I’m Just a Kamen Rider from Heart

Chapter 1218

Long walked to the little nurse's side, and showed concern for this also very special evil way.

Now the sun has set, but 072 still did not come out in the Metropolitan Police Department. This made the little nurse prepare to solve the guy in another way. The little nurse of 072 who was still waiting was obviously a little surprised at the sudden appearance of Long. .

"I'm waiting for a friend, and it seems that he still hasn't come out inside."

"Is it 072? He won't come out for the time being. After all, his existence is of great significance to the communication between humans and the evil way. So we are ready to train him. After all, as the evil way, I want to be in yours To gain the right to speak in front of you, it is natural to have strength as the foundation."

If the appearance of Long just now surprised the little nurse, then what Long said now was a little frightening to the little nurse.

"who are you?"

At this time, the heart and mind suddenly appeared, and he was ready to take a shot.

But before there was no way to determine whether Long would cause harm to the little nurse, the two of them didn't have to choose to act rashly.

"I'm just a consultant for Special Search. Of course, my views on non-human beings are still very peaceful. As long as you don't harm human beings, you can be friends. If you want to survive in this world, naturally To abide by the laws of mankind, this is my view of you, and the core of the evil route that was defeated by Kamen Riders is here, now I am responsible for educating them every day and letting them know what is right Right and wrong."

Regarding the heart problem, Long took out a tablet and said something that made all three of them very emotional.

Looking at the tablet in Takashi's hand, both the heart and the mind were shining. As long as they could **** the tablet from Takashi's hand, their companion would be able to come back, but is it really that easy?

"Do you want this? The strength of the three of you seems to be not enough."

Ryu, who was about to warm up after dinner, had already begun to think about which suit he should use this time.

Long's power has long reached a limit. If there is further progress, then in fantasy terms, it is detached from this world. If it is relatively popular, the world can't hold him.

For this reason, Long hadn't improved his strength for a long time, and his extra energy naturally became the source of the birth of various knight systems.

It's just that there are too many knight systems made by Long, which caused him to have a choice problem, and he seemed very entangled at this time.

"Hey, young man, I don't speak martial arts. Fortunately, I flashed, or I would be beaten to the face."

Dodging like a joke, let Long avoid the attack from the heart that was suddenly transferred, and also made fun of the heart that had lost the shot.

"Well, as long as the three of you can beat me, I will give you this thing. If you lose, then for the next two weeks, each of you must do a good thing every day, for humans. Good thing to say."

Long just finished speaking, he took out a belt from behind and put it on his waist.


"Acceleration, acceleration, acceleration, the ultimate wind..."


As Long gently tapped the switch of the drive with his left hand, the strong air flow enveloped him.

"He is also a Kamen Rider?"

The Kamen Rider that has appeared so far, they have seen the heart, but now the Kamen Rider that Long has turned into is obviously the first time he has appeared, and maybe only this time.

"Stop the storm!"

Because he couldn't think of the name, Long directly used the title of Storm Goenitz, and after using this title, he also easily got the other three forms together, as for the remaining four , Long Shi was too lazy to get it.

The whole body of light blue armor refers to a set of armor called Night Sky Knight in appearance, and this set of armor was originally made by Kazuma and told Takashi. It is said that it was an assembled model made by several college students in China after he passed through. , And Long felt that although this suit armor was not the shape of long legs, it had a great match with human form in structure. If almost normal people dress, there will be no sense of disharmony in the legs.

While he was still in the world of knights, Takashi used this shape without any hesitation.

Just like the original night sky knight, the main weapon to breathe the wind is only a magnetic rail pistol and two thermal blades. However, Ryu still adds some small things on his hands, which will still be used in battle. Surprise your opponent a lot.

Now that Long has transformed, the heart of the three of them immediately changed back to their own appearance. At the same time, the little nurse also summoned the evil way of three death troops to prepare to besiege Long.

