I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 947: Lu Lili

"Be a wizard trainer in a parallel world (

Surrounding the Qingshui Temple, the "street" composed of hundreds of simple mobile shops is full of lights and colorful, and it is very lively.

Zhou Jiang and the others were in company, holding food in their hands, wandering along the flow of people, and talking one after another.

Suddenly, Wang Qingyan stopped walking well, and kept staring at the side.

Seeing Wang Qingyan stopped, Zhou Jiang and the others stopped too, and looked where she was looking.

While looking over there, Zhou Jiang asked, "What's wrong?"

"There, is that kid lost with the master?" Wang Qingyan said.

The so-called "that child" is a Lulili.

In the middle of the two stalls selling children’s toys, in the middle of the small bushes behind, there was a Lu Lili holding her tail tremblingly and constantly looking for the crowds here, looking like she was about to cry. .

Judging from the way it looks, 80% of it will not be a wild elf.

Although Lulili mainly lives in ponds, it is a wild pond. In human cities, the lakes are basically filled with horned goldfish and carp kings and other weak chicken elves.

Lu Lili is different.

In the previous life, before the animation XY came out, before the goblin attribute came out, Lu Lili was indeed a weak chicken. Although it was a Hercules characteristic, it was not unusable, but there were better alternatives.

After XY came out, Lu Lili turned over after adding more fairy attributes.

Directly transformed into a dragon-slaying warrior.

Fairy attributes have always existed in this world, so Lu Lili will not be a weak chicken. With her cute appearance, she can be said to be a very popular spirit.

As for the elves that have market value, it is basically unlikely that there will be wild ones in the city.

Even if there are government and alliance regulations that cannot capture the elves in specific areas of the city, in this world with few cameras, as long as you don't keep staring at them, there will be a steady stream of people poaching.

As long as the benefits are sufficient, there is nothing that people in the black market dare not do.

No matter which world you are in, the underground world will exist, especially the world with extraordinary power, not to mention that the power of the elves in this world is much stronger than the existing technology.

In a city where there are not many cameras, as long as you are a trainer, you can come and leave. As long as you have the heart, sneaking into the government is not impossible.

"Let's go and take a look." Jiang Shui said, and looked at the crowd, asking with his eyes whether to "nosy".

"Yeah." Everyone nodded, without any comments.

Shopping at the temple fair is full of excitement. They don’t have any plans for what they want to do. They just have to play here anyway. It can be said to be a step-by-step.

Anyway, idle is idle, so it's not bad to help the elf who is separated from the master.

Zhou Jiang and the others walked towards Lu Lili. The owners of the two stalls and the people watching the goods in front of the stalls all glanced at them, but didn't think much.

Walking straight towards Lu Lili, it would naturally not fail to see Zhou Jiang and the others.

But should I say that there is a master? Even though I was shivering in hiding here, I saw a large group of people walking towards it, but didn't run away, but looked at them with eyes that were about to shed tears.

Of course, it is also possible that Wang Qingyan and the three girls are leading the way. After all, beautiful girls always give people more favorability, even elves...

Everyone came to Lu Lili, although the little guy did not run, but unconsciously stepped back two steps.

After all, its height is only 0.2M, and Zhou Jiang's shortest one is 1.75M. Six people just walked over. It is normal for it to be afraid.

"Hello, little guy." The river walking in the front came to Lu Lili's front and back, squatted down and greeted it with a smile.


Lu Lili yelled softly, not sure if she was responding to Jiang Shui.

Seeing it, Jiang Shui was still a little scared, so he directly hit the "straight ball" and asked: "Little guy, are you separated from the master?"

Lu Lili was stunned for a moment, then quickly nodded her head.

Lu Lili let go of the tail she was holding, and shouted to the river with her arms and legs: "Li~Li~Lili!"

Seeing Lu Lili's appearance, Zhou Jiang and the others were sure that it was an elf who had separated from its owner. Everyone looked at each other and then nodded.

