I’m A Baller

Chapter 529: Golden body


"Very good, this one is over."

"Everyone, go back and pack your things, don't be late for the train at 3 o'clock in the afternoon."

At noon on the 8th, Wang Yan gave an order and finally ended all studio shooting of "Witch".

Next is going out. The town where the heroine lives is in the border of Inner Mongolia, and the transformation base is designed outside.

In order to pass the trial, there is no alternative.

Even so, Wang Muye still didn't know what to do.

"Director Wang, background and place names, should you be more vague?"

Wang Yan shook his head: "It's okay, I must be online now."

An Xiaofang seemed to know something, and said with a smile: "Director Wang is a person with a big background, so don't worry, Pharaoh!"

Liu Chang's father was a propaganda.

I can't say more carefully, anyway, the censorship of a film shouldn't require too high a level of power.

If it was a month ago, Wang Yan could only rely on An Xiaofang, Li Yixu, Yida Films, and China Film Digital to join forces to be qualified to deal with the review committee.

Now... hehe.

Brother Fugui smiled and stood in the middle of the crowd clapping his hands.

"Let's go, we are striving to finish within 10 days, and then we will upset the summer file!"

"it is good!"

"Come on, brothers!"

Everyone suddenly promised and speeded up their actions full of fighting spirit.

Work with such a talented and wealthy leader and feel at ease.


The turmoil on the Internet intensified, but Wang Yan no longer paid attention to it and devoted himself to the movie.

On the 10th, News Network spent one minute talking about cyber violence and regulatory legislation. Wang Yan appeared on the scene for about eight seconds.

On the 12th, related proposals were passed in the breakout meeting.

On the 14th, the results were voted on.

On the 15th, the news broadcast greatly "Accelerating the legislation of network supervision is the core of comprehensively implementing the rule of law."

On the 16th, the headline of Renri's front page is "Guarantee Network Security and Maintain Public Order-Legislative Key Points of the Cyber ​​Security Law".

On the same day, the Supreme Law announced the drafting standards and timetable, which are expected to be officially implemented on June 1, 2017.

There is a heated discussion on the Internet, and the sand sculpture netizens have joked: Fugui has a good meal and sprayed a new method. Why don't you change the name to "Internet spray method"?

Da Shao angrily tweeted: Can the scholar's matter be considered a squirt?

Suddenly happy on the Internet.

The dish came to abuse me: "How can the battle between economists be called spray? Manually funny~"

Sad dog paper: "Here is again, here again, the spicy man is here again! Focus on the blackboard: "A scholar!"

Yao Lei: "Now I am particularly sensitive to Wang Shen-every time Wang Shen speaks, I wonder if there is something in the words..."

Large fitness male: "Do you still suspect a fart? Just tortured away! Another person in the connotation!"

The moon black excites a wind high: "Warning, warning! The founder of the spray method is about to start spraying! Non-combatants please evacuate immediately!"

The current popularity is not money, so Wang Dashao is too lazy to be serious, and he hasn't really started spraying.

On the contrary, the number of fans has risen to more than 10 million, and it has spontaneously spread.

In the end, they all lost their studies, and when they came up, they yelled at them.

My other sprayer sprayed harder. Would you like to try it?

On the 18th, Wang Yan threw the loudspeaker into the sky, and "The Witch" was finished.

At the finale banquet, Zi Tao, Lang Jinmai, and Wang Haiou, who had left the team, all rushed back specially, gathering all the strength of their troops and thoroughly overwhelming Wang Yan.

The young and old did not shame this time and drank fairly.

Then, relying on 89 points of physique and drinking capacity, half of them were buried with them.

After the hi, go away.

The young master returned to the imperial capital with the semi-finished products, and began the post production.

The editing work was led by Wang Muye, and Wang Yan took the lead.

Fu Yushi and Nawu went back to class, An Xiaofang pushed for publicity, and Li Yixu supervised and helped build Wangting Pictures.

A lot of work is divided up, but the young and old are not free, because there are really too many follow-ups-the "cost" of the explosion.

Dave has already reported, and the first thing to do is to give Wang Yanpai a timetable and receive various appointments.

Then the first itinerary is an emergency without reservation.

Wang Yan was the imperial capital that arrived in the morning on the 19th, and only settled down, and Liu Chang took his family's car and jammed at the hotel entrance.

"Brother come down and eat at my house! My mother has been waiting for you for many days!"

