I’m a Professional at Seducing Rivals In Love [Quick Travel]

Chapter 121


If this selection is a hunt, then Tan Jinxue is undoubtedly the most sophisticated hunter.

—It seems that she just wandered around the map in an off-road vehicle aimlessly, and coincidentally "met" her prey time and time again.

After finishing off today's thirty-ninth contestant with a single shot, the woman changed the driver's seat to Cai Bo in boredom, and sat in the passenger seat to watch the scenery.

The car was driving fast, and the wind carried the moist water vapor between the woodland and the bushes, but it didn't make people feel hot. The sun has gradually risen.

Tan Jinxue glanced at his watch, it was six o'clock in the morning.

She took the communicator, "I am Eagle, report casualties, over."

Sun Chao's voice came over, "Eagle, I'm k2, hunted forty-five people, and quit one person. No accidental injuries, it's over."

Just an hour after the selection started, nearly half of the people had already been eliminated.

Tan Jinxue smiled lazily, "Got it, it's over."

"These little guys are very energetic when they come up, but they will be tired after a night."

On the map, the straight-line distance from the grove to the final meeting point is 80 kilometers. Not to mention the mountain roads, obstacles and water bubbles in the middle. Although they were all lightly dressed, they couldn't stand the brutal old K chasing and intercepting them behind their buttocks.

Those who can survive hunger, fatigue, high-intensity long-distance running and fighting for thirty hours are already rare.

Cai Bo answered the phone while driving: "I don't know if the one you especially like, Captain, can last until tomorrow."

Tan Jinxue's lips curled up.

"He's still there." She said to the air inexplicably.

Cai Bo didn't know why, so he heard his captain say calmly: "Stop the car."

Forbidden by orders, Cai Bo immediately stepped on the brakes and stopped off-road in an open woodland, with a dense forest behind and a river running hundreds of meters ahead.

Before the car came to a complete stop, Tan Jinxue jumped off the passenger seat, pulled out the pistol from the holster on her leg, and aimed a few bullets at the ground next to the car.

-"come out!"

The empty shells used in the exercise are still lethal within five meters, and the grass is flying across the ground, and earth and rocks are splashing.

Cai Bo was taken aback by his team leader's sudden action, and when he was still in a daze, a figure suddenly appeared under the off-road vehicle.

The man rolled on the spot, stood up quickly, and fired two short bursts with the 95 assault rifle.

Cai Bo was smoking.

"I | Cao!"

Cai Bo reacted, his face turned blue.

He turned his head abruptly. Fortunately, his team leader reacted quickly, as if anticipating that the prey they were chasing had the ability to fight back, and made evasive movements before the opponent pulled the trigger.

It only takes 0.5 seconds for Tan Xue to change guns.

The short-range gun in her hand has been replaced by an assault rifle.

A string of bullets chased the running figure and hit it.

The man was so fast that he ran in an S-shaped evasion curve, and Tan Jinxue's bullet didn't hit him.

Tan Jinxue jumped into the car, kicked Cai Bo off, started off-road, and the dust from the four wheels hit Cai Bo's face.

Cai Bo, who had already "sacrificed", got up from the ground, and couldn't help but uttered a few more swear words. He may be the first old K to be killed by prey in the selection process. Let alone the terrible training that he may face when he goes back, this matter will probably be recorded in the history of old K. Cai Boke is really "notorious for a long time" up.

To be able to hide under the car for such a long time is considered a character! Cai Bo ground his teeth with a "creak" sound.

Judging by the captain's excitement, the guy who jumped out from under the car was probably Li Zhanchuan. A distorted smile appeared on Cai Bo's face covered in camouflage camouflage—

Let the captain be so caring, join the old K, just wait to be fucked!

What happened just now was just a flash in the air, but Tan Jinxue knew who it was. She didn't even notice that amidst the dust raised by the off-road vehicle, there was still a hint of a smile on her face.

Li Zhanchuan is very funny, she always thinks so.

