I’m Just a Kamen Rider from Heart

Chapter 1212: Hit hard

(Under revision...)

"Are there any restrictions on Kamen Rider?"

"Yes, most of the Kamen Riders are now fighting overseas. After all, after defeating their opponents, then the strength of the Kamen Rider itself has reached a certain level, so there will be terrible destruction in the battle. Power, at the beginning, Mr. Akasaka had those restrictions because he almost destroyed the earth directly when he defeated the enemy."

"Destroy the earth?"

Although Kulim felt that the evil route was dangerous enough, but suddenly he heard that Long almost destroyed the earth, the led light on his belt also turned into an expression of consternation.

"Yes, when I faced an alien from an alien, I didn't expect that power would burst out in that situation, so it caused a lot of damage, but then I talked to another knight. At a glance, we found that we were not capable of destroying the earth at that time. After all, the main core power at the time came from the earth. Therefore, when we really threatened the earth, this planet, which had never shown itself to be conscious, would also use power. It was recovered directly."

Obviously, when communicating with Long, he could always know some information he had never heard before, and Kulim suddenly felt that he had died too early.

Kamen Rider’s drive and evil path are both his children, but if this power cannot be used effectively by humans, it is very dangerous. Therefore, Kurim has already done it. After the battle is over, he will immediately take his own Preparation of these technologies for storage.

However, this still feels very funny to Long. After all, the good and evil of technology still depends on the heart of the user. As long as these technologies can be entrusted to a trustworthy person, then Kulim’s research results will naturally Being used wisely, on the contrary, waiting is not a very good choice, maybe it will be digged out from the ground by then.

Of course, these issues have not been communicated with Kurim now, after all, after all the battles are over, everything will naturally be easy to say.

This time Long came to the base mainly to send over the knight system he had prepared for others.

The armor that Long prepared this time is obviously different from the armor he prepared in the past, because he made the G series armor as the core of the knight system, but added something on the belt.

"Mr. Akasaka."

Seeing Takashi's arrival, Shinnosuke Kazuto immediately stood up and said hello.

"Shinnosuke, you were in charge of the last battle, and you will be fine with the next time."

Long spoke and put the drive he had brought on the table, and after seeing the belt, everyone in the base, including Kurim, showed a surprised expression.

Now it has only been three days since Long took the Midnight Shadow away, but now that the Knight System has been created, is this speed too fast?

"Don’t be surprised. Basically, I will develop a new knight system every month. Of course, due to the problem of overlapping capabilities, those drives are now only placed in my showcase. I want to create a drive that can be used by others. , You only need to modify a drive similar in nature to the drive drive."

When Takashi was speaking, Shinnosuke and the others just felt that they were rich and powerful, after all, most people wouldn't have nothing to do to create a Knight System.

"Okay, or people, now I'm going to introduce this kind of knight system, because I still have some origins with the establishment of Teso, so this time I chose G4 to fit your identity as a criminal policeman. It was a failure. The armor of the product is the theme of the transformation. The G4 failed not because of insufficient strength, but because some special systems were added during the manufacturing process, which caused normal people to have no control at all, and the wearer was in danger of death at any time. After having the technology of shifting tanks, I have created a partner similar to the evil route built into the belt for you. As your assistant during the battle, it can help you while taking the pressure of the armor instead of you. Switch weapons."

The normal G4 system requires real fish as a biological chip as an aid. However, in order to ensure the completeness of this suit to the greatest extent, Long chose satellites and artificial intelligence.

"The specific data, for the punch strength, it should have reached 19 tons, the kick strength has also reached 27 tons, the jumping ability is relatively weak, about only about 10 meters, but I added a special backpack to the G4, which can make G4 takes a short flight."

"It's really a great design."

Hearing Long's introduction to G4 performance, Kurim sighed.

As a police equipment, the original G4 did not have this kind of performance, but in order to save some things, Long directly pulled the performance to the current level. Of course, there should be an upgrade later, or else I want to participate. Entering a decisive battle is not so easy.