Lu Yichen's gang of licking dogs were studying to catch the wind for Young Master Wang, but they were all broken up.

The hospitality was difficult, so Wang Yan had to sit on the red flag brought by Liu Chang.

"Sister Chang Chang, don't you have to be so deliberate?" Wang Yan waved goodbye to everyone with a wry smile.

"Family dinner, not deliberately!"

Liu Chang smiled, not pretty, but very kind.

"The main reason is that my grandfather rarely returns to our house. Today is just right."

Wang Yan moved in his heart.

After thinking a lot, I deleted them all.

The Hongqi car drove all the way to Xishan, and the specific house number was not clear. Anyway, it was a small courtyard with guards.

As soon as I arrived at the door, an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman greeted her enthusiastically.

"Xiao Wang, hurry up, come in! Oh, Xiao Wang is so handsome! Old Liu Lao Liu, move your ass! The guest is here!"

Liu Chang took the middle-aged woman's hand, smiled and introduced: "This is my mother, you just call Aunt Wang."

"Hello Aunt Wang."

Wang Yan bowed politely and was then held by Aunt Wang.

"What's your kind! Today you are a VIP, you are the biggest! Get in the house and sit, I have fish on the stove, let Old Liu talk to you..."

It was exactly the same as the housewife, and went into the kitchen in a hurry.

Then, Wang Yan confronted Liu's father.

The face with Chinese characters, the eyebrows are thick, and there is no imposing manner of being angry, and he smiles quite kindly.

"Xiao Wang is not bad, a talent."

"Hello Uncle Liu!"

"Come, come in."

In the living room stood an old man with crutches, and a nurse beside him was supporting him. He couldn't stand still, but he tried to straighten his back and waited for Wang Yan.

Father Liu introduced: "This is Grandpa Chang Chang."

Wang Yan hurriedly went over and bowed: "Hello, grandpa, sit down, how dare the younger generation let you meet?"

"Xiao Wang is good, a talented person!"

The old man's anger is quite strong, that is, the first sentence of the meeting, exactly the same as Liu's father-family history, haha.

After sitting down, start chatting.

The questions asked by the elderly are very interesting.

"How many people are in the family?"

"Where did the ancestor come from?"

"Has anyone ever served as a soldier?"

"How about studying?"

"Are you planning to enter the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"What is your girlfriend doing?"

Wang Yan responded one by one, and the old man nodded in satisfaction.

After talking for 10 minutes, Liu's mother began to serve food in a hurry.

The helping middle-aged man seemed to be a secretary, wearing a shirt with his cuffs in his sleeves, silently helping him to set the plate.

By the time it was on the table, there were only five people, and the Liu family had four and one Wang Yan.

Among them, Lao Lao Liu was still a good companion, with only a bowl of congee in front of him, and a nurse behind him.

"Xiao Wang, today is a pure family banquet. Auntie made the dishes personally. You are welcome to be a guest!"

Mother Liu was the first to speak, and then Father Liu, who had been reticent, asked the secretary to fetch the wine: "Let’s drink a little bit."

The word thanks was not mentioned during the whole process, but the attitude of thanks was very sincere.

Then, without any red tape, start eating.

Mother Liu was so enthusiastic, she kept picking up vegetables and chatting, and the table was full of her voice.

Liu's father respected Wang Yan's three small cups of wine, Wang Yan responded with three glasses, and then Liu Chang stopped pouring.

The old man stopped using his chopsticks after drinking all the porridge, but kept sitting there.

Wang Yan felt that everyone was accompanying him, so he quickly grabbed four bowls of rice and hurryed to eat.

After confirming that Wang Yan was full, Father Liu invited Wang Yan to the study for tea.

This time, only Lao Liu and Lao Lao Liu were present.

The tea is from the mother tree, Dahongpao, which the old people worked hard to save. The tea soup is clear and fragrant.

Of course, no one cares about that.

Wang Yan drank his tea calmly and waited silently for the topic.

After talking about it for a while, Father Liu suddenly let out a sigh of emotion when it finally led to a series of recent events.

"Our propaganda work has a long way to go..."

Wang Yan didn't talk, and put on a gesture of listening carefully.

Father Liu continued: "The problem of academic right or wrong in Xiaoli, and the problem of line in large, our people have never been better.

what's the result?

The propaganda position was seized by the West.

The month is round in the west.

