I’m A Baller

Chapter 77: It's the same for everyone

   Wang Yan has been tangled until only the last 30 seconds are left.

   The main reason is that the two books have their own advantages and disadvantages. In fact, they are not the best choice.

   If there is still time, Wang Yan would rather pick a copy of "Junior Middle School Mathematics" or "Physiological Hygiene"...

the reason?

   Have a thorough understanding!

   System clear reminder: get rewards based on perception.

   "The Tao Te Ching" is even better, one-sided understanding and naive sentiment, the reward standard is definitely not high!

   No matter how bad it is, it’s good to bring in the "Biography of the Federal Reserve". At least I have read it through. Even though there are still many things that are difficult to understand, it is better than catching it now.

   However, it is a pity that the National Library of China is not allowed to bring in his own books. For a while, Wang Yan couldn't find the books he was familiar with.

   So there is no alternative but to choose one of the two.

   After careful consideration, with only the last 5 seconds left, Wang Yan gritted his teeth and grabbed the Tao Te Ching.

   "System, confirm reading books!"

   "The Tao Te Ching" is much more difficult to understand than "Song Ci Collection", it is not a level, but Wang Yan must choose this way.

   Because Wang Yan knows exactly what this book means.

   Simply put, it is the supreme treasure of Chinese civilization.

   To zoom in, it is the supreme treasure of human civilization.

   Great Yi Wuji, the great way to the simple, read one of the two classics thoroughly, you can be called a master.

   Of course, Wang Yan doesn't want to read one through now, and he doesn't even want to read it very much-too early.

   But since there are rewards to follow, then read the best book!

   Very simple pragmatism thinking, completely in line with Wang Yan's background and experience, so that's it.

   The system will start timing immediately.

  【Sentiment time is on, countdown 59 minutes 59 seconds】

   Wang Yan did not dare to delay any more, and immediately opened the book.

   The first sentence is "Tao is Tao, very Tao, very famous, very famous" that most people are familiar with.

   is the comment below.

   There are many versions of Tao Te Ching, and time is running out. It is too late to choose carefully. What Wang Yan got is "Wang Bi Lao Zi Note". Just a glance at it, my mind started to hurt.

  【The way of Tao, the name of the name, refers to things and shapes, it is not very common. So it's not Tao, not famous]

   My brother!

   It’s not easy to make notes, what are you doing in classical Chinese?

   I don’t even think about whether I can understand me.

   Wang Yan's classical prose scores are not bad, but he is at the level of ordinary high school students. To understand this style of annotations, it is really a bit powerless.

   Once gritted his teeth, he simply ignored the comment and read the original text directly.

   It is impossible to give up, so I have to fight it, and I can understand what is what it is!

   The unwillingness to admit defeat in Wang Yan's bones came up, immediately discarded all selfish thoughts, and devoted himself to reading and understanding.

   is difficult, especially laborious.

   Such as Chapter Two——

   "Everyone knows that beauty is beautiful, but that is evil; everyone knows that good is good, but that is not good. There is no phase, difficult and easy to form, long and short form, high and low, the sound and sound, and the back and forth."

  Wang Yan didn't understand the first sentence at all, until he figured out the second sentence, and looked back, he learned a little bit.

   "there is no intergrowth, the difficulty and the easy, the long and the short, the high and the low, the sound and the sound, and the back and forth", it is about contrast.

  The existence and the non-existence arise from the mutual opposition, and the difficulty and the easy form the mutual correspondence.

   Use the current buzzwords to describe-[No comparison, no harm], [All shortcomings are compared]

   Looking back at the first sentence, Wang Yan probably understood it.

   Everyone knows beauty, because of ugliness.

   Everyone knows good, because of bad.


   So, this is the earliest dialectical thought in China, contrast theory?

  With Wang Yan's strength, he can only comprehend this level, but he is still deeply inspired.

   Everyone knows that it’s hard to live in poverty, and that’s why it gave birth to money worship, kneeling and licking the rich.

   The reason why pretending to be beep prevails in modern society is because...wait, that's not right!

   Pretend beep is not popular in modern times, but has existed since ancient times.

   For example, Xie Lingyun, if you want to pretend to be a big one after drinking too much, you open your mouth and say: "The talents of the world have one stone!"

   Everyone was surprised, but Xie Lingyun was so powerful and high-status, everyone had to listen!

   Next, the next sentence is to praise idols: "Cao Zijian is unique!"

   Let's go, Cao Zhi was really good at the time. Everyone has to hold back.

   The last sentence, play meat.

   Xie Lingyun raised the bottle, drank it, and laughed up to the sky. (There should be emoticons here)

   "I have a fight, since ancient times and today I have a fight!!"

   The audience was stunned.


   So, pretending to be beeping is human nature.

   Wang Yan thought to himself that when he went back during the winter vacation, he wanted all the high school classmates who looked down on him to look at him with admiration. It was a little childish, but extremely natural.

   The so-called "achieve a better self" is partly for survival, partly for material enjoyment, and above it is for spiritual satisfaction.

  How to satisfy?

   Compare with the same kind!

   I am more handsome, smarter, richer, kinder, and contribute more to society, so I am naturally satisfied.

   Some of the beeps are clearly dressed, some are dark and cool, but in general, they are all compared and set off.

   Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, high-level respect needs and self-realization, the core essence is one sentence——

   I have to pretend to beep!

   Although I don’t want to pretend most of the time, I must have the right and ability to pretend to beep at any time!

   When comparing with others, I am excellent and outstanding, and respect will come naturally.

   The meaning of self-fulfillment is simpler: I am so good, and my talents cannot be wasted. Come on, let me do some benefits for you who are not so good, and make some contribution to social progress!

   Look, the expression is a bit rough, but is it reasonable?

   Wang Yan feels right.

   Then just listen to the "ding" sound, the system prompts suddenly.

   [While you are reading the Tao Te Ching~lightnovelpub.net~ comprehend the true meaning of pretending to be beep, achieve the reading goal in advance, and get a reward]

   Wang Yan was completely stunned.

   What the hell?

  I only read two chapters, and I just diverge my thoughts. !

   Do you want to be so hasty!

  Wang Yan, this is that the bullying system is not intelligent. If it were intelligent, it would have been a shame.

   Do you dare to say that I am hasty?

   Reading a "Tao De Jing", you can actually think of pretending to be a beep, and it is so mysterious. How desperate I am to make it? !

   However, the system is not emotional, so, not only did I not scold my mother, but also gave an extremely rare answer.

   [The host's understanding of contrast has reached the limit of the content of this sentence in depth. Although the intention is not high and slightly narrow, it is enough to trigger the current highest level reward]

   As soon as I heard that it was the highest-level reward, Wang Yan immediately lost his opinion. He closed the book and looked at the panel happily.

  【Extraordinary Force】

  【With card, use 3/3】

   [When you want to pretend to be a beep, you can summon an ancient king who once wrote a note to the "Tao De Jing" to possess him, and get the corresponding aura and force]

   [Duration: 10 minutes/each time]

  【Forcing the king's candidates: Wang Bi, Song Huizong Zhao Ji, Zhang Daoling】

   Seeing those three names, Wang Yan was suppressed.

  The most unfamiliar person is Wang Bi, but there is an introduction in this "Tao De Jing Zhu", which is indeed a peerless talent with extremely high standards.

   Not to mention the remaining two, they are familiar.

   If these three opportunities are used well, everyone will be hanging...

   Hey, cool!