I’m Just a Kamen Rider from Heart

Chapter 1095: Dessert Shop in Toriisaka

After this battle, Takashi was about to leave here. After all, Haruto's battle in Toriizaka had already started for a long time. If it weren't for Kantaro, Takashi would have gone there.

At this time, Qingren did not have a complete set of magic dragon rings in his hand, and the sublimation magic dragon that originally appeared in the theater version with the flame dragon as the main body, also because of the red gold ring of the red gold dragon, only However, there is no clear comparison between the levels of combat effectiveness.

After explaining some words about Kantaro and Xin, Ryu took Jana to open the house where he lived for more than a year. However, this house was not like the previous ones. It was sold directly after Ryuu left. He stayed and continued to live with Gentaro and the others. After all, in the future, Gentaro will be a teacher in Tengao, maybe when he will work in Tengao, so a stable residence is necessary.

Ryu's expectations for Gentaro are still very high. In the future of Gentarou, Ryu has seen the performance of Gentarou's freedom to control the power of the zodiac, but the power represented by the zodiac is really too complicated. So, Kendaro, now five years later, has only mastered a little bit of fur.

Ryu, who was very relieved of Kantaro and Shin, finally left here, and Ryu and Kana will run a mobile dessert shop in Toriizaka.

Qingren likes to eat donuts very much, so Takashi feels that Qingren must like his desserts again, and this time he really doesn't plan to make a shot, unless there is an enemy beyond the Phantom to make a shot, otherwise he is just one. An ordinary dessert shop owner.

"In other words, the power of the three of them can be used not only by Rinko, but also by the little guy."

Sitting in the car, Takashi remembered that after the demon that was trying to resurrect and destroy the human world was dealt with, he saved the soul of the Three Swordsmen and turned it into three rings and gave it to Rinko. When passing by the Big Sky Temple, Takashi thought of another person who could use this power.

It’s just that the little guy has not yet become a Kamen Rider, and he has not even become a Kamen Rider. Therefore, even if Rinko won’t be able to use it in the future, those three rings will require him to go through some tests. Only then can it be given to the other party.

With the appearance of a Kamen Rider, time is slowly advancing towards the end of Heisei. According to the future development that Kazuma told Takashi at the beginning, Takashi can only say that even if it is true, there is no way. After all, this is the unknown of time. Sex. Although a few people can change events at will, they are very conscious and rarely destroy time.


After arriving in Torii-zaka, Takashi's life began to relax, just selling some small desserts every day, and living a happy two-person life with Jana.

Although Rinko had specially visited after coming here, Haruto clearly didn't know that Ryu was here.

However, on this sunny day, Dimu suddenly came to Long.

"Oh, it's been a long time, Dimu, how have you been?"

Long knows very well that Fimu is definitely a person who does nothing to ascend to the Three Treasure Hall. If he appears here today, then there must be a very tricky thing that needs Long to help him solve it, but he doesn't want to get involved in Qingren's battle too much. Long, even if the partner Dimu speaks, he needs to think about it.

At the beginning, when Dimu and the others were gathered together, Maria and Wenyin had already begun to benefit mankind, and only Dimu was still struggling to resurrect his daughter Ali.

Magic is a special power that can easily do things that ordinary technology cannot do. Of course, special powers such as quantum mechanics are not considered.

"The people from Tesoco have already followed me."

Ryu, who originally thought that Fimki had some serious trouble, showed a surprised expression after hearing Fimki's words. After all, as a magician, it was too shameful to be stared at by ordinary people.

However, this is not impossible. Because of the promotion of Shinra Corporation, in almost all cities, the number of police cameras is increasing every year. As long as the cameras are abnormal, people will inevitably go there within an hour. Overhaul, this is the great strength of Shinra.

Therefore, in recent years, the frequency of finding weird people has become higher and higher. Many older guys are still very old thinking about the past. They have been targeted by Tesoco. If those guys have Any intent to attack a human being, then the police officer in charge of tracking will immediately launch an attack on it. As for how to attack, that's the task of Special Search.

Now, not only is the increase of cameras on the street, but the information in the police database is also increasing, and Rinko has confirmed the true identity of Ali through his appearance, just to not affect Qingren’s Fighting, that's why someone appeared in Flute and started to watch.

As Ali’s father, Dimu’s identity information exists in the police database, and the big missing word and the frequent figure appearing at the same time make Rinzi suspicious of Ali’s father. the reason.

"I have no way to intervene in this matter, because I can talk to Tsouk, but if I communicate this matter, then the people of Tsouk will know that this matter is related to me, and finally yours The goal may not be achieved at all, so you can only rely on you to do this."

If it’s something else, Ryu might still have a way to help, and Ryu is really helpless in this matter, even though the cheap way to deal with this is to directly hack the database of Tsouk, and collect information related to Dimu. All were cleared, but that was a declaration of war on Tesoco, and there were only so few people in the world who could break through the cyber defense designed by Tesoko.

Hearing Long's answer, Fitch frowned. After all, this incident had already affected his arrangement.

"Brother, you are a magician. It is not very simple to find a way to change your appearance. The big deal is to use magic to give psychological hints to the people who follow you. Anyway, as long as you don't do anything to Tsouk, everything is easy to say."

Although there is no positive solution to the problem, Ryu is not without other solutions, but Ryu doesn't know why Dimu can't think of these methods, is it because the powerful force has covered his eyes?

Long didn't pay too much attention to the psychological changes of Flute, but after Ryu said how to deal with it, Flute's brows just frowned even more.

Just like Long thought, Flute was indeed blinded by power, and Long's reminder made him aware of this.