"Well, the battle begins. Don't be careless."


As soon as Long's voice fell, he appeared at the position where his heart was just now, and his heart was blown out by Long's punch.

Absolute speed advantage, this made the mind and the little nurse not react. Just before the heart fell on the ground, Long made another move, and directly flew both the mind and the little nurse out, and then directly took them out. The thermal blade, a weapon of this specification, is generally used to swing one of them with both hands, but in this state of Takashi, it is absolutely necessary to use double swords.

It's just that Ryu still prefers his fists compared to weapons, and now he is only conducting a weapon test.

Although it is a heat war blade, in order to cope with the wind blowing, in this form, there is an additional killing method of air cutting. As for the other three forms, they also have their own special attack effects.

Ten minutes later, Ryu who had finished the warm-up lifted his transformation, and the evil path-like core of the three Reaper troops was also taken into the tablet by him.

"How about? This time you lose. I'll be waiting for you two weeks later. The bet is the same as today. No, I will have to add a week. In this case, the bet will be equal."

The heart of the three of them never thought that in this case, the three of them would be defeated by one person, and the other party did not know what their purpose was. If it was the Kamen Rider who fought with them before, now the three of them should They had already been wiped out, but the other party chose to let them go now, which the three of them did not expect.

"What happen to you guys?"

Just after Long left, Qi Shao also rushed over, and Chi Shao had just had a fight with someone who was off-duty, and his current state was obviously not very good, but it was also better than the three that fell to the ground. People who can't even get up because of fear are stronger.

Jisha helped all three of them up, but the next step was to drag them three. If there weren't still the locomotives, it is estimated that Jisha's injuries, which were not serious, might have been aggravated by the three of them.

However, after Qi Sha brought the three of them back to the current base, he began to recall what someone said to him today.

"Reaper, your number is 000. You are the evil route created by Kulim to protect humans. You are also the Kamen Rider who blocked the heart before. Although I don't know what they did to you, I know you must It will be our partner, go back with me now, we will definitely be able to help you retrieve your past memories..."

Now that the core program has been modified, he is silly, and he hasn't paid attention to the words of human beings, but fragments of memory are constantly emerging in his mind, all of which are scenes of Kamen Riders fighting evil routes.

Cut stupid who didn't understand what happened to him, now he can only lie there, waiting for the little nurse to recover first, and then treat him. As for this matter, he is going to wait until everyone is cured. Ask the heart, after all, he has never seen his number.

Except for the silly path, there are separate categories, mainly spiders, bats, and cobras. The heart is spider-shaped in the body stage.

As the most special one, the silly body is just like a person, completely without the bells and whistles of other evil ways.


Perhaps someone has successfully planted doubts into Qishou's heart, and when he came to work the next day, he seemed to have nothing happened, and Long as a consultant also said that everything was normal.

As each evil path was caught, Long's evil path re-education work was also carried out in an orderly manner.

The reason why these evil paths do so many violations of law and discipline is that the barbarians have an unshirkable responsibility. Of course, their special nature is also the reason why they will act recklessly. Simply put, they have not experienced social beatings.

Now these evil ways have been put in the tablet by Longguan. If he wants to go to class, there is no possibility of rejecting those evil ways.

Of course, when Long is in class, he also has his own reward and punishment system. Just like the teacher will leave homework for his classmates before school is over, Long will also leave homework for these evil ways, and if he fails to complete it, he will be shocked. Punishment, and completion is the reward for core repair. If Long can be satisfied for a month, then he can regain his body.

Although there are a lot of evil path styles that look down on the conditions that Long put forward, after Long energized, all the evil path styles in the tablet became good students.

"Although Professor Yang was not a human at the beginning, I have to say that the electricity is different."

After the evil pathers took the posture of "returning evil to righteousness", Long was also very satisfied with the effect of this education, but these guys are just perfuncting him now, but after studying hard for a month, these guys will have some changed.