In terms of weapon systems, Takashi uses three-dimensional projections to display or people, mainly based on the weapons used in the original G3 series. Of course, the multi-purpose cruise missiles carried by the G4 reinforcements will never be forgotten.

However, in order to be able to guarantee the combat effectiveness of people, these equipment that has been outdated for more than a decade have been strengthened by 100 million points. The sword-shaped weapon like the Destroyer is now put together by the Salamander grenade launcher. , After adjusting the shape, it looks like the Angel GN war sword.

Guihu, who was sitting in the hall waiting for Guangshi, was stunned when Guangshi entered the door and saw his brother.


"Guangshi, now go upstairs to change clothes, and then follow me to visit someone."

"I see, brother."

Although Guangshi was surprised, after hearing Guihu's voice, he ran upstairs in small steps.

Because of his father's physical problems, Kwang Shik could be said to have been taken care of by his elder brother, and the term eldest brother as father is also vividly reflected in him.

Just like most people who lack fatherly love, Guihu's work is too busy, and he doesn't know much about Guang Shi's psychological activities, which finally leads to Guang Shi's personality problems.

After changing his clothes, Guang Shi immediately came to the hall.

"The person I am going to visit today is a professor I met when I was in college. Although he is not my teacher, he has been very helpful to me. He moved to Zeya City a few days ago. I was only polite. Visited here, and today his brother also came to Zeya City, so I will take you to visit."

"Yes, brother."

Guang Shi was actually not happy about his life being arranged, but he didn't have the courage to tell Guihu. Now facing his brother's arrangement, he can only express obedience.

Today, Ren Ye, who has not visited Long for a long time, also brought Xiaoye to find Long.

The two people who are ready to get married are sending invitations everywhere recently, and of course they must come in person on Long's side.

Although Long is just Ren Ye’s brother, the relationship between Long and Ren Ye is not much different from the relationship between Guihu and Guangshi. Even Ren is not Long’s own brother, but he snatched it back from the **** master and the consortium. Yes, but after all these years, their real relatives have long been.

Ren Ye, who had already arrived at Long's house, was chatting with Long about recent events.

In recent years, Renya has devoted part of his energy to managing the Akasaka Foundation, but his research in physics has never stopped, and this has made his achievements in physics more and more noticeable.

Now that Renya has officially named a professor of physics at the University of Tokyo, his academic achievements can be considered satisfactory.

However, as a Kamen Rider, Renya seldom takes action. After all, most of the enemies now are solved by the new generation of Kamen Riders, and people like him who have completed the development of the knight system want to find opportunities. The shot is not so easy.

"Brother, are you really planning to let mine still accept the company?"

"Of course, now I still expect Kendaro's child to take over the Shinra company before I am old. You don't care about the company at home. Now it is not easy for parents to practice the trumpet, so Let's leave the responsibility of taking over the company to your children, Ren Ye, you and Xiao Ye must cheer up, after all, if someone accepts the company, then you will be liberated."

In the mouths of the two brothers, the Akasaka Foundation and Shinra Corporation, the two companies that have great influence in Neon, are like a burden. They are trying hard to get rid of them, but there is no way to get rid of each other between the brothers. Under the circumstances, the target of throwing the pot has reached the next generation or even the next two generations.

Ren Ye who knows the current situation is very, very helpless about this matter.

When Long left the family company to himself, this has already caused him a headache. Now in order to hand over the company to others, he has to give birth to children quickly. After training for about 20 years, he will take over. the company.

It’s just that Takashi is right. Now Takashi's Shinra company is not taking over. After all, Xuan Taro is ready to dedicate his life to education, so of course Takashi can't count on Xing Taro, but compared to Jin Ya If you work hard here, you can have a child. Ryu doesn't know when Kendaro will be able to let him hold his grandson.

Just when the two were chatting happily, Guihu brought Guangshi to visit.

Although he has been here once, Guihu is still a little strange about Long's choice of residence, but when he thinks that Long's financial resources are greater than his, Guihu is just a kind of relaxation for the teacher.