In the past, there was indeed a gap between us and others, and we could only bury our heads in economic development.

What now?

Ten years ago, our gdp was already the second in the world, but today, there are still so many trends of thought...

Under the surface of thought, what is the most serious problem?

It is because we lack the skills to master the right to speak, and the spirit to master the right to speak! "

Wang Yan was ignorant and could not fully understand these words.

This is a question of location, so don’t care about wisdom.

Ask if you don't understand.

The double quotient, which skyrocketed to 89, allowed Wang Yan to easily find the core points hidden in the entire passage, and directly broke the question: "Is the official media lacking skill or spirit?"

The old man's eyes lit up and suddenly turned his head and looked over.

Father Liu was even more surprised. He didn't expect Wang Yan to be so sharp and intelligent.

Nodded, and followed the question in detail: "Official media...maybe they lack more skills and are more dogmatic. Although we are also reflecting internally, some things cannot be improved overnight.

In the final analysis, the target audience of the official media is different, so stability should be the focus.

Serious and lively, one is indispensable.

The official media has to take on the serious part of the responsibility. Ordinary people don't like to watch or understand. This is a price that must be paid.

But the point is that we are missing the lively part, which is very troublesome. "


Wang Yan suddenly realized.

What is high house construction?

This is just what Liu's father said. He didn't use any mandarin idioms, a few words in the vernacular, and directly analyzed the problem clearly.

No matter how detailed interpreting Wang Yan, I dare not do it...

Anyway, I figured out something.

"So you think the academic world lacks the kind of mentality to master the right to speak?"


Father Liu nodded, "It's not just academia, but many so-called opinion leaders from the people now speak for the benefit, not for the nation!"


Wang Yan touched the word in silence.

Father Liu said again: "If you don't take the right to speak, the West will take it. If you want to take it back, you have to grab it from others, but they are now stronger than you. What should you do? No fearless fighting spirit, It is impossible to do without the heart and soul for the nation."

This sentence talks about the roots again.

As far as Wang Yan feels, does the mainstream economics circle lack that spirit?

So far, our country has achieved such brilliant results, completely breaking through the barriers of Western economic theory, but still adopting neoclassicism as its standard in the academic field. Isn't it ridiculous?

This is completely torn!

Why is Wang Yan confident to take the stage to debate with Professor Zhang?

It is because of this tear.

They have something wrong. The reality has proved it. If you find this, you can easily falsify when you look back for the flaw.

I fight your fallacies with facts, why should I be afraid? !

At the same time, other social, political, and cultural fields have the same problems as the economic field.

and so……

Is this some kind of initiative from the upper echelons? !

As soon as Wang Yan wanted to understand, Father Liu gave confirmation.

"In the current environment, when we talk about deepening reform, we are actually seeking change.

I can't control other holes. In terms of propaganda, we must keep up with the pulse of the times.

What happened to you happened very coincidentally. Not only did you fire the first shot in the field of economics, but your performance has always been remarkable.

Nowadays, my leading colleagues are full of praise for you...Of course, there must be a small number of doubts, which can't be avoided at any time.

you do not need to worry……"

Father Liu was teaching in earnest and was suddenly interrupted by the elderly.

"Little Wang..."

The old man was half lying on the sofa, his old eyes dim, and he seemed sleepy.

But what he said was sonorous like a golden horse.

"You saved Chang Chang's life. Before we put it away, our whole family should kneel down and give you a buckle, and then I can't thank you enough!

If you don’t like that now, we don’t have any money for you, so we’ll change the method.

Your Uncle Liu told you a lot of nonsense, but actually wanted to tell you three things——

First, stand firm and stand on the side of the nation.

Second, the environment will change, and we must work hard.

Third, there are still a few kilograms of nails in this rotten ship, so don't panic. "

After some summarization, Wang Dashao summed it up with dumbfounding.

"Um... OK, Grandpa Liu, thank you for your love, I know."

But these words really gave Wang Yan a lot of confidence.

At present, the most important business, Wangting Entertainment and the extended Wangting Pictures, are all under the direct management of others.

Again: The ultimate goal of these two major undertakings has never been how much money to make, but...

So nothing can be lost.

In fact, it was a bit hidden before.

On the one hand, it is a certain original sin.

Normally, no one will go through it, but I am afraid that I will offend anyone in the future and find a small account.

