I’m Just a Kamen Rider from Heart

Chapter 1335

Because Aries uses mental hypnosis, in order to be able to defeat Aries, Kantaro deliberately borrowed two special simulation warrior systems from Takashi. After being turned on, Dakubo, and the other belonged to Hao. ghost.

If Daguba still has the ability to kill air pressure, then the ghost is a pure energy attack.

However, Takashi didn’t think too much. After all, it’s up to Kendaro to make the decision. Even if he is defeated again, he still has a chance. The two people who are starting to train now, it can be said that there is no club. When doing activities, I put all my energy on cultivation.

Although Kantaro and others have not yet been able to beat Aries, Takashi still had to go to Toriizaka during the two days of the weekend because of one thing.

Flute’s action is finally about to begin, but compared to the normal situation, Flute’s situation of forcibly bringing people over and turning them into phantoms, this time it’s after Flute received Ryu’s funding, through special Invited them in the same way, and because of the help of the Shinra Group, Dimu found far more qualified candidates than he could find by himself. Therefore, even if some people refused Dimu’s invitation, they finally arrived. The number of people is still very large, which also makes Dimu have to screen the people who are invited to the scene.

It's just that one of the young people who appear on the island now is different, because the other is the one chosen by Flute.

Fuck Zhenqingren, this young man who will become a Kamen Rider wizard, his physical fitness is very good, and his talents are also very good, but he has not studied magic, and now he can only become Flute. The sacrifice of the ceremony to be performed.

"Don't be nervous, after those people fell, I have sealed their memories, and the next step is to wait until the time is up to perform your ritual."

Now Fimuki looks very nervous. After all, his rituals would inevitably sacrifice these people, but now because of Ryu, the way of the ceremony has changed. Although after the two people deduced, there should be no problem, but Fimuki Still a little worried, after all, this is related to his daughter's life.

In Dimu's eyes, except for his daughter Dimuli, the lives of other people are not important, but because of Long, he had to accept Long's request, and while trying to resurrect his daughter, he must also ensure the safety of other people.

With the passage of time, a solar eclipse is finally about to appear.

Looking at the astronomical changes in the sky, Long also felt a special energy fluctuation, and that energy fluctuation was very familiar to him, and he even went to the place where it appeared before.

"Prince Eclipse—Knight of Dark Light."

Although he hasn't seen Kotaro and Nobuhiko's new form with his own eyes, Takashi has already figured out a name for their new form.

When the sun and the moon are together, solar eclipses are quite normal, but now Fimuki can control the effects of this specific time in order to make these ordinary people with strong magic power fall into despair. The magic power of this also led to the two people in the downtown area of ​​Tokyo gaining new powers.

The new knight had not been single, the old knight had acquired a new form, and Ryu didn't know what to say.

However, as the magic power began to fluctuate, Fimki, who had turned into a white magician, walked to the center of the current island. After finding qualified candidates, Fimki has stayed on this island all the time, and his main job is to work. The magic circle is depicted here. "In this case, let's get involved."

At this moment, Yuya suddenly took the initiative to join the battle, but his target was not Hongtai and Jidou, but the aliens who were fighting.

Although these aliens now appear as followers of both sides, their appearance will still have a certain impact on Zeya City, but it is not ideal now, and Yuya, who has no ability to intervene in the decisive battle, can only perform it. Own responsibility.

Found the Guihu who had appeared from the alien, and returned here with Lingma's corpse, and he also saw Hong Tai and Jie Dou who were fighting.

Seeing the battle between Hongtai and Jiedou, Guihu also thought of the truth, so he did not choose to intervene in this matter.

"It's time to let it all end."

Although it is not that Guihu has gained that kind of power by himself, Guihu has no regrets, or it is actually a good thing that Hongtai can get that kind of power. Although Hongtai does not want to give up anyone, he is infinitely close to this. At the time of victory, it was obviously better for people like Hong Tai to get the golden fruits, because Guihu himself might choose to give up something in order to be able to quickly terminate all of this. As for what it is, it depends on the situation at the time.