"Guihu is here, this is your brother Guangshi, looks very delicate, come in first."

Seeing Guihu coming with Guangshi, Long also showed a very happy smile, and now the smile is still healthy, Guangshi is very precious, and Long does not intend to let this young looking young man in the near future Blackened because of various stimuli.

At this time, Guang Shi's heart was full of shock, because he saw his idol, Akasaka Takashi, the world's top medical scientist, was in front of him at this time, but he was not ready yet.

However, just after he followed Takashi into the room, he saw last year's Nobel Laureate in Physics Akasaka Hitiya.

"Are the two of them actually brothers? They seem to have a very good relationship, and they are so powerful. When will my brother and I be like them."

Guang Shi, who didn't want to be in business, had already become very nervous because of seeing Long.

"Guangshi, what's wrong with you?"

Guihu noticed the same of his younger brother, and his usual sternness had to become gentle at this time.

"My brother, I'm just too nervous. Mr. Takasaka Akasaka is the person I admire most besides my brother."

"Is that so? Then I am really honored. Since Guangshi you know me and my brother Renya, you should also know him."

Hearing Long's culture, the light began to nod like a chicken pecking at rice.

""This Emperor Xia is obviously super strong but too cautious", as long as the title of the book is added, everything is a light novel."

Looking at Ziyang, who was standing up there, Long felt that this young man was still too steady, and that you already have the emperor's armor. No matter what kind of enemy, just go straight up.

However, since Ziyang chose this way of fighting, Long would not change him either.


However, being cautious is only temporary after all, the light bullet from Mo Shi hit the shield in Ziyang's hand, but Zi Yang didn't feel it at all, which made him a little curious about the destructive power of Mo Shi's attack.


Mo Shi's light bullet hit Ziyang's chest, but Ziyang still didn't feel it.

"The enemy's attack failed to penetrate our armor. Now we are fighting back."

Long, who turned into a narrator, said this to himself outside the park, and the battle between Ziyang and Mo Shi was also going on as Long said.

Ziyang, who originally thought this battle would be dangerous, suddenly discovered that his enemy was just like a Husky in front of him. The attack looked threatening, but when he hit him, he could not even tickle him.

Therefore, now Ziyang had put away the shield and walked slowly towards the Demon Ten.

Long looked at the magic box in his hand and said with a smile: "You guys are really unlucky. You met such an unreliable teammate. Now if the magic ten is sealed, you probably will never have a chance to escape. "

Although Long knew that his actions would have some influence on the plot, he did not expect to turn the serious battle into a funny plot.

Hearing Ryu's words, the shadow guardians in the Sealed Magic Box closed themselves, and did not respond at all to those words of Ryu, and this made Ryu who held the Sealed Magic Box laugh more loudly.

Long's laughter made the Shadow Guardians very angry, but they had no way to go out now, and it was a fantasy to get revenge on Long.


The battle on Ziyang's side was over, and a magic stone flew over, looking at the magic stone flying into the sealed magic box, just want to say that pig teammates will always be everyone's most troublesome problem.

Bei Miao, who touched a soft nail, exhaled and focused his attention on the mantis beast.

"Meteor gun."

As soon as he came up and took out the weapon, Bei Miao's attitude was already very obvious.

Wielding the heavy weapon in his hand, Bei Miao chose to directly suppress the mantis beast in the most violent posture, and the mantis beast's agile posture looked ridiculous in Bei Miao's spear formation.

The Meteor Gun looked quite heavy, but it might be swung as fast as Dong Shan's sword in Bei Miao's hand.

The sky full of gun shadows blocked the direction where the mantis beast can dodge. As for the way of dodge back, the mantis beast has been doing it all the time. If it hadn’t been able to retreat, he might be in Bei Miao’s thirtieth move. At that time, Bei Miao solved it.

Like me, I’m just a Kamen Rider from my heart. Please collect it: (lightnovelpub.net) I am just a Kamen Rider from my heart.