the gift package.



The first row of data is a big surprise.

Casual water: 5 hairs each, 195351247

In this project, you get a total of RMB yuan income

Pay back directly...no, double the direct income!

Netizens became irritable, it was really terrifying, 200 million reposted comments in 7 days, equivalent to one-seventh of the citizens participated.

Well, this conversion is actually not right.

According to the estimates of An Xiaofang's data group, up to 30 million people directly participate, but there may be more than 200 million people across the country who know Wang Yan.

In terms of popularity, it directly surpasses many first-line stars and first-line directors.

It’s only 20 days.

Hundred-character long comment: 2 yuan each, 2135811

In this project, you get a total of 4,271,622 yuan in income


Forget it, take it to the fans to draw a lottery...

Well, wait for the movie to start before it is released, smoke 5,000 mobile phones, and blow up!

Strong maintenance: 5 yuan each, 5296350

In this project, you get a total of 26,481,750 yuan in income

Angry and scolding mother: 10 yuan each, 1335684

In this project, you get a total of 13,356,840 yuan in income

The four basic projects have brought a total of 140 million yuan to Wang Yan.

It only spent 50 million when buying a card. In 7 days, the net profit was 180%. Jack Ma would cry when he heard it.

Moreover, this is not all.

Taking a deep breath, Brother Gou continued to look down, first looking for the number. The moment he saw it clearly, his eyes were round.

……425829971 yuan income……


What the hell? !

Young Master was really surprised, rubbed his eyes, and quickly read the instructions carefully.

Poor-level netizens with nothing contribute 37.8% of reposts and speeches, no crit

Civilian-level netizens with a net worth of 30,000 to 30,000 contributed 38.9% of the reposts and speeches, twice the crit

Critical strikes over 3 times accounted for 23.3%

A total of 17 celebrities contributed 1,000 times the crit. They were the Ma Ma Ma who mentioned you in the internal forum of the pain news, the Ma Baba who mentioned you in the circle of friends, and they were forced to participate in the answer...

After a moment of stunned, Wang Yan suddenly patted the table and completely understood.

The number of Chinese Internet users is about 685 million. This statistical caliber is the broad data standard of the "Statistical Report on the Development of China Internet Network", which is included in the Internet for one hour a week.

Among them, low-income people account for about 60%, and they are online no more than 3 hours a week.

Obviously, this group of people will not participate in the tearing, or even eat melons, and have not made any contribution to returning the cards.

People who often use the Internet and often play forums are in the minority.

For example, a young lady who likes to play Weibo is either a completely unpaid person, mainly students, or a white-collar worker who has already worked.

However, no income does not mean no wealth.

A good mobile phone, some pocket money, one or two pieces of good jewelry, and no debt, can easily pile up the net worth.

So 2 times crit is more than no crit.

"I'm going! I'm thinking about it!"

Wang Dashao, who is becoming more and more calm, flushed with excitement.

Originally, he was pinning his hopes on those upper-class people, such as Professor Zhang's students, all of whom have considerable net worth and social influence, and one curse is at least 5,000 yuan.

As a result, in fact, the biggest contributor is the middle class or middle class.

2-100 times the number of forwarded comments, a single number is not high, but the overall number is huge.

Thousandfold crit only has 17 people in total, which is a very good name in name, which means that it has completely alarmed the boss, but in fact it is really meaningless. What is the income of 100,000 yuan?

Little money for a drink!

Brother Gou started to swell, swelling.

A card that didn't report much hope brought a full 570 million yuan in revenue!

This Nima, want to fly!

Wang Yan didn't even dare to think about it beforehand. The highest goal was 200 million.

There is one thing to say, no one can think of the real benefits of this card. In the inherent thinking of normal people, it is silk that tears the dung and the fans are young girls. Both groups should have no money. .

But from another perspective, people who can surf the Internet every day are not considered the bottom of society anyway.

The hundreds of millions of people in China at the bottom of society probably don't even have a smartphone, let alone the time and leisure.

In the system's judgment, even if it is a hard-working young man with a mortgage on his back, his net asset value is also positive.

A house with a market value of 1 million has a mortgage of 800,000, with a net value of 200,000, which is fine.

One such support can bring three to five times the critical strike, how can it not be sent?

