I’m Just a Kamen Rider from Heart

Chapter 1355

Without being able to become a human, Yi saw countless light bullets hitting him.


Successive explosions appeared where the wings landed, but according to the law of smoke and no injury, this guy was not harmed.

Although other people didn't see what Yi did, Long above could see clearly. At the same time, Long now has other thoughts about my Wang Guangming, an old man full of contradictions.

In Long's view, Wang Guangming is too paranoid. In order to be able to fulfill his dream, he doesn't care about giving up anything, and this has also led to a series of things happening later.

For this kind of villain who has his own lofty ideals, he is sometimes more charismatic. Otherwise, Hayami and Lishenhou would not follow me like that, but the ideas of these people are for others. It is a disaster, so their dreams will not be completed, or they will not be completed according to their plan.

Mirai Long still has a lot of time to communicate with me, but now he still cares more about what new tricks that guy named Yi can come up with.

Although the heroes are now in a period of fatigue, their combat effectiveness is definitely not weak, and even if there are any terrifying enemies, they are guaranteed to be able to use various methods to relieve this fatigue.

A tuft of gray matter enveloping the two tokens that have been merged into one is floating in the sky. At the same time, Yi also deliberately revealed an eye, observing whether there is anything underneath, which he can imitate. After all, he still doesn't have a serious form, after all, he still needs this way to get his initial combat power.

Just when the two battleships began to merge, Wing discovered the new life form Delas, and Delas's special life form made Wing's big eyes begin to shine after seeing each other.

Delas can be regarded as an evolving existence in the Showa era, but because of his position, he did not have the opportunity to show his strength. Every time he played, he was basically kicked and exploded, and it has been quickly replicated. With the wings of the life form of Delas, it flew into the air with that metal plate, the super-large mecha that was about to be integrated.

When the abnormal movement in the sky appeared, the heroes below had already noticed, and now when the two battleships are about to complete the integration, the heroes are directly changed back to the state of the day before by the heavens, even during the previous battle. The broken robots have recovered as before.

After the huge mechanical assembly in the sky was completed, the wing was pulled into the cab by the receiving beam from the chest of the huge mechanical.

If it’s someone else, it’s driving the huge machine through the console, but the wing uses the ability of the simulated Delas to directly integrate itself into this large machine, which also makes the head that looked like an alien. It became almost the same as Delas, plus the color of the wing itself, it looked pretty good.

Boom boom boom...

The appearance of this huge machine expected by the Overhaul Card and the Cange Ancient Empire did not become a weapon for them to destroy their enemies, but instead became a clarion call for their destruction.

The attacks of these weirdos just now were returned by Yi a thousand times, and this also saved the heroes' strength to eliminate those guys.

However, the enemy Kendaro and the others need to face now is a huge enemy whose calf height has exceeded the robot of the super team, and it looks like there are tentacles behind this guy. Because of work, Guihu hasn't chatted with Guangshi for a long time. Today, he will take Guangshi to Long's place as a guest, which can be regarded as an interaction to enhance the relationship between brothers.

Guihu, who was sitting in the hall waiting for Guangshi, was stunned when Guangshi entered the door and saw his brother.


"Guangshi, now go upstairs to change clothes, and then follow me to visit someone."

"I see, brother."

Although Guangshi was surprised, after hearing Guihu's voice, he ran upstairs in small steps.

Because of his father's physical problems, Kwang Shik could be said to have been taken care of by his elder brother, and the term eldest brother like father is also vividly reflected in him.

Just like most people who lack fatherly love, Guihu's work is too busy, and he doesn't know much about Guang Shi's psychological activities, which finally led to Guang Shi's personality problems.

After changing his clothes, Guang Shi immediately came to the hall.

"The person I am going to visit today is a professor I met when I was in college. Although he is not my teacher, he is very helpful to me. He moved to Zeya City a few days ago. I was just polite. Visited here, and today his younger brother also came to Zeya City, so I will take you to visit."

"Yes, brother."

Guang Shi was actually not happy about his life being arranged, but he didn't have the courage to tell Guihu. Now facing his brother's arrangement, he can only express obedience.

Ren Ye, who hadn't visited Long for a long time today, also brought Xiaoye to find Long.

The two people who were ready to get married were sending invitations everywhere recently, and of course they had to come in person on Long's side.