Similar people can easily hate each other, and the two of them have always been at each other's throats. Tan Jinxue enjoys the feeling of pressing down on Li Zhanchuan.

The escape route Li Zhanchuan chose was just as Tan Jinxue expected—he gave up the jungle where he could hide easily, and ran towards the unobstructed river instead.

Smart indeed.

The river was deep and swift. If he wanted to continue the pursuit, Tan Jinxue, who was alone, would have to abandon the car and wade through the water. Even so, he might not be able to trace Li Zhanchuan again.

The off-road vehicle parked on the bank of the river, Tan Jinxue got out of the car, leaned against the car door and lit a cigarette.

The man's cigarette had a pungent smell, and it passed through his lungs. The woman exhaled a few small smoke rings, stared at the surging river for a few minutes, then casually snuffed out the cigarette butt, turned and left.

They will meet again soon.

The sound of the off-road vehicle leaving gradually faded away.

There was a strange splashing sound of water, and Li Zhanchuan's wet head emerged from the river.

I have to admit that this woman is really powerful.

He licked his lips, put the gear on his head, and swam across the river.


Night fell quickly.

Tan Jinxue "played" all afternoon, and returned to the temporary camp with seven or eight candidates who had been killed by her.

Three hours after the start of the selection, the battle damage of the candidates dropped significantly, and it became more and more difficult to capture them. Up to now, those who are still active outside are already the best among the many elites.

After setting up a fire in the middle of the camp, Tan Jinxue jumped out of the car and walked over, poured water from the military kettle in Sun Chao's hand and washed his hands, "Is everything ready?"

Sun Chao nodded.

Several candidates squatting on the ground looked up.

The woman waved her hand, and the two old K quickly lifted out of the trunk of their car...a sheep...

There was a simple grill on the bonfire, and on it was the whole sheep that had been processed. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the major captain of Old K took out a lot of bottles and cans of seasoning from the backpack on the side, rolled up his sleeves and left Get busy in the past.

The Roasted Whole Lamb tonight is for these eliminated people.

Tan Jinxue's technique of roasting sheep is very good. Although he hasn't done it for a long time, he is a bit unfamiliar, but the aroma of the roast meat is still gradually wafting.

Tan Jinxue divided the meat, wiped the oil stains on his hands, and lay down somewhere with a grass stick in his mouth. Cai Bo, who was next to him, shrank, and finally didn't dare to approach him noisily as usual.

—He wished he could talk about Kyuki and forget about his existence.

After dinner, someone sat on the open space and sang songs.

"In that far away place, there is a good girl..."

The singing sound spread quite far in this somewhat empty place, accompanied by the chirping of insects in the bushes at night and the crackling of grass leaves.

"Is the captain asleep?" Cai Bo poked Sun Chao and asked quietly.

Sun Chao glanced in Tan Jinxue's direction, shook his head, and said softly, "No, I'm thinking about something." After a while, he hesitated again, "Maybe he's asleep, don't court death."

Cai Bo stopped.

Tan Jinxue had a dream.

—She completed the mission of this world and returned to the fast travel game. The man kept his promise, and she got the position of chief.

She can freely travel through thousands of worlds, beyond all rules.

For the mighty Tan Jinxue, the eternal loneliness is not terrible. Now that you enjoy such freedom, you should also bear the corresponding price.

Then she woke up. The aroma of barbecue was still wafting in the air, and the eliminated soldiers were sitting with drooping heads, while the old K beside him was running in an orderly manner, continuing to hunt down the candidates at night.

There are few stars in the night sky.

Tan Jinxue spit out the blades of grass in her mouth and sat up.

In fact, such a day is also very good. Her tasks have never failed, and Tan Jinxue, as a gold medal tasker, never likes to be muddled. All her departures are crisp and clean.

But this time, she was in her own world.

Tan Jinxue decided to be gentle.

The author has something to say: Even if brother Xue is soft-hearted, it is not something ordinary people can bear hhhh

Happy Dragon Boat Festival to little angels! Leave a message in this chapter and drop a small red envelope~