I’m Extracting Movie Tech at Marvel

Chapter 126: ;mischief

Latest website: On this day, Bai Yang came to the Magic Hall with the modified weapon, and handed it over to Ivy after the preparation course.

Everyone came to the desk one after another and sat down.

"...I have been talking about spiritual magic one after another for about ten years. Except Bai Yang, everyone else should come up and practice it." Frigga said while standing on the stage.

It looks like today should be a practical training course.

"Ivy, come up and fight first." She said to Ivy, who had the best talent in spiritual magic among the students below.

"Okay." Ivy glanced at Bai Yang next to her, smiled and came to the stage.

She came to Frigg's side and began to chant the spell.

"Padshivarakanda..." With the end of the spell, she herself remained unchanged.

Just when the students below thought she failed, Frigga touched her with her hand.

Then unexpectedly, her hand went straight through it, which was a phantom!

"Huo! When did you come back?" Bai Yang was looking at the podium attentively when someone suddenly touched him.

The real Ivy didn't know when she returned to Bai Yang and sat down.

"Very wonderful phantom magic..." Frigga clapped her hands in admiration.

"Who's coming up next?"

A tall girl came to the stage. She came to the stage with a flower in her hand, a bit like a jasmine.

After he started chanting the incantation, Bai Yang felt a scent of flowers on the tip of his nose, and then he felt a little drowsy.

"...Smell seduction magic, very good." Frigg waved his hand, and the fragrance of flowers in the air dissipated cleanly.

"Ah!" Bai Yang, who was drowsy, suddenly cried out in pain.

I saw that the girl who was on stage just now came to Bai Yang and gave him a head.

"Wake up!" She laughed at Topol, who was covering her head.

It seems that he has taken the lead. Anyway, after Bai Yang's mind is affected, he will be touched or broken.

Bai Yang's eyes gradually lost their luster, and he had a badly played expression on his face.

No way, who made him the only boy here? And still young. I don't know how Loki felt when he was here...

The students here are generally one hundred to two hundred years old...

Finally, after each student demonstrated it, the training project was over.

"Okay, everyone's mental magic progress is very good. As for the poor progress, you can choose to give up. After all, everyone has their own areas of expertise, so..." Frigga was about to announce the end, when Bai Yang suddenly interrupted. took her.

"Teacher Frigga, I recently studied a spiritual magic, can you let me try it?"

Frigga looked at Bai Yang in surprise, "You seem to have only learned spiritual magic for a week, don't you?"

"I have also studied spiritual magic before, and I want to show it and try it out." Bai Yang said seriously.

"Okay, you can do it on the seat." Frigga was also a little curious.

"No, my spiritual magic is group magic, and I need to go to it." This magic really needs to go to the stage.

"Okay, come up." Frigga nodded and didn't refuse.

Bai Yang walked to the stage, straightened his expression, and then began to chant a spell.

As Zhou's spell progressed, a red magic energy enveloped the poplar.

Bai Yang himself also disappeared, replaced by a red energy ball.

Everyone stared at the red sphere curiously, and at the same time, the spiritual energy formed a layer of defense to be vigilant.

Immediately afterwards, the red energy slowly dissipated like smoke, revealing the scene inside.


In an instant, all the ladies stared at the scene on the stage with wide-eyed eyes, and the defense built by the mind instantly burst.

"Oh, baby!" With attractive eight-pack abs, strong biceps, and a **** beard on his face, a **** man with steel-like muscles appeared in front of everyone.

Then a **** bubble sound was added.

Frigga: "…………"

Even she was lost for a moment when she saw this unexpected scene, not to mention the ladies below.

Taking advantage of this moment, the red energy smoke that dissipated in the air quickly entered everyone's body.

The bodies of these absent-minded ladies froze for a moment.

And Bai Yang took advantage of this time, took out a paint pen from somewhere in his hand, and instantly appeared in front of every lady's face and started painting.

Red eye circles, a dot on the corner of the mouth, and a beard...perfect.

The only awake Frigg stared at this scene with wide eyes.

What made her even more stunned was that, after painting everyone's faces in an instant, he took out a camera.

"Crack!" The sound of the camera opening the door rang out in the somewhat silent magic hall, awakening everyone below.

The first time they woke up, they found that the **** man in front of them had disappeared, replaced by the familiar white poplar, still holding a camera. Valley

The photo was washed out immediately, and Bai Yang proudly raised the photo in his hand under the expressions on their faces that were still unclear.

"Goodbye..." Then he quickly opened the portal and escaped from here.