Looking at the 9-digit number in the system, most of them rubbed their mouths, and excitedly pulled out the menu of the attribute modifier (genius version).


Finally, I have money to buy face value, body shape and special points!

The four basic attributes, strength, agility, physique, and intelligence, are purchased from 79 points to 89 points, and each point is 10 million oceans.

Without hesitation, Fu Gui directly smashed in 400 million.

"Promote me all!"

The golden light flashed, and the attribute modifier was broken.

Then, all the basic attributes on the panel soared to the current full value, 89 points.


You have purchased the basic attributes, and your body shape will continue to adjust towards perfection

Please confirm, how long do you want to use and to what extent?

Wang Yan had already thought about this and confirmed it decisively.

"The development time is set at one year, and the development goal is 185 cm in height and 75 kg in weight. The rest of the details follow this!"

It is in the early 178th, a year, and 7 cm longer, which is not an exaggeration.

Men can grow up to about 25 years old, which is the final stage of height.

Of course, most of them are slightly longer than one or two centimeters high, or even closed directly, but there are always exceptions?

At the age of 19, he grows 7 cm tall in one year, which is definitely not a cause of suspicion.

As for why not hit 188 all at once...

Wang Yan wanted to give himself some leeway.

185 centimeters is actually quite enough. If necessary, you can take another jump. If you don’t need it, keep it at 185.

It's tall and handsome, and not too stressful.


After confirmation, the system returns a message.

Your secondary attributes will gradually increase, but they will not completely correspond to the basic attributes


The second-level attributes are currently just those three-appearance, figure, and special.

The face value is 83, the figure is 85, and the special is 79. They are not low, but they are not the kind of high quality.

After another wave of growth, it should be no problem for a figure to break 90, and the appearance is not easy to say, special... I have to pile up to 90!

Oh, let's find out about King Dainichi's Demon Club?

But these items depend on luck, which is difficult to say at the moment.

In short, the boss is already on the way, waiting for me!


Looking at the freshly released personal attributes, I felt happy for a while, and then glanced at the experience value.

400 million piles up, one quarter has been filled.

Experience value: 81597/300000

Current amount: 178.32 million

A wave of fat fat, unprecedented wealth!

The system upgrade is still early, and 2.2 billion is not a small number. It is estimated that you will have to wait until the movie revenue is settled or use Wangting Entertainment to raise money before you have the money to engage in the operation.

But pocket money is too abundant.

It is entirely possible to increase investment in the villa. The billion-dollar bottomless pit is nonsense in one step. However, the early repair of mountains and roads to dig reservoirs are all early and worry-free.

Well, 50 million will be hit right away!

With the remaining money, I used 30 million to buy the two sacred cars that Fu Fatty promised. Brother is also a real sacred car who gathers the three sacred cars.

The investment in the movie is only the last 20 million yuan, arrangements!

The mall has been refreshed this month, and there is still a Euro-African carousel in the warehouse, which is useless, and there is no need to spend any more money until April Fool's Day.

Counting like this, Wang Yan has a full 70 million small money at his disposal, which is unprecedentedly generous.

Don't panic with money in hand.

This must not be a wave? !

What can 70 million buy?

Thinking about how to spend money, Wang Yunxi called and complained.

"My uncle! When will you come back? I can't stand it anymore!"

"Huh?" Wang Yan was a little puzzled, "what's wrong?"

"The major investment funds are blocking doors every day!"

Wang Yunxi shouted out, full of uncomfortable.

"Sequoia, today, idg, Softbank... everything you can think of is here. There are banks, brokerages... By the way, can you find a serious manager for investment?! Anyone who brings projects for investment Come to me, what am I doing?"

Wang Yan is too hot recently, and even Wang Ting Entertainment, Wang Ting Pictures and Jin Yan Investment have become popular.

The live broadcast industry sought cooperation with Wangting Entertainment. Wang Yunxi had to deal with it, but he couldn't deal with it even if he turned 24 hours a day, let alone the two remaining.

"How many people are asking for investment?" Wang Yan asked with interest.

"Much! There are all kinds of messy projects, come to the door with the ppt, tell them you are filming, and keep guarding at the door every day..."

I would like to say that there are only two or three small fish in investment, and there is no principal.

