I’m Extracting Movie Tech at Marvel

Chapter 266: ; safe house

"Ultron wants to exterminate human beings, but at the same time, according to the procedural guidelines, he also wants to protect the earth." When Tony was making Ultron, he obviously put the protection of the earth in the first place, and human beings are the second .

But the most harmful to the earth is the human beings, and the most harmful to the human beings is also the human beings themselves.

Therefore, according to these two situations, Ultron decided to exterminate mankind.

The T virus cannot completely wipe out human beings, and it will also cause the surface of the earth to wither, and Dabai Company still has anti-venom in its hands. Obviously, this road will not work.

"So we can only wait for him to act again!" Thor said with a frown.

"You can try to find him on the Internet..." Tony tilted his head and glanced at him, teasing.

Thor didn't speak, he pushed the door open and walked into the house.

Hawkeye's safe house is located in a secluded countryside, surrounded by no one inhabitants, all are tall and low undulating green lawns and trees.

There are some firewood piled up in the front yard. And many fenced flowers

It's like a hut isolated outside the island, quiet and peaceful, with warm sunshine.

"Dear, I'm back!" Barton helped Natasha into the house and shouted.

After entering the living room, a pregnant woman with a bulging belly came out, with a gentle and virtuous face, smiled and hugged Hawkeye tightly.

"I'm here, I'm sorry I didn't inform you in advance."

"She must be an agent too!" Tony guessed in surprise. He didn't expect Patton to be married

"Everyone, this is Laura, my wife." Barton hugged his wife sideways and introduced them to several people.

"I already knew your names." Laura greeted them with a smile.

Thor and the others also smiled politely in response.

At this time, two children suddenly ran over from the side.


"Hi, little baby." Barton hugged the little girl who was bubbly in front of him happily.

"Hey son, how are you doing?"

"These two... are little agents!" Tony said with a slight twitch at the corner of his eyes.

Well, now they even have children.

To be honest, so far, none of the Avengers present has a family.

On the other hand, Barton, who usually carries out his tasks earnestly and earnestly, is silent many times.

Unexpectedly, everyone is already a happy family, a father with sons and daughters.


"Sorry, I came to visit suddenly." Captain America said apologetically.

"Yes, we should have informed in advance. But we are too busy to know you exist." Tony looked at the family and shrugged.

"This was done by Furui after I joined you. S.H.I.E.L.D. has no files. I like this." Hawkeye explained with a smile, holding his wife and son's shoulders.

"It's a good place to hide."

Thor felt some foreign objects under his feet at this time, and when he looked down, it was some small building blocks that had been broken.

He raised his foot and kicked it aside, trying to clear the relationship.

Captain America stared at this scene, but didn't know what to say.

On the other side, Natasha walked over to Laura and started talking.

"How is little Natasha?" she said, touching Laura's bulging belly.

"It's a little boy..."


The little girl walked up to Thor at some point and looked up at him.

Thor looked at the innocent pupil of the other party, and looked away unnaturally.

"Maybe you can accompany her to stack the building blocks." Captain America made a slight suggestion.

"No, it's impossible, you let the prince of Asgard stack up wood?" Thor refused his proposal without thinking.

However, as the little girl kept staring, Thor finally squatted down and fiddled with the blocks he had just kicked aside.

"That's at the bottom!" The little girl stepped forward and began to teach.

"I know……"


The Avengers were temporarily renovated in the safe house, waiting for Ultron's reappearance.

"I just got the news that Ultron's acquisition of vanadium metal is to engage in research and development, but it is unknown what it will manufacture." In the front yard, the US team tore a piece of firewood in half and said.

"What about Ultron himself?" asked Tony, who was also chopping wood next to him.

"He's very good at tracking, and he's everywhere. He's increasing faster than a rabbit, but... I still don't know what his plan is." Looking for sure can find it, but there's no way to catch up.

"Is he still looking for the nuclear code?" Tony asked.

"Yes, Ultron has locked the missile, but there is still no progress so far."

"Why?" Banner came over and asked at some point.

"Someone is changing the launch password all the time to prevent Ultron from launching missiles." The US team said all the information it got.

"Who's changing?" Tony was a little curious.

"Unknown department!" Captain America said helplessly, spreading his hands.

"There is still a computer program that can block the White Queen?" Tony and Banner were both surprised when they heard the words. For the White Queen, both of them are very familiar with their computing programs. Coupled with the influence of the Mind Gem, it can be said that No known computer on the entire planet can stop it.

There are still unknown departments.

"Our allies?" At some point, Natasha and Barton also came over. .

"No, not sure yet, but they are fighting against Ultron, and they can be said to be our allies." Captain America explained. As long as nuclear weapons on Earth aren't fired, things are a lot easier to deal with.

"Maybe you can get in touch with Fury," Barton suggested. Since it is a hidden organization among humans, S.H.I.E.L.D. is more suitable to find them.

"Good way!" Tony nodded in agreement.

"You don't need to look for it, I'm already here!" A bald one-eyed dragon in gray casual clothes walked over with steady steps.

After finding a place to stand, facing the eyes of several people~lightnovelpub.net~ Furui continued: "But before that, I also want you to do me a favor!"

"Please, we're still saving the world, and it's not suitable for trading." Tony glanced at him and said.

"Just a little favor, help me purge the Hydra members of S.H.I.E.L.D.,"

"But if you don't help, I will find a way to contact the unknown department for you." Furui spread his hands and said.

Tony looked at each other and thought.


"OK, we agree." Since it is definitely no problem to fight against Hydra, it is still necessary to confirm the authenticity.

As for Hawkeye and Natasha not participating, they themselves are people of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tony doesn't intend to let go of the information about Hydra either. If it is really from S.H.I.E.L.D., it is very likely to find the conspiracy of his parents' death.

Needless to say, the US team, whether it is itself or as an employee of Dabai Company, is mainly to eradicate Hydra.