Jiang Shui nodded, looked back to Lu Lili, and said, "Do you want to follow us first? We will help you find your master. Don't worry, we are not bad guys."

‘The same goes for bad guys. Hearing Jiang Shui's words, Zhou Jiang murmured inwardly.

However, I don't know if Jiang Shui's charm is too high or Lu Lili is too young to be beaten by the society. Seeing Jiang Shui said this, she nodded happily, and then threw herself into her arms.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang and the others are really not bad people, otherwise Lu Lili would suffer.

Even if it is subdued into the Elf Ball, it can still be liberated in the hands of some people and then subdued.

When the time comes to go to the black market and resell it, it can only cry silently.

Jiang Shui was suddenly jumped by Lu Lili, but he immediately reacted, holding it, gently touching its head, and saying: "Okay, don't be afraid, we will definitely help you I found your master!"

"Li!" Lu Lili called, then buried her face in Jiang Shui's chest.

Holding Lu Lili to his feet, Jiang Shui turned around to look at everyone, and shouted with great momentum: "Okay, "Help Lu Lili find the master in the battle", go!"


Everyone looked at the excitement of the river, a little speechless, but Li Linghui and Wang Qingyan deserved to be her good girlfriends. Seeing her embarrassed alone, they followed suit.

Zhou Nan was stared at by Jiang Shui, and followed with a "Oh~!", but Zhou Jiang saw his hidden envious expression.

As for envy?

After that, you don’t understand, you understand...

Regarding this, Zhou Jiang decided not to tell him the silver beast lying on top of sin, otherwise it would be bad if he got jealous and killed it.

But speaking of it, he still remembers an interesting thing about Lu Lili.

He saw it by chance in a previous life.

For a spirit like Lulili, the overall ratio of males and females is one to three, but after the evolution to Malilo, the **** ratio becomes one to one...

In other words, a quarter of Lulili will change her gender as she evolves!

Well, to be precise, one-half of the male Lulili will change his gender.

It's really scary...

Zhou Jiang glanced at Lili.

Maybe it is one of those one half?

One-half, half-and-a-half, it is already a very high probability, although this probability is basically impossible to succeed in strengthening equipment in previous games...

"Let's go to the Qingshui Temple and find the person in charge. There will be performances later. Tell the person in charge here that they should help." Wang Qingyan said.

"Well, it's a good idea. It shouldn't be too late. Then go quickly. Maybe the owner of this little guy is also there."

Everyone nodded, returned to the lively "street", and walked towards the Qingshui Temple.

However, as soon as they walked to the entrance of the temple, they were stopped by an aunt before they even entered.

"Hey! Some young people over there!"

Since they were walking by the side, that is, next to the stalls, Zhou Jiang and the others heard the aunt's voice, and then subconsciously looked back.

After watching it, I realized that the stall owner was actually watching a few of them.

The aunt opened a shop where toy guns were used to play wooden plaques. They used toy guns loaded with special bullets to hit the wooden plaques on the shelf. If you knock down the wooden plaque, you will get the prizes written on the wooden plaque.

I looked around and found that many people were looking towards the aunt, but around them, that is, in the direction that the aunt was looking at, it seemed that there was no other "little young" except them?

Looking at the aunt, Zhou Jiang did not ask directly because of the large flow of people and the noise around him. Instead, he pointed at himself with his finger, meaning "You are calling us?"

The aunt also understood Zhou Jiang's meaning, nodded, and shouted: "Yes, it's you, come here, come here."

The stall owner beckoned to Zhou Jiang and the others, and then said embarrassed to the guests in front of the stall, and then left his seat and prepared to walk out of the stall.

Zhou Jiang and the others looked at each other, and they all saw puzzled from the other's eyes. Finally, Zhou Jiang nodded and took the lead to walk towards the stall owner.

The aunt of the stall owner shouted at Zhou Jiang and the situation on their side, and the nearby tourists and other stall owners naturally saw it.

People like to watch the excitement, no matter where they are.