Originally it wasn't a big problem, but it was just for self-entertainment anyway, but now it doesn't work.

Wang Yan's several waves of Sao operations have made the popularity and reputation extremely high, and the market value of Wang Ting Entertainment has exploded to 2.5 billion, and the industry has completely trusted Wang Yan's vision and ability.

Many entrepreneurs directly bring the project and target Wang Yan himself.

Wangting Pictures also has no principals, but it is not so lively because the entertainment circle is temporarily on the sidelines.

Of course, no matter whether the filming of "The Witch" is good or not, it will not affect the serious business investment.

What everyone trusts is Wang Yan's commercial vision. It doesn't matter how well the director is, just like Jack Ma spends money to make bad movies.

"It seems that the benefits are quite sufficient... Is Wangting Entertainment developing smoothly?"

"Thieves are so smooth! I can't believe it!"

Wang Yunxi's spirit lifted up, and joy spurted from his words.

"I'm telling you, now we want to dig the anchor, just one sentence, the whole guild will be packed and come here! All know that there is meat mixed with you...

The acquisition of the small platform was originally not smooth, but now it’s okay, all the other players can give!

It’s just that the funds are a little bit not enough, too much action consumes too much, we need to hurry up to promote financing..."

Wang Yan thought for a while, and agreed halfway: "Okay, I will contact Chu Hong back and take the equity pledge loan to see how much I can get."

"No financing?"

Wang Yunxi asked in surprise: "Bat has contacted us and wants to lead the vote..."

"It's too early to raise funds. It's rare to have such a heat. If you don't cut them down, what kind of business ghost am I?"

Wang Dashao chuckled, sharpening his knife.

In this crisis public relations, the hidden benefits are innumerable.

In terms of brand promotion alone, Wangting Entertainment + Wangting Pictures has made more than 1 billion in advertising fees.

It may be more, but it's not clear.

The goodwill brought by this is even immeasurable.

The current market value of Wangting Entertainment is about 2.5 billion, at a public price.

The public price means that a lot of investment institutions are willing to approve the price of 2.5 billion and then post various other preferential terms.

If Wang Yan went back to talk to them seriously, 3 billion should not be a problem.

But Rich Brother is still not satisfied.

I’m on the verge of pledging 1 billion equity loans, integrating several platforms, expanding the anchor army, incubating a few more cooperative institutions on Taobao, and blowing the market value to 10 billion to refinance.

It must be fragrant!

It sounds exaggerated. Starting from the second half of last year, the "capital winter" began to come to the domestic investment and financing industry.

However, for really good companies, especially those that occupy the leading position on the track, financing is still very easy.

Last year, LeTV Sports received 800 million financing, with a valuation of 2.5 billion.

At the beginning of this year, Lufax, a small loan company, received US$1.2 billion in financing, valued at US$18.5 billion.

Now, Lianjia, who sells second-hand houses, is engaged in Series B financing with a valuation of 40 billion.

In the same industry, Inke Live has a valuation of nearly 7 billion, and 3% of its shares were sold at a high price of 210 million yuan.

You can all, my Wangting Entertainment is about to penetrate the realm of brokerage, what's wrong?

In fact, the current external quotations are really the same every day.

Judging from the current sound development, 10 billion is not a dream at all, and it is likely to be completed this year.

Wang Yanxiu's wave is better than Wang Siming's two years of experience.

Therefore, the controversy must not be lost!


At noon, Professor Zhang's assistant contacted Wang Yan through the official hands of Xilang.

Notice: The controversy is tentatively scheduled to be held by Yan University in early June.

"No problem~lightnovelpub.net~ waiting for advice!"

The assistant hung up the phone and looked at Wang Yan's gorgeous number of 8s, speechless for a long time.

The rich kids nowadays are really crazy...

But if you give me this number, I will float too, right?

Muttering to muttering, envy to envy, in short, things are basically set.


The debate did not take place so quickly, which made Wang Yan very relieved.

Not only has enough time to prepare, but in June it will be able to warm up "Witch".

The next step is to make a movie, and deal with the follow-up of the "net celebrity" by the way.

Young Master Wang has a hunch—the good things are not over yet.

After a few waves of Tianxiu, the income will definitely not only be money.