Although Long is only Renye’s brother, the relationship between Long and Renye is not much different from the relationship between Guihu and Guangshi. Even Ren is not Long’s own brother, but he snatched it back from the master of **** and the consortium. Yes, but after these years, their real relatives have long been.

Ren Ye, who had already arrived at Long's house, was chatting with Long about recent events.

Although Renya has devoted part of his energy to managing the Akasaka Foundation in recent years, his research in physics has never stopped, and this has made his achievements in physics more and more noticeable.

Renya, who is now officially named a professor of physics at the University of Tokyo, has achieved satisfactory academic results.

However, as a Kamen Rider, Renya seldom takes action. After all, most of the enemies now are solved by the new generation of Kamen Riders, and people like him who have completed the development of the knight system want to find opportunities. The shot is not so easy.

"Brother, are you really planning to let mine still accept the company?"

"Of course, now I still expect Kendaro's child to take over the Shinra company before I am old. You don't care about the company at home. Now it is not easy for parents to practice the trumpet, so Leave the responsibility of taking over the company to your children, Ren Ye, you and Xiao Ye must cheer up, after all, if someone accepts the company, then you will be liberated."

In the mouths of the two brothers, the Akasaka Foundation and Shinra Corporation, the two companies that have great influence in Neon, are like a burden. They are trying to get rid of them, but there is no way to get rid of each other between the brothers. Under the circumstances, the target of dumping the pot has reached the next generation or even the next two generations.

Ren Ye, who is very clear about the current situation, is very, very helpless about this matter.

When Long left the family company to himself, this has caused him a headache. Now, in order to hand over the company to others, he has to give birth to children quickly. After training for about 20 years, he will take over. the company.

It’s just that Takashi is right. Now Takashi's Shinra company is not taking over. After all, Xuan Taro is ready to dedicate his life to education, so of course Takashi can't count on Xing Taro, but compared to Renya If you work hard here, you will be able to have children, and Takashi doesn't know when Kendaro will be able to let him carry his grandson.

Just when the two were chatting happily, Guihu came to visit with Guangshi.

Although he has been here once, Guihu is still a little strange about Long's choice of residence, but when he thinks that Long's financial resources are greater than his, Guihu is just a kind of relaxation for the teacher.

"Guihu is here, this is your brother Guangshi, he looks very delicate, come in first."

Seeing Guihu coming with Guangshi, Long also showed a very happy smile, and now the smile is still healthy, Guangshi is very precious, and Long does not intend to let this young visionary young man in the near future Blackened because of various stimuli.

At this time, Guang Shi's heart was full of shock, because he saw his idol, Akasaka Takashi, the world's top medical scientist, was in front of him at this time, but he was not ready yet.

However, even after he followed Long into the room, it was good to be able to go straight, after all, I don't like this kind of roundabout way of speaking. "

"Mr. Du is still so direct, so I'll just say it straight. Two years ago, your son used the power of a non-armor warrior. Do you admit that?"

"Of course I admit that the suit armor was made by me. Are you going to imitate it? If this is the case, I can give you the technology in it. That kind of thing is not particularly important, but if you make it, With the funds, it is estimated that fighter jets can be studied to the sixth generation."

After understanding the other party’s intentions, Long did not refuse, because that kind of stuff was really made by himself, and many of the materials were made by adjusting the atomic structure, even though those materials can be made with the current technology here. Come out, but the cost is really not proportional to the benefit, and it will also drag down a lot of technological development.

This person surnamed Chen didn't expect that he would have obtained such a technique so easily, but after hearing Long's words, he felt that the technical information in his hand might really be just accumulated technique.

Looking at the people who left, Long moved his body easily. He didn't say a lie just now. It would take at least 30 years of technological development to build the blade armor, and if he wants to mass produce, It needs to be doubled in the future.

For this kind of big killer, Long does not want anyone to be able to make it. After all, if those collisions appear on the battlefield, they will inevitably cause some panic. When they realize that these armors are not defeatable by the current technology, they don’t want to give in. It is almost inevitable for people to choose to die together.

Long used to be a very fierce hawk, but as he grows older, he is now a sleeping hawk. He knows that he is so compassionate now, just a sigh for the world, but he wants to make him Let go of his desire to offense, then during his reincarnation, give him two more cylinders of Mengpo soup.

After solving this trivial matter that was not enough to be remembered, Long once again focused on Croton.

In the original plot, this young man who has been extremely withdrawn from his childhood due to his parents' divorce does not have any serious business now, and his daily source of life is to help others attack the Internet.