Now there are straight pipes covering the top layer, and after another six months and a year, they are basically not afraid of anything if they are dragged to the overseas market.

On the other hand, the hidden danger comes from the above industry supervision.

——I don't aim at anyone. I have a knife and the whole industry is hacked.

At this time, the difference between having a background and not having a background is big.

With one cut, you are disabled, brother is fine, when the limelight passes, immediately begin to gather and integrate the disabled army.

With the two hidden dangers gone, Wang Yan felt that he could fly.

The Liu family didn't have any substantive gifts in return, but the value of this statement was much more valuable than the two sacred cars that paid the fat man.


Father Liu was also taken aback by the father's interruption, and then he shook his head, smiling and giving in.

"Okay, it's roughly what it means, Xiao Wang, you can understand it."

Wang Yan nodded his head solemnly: "I understand. Thank you for your elders."

"Don't thank you!"

The old man waved his hand slowly, "The moment you catch that car, you are worthy of everything."

"Drink tea and tea."

Father Liu took the initiative to pour tea for Wang Yan, then turned his head and pulled out a business card from his wallet and pushed it over.

"One more thing..."

"You speak."

Wang Yan sat down completely, feeling that the matter was not trivial.

Father Liu smiled and said carefully: "I have an old friend named Li Moshi who tried to build a video studio, mainly to make a short, informative video that can be accepted by young people. Use truly high-end content to preempt the academic and ideological markets..."

The hair on Wang Yan suddenly exploded. He doubled at 89 and instantly realized the true effect of that thing.

There is a fart market for academic and ideological short videos!

If you want ads without ads, you want to be monetized without monetization, and going public is a dream.

After a year of hard work, it may not be as good as the female anchor who sells meat for a week.


Wang Yan was attentive and listened carefully to Father Liu.

"The idea is good, and it has our support. However, at present, the program, direction, and content are not very clear, so I am eager for talents.

I have been eating your melons online recently. He suddenly found me and said: Xiao Wang has a clear mind, outstanding business talents, and very prestige among young people. Could you please contact me for a cooperation?

He personally hopes that you can become a shareholder in the studio, just because your business overlaps, I promised to lead the way.

Xiao Wang, what do you think? "

I closed my eyes and looked.

Then think about it?

Wang Yan nodded decisively: "No problem, I will talk to Mr. Li immediately."

Father Liu smiled with satisfaction, so he talked a little deeper.

"As far as I am concerned, I am actually very optimistic about this attempt. If you are not short of money, do more things that are beneficial to the nation. Someone will see it and remember it.

For the time being, you can only be a shareholder, and when you have real reputation and strength in the professional field in the future, you can stand up and give lectures and lead a generation to pursue happiness, glory, and the rise of the nation. That's great!

I heard from the Red Boy, you are free and you are not interested in politics.

There are ways to contribute to the country without touching politics, and you can be respected by politicians. You started very high. It is both strength and luck. You must cherish and grasp it! "

Speaking so straight, the mentally handicapped can understand it.

Get insurance and get a golden body!

If the Liu family doesn’t move, it’s a great gift to move up...

Wang Yan solemnly promised: "Thank you for your love. Don't worry, I am the son of the native Yanhuang. My roots and feelings are in this land."


The old man smiled so much that the folds of his face were relaxed, how satisfied Wang Yan was.

"Good! Good boy!"

After all I wanted to talk to, I sat for another two minutes, and it was time for Father Liu to go to work.

Before leaving, he turned around and asked Wang Yan: "There are some things, there are still some doubts inside, mainly because of your age...

Therefore, you have to prepare carefully for the debate in June.

It's not that you must win the professor, but you must show the youthful demeanor and have your own standpoint and opinions~lightnovelpub.net~ Understand? "


It's over if you **** to death!

Yun Danfeng nodded lightly, and the youngest made up their minds: in the next 3 months, they will die in economics!

This part is so difficult to write, and a lot of things have been deleted and changed, so it is too late.

I hope there will be a "reasonable but unexpected" effect, but I dare not go into it.

But at last half of the previous layout was completed.

It's not easy to be a true god. If you don't have the right to speak, it's a turtle, and if you don't have hard power, it's a pure dude.

The upper limit of the second generation of the rich in China is Xiao Wang. Of course, he is much better than us, but there are still too many things to do about it. It is not a matter of money.

From 16 to 20 years, there are many interesting plots to write. I hope we can start and end well.