Seeing a good show, the people nearby focused on the stall owner and Zhou Jiang, and even a few of them who were closer to Zhou Jiang went a little farther away, for fear of getting into unnecessary trouble.

The aunt walked out of her stall, Zhou Jiang and the others also came to her stall.

Zhou Jiang opened his mouth. Just when he wanted to speak, he saw that aunt came to Jiang Shui and stared at Lu Lili in Jiang Shui's arms.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiang closed his mouth, wondering if she knew Lu Lili?

Not only Zhou Jiang thinks so, but also Zhou Nan and others. After all, they are not familiar with the stall owner, so they certainly won’t offend her, and they only have this Lu Lili who "just came out" here, and she is here. Then I stared at it, obviously I knew it.

Guessed that she might know Lu Lili, so Jiang Shui directly asked her: "Do you know this kid?"

"Huh? Ah, oh." When Jiang Shui asked, the aunt only recovered. She was taken aback for a while and then asked a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, is this Lu Lili one of your elves or..."

Hearing what she said, Jiang Shui was more affirmed of his guess, so he interrupted her directly and said, "No, this is what we met elsewhere. Do you know the owner of this child?"

As Jiang Shui said, he freed a hand to touch Lu Lili's head.

Although she was a little puzzled why Lu Lili didn't recognize her, and even shrank into her arms when she saw her approaching, Jiang Shui didn't think much.

After all, it's like you know Ma Yun, but Ma Yun doesn't know you. If Lulili doesn't know her, it doesn't mean she doesn't know Lulili.

The aunt frowned, and said with some embarrassment: "It's not that I know each other."

With that, the aunt apologized to Zhou Jiang and several people, and then said: "That's it. A friend of mine asked me to see if anyone brought Lu Lili. I heard it belonged to her friend. Lu Lili is missing, so let me pay attention to it and stop you rashly. I'm really sorry."

"Uh, it's okay." Scratching his cheek, Jiang Shui couldn't turn around for the sudden apology.

Seeing that Jiang Shui stopped talking, Zhou Jiang said, "This Lulili was indeed picked up by us. Maybe it was the one that your friend said was lost. Do you know the name of the person who lost Lulili? ?"

"Um, she didn't say, I'll call and ask now, can you wait for a while?" the aunt said.

"No problem, you can hit it." Jiang Shui nodded and said.

The aunt nodded, and after giving Zhou Jiang an apologetic look, she walked towards the back of the stall.

Seeing that the excitement here is gone~lightnovelpub.net~, the surrounding people also dispersed. Except for the quiet complaints of a few visitors waiting in front of the aunt’s booth, the rest was the same as normal. .

Lively, noisy, and crowded.

After the aunt left, Zhou Jiang and the others walked slightly towards the middle of the two stalls to avoid blocking passers-by.

Seeing Lu Lili lying in Jiangshui's arms without saying anything, Zhou Jiang said silently, "I said little guy, why are you so calm and don't want to go home?"

Although it is not certain whether the person who lost Lu Lili is the owner of the little guy in front of him, the probability is still very high. After all, the probability of losing the elf is still not high, let alone the same elf.

Although Lu Lili is not rare, it is not a Chinese cabbage, it can be seen everywhere.

As for the conversation they had just now, this little guy listened to the whole process. Except for the aunt who walked up to him and shrank in fear at first, the rest was silent and stayed quietly in the arms of the river. It seems that what I just said has nothing to do with it.

Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, Zhou Nan and the others reacted. Jiang Shui also changed the little guy from holding it in his arms to holding it with both hands, so that it could look at him.

Jiang Shui asked it curiously: "Yes, little guy, why are you not moving at all, don't you want to return to the master?"

"Li... Lilili!"

The little guy cried out dancing and dancing again, but Zhou Jiang and others could not understand what it said.

Zhou Nan said, "Zhou Jiang, let Shanaiduo come out and translate what it means."

The others nodded and agreed.

After all, I can't understand what it says, and it's like making a gesture. If you want to understand what it means like this, you really have to guess by luck.