After receiving the technical support, the cyber police arrested him when he was a child. Now, although this guy's skills have improved, he still has no idea of ​​provoking the cyber police uncle again, so he does it every time. This kind of thing is to let the employer prepare the necessary things, and he usually chooses the list of network maintenance, so that he can live quietly in his small house.

Because of his parents’ divorce, Long was a little hard to understand, but he also knew that everyone grew up in a different environment, and he would react differently when faced with some problems. Before Long crossed, he was the same. A child from a divorced family, and because of the aftereffects of that incident, he just lost trust in love. He didn’t like to dismiss the girl so much and worried that he would be hurt. After all, his mother left him with injuries when he was a child, but Before he crossed, he could not heal.

It’s just that you shouldn’t hurt others because of your own misery in the past, or as a reason for breaking the law. No one has ever been injured in your life. If everyone’s heart is hurt, they should do those illegal things. This The world has long been messed up.

It can be said that although Long is paying attention to Croton now, he is also preventing Croton from taking every order. At least after Long watching him, Croton has not made a single business, and this makes him have to be serious. To spend more energy, of course, Long Ze has recorded the things Croton did in the past. Waiting for the right time to come, Croton will experience prison life.

If the level of Croton has been improving in the past two years, then his success rate in helping others to attack the server is also decreasing.

Although this made his reputation in the industry not so good, because of his excellent technology, there are still people who continue to find him and ask him to help with these dirty tasks, but everyone who finds him later does not know. Croton's last customer has already entered.

In this way, Croton can still be in the hacker world because no one knows that his job has failed. After all his employers have entered, no one will tell what happened.

On this rainy day, Croton found a take advantage.

According to others, a person who was wronged in the company wanted to retaliate against the company by hacking the company's server.

This kind of work is really familiar to Croton. After all, half of the people who asked him to do illicit work wanted to retaliate against their leaders, but now those people are chatting in prison.

It’s just that some people feel very nervous when facing this kind of thing. The person who came to Croton today is a timid guy. Although he wants to retaliate against his company, he is trying to retaliate against his company. After the information was handed over to Croton, he was worried that other things would happen.

For this guy's attitude, Croton thought that his previous things had been exposed, so he also showed his violent side, and directly knocked the man with glasses to the ground.

"Listen, if this is not introduced to me by my acquaintances, I will not care about your waste. I have taken the deposit now. I will contact you when the matter is done. I will have the money ready at that time, otherwise I will send out all these things about you."

Croton said viciously at the person who fell on the ground with his fingers, but he did not notice that the position of his fingers was scratched by the opponent's clothes.

The blood containing the power of the Shadow Realm was exposed to the air, and sensing the existence that could release them, the Shadow Guardians immediately summoned the single seedling demons of the Shadow Realm outside the world to pick them up.

If all the supernatural beasts were sealed, then the magic box will appear, and the magic stone will be installed in it.

But because there is no magic ten that has been sealed, the sealed magic box will fall into the outside world.

But now the shadow guardians saw the hope of breaking the seal, and they had to fight for the only chance. After all, when they could see the next person with this kind of blood, they didn't know when it was.

Under the call of the Shadow Guardians, Mo Shi dug out the hidden magic box and carried it with him.

However, all of this happened under Long's eyelids, and when Mo Shi appeared, he specifically notified Meizhen.

In the original plot, Meizhen ignored the alarm that the supernatural beast appeared because of watching the drama, but Long's call was to make Meizhen lock the guy when Moshi just took away the magic box.

The sudden appearance of the magic ten made Meizhen immediately report upward, and this also made a large group of people begin to analyze why the magic ten, which has been hidden for two years at this time, would appear, but the current known information is too scarce and casual. The group of people in charge of the analysis has not yet been able to draw a clear conclusion. I’m just a Kamen Rider from my heart. The latest chapter address: https://lightnovelpub.net/book/106338. htmlI am just a Kamen Rider from the heart to read the full text: https://lightnovelpub.net/read/106338 /I’m just a Kamen Rider from the heart. txt download address: https://lightnovelpub.net/down/106338 .htmlI’m just a Kamen Rider mobile phone reading from the heart: https://m.lightnovelpub.net/read/106338 /In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 1355). Next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "I'm Just a Kamen Rider from My Heart", please recommend it to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! (lightnovelpub.net)