Guihu knows very well that the choice he made is bound to be cruel to some people, but many times he can’t have both fish and bear’s paws, and without much help, he can only use his own hands to save what is in front of him. all.

"Unexpectedly, Jiedou can resist the power of Heim's underworld with his own will, Xiangle, have you ever thought about this?"

Long was actually a little surprised about the changes in Jidou. After all, the current Jidou is inferior to the original plot by a necessary condition. Although he replaced it with the Zhanji Driver, the Zhanji Driver is not a substitute in any way. The power of that necessary condition.

"No, but he is a very complicated person. He is better than many people, but he doesn't think so in his heart."

Sangraku’s answer suddenly made Takashi realize a problem, that is, as the four knights who were treated as cards, Hongtai, Jidou, Komi and Guihu, did their four final endings have the same relationship with their childhood? The same relationship, although on the surface it is showing the works of friendship and great love, in fact it also implies the problems of adults' education for children.

The four people have different experiences from childhood to adulthood, so they also cultivated different personalities of the four of them, and this also allowed the four of them to make different choices when facing some problems.

Thinking of this, Long felt that he should be right. After all, heroes are often the influence of childhood. Unless there is a little light in his heart, it is difficult for a person to be a good person in a dark environment. The posture lives.

However, the issue of family education can be said to be a difficult problem for the world. After all, not every parent has time to have a long conversation with their children.

After Long thought about the family education problem, he suddenly felt that there were some problems, even in some special worlds, he had to face it, and the knights who were fighting now had to face this problem.


The foreigner who accidentally entered the two-person battle circle was kicked out by Hong Tai, and Jidou also pierced a foreigner who was approaching them with a single shot.

Although the two of them are fighting now, they are still restraining something.

The battle between Hongtai and Jidou did not just take place in Zeya City. In another world line, the two of them who led an army of aliens in a decisive battle were also engaged in the final battle, and Guihu and Guangshi The brothers have also been eliminated.

The battle continues, and the onlookers Guihu can only control the impact of this decisive battle.

Now the order of Zeya City is so easy for this kind of enemy from other worlds, if there is no local villain to guide, maybe the double opposition will be directly because of the same purpose and different positions. It is that the knights or the team fight before the battle. Woke up.

Long’s question made the Hell Ambassador stunned. After all, he just woke up, and now he is not so clear about anything, and now Long’s attitude makes the Hell Ambassador somewhat uncertain about Long’s attitude towards this matter. After all, Long’s is They have the ability to completely destroy their card repairs, but because of some restrictions set by Long for himself, this is the basis for the continued survival of card repairs and Consortium X. If one day Long no longer estimates his own limitations, then everything will be done. It's really going to end.

Through his special communication method, the Hell Ambassador quickly learned about the plan for the overhaul of the card, but he really didn’t know what to say. After all, the representatives of the Cavaliers have already appeared in front of me, you guys. The idiot thought that the plan was proceeding smoothly. It was because he had not been hammered to death by Takashi Akasaka himself in the past few years. Doesn't he feel that he is so happy?

After sorting out the language, the **** ambassador said: "Someone found some records left by the leader, and then they went to Colonel Zuoru. They discovered the changes in the world and found the remnant ancients from other universes."

Long was very satisfied with the attitude of the ambassador of hell, and at the same time he also noticed the somewhat atmospheric expression of the ambassador of hell.

"Those idiots who joined forces with people from other worlds are really embarrassed by Xiuka. The tradition of Xiuka has been destroyed by these guys."

Before Long had spoken, the **** ambassador first sprayed his companions. After all, as a person who respects tradition, the **** ambassador respected the battle between Shuka and Kamen Riders very much, if it weren’t for them to defeat the Kamen Riders. If so, what if the world becomes their cyst? Besides, there is this guy who fouled the rules, it seems that it has been impossible to rule the world for a long time.

