I’m Just a Kamen Rider from Heart

Chapter 1102: Test from Long

Long whose mentality has changed, now he is about to start a new life.

Haruto had just finished an interstellar war, and it was rare to get a break. After all, Long helped him take care of Dimu.

The purpose of Flute is to create more magicians. If the Phantoms' activities are too frequent, and the first magician to be created died in battle, then it would be really worth the loss.

Therefore, after Long contacted Dimu, Dimu agreed without any hesitation. As for the reason given below, it was to study what the purple magic circle represented, and fully confirm his identity as a sage.

Without the invasion of the Phantom, Qingren would rarely enjoy the life of ordinary people for a while.

However, even if Haruto is resting now, Rinko is still traveling her own duties, and Rinko used her own authority to retrieve the information of the missing person during that period of time and eliminate the two ghosts.

This also caused the recent battle between Medusa and Rinko to become over, while Haruto was like an okay person, wandering around with Al Li, enjoying this leisurely life.

"The rest time is over, the magician wearing the ring, your battle is about to begin again."

Fimki appeared on a tall building in the image of a white magician. He looked down at Haruto's Fimki and announced the beginning of the battle. When Haruto sensed something, he immediately raised his head and looked at the building. It is a pity that Dimu had already left at that time.

Qingren, who always feels something is wrong, seems to have understood that the crisis is about to come again, but he is not afraid of any challenge after he has recharged.

It's just that the person the Phantom sought this time was an existence that no one had thought of, and that was the grandmother who raised Ren Teng to an adult.

Because Rento's disappearance was so sudden, Riko also specifically notified his family, and when he learned that Rento was in Tokyo, his grandmother also rushed to Fukui.

At the place that Qingren frequented, Rento was listening to his grandma's preaching at this time, but did he have any way to refute it, because all the problems this time were caused by him exploring the ruins.

"Is that Rento's grandmother? She looks good, but the old man turned out to be a Gate. You have to protect them."

Long, who was shopping with Jana, didn't know if he came here intentionally or unintentionally, and he also specially reminded grandma of what is special.

If Qingren and the others were still watching jokes just now, they are now worried. After all, the Phantom is looking for Gate. If anything happens to Rento's grandmother, Rento still looks very cheerful now, maybe he will. Because of any changes in this matter, even if the enemy is taken hostage, it is not good news.

But just when Long gave them a hint, Medusa had already found another phantom and was about to transform Rento's grandma into their kind.

"Don't worry, Madam, he won't have any problems here. My name is Takasaka Akasaka, and Riko Mihashi is my cousin, so here, I can also help Ninto."

After reminding Qingren of them, Long walked to the grandmother's side and greeted the old man who was doing well.

After hearing Ryu's introduction, grandma immediately stood up and gave a gift, because she knew that it was Riko's cousin who had discovered Rento, so now it was thanks to Ryu that she was able to relax.

Although in the original plot, grandma's behavior is a bit silly, but Long can feel grandma's love for Renten.

Knowing that Chimera must devour the Phantom to continue to live, she wanted to fall into despair and become the Phantom, so that Rento's life could be extended.

However, in the original plot, the grandmother did not fall into despair because of Qingren's tactical arrangements.

If possible this time, Long doesn’t mind helping Guremlin and the others. After all, after the Phantom is eliminated, the remaining magic power will improve Gate’s physique, and this will also make Grandma’s already healthy body healthier. .

But this matter must not make others considerate, otherwise it would be no good to get yourself into the enemy camp.

"Qingren, be careful of my dad."

"Kantaro, what does this mean?"

"My dad likes to set tests for our new generation of Kamen Riders. Before I get the drive, my dad has helped my opponents complete their own abilities, and my dad can also be magical. So you must be careful."

Haruto noticed how Takashi was talking to his grandma, which reminded him of what Kantaro had said to him.

Even though he hadn't experienced these things yet, there really was such a possibility now, otherwise Long wouldn't come here to remind them that Long hadn't intervened in all the previous battles.

But now Qingren has no evidence, so he can only take precautions.

"It's useless, Haruto, even if Kantaro said to you at the beginning, you would never think that your driver was made by me, and the test you will endure this time is definitely before the fight against Flute. It's a difficult fight."

Haruto realized something, and of course Long also noticed the change in Haruto's expression.

Ryu, who has now begun to return to normal people, is very clear about his own problems, but how to return is a problem.

Long himself doesn't want to be a god, but because of his power, he is a little far away from people, so now he can only find a way to limit his power and arrange them through wisdom.

After Long left, Haruto and the others looked for a chance to tell Rento about the fact that grandma was the phantom, and this made Rento's eyes wide open.

"How could this be!"

Regardless of whether it is Rinto or Haruto, in their consciousness, after Gate becomes a phantom, it is equivalent to complete death, and even if the phantom changes back to a human form, it is just a monster in Gate skin.

When the Phantom was wiped out, it was completely dead, and disappeared in this world with Gate.

Seeing Haruto and the others are so nervous, Rinko knows why Ryu keeps telling her not to tell Haruto and them extra things. Even if the two of them know the truth, they will still be like now, but there is no such pressure. .


"Long, are you going to set a test for the two of them?"

Jana knew Long very well, although Jana didn't say much on the way, but after returning home, she still said what she thought.

"Yes, Ren Teng's grandma is worthy of respect. This time, let her be the core. If Ren Teng and others can prevent grandma from falling into despair, I will give each of them a ring. If they fail, grandma's physical fitness will be strengthened. , Treat it as a consolation prize."