Looking at the disappearing poplar, they looked at each other suspiciously...( ̄o ̄). The entire magic hall fell into a strange silence again.

"Pfft...hahahaha." Frigga finally couldn't help laughing as she looked at the scene below where the pair of painted faces looked at each other.

The people who looked at each other first laughed at each other, and then finally felt that something was wrong, and quickly took out the mirror and looked at it.

"Ah!!!" In an instant, a deafening scream rang out in the entire magic hall.

"Damn Midgard Mage!!!"

"That coward!!!"

"I must make his **** bloom!!!!"

"You wipe your saliva first..."

All the ladies frantically wiped the paint from their cheeks.

"...Let's go here for today's class first!" It seemed that today's class should not be successful. Looking at the panic scene below, Frigg smiled and left here.


Frigga left the magic hall with a happy mood, and found Odin for the first time, intending to share with him today's interesting story.

But when he found Odin and hadn't spoken, the other party asked in surprise when he saw her face: "Oh, what's wrong with your face?"

Frigga felt bad when she heard the words, and hurriedly took out the mirror and looked at it.

Sure enough, a layer of makeup was also painted on his face, but it was not ugly, but red eye shadow and some powder. Made her look years younger.

"I was deceived by that kid Bai Yang..." Frigga shook her head helplessly.

"What happened?" Odin was also a little curious.

"Today's class, Bai Yang used a... charm magic." Frigga thought about it, it seemed to be a charm magic.

"Aspen? Charm magic?" Odin felt a little discordant.

"Yes, he used a kind of shape-shifting magic..." Frigga began to explain it carefully, and she couldn't help laughing after saying that.


On the other hand, Bai Yang came to Ivy's house. Uncle Warren should have been waiting for a long time these seven days.

"Uncle Warren, it's me, Topol!" Topol knocked on the door when he came to this lighthouse-like building.

Bai Yang waited for a while after knocking, and soon, there were some hurried footsteps inside.

After the door opened, Warren's somewhat kind face appeared in front of Topolo.

"Why are you here?" He looked at Bai Yang and asked curiously. At this time, he should be learning magic like his daughter.

"get out of class is over early today, I just came to give you something." Bai Yang took out the red dagger and raised it in front of him.

"That's great, I've been waiting for your news for the past few days." He happily let Bai Yang in.

"I'm very good at engraving magic. I'll send it to you when I say it." Bai Yang threw the red dagger in his hand to the other party.

Coming to the house, Bai Yang took out all the longbow and spear from the space.

And Warren looked forward to looking at the dagger in his hand. Compared with the previous dagger, this one was obviously processed again, and some black magic lines were also engraved on it.

"I added dark energy to the dagger in your hand, which can add a transparent space blade. As long as you are attacking, the space blade will automatically pop up." Bai Yang stood at the table and explained to him. The dark energy was borrowed by Bai Yang from his master, Gu Yi. It could also be said to be coming.

Warren heard the words and tried to stab the table in front of him with the dagger.

But in midair, the engraved magic pattern suddenly lit up, and a transparent space blade suddenly appeared at the tip of the dagger that was waving. The extension is about 30 centimeters, and it can be used as a short sword.

It is said that it is a space blade. In fact, the approximate shape looks like a wooden board, but it has the characteristics of space, and it can easily pierce many objects.

When the dagger was still in the air, the tabletop that Warren stabbed had already been pierced.

The previous probability situation was finally abandoned by Bai Yang, and a new one was changed.

"And this spear." Bai Yang picked up the spear, pinched the end of the handle and turned it slightly, and the handle was again extended by about half a meter.

Picked up the spear and skillfully played a few spears in a narrow space~lightnovelpub.net~ Considering that you don't have any defensive weapons, I directly engraved a defensive magic on the spear. "Speaking, the spear was placed horizontally in front of his chest, and his arms were slightly swayed.

A yellow circular magic circle appeared in front of the two of them.

"Because most of the magic is gathered at the tip of the spear, the defensive magic on the spear is not very strong, and it can only withstand a weight of about three tons." The magic circle slowly disappeared, and the spear returned to its original state again. Length, the poplar spear threw to Warren, who was eager to see.

Warren was so excited that he speared out a spear, and he felt a little bit in a hurry for a while.

"The only thing left is the last longbow." Bai Yang smiled at his appearance, and then picked up the longbow again.

"As long as this longbow pulls the bowstring, it can automatically condense energy arrows." Bai Yang said, covering his arm with a biological reproduction suit, pulling the bowstring, and an energy arrow suddenly appeared on the longbow.

After some demonstrations, Topolo made a suggestion to Warren, who was a little excited.