I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 715: Unlucky Ethan

The tallest building in Dubai-Burj Khalifa, with 162 floors and a height of 828 meters, is a complex of luxury apartments, clothing stores, swimming pools, hot spring clubs, and high-level personal business suites. It is a world-renowned entertainment center and receives daily receptions. Many wealthy tourists from all over the world.

At this time, in a presidential suite on the 142th floor, Ethan and others are gathering together to discuss a plan of action.

"After investigation, it can be determined that Sabine is upstairs, so the place where they traded should be there." Ethan pointed at the distribution map of the building on the computer screen and said in a deep voice, "Then our plan is, Invaded the Burj Khalifa server and tampered with the elevator system. It made Kurt think that he had reached the 143th floor, but actually came to ours."

"Changing your head, concealing things, stealing beams and changing pillars?" Benji slapped and smiled, "I understand what you mean."

"It's not that simple," Hawkeye said solemnly, "Kurt won't be so stupid. He will definitely verify the authenticity of the password. How can we forge the transmission password?"

"Rely on these two boxes." Jane picked up the two identical document boxes in his hands. "There are agencies in these two boxes. As long as you see the real password, the other document box will automatically print out a copy. Randomly change the sequence of passwords."

"There is another question." Luther, who was tapping on the laptop next to him, suddenly raised his hand, "I can't get into the backstage system of this building."


Everyone turned their heads to look at Luther at the same time.

Old Luther blushed and said, "There is no way, you should all know how important this building is to Dubai, so the security must be the best. Of course, I am not completely helpless, as long as I can directly By plugging in the server, I can bypass the firewall and invade the system of this building."

"Ha, you didn't say that."

Hawkeye pointed to the distribution map of this building, and sneered: "The server of this building is on the penultimate floor, which is the 161st floor. It uses the most advanced security system in the world. You can go in by force."

"Unless..." He paused, then slowly said, "Unless you enter from the outside window, I probably think that no one can climb that high, so there is no alarm device installed on the window. It's just that this is the 142th floor. The 161st floor, this height and distance, is not something ordinary people can do."

As he said, he coughed twice and straightened his chest.

Yes, I am not an ordinary person, please hurry up and beg me.

"Yes, I can only do it."

Ethan nodded.


Hawkeye's eyes widened, and he looked at Ethan suspiciously.

Boy, look at you thin and thin, with bamboo poles, sure you can?

Others seem to have become accustomed to Ethan's omnipotence. No one raised objections, and even Bangui said excitedly: "It just so happens that I have a set of climbing tools here."

With that, he pulled out a pair of weird black gloves from the item box.

"The latest bionic magnetic gloves, after turning on the switch, can be adsorbed on smooth surfaces such as glass and tiles, just like a gecko." Bangui held up the glove and demonstrated to everyone, "Press it on the glass like this, and the glove shows Blue means that it is sucked. Then it is lightly uncovered and it turns red, which means separation. It's very simple."

Ethan pursed his lips: "Well, it's really simple."

Hawkeye muttered in his heart: "How can this thing be as convenient as my arrows... Okay, let's see how far they can play."

On the way back, he had secretly reported this situation to S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., thinking that even if this mission failed, S.H.I.E.L.D. should be able to prevent the launch of the nuclear bomb.

Everyone cut open the huge French windows, and the howling wind suddenly rushed in.

Here is the 142th floor, hundreds of meters above the ground, and there may be a breeze blowing in the face, and here is a strong wind.

Hawkeye leaned on the window frame, looked up and down with the probe, turned his head and said to Ethan: "It's really high, are you sure you can?"

Ethan had put on a tights, and nodded at Hawkeye nervously.


Hawkeye asked.

"Why don't you come?"

Ethan rolled his eyes at the eagle eye, stepped forward and grabbed the window frame. With a relaxed effort, he turned out the window.

Looking at Ethan, who looked like a gecko, climbing up the smooth glass wall, Hawkeye opened his mouth, and muttered in his heart: "If you don't force it, you can really replace me."

But as mentioned in the previous article, although Ethan and the others were cleansed by Xie Lun, they had seen the apartment building mentioned before. The halo of doom had already affected them, and they were now unknowingly manifesting it.

Ethan used those two magnetic gloves, and they worked well at the beginning, not to mention that they worked well. But as soon as he climbed two or three floors, the glove on his right hand malfunctioned, and after making two crisp sounds, blue smoke appeared.

"The latest model of the **** version, is it so unreliable?"

Fortunately, the left-hand glove worked, and Ethan didn't fall off the smooth glass wall, but even so, he was scared into a cold sweat. Bite the right glove with his mouth, throw it out fiercely, and then support the protruding window frame with both hands and feet, and try to climb up.

Then there was no accident, Ethan smoothly climbed to the 161st floor, which is the floor where the server was stored. Taking out the small cutting tool in his back pocket, he began to cut the heavy glass all over. However, when he was about to cut his eyes, a gust of cloudy wind blew by, and the cut glass suddenly burst out with a fire, and Ethan was shocked.

And because of this exciting spirit, his left glove was not sticky, and it fell from the 161st floor.

Fortunately, at a critical juncture, Ethan slapped his left hand against the glass and reattached the glove to the glass to stabilize his figure.

But this time, he almost scared him to death.

After taking a deep breath and trying to stabilize his mood, Ethan climbed up again. But because of the shock just now, the cutting tool didn't grasp it firmly and fell off. In desperation, Ethan could only climb to the window, just like performing acrobatics, propped up his arms, flew his feet and kicked **** the window that was about to be cut.

One click, two clicks, three clicks...

As Ethan kicked down ~lightnovelpub.net~, cracks appeared on the glass, and finally with a strong kick, the glass shattered, and sharp glass fragments cut Ethan's left hand.

And this time, his left glove was also reimbursed.

Ethan didn't care about bandaging his wounds, rushed to the server, plugged the wireless transmitter into the server port, and then heaved a sigh of relief and said solemnly, "Is it connected?"

After a while, Luther's voice came from the earphones: "OK, it's connected...well, the system of this building is already under my control...Oh, damn, Ethan, you come down, Sha Bin Morrow has already appeared, and we must prepare quickly."

"Go down?"

Ethan looked at his scarred left hand and smiled helplessly: "Well, I will as soon as possible."

"Not as soon as possible, but immediately." Luther said anxiously, "The artificial mask is being manufactured, and makeup and voice matching are needed. It will take time..."

Before Luther could finish speaking, another murky wind blew by, and the machine printing the artificial mask suddenly burst out with a burst of black smoke and stopped.