I’m An Interdimensional Login Interface

Chapter 28: Crazy players

The dots of green light look like fireflies in the night. When these green lights fell from the fence, they touched the bodies of players and other old and weak women and children. It was just because of the dizziness caused by the pig-headed man’s ear-piercing and screaming. It is relieved and eliminated.

   Meng Yang sighed for a long time, stood up again, and looked at Sheila, the middle-aged woman who hadn't had time to pay attention since he entered the camp, and felt a little magical for a while.

The other party had already demonstrated her healing ability when he was treating Gustav before, but Liu Chuanfeng was only rescued, and the green light spot was used to get rid of the negative state of the screaming wolves leader, which reminded him of the previous The force of nature that Sheila said.

   "When this incident is over, I must ask what kind of extraordinary system this is."

   Meng Yang made up his mind, and felt that this jackal man’s attack seemed to have once again unveiled the peculiar veil of this other world.

Pressing down on the strong exploration thought in his heart, Meng Yang once again turned his gaze to the suspension bridge below the wall. At this moment, the war had begun. Phoenix, the female archer who Meng Yang had always thought that he could only fight remotely, showed surprising results at this time. Melee ability.

   The bow arm in his hand waved, and only an afterimage could be seen, and his figure moved from side to side. Even the head of the jackal was difficult to get cheap.

   "Aren't you remote?"

   Meng Yang's heart was slandered. Phoenix showed only her shooting skills since she appeared. What she didn't expect was that her melee ability was not weak.

   Then Meng Yang patted his head again. This is a different world. The player regards the game as a game, but he can't take it as real, and who says that long-range has no melee ability.

   On the field, Phoenix fought with the leader of the jackal quickly. The wind was roaring, and the sawdust on the suspension bridge flew across, which was the trace left by the tomahawk in the hands of the leader of the jackal. The Jackal leader tried to break through Phoenix's barrier several times and rushed directly into the fortress camp, but he was always entangled by Phoenix's sensitive attack and couldn't get out.

   However, after a long roar and roar from the leader of the jackal, there were already a large number of jackals and hunting jackals cruising around, attacking the camp.

   Meng Yang's heart tightened for a while, and many old people and women on the fence had already started smashing rocks downward one after another at this time. The battle has reached the most critical juncture.

   At this moment, a loud shout sounded.

The players who were driven away by the green light from the negative state of dizziness caused by the screaming, and some players who had just resurrected and walked out of the summoning circle from the back, their eyes were red, their faces were distorted, and they were heading forward like crazy The jackals and hunting jackals jumped on.

   "Fuck them!"

   "I want revenge!"

   "Go to Nima!"

   "For the tribe!"

   "Horde pigs get out, for the alliance!"

   "Glory, to Shurima!"

   "Your father is here!"


   There were a series of swear words, a group of sorrowful words, and the shouts after another, seemed to be vented at this moment.

   Although many players have no weapons in their hands at the moment, their hands and feet are on the same level, and many people even directly start to bite again.

Facing the attack of crazy players, the gathering of jackals and jackal hunters suddenly stopped. Many jackals didn’t understand why these humans disappeared after being killed by them. More people ran out of the camp.

   And it’s so crazy, not afraid of death, no matter how they show off their brutal means, or make all kinds of roars, they can’t stop these players from attacking like a colony of ants.

   "Formation! Formation! Too messy!"

Meng Yang was above the fence, watching the players' attack mode like an ant colony, and felt a little headache again. Although each one rushed very hard, there was no formation at all in the melee. There were often five or six people on one side holding a hunting jackal. Thump, the other side lined up to give heads to the jackal man holding the weapon, as if he wanted to die from the other side's life.

   At the beginning, he asked Phoenix to divide the five teams, hoping to have a little cooperation, but now it is a big chaos, and in many cases it still does not distinguish between you and me.

   "Where did the old players go?"

Meng Yang looked at the many players below, trying to find out Xu Zhe and Sun Shuai. Through the battle of the pig heads and the attack just now, he had already seen the old player named Xu Zhe, relatively speaking. Some attacks will still be organized.

   I swept around and discovered that these people had just run out of the resurrection point.

Xu Zhe and Sun Shuai, who were the leaders in running faster, took a few players who had just been resurrected. When they appeared at the gate of the camp, they didn't even mean to organize an attack at all. They also rushed crazy and exchanged their lives. Injury, life for life.

As soon as the slower-moving Zhuang Dafa entered the battlefield, he opened his hands and pointed at the most ferocious jackal who slashed and killed the jackal. He hugged the jackal directly as if it were a mat, and then turned towards several players with weapons Yelled, "Kill me, hurry!"


   A player who happened to have a spear in his hand screamed in excitement, grabbing the handle of the gun with both hands and shouting, "Look at my gun like a dragon!"

"I rub, Nima, want to die, don't rush Laozi's ass!" Zhuang Dafa tightened the jackal with all his strength, and suddenly the corner of his eyes turned to the player who was rushing with the spear in a hurry, and let go of his hand. , Jumped away like a frightened fat rabbit.

   Then the player's spear pierced the jackal's lower body fiercely, and then the jackal who was mixed with pain and anger bit his head severely, dripping with blood.


   Zhuang made a dangerous and dangerous avoidance of the "death blow", rushed back for the first time, and kicked at the vital part where the jackal man had been injured.

   The jackal once again issued a miserable cry~lightnovelpub.net~ His footing was unstable, and then he stepped on the jackal with seven or eight legs.

   The players died for a wave, resurrected, died, resurrected, and the cycle repeated.

The fiercest players have died seven or eight times in this short period of time, and the timid two or three times. Some female players who were still trembling at first gradually let go of their hands and feet, despite the strength. The reason didn't cause much damage to the jackal, but the hard work had been fully aroused. Screaming and crying, he rushed up like that, so wild that many male players felt cold.

   The old and weak women and children in the camp are either standing on both sides of the summoning formation, and providing those players with bare hands with some sticks and other weapons as much as possible, or they are excitedly praising the adventurers.

Fang Mengyang on the wall has already paid attention to the movement of ordinary wolves at this time. Now the entrance of the drawbridge is closer to the resurrected summoning circle. With the players' fearless state of death, it is enough for them to continue to resurrect and consume the vital power of these wolves . Even Meng Yang had seen some wounded wolves in the rear began to retreat, trying to escape.

In the battlefield in front of the entire fence, one player after another gradually discovered that there were fewer and fewer wolves who were terrible before. Except for a few who flee away with their disabled bodies, most of them are basically Waves of resurrected players were pressed to death on the ground.

   On the noisy and boiling battlefield, the players' aura is getting higher and higher, and every time a jackal is brought down, the players are screaming with excitement as if they were Chinese New Year.

   The scale of victory was tilted more and more obviously, only in the open position outside the suspension bridge, the battle between Phoenix and the wolves leader made Meng Yang frightened.