If it is said that in Japanese mythology, if the wish of the ghost can be fulfilled, the ghost can be turned into a Buddha, these Shuka members who exist in this world in a very special form, maybe one day after defeating the Kamen Rider, they will all There is a chance to become a Buddha.

"Well, you continue to rest. I will go back first. I hope you can keep up with the times when you repair your cards. If you have time, strengthen your members. My teacher Hongo Mengdu already has an upgraded form of reinforcement. If you want to maintain this form, maybe the next time you meet with my teacher, you will no longer be the opponent of the Hongo teacher at all."

Before leaving, Takashi did not forget to stimulate the **** ambassador. After all, the threat to Kamen Riders that Shuka can give to Kamen Riders is getting smaller and smaller. They have almost lost the competitiveness of the villains. If they continue, they may disappear among the people. In the field of vision.

Although if these villains really disappear, it is definitely a good thing for human beings, but if these people can continue to exist, they can suppress the emergence of the strength of the new villains, at least when they are there, there is no need to worry about any super large ones. The appearance of the villain forces, even if the strength of the card repairing monsters increases, the knights can still solve them with their own experience, but the new enemies, the knights, need to adapt.

Hearing the somewhat insulting words of Long, the Hell Ambassador, who was just preparing to continue sleeping in the coffin, was very angry about this, but he could only use incompetent rage.

Now that it is clear who is taking the lead this time, Long also has a goal to shoot. After all, people like Colonel Zolu are not qualified to continue to live, and Long is also going to let him out of this world. Completely disappeared.

It's just that all of this will have to wait until the war is about to end before he will choose to take action, otherwise he will directly obliterate the opponent, I am afraid the enemy will not have the courage to challenge justice.

Leaving from the **** ambassador, Takashi went straight back home, and Kantaro and the others had already returned home by this time.

Because of this sudden situation, Tian Gao had a temporary holiday again, while Kendaro and the others returned home and began to prepare for the battle that followed.

"Dad, don't you plan to take action this time?"

Because he watched that the blue knight who had helped him was "killed" by Marbeles, Kantaro had changed his attitude now, and he was full of doubts after seeing Ryuu back.

After all, Long can be regarded as a representative figure among the active Kamen Riders. In this special period, Long is still so calm, obviously not so normal.

"I will not intervene in this matter, because this is also within that restriction. All the knights are waiting for each other's challenge, and only you can take the initiative to attack, so think of ways to find some like-minded companions and face them together. Enemy, this is the best way."

Ryu's answer to Kendaro's doubts could not be too obvious, but even if he tried to answer as much as possible, he still made Kendaro think of something, and it also made Shin think of what Takashi had said the other day.

Now Xiaoming is chasing and killing the team, and Marbelus is sending people to chase Yingsi and the others, and Joe is to investigate what happened, so he actively assists Yingsi and the others to escape from the enemy’s encirclement, and meets in the middle of the road. Haidong, who helped them escape the enemy's pursuit smoothly.

"Hello, I'm Hino Eiji, and Kamen Rider Oz."

Ying Si, who successfully escaped, was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Although he has the strength to defeat the enemy, Marbelus’s subordinates rushed up like crazy dogs after they got the position of Yingsi. Just after destroying one, they would rush up three or four afterwards. Yingsi had to face this difficult dilemma.

The most important thing is that when Eiji wants to change the core coin, there will always be enemies rushing up to try to prevent Eiji from changing form. This makes Eiji very uncomfortable. After all, only the most basic tatoba combination was used at the beginning. The team did not have that advantage in range strikes, but solved them one by one, and paid attention to the surrounding situation, so Eiji's battle seemed very difficult.

If Haidong hadn't directly summoned Dragon Tooth, a dragon knight had come to kick, and a range blast had come, it might not be so easy to get Yingsi and the others out.

Like I'm just a Kamen Rider from the heart, please collect it: (lightnovelpub.net) I am just a Kamen Rider from the heart, and the literature is updated the fastest.