"Mr. Akasaka, can you lock Gang's position?"

Ryu, who was teaching the evil route styles, suddenly arrived at Wuzi and the eager voice sounded in the passage, which made Ryu turn his head.

Wuzi, sweating profusely, just received a call from Gang, saying that he was going to bring Qisha back from his heart. As for the reason, it was just because Qisha had saved Wuzi's life in the past.

Although Shinnosuke Kazuto is ready to go for support, they don't know where their heart is hiding, so they can only try to come here to ask for help.

"Is Gang's location? You are here now, take this to find Shinnosuke and the others."

The current situation is a bit too embarrassing for the few people present, of course, even if it is embarrassing, it will not be more embarrassing for the situation in front of you.

Obviously it’s not enough to rely on one person’s power to fight the evil route, but now with the help of special search courses, it is clear that Kurim can better solve the huge impact on ordinary people’s lives because of his own research. Those mechanical lifeforms affected.

Facing the two people of Long and Yiyi, Kulim had to say some information. Of course, he did not answer many questions directly, such as his own history and why he would fight those weird people.

However, when Ryu knew these questions, he did not follow up. After all, Shinnosuke and the person were responsible for the subsequent battles. He came here only to meet Kulim and at the same time to see Kulim. Study those shifting tanks.

"Leave it to me first, this little guy, I will go back and do a simple research, and then develop a prop that is immune to heavy acceleration."

Since the theme of this time period is the car, of course Long will choose to go to the village to do as the custom is. It's just that what kind of armor should be made in detail, this still needs to think about it.

"no problem."

Hearing Long's request, Kulim can only choose to agree now. After all, in the current situation, he should not be eligible to object.

"Very good, this one can help you apply here as the office location for special search. Although it should be regarded as a secret office location, if other people find this place, then you can also have your own way of coping. By the way, Kamen Rider is not a person who fights for self-interest. I hope you can understand this."

What is called a strong, after undergoing Long’s training, a person who understands the nature of his own power is a strong.

Although Balgum and Bakuru are fast, they have no advantage in front of Xiaogang. Although they have displayed the characteristics of fast speed, they seem to catch up and die.

Bakuru was hit by Xiaogang’s elbow and flew out, and this made Bargam who was about to sneak attack Xiaogang from behind didn’t react, but Xiaogang, who had already turned around at this time, didn’t look like he was ready to make peace Xiao Gang, who had been equipped with a blasting drill on his right hand, had already begun to spin rapidly, and the violent aura directly suppressed Balgum, who had not yet released the sword.

"Now, accompany me to move my body."

Under Long's suppression, Xiaogang and the others have basically been beaten, and now Xiaogang can finally enjoy the feeling of beating others.

Although the speed of these two ghost demons is faster than their own, their attack strength is really too poor. Even if they stand there and get beaten, Xiao Gang will not be injured, but if you want to fight back seamlessly, you still need some Detailed actions.

"Return to the carbine!"

I saw Xiaogang suddenly turned the blasting drill into a blasting cannon, and quickly turned himself in and shot Bakuru.

Xiaogang's turning movement made the muzzle of the thunder cannon in his right hand hit Bakuru's abdomen, while holding Lian Cheya Bakuru in his hand seemed to feel Xiaogang's malice towards him.


The firing speed of the explosive thunder cannon is very slow, and the flying speed of the fired energy cannonballs is also very slow, but now that the enemy has sent them to the door by themselves, then Xiaogang of course will not be polite.


However, this time Bargam spit out an energy bomb when Xiaogang attacked, but it was on Xiaogang's back.

The timing of Bargum's attack was very good, but the only pity was that his attack could not be prevented, and Xiaogang who had suffered the attack only slowly turned back and moved his body.

Like I'm just a Kamen Rider from the heart, please collect it: (lightnovelpub.net) I am just a Kamen Rider from the heart, and the literature is updated the fastest.