I’m Invincible in My Mother’s Womb

Chapter 1304: Seal the tunnel

The state of turning into a dark body is only an instant.

After Ning Chen completed the instant killing of the Lord of the Desolate Abyss, he immediately returned to his spiritual cultivation state.

He took a step forward, and a gloomy bead fell into his hand.

This is the beast core dominated by Desolate Abyss, and all the power is gathered here.

Ning Chen directly threw the beast core into the mountain and sea realm, allowing the fierce beasts in the mountain and sea realm to absorb it, so that they could grow considerably.

After doing all this, Gu Linger's clone had collected all the wild soul stones.

She had never dreamed that she could obtain so many Desolate Soul Stones, and she thought she would be able to get a few, thank God.

As a result, with Ning Chen's help, she scoured the entire Huangyuan Desolate Soul Stone, which contained thousands of them.

If the real body swallowed these thousand wild soul stones clean, it would definitely be able to walk freely in the soul sea, and those soul slayers couldn't help him.

"Husband, I am leaving."

"Next time I meet, I will wait for you in the soul sea. There, I will definitely know all the secrets."

Gu Ling'er's clone spoke.

"it is good!"

Ning Chen nodded.

The next moment, Gu Linger waved his hand, and his body began to fade, then dissipated, disappearing into the desert with the Desolate Soul Stone.

She was obviously returning to the soul of the sea.

With thousands of wild soul stones, Gu Linger believed that he could definitely cross the soul sea.

This is the feeling of having a man, which is equivalent to relying on it!

Gu Linger left with satisfaction in mind and body, and finally Ning Chen was left in the wasteland.

He didn't leave immediately, but continued to stay in the deepest part of the desert and search at will.

This is the nest dominated by the desert, and there must be other treasures.

Sure enough, Ning Chen found an old nest, which was the place where Desolate Yuan dominates his usual sleep.

Sure enough, there are countless secret treasures here, Ning Chen is not polite, and packs them all in one go.

But looking for treasure is actually only Ning Chen's secondary purpose.

He looked for the lair dominated by Desolate Abyss, but he had another plan.

Suddenly, Ning Chen's gaze froze in a gloomy cave behind the master of Huangyuan.

The entrance of the cave is dark, and if you don't pay attention, you won't be able to find that there is a cave entrance here.

Ning Chen floated down at the mouth of the dark ground.

call out!

But as soon as Ning Chen approached, he was filled with ominous auras, a powerful and terrifying red light from the different palms, flying towards him.

Ning Chen reacted faster, the Super God Sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed lightly.


The red light shattered and turned into nothingness.

This kind of attack didn't hurt Ning Chen at all.

Moreover, Ning Chen seemed to have expected everything.


In the gloomy cave, there was a gruesome roar.

As if this gloomy cave leads to a hell.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this cave is definitely one of the channels leading to the abyss."

Ning Chen muttered to himself softly.

All this, he had already guessed.

Since red hairs and ominous monsters can appear here, it means there must be a passage here.

Sure enough, let him find it.

Now that he was discovered by himself, Ning Chen naturally did not hesitate at all, and immediately sealed it up.

In fact, although this gloomy cave leads to the abyss, the red-haired ominous monsters have to pass through. Obviously, there are many restrictions and cannot pass freely. If not, it would have been unknown how many red-haired ominous monsters appeared in the abyss. .

Now there are only a lot of low-level red-haired ominous monsters.

This shows that the conditions to pass through the dark cave are very harsh.

However, the restrictions will gradually disappear over time, and then any red-haired ominous monsters can pass.

Naturally, Ning Chen would not let this happen.

He wants to seal this gloomy hole directly!

However, the creatures in the deep ground obviously didn't want Ning Chen to seal the dark ground hole. After all, this was their passage into the Hongmeng universe.

It was hard for them, and it took a great price to surrender the Lord of the Desolate Abyss. They were about to use their fists and expand the rear base camp.

As a result, a human youth was now killed, not only slashing the Desolate Abyss Lord, but now also sealing the dark tunnel.

Unforgivable, never allowed! !

This is the will of Diyuan creatures.

At the other end, they felt that Ning Chen was about to seal the passage, and they were naturally angry, and they would definitely block it at all costs.

It's just that across time and space, the power they can exert is ultimately limited.

But that is also really scary.


A series of boundless and terrifying red attacks, filled with ominous aura, simultaneously blasted Xiang Ning Chen.

This gloomy cave was almost turned into a gun emplacement, and at this time it was constantly spewing out amazing and terrifying attacks.

Under such an attack, it is extremely difficult to seal the dark hole.

After all, Ning Chen is now fighting Zhan Diyuan from the air with the power of one person.

"Ha ha....."

"This kind of attack is useless no matter how strong it is."

"I want to seal, I only need to attract the power of the laws of the Hongmeng universe."

Ning Chen spoke faintly, full of confidence in sealing the Di Yuan life channel.

While speaking, Ning Chen's spiritual thoughts moved, and a torrent of force surged towards the gloomy cave.


The two forces collided, but what was shocking was that there was no damage to the dark cave, which was really mysterious.

But the two forces collide, and the force that erupts is absolutely powerful and endless, terrifying.

Fortunately, this is the main battlefield of the Hongmeng World, and the power blasted by the creatures of Diyuan has been weakened too much.


The power of the Earth Abyss was suppressed.

In the end, he was completely sealed off, and no power radiated from the abyss.

But Ning Chen knew,

Even the power seal of the Hongmeng universe is of no use at all.

It does not take long for this seal power to be broken.

Think about it, even the Hongmeng universe will be destroyed by then, how can the rules of the Hongmeng universe suppress the earth?


Ning Chen only intends to seal it temporarily

In the future, when he is strong enough, what if the channel seal is opened?

At that time, even if Di Yuan and God came together, Ning Chen was completely fearless.

After completing the seal, Ning Chen didn't stay anymore and began to leave here.

When Ning Chen reappeared at the Lingyuan Burying River in the wilderness, he saw the undead master waiting there.

When it saw Ning Chen, it couldn't help being stunned.

It obviously never dreamed that Ning Chen was still alive?

But how is this possible?

He summoned the Lord of the Desolate Abyss, why this kid entered the lair of the Lord of Desolate, why he hadn't been beheaded, but returned alive.

Unbelievable, everything is too incredible.

This made the undead dominate, startled for a while, and said: "How is it possible?"

"I have awakened the master of the wilderness, how could you still come out alive?"

Ning Chen shook his head and faintly replied, "You did summon the Lord of the Desolate Abyss, but I can still appear here alive. What does this mean?"

No need to think about it.

This shows that the opponent has cut the Desolate Abyss Lord, so he can freely enter and exit the Desolate Abyss!

Thinking of this, the undead dominates the heart like ashes, a burst of despair! !