As a magician, knowledge is their power, but now Fuki only pays attention to his own power and forgets that he has these other abilities.

Dimu, who got the answer from Long, left with a puff, but he reappeared in front of Long's counter before walking ten meters away, but Dimu obviously did not react.

"You have to pay for food."

Long must resolutely resist Dimu's behavior of eating Bawang's meal.

Hearing Rong's words, Flute showed a helpless expression, and then he took out some change from Tokyo and put it on the counter.

Ryu’s power had already had a general image in Flute’s mind. Flute sometimes couldn’t figure out why Ryu would limit himself in all facets when he possessed this power, relying on his power, The law has long been unable to restrain him, but Long is willing to stay within the limits of the law.

However, these are all Ryu issues, even if Fuku has his own ideas, there is no way to change Ryu's will.

Looking at the back of Fifeki’s departure, Takashi suddenly thought of a question, which is what choice he would make after Kendaro and the others died, or to give up all his power when he should die. Die like a normal person.

After having this idea, Long began to struggle. After all, he was curious about the unknown, and he wanted to go to other worlds to see, but as a human being fragile, he did not want to do it for himself. Friends see off.

This kind of entanglement caused Qingren to bring Jinping to Long's dessert shop, but Long did not notice their arrival.

"Master, look quickly."

Just when Haruto didn't find Takashi, Shinpei saw Takashi who was in a daze, so he immediately pulled Haruto twice and motioned Haruto to look at Takashi.

Takato’s identity is still a bit mysterious to Haruto. After all, he can easily do things that all of them can’t do, and he can also directly take out the magic ring. Although Haruto already knows that Takashi is the father of Kantaro, Takashi Other identities are still what Qingren wants to understand clearly.

Now that Takashi appeared in Toriiizaka, Haruto's first reaction was that this person might look a lot like Takashi, but when he saw Saka on Takashi's left hand, Haruto also confirmed Takashi's identity.

Jingle Bell

Haruto and Jinpei opened the door and walked in. The bell made Long to escape from his thoughts, and the two people who appeared in front of him were looking at him with very suspicious eyes.

"So it's you two, do you want to buy anything?"

Ryu was not surprised when he saw Qingren and the two of them. After all, he hadn't seen him before, and it was not a problem to be encountered by them now.

Although the matter here must be divided into half for Long, Long does not think this is a bad thing. After all, no one will die because of this incident. Even the selected person will receive free reinforcement and a large commission. , It can be said to be a great thing.

Seeing Takashi directly started selling these desserts, Haruto glanced at it roughly, but after a glance, his eyes couldn't do without these desserts.

Although Qingren’s reserved project is donuts, other delicious foods will not be rejected. The exquisite desserts made by Long have already formed a strong enough visual impact, and many girls who enter the store It was also the shape of these exquisite cakes that captured their hearts, and after tasting them, they captured their stomachs.

Now, Qingren was obviously taken prisoner by these cakes too. If it weren't because there was no source of funds, Qingren might choose to take away all the cakes in the Long store.

Although Haruto tried his best to control, he still bought a lot of pastries and left Long's shop.

This time Takashi and Haruto did not communicate anything, because Haruto could feel that Takashi was not there, and an evil person could not teach young people like Kendaro, and Rinko was very respectful to Takashi. All signs indicate that Long is not an ordinary person, so one day, he will know Long's identity.

Seeing Haruto and Jinpei leaving with two big pockets of pastries, Takashi suddenly felt like he saw himself.

Long knows that his resistance to nothing is almost zero. The only thing that can stop him from pursuing good food is poverty. Now Long is no longer prevented, and his superb cooking skills allow him to cook alone. Tasty food, although sometimes cooking by yourself will cause the problem of the dishes to change, but after the completion of the long, the state of the dishes is adjusted to the most delicious event, and after everyone is on the table, the special status.

However, not long after Qingren and the others left, the Phantom found them.

This time I didn't know what was going on. The Phantom, who had been trying to create the Phantom, would take the initiative to attack Qingren, which made Qingren very puzzled.

Rinko, who happened to be patrolling here, turned and rushed towards the Phantom when he saw that there was a Phantom attacking Qingren.

Haruto and the phantom are in a state of equal strength, and with the appearance of Rinko, the phantom retreats without any hesitation. Such an unclear move made Haruto aware of something wrong.

"What do those guys want to do?"

After receiving the egg **** that Jinping handed over, Haruto began to think about the intention of the phantom just now.

To create more phantoms is the intention of those phantoms on the bright side, but Fuki's ultimate goal is to use them to find people who can become magicians, and those magicians will become the source of magic power to resurrect Ali.

Rinko had lifted her transformation and saw the bag she was holding in Shinhira's hand. She knew that Haruto had already met Takashi, but Rinko didn’t know what kind of communication they had, but Rinko didn’t know. I didn't plan to ask about it, because Qingren wanted to say it, so she naturally knew it.

The suspicious behavior of the Phantom made Qingren still thinking about this when he returned to the shadow hall, but Qingren, who had no clue, had to give up in the end.

"Come on, Ali, uncle, try these desserts."

Haruto, who temporarily gave up analyzing the enemy's intentions, immediately took out the cakes from the bag in Jinpei's hands.

This time I bought so many back, Haruto originally wanted to give Ali and Wajima a taste. After all, the donuts he usually eats are a bit too sweet, but these don't look like that.

Ali picked up a puff and asked questioningly: "Aren't these bought from the store manager?"

Like I'm just a Kamen Rider from the heart, please collect it: (lightnovelpub.net) I am just a Kamen Rider from the heart, and the literature is updated the fastest.