Ryu, who was sitting on the sofa thinking at this time, immediately answered after hearing Jana's question.

Long's answer made Jana immediately realize that Long is still the same Long, but now the way of dealing with problems seems to have changed.

Long usually solves the problem by snapping his fingers, while Long is now thinking, and it seems that he is ready to set this test for them through other methods.

"There are not many rings that Qingren can use, and Rento's ring is limited to Chimera. If you are rewarded, give them a special form, exchange their magic and try different magical powers."

How to set the test is not the focus of Long's thinking. After all, even if he can't figure it out, there is still Fuki to help, so the reward is the most important.

After confirming the reward he was going to give to the two of them, Long immediately called Dimu and told Dimu about it.

If this call was made by someone else, maybe Dimu had already followed the signal and killed the caller, but since it was Ryu’s request, then Dimu had to agree. After all, he was resurrected in Ali. In fact, he counted on Long to contribute.

Now that Flute agreed on that side, Long can focus all his energy on making the ring.

Before Long, he might choose to create two rings directly, but this time Long planned to pick up the magic stone processing skills he hadn't used for a long time.

It's just that the right magic stone also needs to be selected. Fortunately, Long made a lot of stones back then.

After finding the two magically connected stones, Long took them to the Shadow Shadow Hall. After all, the particularity of the two stones was impossible to process one after the other.

Simultaneous processing is the best choice for processing these two stones, and this is the only way to achieve the desired effect of Long.

There are not many people who can process the Philosopher's Stone, and Takashi now knows that Wajima is alone, so of course he can only go to Wajima for cooperation on this matter.

Ride on your beloved scooter and there will never be traffic jams on the road.

Compared to Qingren's locomotives, Long's locomotives look very heavy. In the eyes of many locomotive enthusiasts, they will definitely choose Long's locomotives as their target.

Locomotive enthusiasts are not like the ghost fire teenagers who are similar to the Tomb Tou Bengdi. The unique locomotive culture allows enthusiasts to go to relatively safe places even if they want to experience speed. Those who often have accidents are basically from the ghost fire teenagers. Evolutionary, after all, only those young people who are silly chirps will be so arrogant.

When the sound of the engine gradually disappeared, Long also took two stones into the shadow hall.

"Mr. Wajima, I think only you can help me complete this thing."

Placing the two stones in his hand in front of Wajima, Takashi said his intentions.

Seeing what Long took out, it was of course his turn to understand what Long meant, but why Long came to him, he still needed to observe.

After receiving two stones at the same time, Wajima understood why Takashi came back to look for him.

"When processing, it must be completely synchronized, otherwise the two stones will be completely scrapped."

Through his own experience in making magic rings, Wajima immediately judged the peculiarities of these two stones, and at the same time had a strong curiosity about the ability of the ring made from these two stones.

"Then it's time to get started. After all, we can't find anyone else who can process these two stones together. Therefore, it is better to choose a day than hit the sun. We will process them today. If we succeed, we will give them as a surprise. Qingren and the others, if they fail, they can be considered as having a heart-to-heart talk. Otherwise, if you put them by your side, I guess they often don't sleep well."

The reason that Ryu gave was really something Wajima could not refuse. The most important thing was that Ryu was right.

I saw these two stones today. Of course, Wajima hoped to process the two stones by himself, otherwise it would be really difficult to sleep.

The two people who entered the state directly moved their hands before the start of work. Ali, who was sitting on the side, seemed to see Qingren when they were fighting.




The initial carving was extremely bold, but the strength and angle of Takashi and Wajima reached the same level, and the cut pieces even kept the same size.

When Ali saw this scene, the children couldn't understand it. It was too unscientific.

But with such a good start, then the next processing will be much simpler. The two's carving knives slid up and down on the two magic stones, and pieces fell on the table, even though two people were processing them there. But only one sound can be heard.

After really entering the state, the processing speed of Takashi and Wajima was directly increased. With Takashi's energy supply, Wajima does not need to be like before this time. Every processing requires an intermission.

Just when the two of Ryu were processing the magician, Haruto and their first battle today began.

It’s not that they haven’t seen two phantoms at the same time, but it’s usually a cadre and an ordinary phantom at the same time, but now the two ordinary phantoms appear at the same time, making Qingren and the others feel the pressure, plus Qingren just now Regarding Long's guess, Qingren now has another kind of guess.

It's just that the enemy has already appeared, and even if his guess is accurate, there is no way to change everything in front of him.

Guremlin frowned when he saw the two phantoms appearing at the same time, because in his plan, only one phantom was enough, and it was not a phantom to find through.

But now the two phantoms jumped out at the same time, making this cadre-level phantom with his own ideas a little unhappy.

Not only is Guremlin surprised by the appearance of two phantoms at the same time, the phantom who was found by Medusa is also full of doubts, after all, Lord Medusa did not tell him that he had a companion to act together.

No one at the scene knew that the other phantom was not the same as the other phantoms. It was created through the combination of modern technology and magic technology, but because Flute already had his source of magic power, so this It can be used as a consumable.

Dimu wouldn't let others know about this. After all, he knew the people under his hand very well. If Long hadn't asked him to keep Guremlin, this green goblin might have been locked up long ago.

Like I'm just a Kamen Rider from the heart, please collect it: (lightnovelpub.net) I am just a Kamen Rider from the heart, and the literature is updated the fastest.